InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Trading Perverts ❯ Bath Time! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wow I'm writing this awfully fast! Enjoy this chapter and R+R!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Ranma ½!

Bath Time!

Ranma's world

It was bath night. Ranma went to the bath tub. He turned the taps on and hears a noise. 'What's that?' He wonders. Suddenly the taps explode. "GEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! HOT! COLD! HOT! COLD! HOT! COLD! HOT! COLD!" He continued doing this on and on since he was being splashed with hot and cold water and kept on changing back and forth between a man and woman. Miroku walks in and unluckily for Ranma; he wasn't wearing anything so Miroku saw him naked in girl form.

"Wow! I really like this sigh!" He says. Ranma throws a shampoo bottle at him.


The whole gang from the Tendo dojo had to go to the public bath house since Ranma broke the bath tub. Ranma drags Miroku over to the men's side since Miroku was trying to follow the girls. "Come on! Can't a follow the girls?" He wines.

"No! You may not!" Ranma says. He and Miroku undress and hop in the bath. Ranma relaxes once he's in and closes his eyes.

'Now's my chance.' Miroku thinks. He climbs up the walk and peaks in on the girls' side.

On the girls' side

Akane got comfortable. 'Oh it's so nice to relax without Happosai popping up.' She thinks. She then sees Miroku peeking at them. "YOU PERVERT!" She yells. All the girls then see Miroku and scream.

On the boys' side

Ranma opens his eyes and sees Miroku peeking over to the girls' side. He then grabs his foot and pulls him back to the boys' side. "What were you doing?" He asks.

"Um… just making sure the girls weren't being attacked by demons." Miroku says.

"Lair!" Ranma says.

Feudal Japan

The gang found some hot springs. Kagome got excited. "Hot springs!" She says, "Oh Sango, we can bath tonight!"

"There's two separate hot springs so I can bath tonight too!" InuYasha says. Kagome and Sango look at him.

"Since when did you like bathing?" Kagome says.

"What am I not aloud to be clean?" InuYasha asks.

Ranma's world

Miroku was sitting around. 'How can I just sit here when there are naked girls over there?' he thinks. He the looks at Ranma to see he's out cleaning his back. Miroku grins evilly and grabs a bucket of cold water. "Oh Ranma." He says.

"Yes?" Ranma says and turns around. Miroku then splashes him with cold water and he changes into a girl.

"Ah, what a wonderful sight." Miroku says. Ranma freaks out and starts chasing Miroku around.

"GET BACK HERE YOU PERVERT!" He yells. All the men stare at Ranma.

"Wow! He turns into a beautiful girl." One says.

"Yah, I'm in heaven." Another one says. Meanwhile the gay guys are freaking out.

"EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NASTY! YUCK! GIRL!" They yell and cover their eyes.

Ranma continues to chase Miroku. Miroku leads him all around to bath house. Everyone stares at the sight of a naked girl chasing a naked guy. Finally when they are on the girls' side, Ranma falls into the hot bath water and changes back into a guy. All the girls scream and beat him and Miroku up.

Feudal Japan

It was night time so everyone went to the hot springs. "Me and Sango get the one on the right!" Kagome yells. So the guys head to the left and the girls head to the right.

In the guys' spring

InuYasha dips down into the water. "Oh yah!" He says. He relaxes against a rock. Shippo looks around. Hey where did Happosai go to?" He asks. InuYasha looks around.

"I don't know." He says.

In the girls' spring

Kagome and Sango were relaxing in the water. "Mmmm, I love hot springs!" Kagome says.

"Yah, So relaxing." Sango replies. The two girls relax for a while longer until Kagome eyes go wide. "What's wrong?" Sango asks.

"Something just grabbed my personal area!" Kagome relies.

"Hmmm!" Sango says. Suddenly her eyes go wide. "Now something just grabbed my personal area." She says. She then reaches down and pulls up Happosai.

"GEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Both her and Kagome yell, "PERVERT!" They then start to beat up Happosai.

In the guy's spring

"Why are the girls screaming?" Shippo asks.

"Sounds like they found Happosai." InuYasha says. Happosai then came flying into the guys' spring with lots of bumps and bruises on his head.

"Wow! These hands were blessed!" He says. InuYasha and Shippo both sweat drop.

"And what were you doing?" InuYasha asks.

"Oh I was just grabbing the girls' personal areas!" Happosai response.

"Really? You were?" InuYasha asks.

"Yup!" Happosai says. InuYasha nods.

"YOU PERVERT!" He yells and kicks Happosai into a tree.

The next morning

The girls wake up. "Hmm, I wonder where Happosai is. He didn't hit on me this morning." Sango says.

"Oh, he's still probably in the tree InuYasha kicked him into last night." Shippo says. The gang looks up into the tree and sure enough, Happosai was still there!


Well hoped you like this! This chapter had a little more Ranma gang in it! R+R!