InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Wavering Winds ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

C.Y-K: Here's the Epilogue. :3 Enjoy. I'll most likely have a sequel. If people want, they can try to make it. Tell me what you first thought of the opening. X3
Disclaimer: not saying it. -.-;
Ages: (look up)
Pacific eyes reflected nothing. Her face devoid of emotion except pain.
Why would he do this?
Kagome never trusted him anyway.
Never trusted him or his companion.
The way his bloodlust came out of nowhere.
A smirk on the face, hate in their eyes.
`I knew the bad feeling in my stomach wasn't minor,' the sixteen-year-old closed her eyes, blood seeped sluggishly out of numerous wounds on her body.
She barely made it out alive.
Rage filled her to the core, blocking out the searing injuries, they would heal themselves.
Pupils narrowed, the brown nearly became pitch black.
`I hate him. Him and his-his companion!' Kagome spat in her mind.
Forgiveness wasn't on her mind at all, hell, it was far from her mind.
`How dare he?! I gave my trust to him and this is how he repays me?! Ever since that conversation I knew he was trouble,' no one would get past this barrier she will set up.
Pain tore up her spine, a cry escaping her throat.
It hurt to move, a mere muscle spasm created the worst pain.
Pacific eyes closed, nocturnal birds chirped.
Unwontedly, tears stung her eyes and trailed their way down her cheeks.
Itachi was late for once. Where was he?
Kagome nervously rocked on the balls of her feet.
Her stomach churned uneasily.
She started to feel ill.
Padding footsteps alerted her, chocolate eyes met hers.
`How?!' panic tore through her mind.
Cerulean irises widened, something warm seeped and slithered down her legs.
A sword protruded from her gut, hitting her stomach and -barely- small intestine.
Pacific optical orbs met honey-gold.
What the hell was he doing here?!
`I thought I sealed the well and destroyed the magic!' was the first to go through her mind.
“Surprised? So are we,” commented Kikyo.
“I'll be giving her soul back to her now,” Inuyasha was here too.
Warm hands rested on her shoulders.
Biting her lip, Kagome forced her self to open her lids.
Blood red met pacific blue.
Itachi's eyes roamed her body over a minute. Rage and bloodlust filled those moments later.
“Who did this?!” his mouth moved, a deep frown marring his features.
The priestess went to open her mouth, only to give a stifled cry of anguish.
Itachi's hands gripped her shirt, claw marks were on her body.
A serious wound on her gut.
Blood red optical devices when to coagulated blood red, deep then they have been before.
“Where is he?!”
Twin pools of blue and brown starred up at him, she mouthed her answer.
Sango, Miroku, Kilala, and Shippo died in the fight.
These two would never feel remorse anyway.
All they cared about was her death.
Kagome was vaguely aware of claws aimed at her.
A wound mirroring the one Kikyo received from Naraku -as Inuyasha- made itself know.
Kikyo's eyes widened fractionally.
Iron Reaver Soul Stealer.
Kagome landed on her stomach. More blood gushed out of her stomach wound.
The grass was getting a new color added to it.
Kikyo walked up to her.
A cold, dead hand rested on her right hand.
Yes she wanted her soul, but to watch her reincarnation die the way she did was a bit -too- much.
Kikyo knew how the girl was feeling now, but her soul was more important.
Narrowing her eyes, Kagome took her hand from Kikyo's, “How are you here?”
The older Uchiha's right hand rested on the back of her neck, the wound on her shoulder deep. The other was behind her knees.
No one harmed his miko. Possessiveness wound it's iron grip around his heart.
Too bad they were gone, he would've tortured them.
Itachi let his face -the lower part- rest on Kagome's head.
Her breathing was shallow.
Kisame watched as his partner came into sight.
Kagome was injured badly. She could easily die in this state.
His shark eyes caught Sharingan.
A nod was sent towards Itachi, before the shark-man was off.
He had to find the Akatsuki member with blue-ish hair.
He knew medical jutsus.
Kisame hoped he got back in time.
“Not exactly sure. But my soul wanted to be whole. Naraku's and my power clashed,” that didn't give Kagome the answer she wanted.
“Enough chit-chat! Let's end her pathetic life!” Inuyasha was getting impatient.
`No. I won't leave Itachi-san's side. He protected me along with Kisame-san,' determined to stay alive was in Kagome's veins.
The shikon jewel glowed brightly.
Kikyo went to reach for it, only for a charge of energy to meet her hand.
She gave a small noise of discomfort.
Why was the jewel protecting a copy?!
Black eyebrows furrowed in pain as a slice was on her back, parallel with her spin.
Kagome squeezed her eyes shut. The pain was getting to the point of unbearable.
Especially with how deep each injury was.
Itachi let a bit of his hand flow through Kagome's to try and stop the bleeding.
It was barely helping.
As good a prodigy he was, he was better offensive than healing.
Kagome's breath was raspy by now.
His heart rate started to increase, slowly but surly.
His chest tightened, a lump formed in his throat, eyes widened fractionally.
Itachi was starting to panic.
Never before as a shinobi did he experience this adrenaline rush.
Sharingan eyes flickered, where the hell was Kisame?!
Hoshigaki Kisame checked his surroundings again.
He could sense the Akatsuki member, but it was troubling to pinpoint with the darkness in his line of vision.
The shark man had no time for games!
Scowling deeply, pointed teeth revealed themselves, “Come out! I have no time for games.”
“I need your medic jutsus,” explained Kisame. It was the reason he was here after all.
