InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Trading Perverts ❯ The Horror in Feudal Japan! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This fic seems to be doing OK. Just hope it gets more reviews. Please enjoy and R+R this chapter! And check out the rest of my stories if you haven't already!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Ranma ½! Rumiko Takahashi owns both these series cause she is so smart to have thought of the ideas for these series!

The Horror in Feudal Japan!

Feudal Japan

Happosai was jumping around, going from Sango to Kagome to do perverted activity to them. Happosai was getting lots of limps now from being whacked. Sango had already introduced him to Hiraikotsu 100 times in the 5 minutes he has been there. InuYasha was just sitting back watching. 'Glad I'm not a woman.' He thinks. He watches as Happosai takes off Kagome's underwear. Kagome screams.

"PERVERT!" She yells. InuYasha jumps up.

"Leave Kagome alone, you dirty old man!" He yells as he bonks Happosai on the head. Happosai them glares at InuYasha.

"That was a bad idea." He says as he tosses InuYasha into the air. Sango and Kagome gasp.

"How the hell did he manage to do that?" Sango asks.

"InuYasha is way bigger then him! And I never thought a little old man could do that!" Kagome says.

"I'd say. He's just as big as Shippo!" Sango comments. InuYasha comes crashing to that ground and lands on top of Kagome.

"InuYasha, get off me!" Kagome yells. Sango looks at InuYasha.

"I think he's knocked out." She says and pulls InuYasha off Kagome. Kagome looks at InuYasha.

"You're right!" She says. Happosai smiles at both of them.

"Now that he's out of the way, let's get down to business!" She says as he jumps up into the air with a perverted look on his face. Sango and Kagome scream.

In Ranma's world

Ranma and Akane arrive back at Tendo Dojo with Miroku. Their fathers' come out to greet them and see Miroku.

"Who's he?" Asks Akane's father, Soun.

"Yah! I've never seen him before! Why is he wearing those old clothes and where's Happosai?" Asks Ranma's father, Genma.

"Dad, Mr.Saotome, I'd like you to meet Miroku. Some weird girl transported us to her house and made as switch perverts with some weird group from the past." Akane says. Ranma nods.

"So you mean he's some pervert from the past? And the group from the past has Happosai?" Soun asks. Ranma and Akane nod.

"Plus I'm a monk!" Miroku says. Everyone falls over.

"I've never heard of a perverted monk before!" Genma says. Miroku then walks up to Akane.

"Oh Akane, you see my grandfather was cursed when fighting an evil demon in the past. This curse will soon kill me! So if I can't kill this demon in time, would you bear my child to carry on the mission?" Miroku asks. Akane looks shocked.

"Hey! My Akane in engaged to Ranma!" Soun says. Miroku sighs.

"I see." He says, "Then I should find another woman!"

Feudal Japan

Sango and Kagome some how managed to escape Happosai, but not before being groped and even more perverted things happened. They were both breathing heavily. Sango got up and looked around. "Hey where did that perverted old man go?" She asks. Kagome gets up.

"I don't know." She says. They then hear women screaming from a near by village. Sango sighs.

"I guess that answers our question." She says and runs towards to village. Kagome and InuYasha follow her.

They arrive in the village to find Happosai hitting on every young, beautiful woman in the village. InuYasha runs up to him with Tetsusaiga. "Why you?" He yells and swings Tetsusaiga at him. Happosai jumps out of the way and hurls InuYasha into the air.

"He did it again!" Kagome says.

"For a little old man, he's quick and strong." Sango says. InuYasha comes crashing back down to the ground. Happosai smiles.

"He should know better to attack me!" He says. He then runs up to Sango and hops down her kimono.

"GEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" She screams. Kagome manages to get Happosai out of Sango's Kimono. Sango then grabs Happosai and sends him to then moon.

"Man, I'll be glad when this week is over!" She says. Kagome nods.

Ranma's world

Miroku had already asks Akane's sisters his question and the both refused. So Miroku left them alone for the rest of the night. Soun and Genma look at him. "Are you sure he's perverted?" Soun asks, "He hasn't done much." Ranma nods.

"That weird girl said he was." He says.

Feudal Japan

It was time for bed. Sango just got comfortable when she felt something crawling up her legs. She looks down to see Happosai. "GEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" She screams. Kirara transforms and bites Happosai and sends him flying over to InuYasha. InuYasha looks at him.

"You're staying here the rest of the night!" He says.


OMG! I feel sorry for everyone in feudal Japan! The Ranma world seems to becoming more peaceful then it usually is! R+R for the next chapter!