InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ In the Hands of Fate ❯ Stay With Me? and the Ramen Shop ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Naruto, or any of the characters mentioned.
Italics means a thought.
Japanese translations to words are in (parenthesis).
Thank your for your reviews!
I hope I have answered all of your questions in this chapter. If not, leave me a message or review and I will try to answer them as soon as possible.
Neji looked up at the vast sky. Is it fate that I was to find her? A star's out tonight. That's good luck. Who is this girl and why is she here? What if she's a spy? I could kill her right now.
He began taking out his kunai but slowly put it back in his weapons pouch. No, fate wouldn't allow me to kill a helpless girl. I just have to take her home.
Neji picked Kagome up bridal style and slowly began walking home to the Hyuga houses.
It's that star. The one that was out when I first found Kagome.
Neji quickened his pace to the ramen place.
There's still a chance. Wait for me Kagome. I'll make it all up to you. I swear it.
The sun's rays shone over two bodies as it began its ascent in the sky.
“Thank you for taking me to see the sunrise Tachi-kun.”
“Anytime Kagome-chan, anytime. I remembered you begged me to come with you in the mornings. You always wanted to be the first one to see the sun come over the horizon.”
“You know me too well Tachi-kun.”
Itachi pulled Kagome closer against his chest as he nuzzled her hair.
“How is it you smell so good?”
Kagome turned and took a deep breath.
“I could say the same thing to you.”
“I wonder if you taste as good as you tasted yesterday. What do you think Gome?”
“What a nice theory Tachi-kun. Care to test it out?”
“Why, yes I do Miss Higurashi. Shall we play a little game?”
“Tachi-kun, are you out of your mind?”
“I may be. But play with me Kagome.”
“You don't know how wrong that sounds.”
Kagome slowly backed away from Itachi. She felt herself bump into something warm behind her, right after Itachi disappeared in front of her.
“Don't tell me…”
Kagome slowly swiveled her head until she saw red eyes.
“H-Hi Itachi…”
“Hello vixen. Don't even think of running.”
How does he know what I was going to do?!
“I'm guessing you're asking how I knew what you were going to do? Well vixen, let me tell you. Using my Sharingan, I can see every move you're going to make, before you even make it.”
“I know.”
“How do you know?”
“Neji told me.”
“That Hyuga. I should have known. Did he also tell you that even though the Sharingan is a descendent of the Byakugan, the blood limit of the Hyugas, the Sharingan is stronger?”
Kagome nodded her head.
“Smart aleck.”
Kagome gently slapped Itachi's arm.
He is the one that saved me when I first came to Konoha you know?”
Itachi cocked up an eyebrow.
“Oh? And pray tell, how did he do that vixen?”
“When I first came to Konoha, I had no idea where I was. Neji found me and took me to his home, the Branch House of the Hyuga clan. That's when we began to fall in love.”
“Do you still love him vixen? He tried to kill you after all.”
“Tachi-kun, stare at the sunset for me for a little more?”
Itachi pushed Kagome to the ground then sat next to her. He pulled her onto his lap and positioned them to face the ever-rising sun.
“Of course. Anything for you Kagome.”
Hyuga Neji had finally gotten to the ramen place. Noisy slurpings and callings of “more!”, “This is good!”, and “Baka (idiot) Sasuke” were heard from the stand.
Neji pushed away the cover of the stall and walked in. He was immediately assaulted by pieces of ramen noodles on his face and drops of ramen soup raining down on him.
After wiping away the “trash” in slight disgust,
“Hey Naruto-kun.”
A blond-haired boy in a bright orange outfit trimmed with black looked up with innocent blue eyes from his bowl of ramen. His eyes lit up in happiness as he set eyes upon the pale boy.
“Neji! Are you here for ramen too?!”
“No Naruto-kun. I need to ask the store owner something.”
“Oh! Which one?”
“If I recall, the man is older, correct?”
“Uh-huh. Why?”
“Is the man here?”
“Nope. The old man will be back in the afternoon. He went to buy more ingredients for ramen. The girl's here though. Do you want to talk to her?”
“No thank you Naruto-kun.”
Naruto resumed the noisy slurping of his ramen.
I don't want to disturb him when it seems like he's having so much fun, but…
“Don't you have to meet with your team around this time?”
“Aaahhhhhh!!! I'm late!!! Sakura-chan's going to kill me and she's spending more time with that baka Sasuke!!!”
The hyperactive shinobi (ninja) wolfed down his ramen and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. As he raced toward Team Seven's training ground in a cloud of dust, he yelled back, “Bye Neji!!!”
Neji sighed exasperatedly and sat down on one of the stools.
I hope the owner comes back soon. I don't have enough time. I need to get to Kagome before Itachi gets into her brain.
“May I help you?”
An older man suddenly appeared behind the ramen counter.
“May I inquire if you are the owner of this lovely ramen shop?”
“That I am young man.”
“Do you remember Itachi Uchiha and Kagome Higurashi?”
The old man got a wistful look in his face.
“Ah, Kagome-chan and Itachi-san. Those two looked so good together. Kagome-chan was adorable and sweet. She had Itachi-san wrapped around her finger, even though he didn't want to admit it. Itachi-san was so protective of Kagome. Every time they came out of the Uchiha district and entered the rest of Konoha, the young male population chased after Kagome-chan. But a look from Itachi-san made them scurry away. And she and Itachi were free to be alone.”
“Did they come here often?”
“Yes, this was their favorite place. Much like Naruto, except that ramen was not their obsession. Their obsession was each other.”
Neji clenched his fists.
“Is something wrong young man?”
“No. Thank you.”
“You're welcome.”
“Do you know any more of their favorite places?”
“Every day, after they came to the ramen shop, they went to see Morino Ibiki to discuss the inner workings of Konoha. You could check on Ibiki if you would like more information.”
“Thank you again.”
“Good luck.”
Neji angrily walked out of the ramen shop. It's time pay a visit to Ibiki.