“…” Silence met his ears, only a few birds chirped. Otherwise, the forest was quiet near the cave.
Veins appeared in his eyes, irritation and adrenaline were setting in. Damn him!
A member with blue-ish hair and a white flower behind his ear stepped out of the surrounding darkness.
More blood splattered on the luscious, green grass. Making it appear a reddish-brown.
A wound on the bicep to the elbow, cut deep into the muscle surrounding the artery and bone.
A tendon was severed.
Kagome couldn't move her right arm.
The shikon jewel was glowing brighter, where was Itachi?
A hand made out of earth and dead bones reached for the artifact.
Only to be rejected again. Why was it doing this? This never happened before! Why now?
Kagome was panting, her mind was numb with the pain. The jewels comfort wasn't helping one bit.
`I don't want to leave without saying goodbye to Itachi-san. Kisame-san,' Kagome felt tear prickling at the back of her eyes by now.
Mahogany eyes watched her reincarnation. The jewel never acted like this when she was alive.
Why her? Why not the incarnation?
Midoriko's doing. As much as Kikyo protected the jewel, her soul was completely different from Midoriko's.
Kagome's was compatible with the jewel, that's why she could wear it freely around her neck.
Kikyo could never wear it, that's why there was a shrine where it resided.
A strong, dangerous power was starting to surface rapidly.
Kagome's breath was getting shallower.
Itachi was sitting on the ground, the sixteen-year-old leaning on him with her back against his chest.
Her heartbeat was going fainter every few minutes.
Where was Kisame and the other member of Akatsuki?
Eyes darting around, the older Uchiha was tense. Kagome died, hell was to pay.
Her slightly tanned face was going pale. The blood loss was increasing. Wither the hell was the blasted shark?!
Resting a hand on the sixteen-year-old's cheek, her body was losing body heat.
Two figures darted through the forest. One with dark blue hair and lighter blue skin. The other with blue-ish hair and peach skin.
Kisame's pace seems to have quickened with the adrenaline rush.
It was as if he could feel Kagome slipping away, slowly but surely.
He didn't like feeling this way. He was used to being in control, not at the mercy of his heart and mind.
The white flower bent with the force of the wind, why such a rush? But he never voiced the question, merely kept it to himself.
Kisame's eyes widened and the veins showed themselves. They were getting closer to Itachi-san and Kagome.
Not much longer now.
Inuyasha attacked the barrier. Why was it up?
Kikyo stood back a bit, `So the jewel has chosen the guardian of it. I'm a bit shocked.'
Kagome was on the ground, her blood stained the grass around them.
And only her blood.
She had yet to fight back and was already drained.
`Pathetic!' Inuyasha didn't like this one bit.
He planted his foot in front of himself to charge, but was frozen.
Definitely not good.
Honey-gold eyes widened. What the hell was happening?!
Kikyo noticed this and looked to her reincarnation. She wasn't breathing as if she was dying. No, it was normal breathing.
Warily, she tenderly walked up to the barrier. Raising her hand, it didn't get five inches before it was charged with purification.
Chocolate orbs widened.
Her hand! It-it was crumbling! Piece by piece she was purified, and as each piece left, souls collected floated away.
Each piece on the ground dissolved into nothing, mixing with the earth.
Before long, Kikyo was no more. Half of Kagome's soul returned to her -the other half was already with her.
Inuyasha was outraged. He was forced to watch his love die right before his very eyes.
When he was released from what ever he was frozen by, he lunged for the barrier.
He would kill Kagome.
Not so, as soon as contact was made, purification jolted up his arm.
Inuyasha went to give a shout of pain, but his body was turned to ashes quickly. He was consumed by hate and anger. Like adding fire to gasoline.
The barrier let itself down as soon as Inuyasha was completely turned to ashes. Kagome laid there, pain numbing her mind.
That's how Itachi found her.
The Uchiha prodigy was getting impatient. Fast.
Leaves danced with the wind. An apple blossom petal blew as well.
Right by the unknown Akatsuki member's head.
Kisame walked over to Itachi, the blue-haired member right behind.
`He's protective,' he noted this, but also knew of the power Uchiha Itachi held.
The healing took quite a bit out of the unknown Akatsuki member. He never had to treat these serious of wounds.
Though, the tendon in her right arm refused to heal.
This didn't escape Kisame or Itachi's eyes.
“What's wrong with her arm?”
A blue head snapped up to look at Kisame, “The tendon was cut. It refused to heal.”
Blood red eyes narrowed dangerously.
“She'll live for now without it.” Kisame and the unknown member looked at Itachi before nodding.
Pacific eyes -with a bit of brown- fluttered before opening fully. She was in a different part of the forest now. `Who-…'
“You've been out for a few days.”
Her head snapped to look at Itachi. His eyes were still as impassive, the Sharingan, yet, there was something else.
Kisame was resting not to far off.
Looking down at her arm, she still couldn't move it. That's right. Itachi found her, after being late.
The sixteen-year-old held it with her left hand, what was she going to do now?
The wind wavered back and forth.
Kagome would let him off this time -for being late.
The wind was going steadier.
Arms wrapped possessively around her, pulling her back to his chest.
`This feeling is growing more,' Itachi let his lower part of his face rest in the crook of Kagome's neck.
She was his and his alone.
The priestess leaned back, taking in his body heat.
A steady, unwavering wind blew taking stray leaves with it.
Blue-brown eyes closed as her lips were enveloped in Itachi's.
Their growing love grew steadier each passing day.
C.Y-K: X3 Finished! Yay! Hope you like. R&R.