InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Trading Perverts ❯ Visiting Friends ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

OK now, I'm finally doing the next chapter! Let's hope this turns out good and I can get my butt in gear and continue with the rest of my stories!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or Ranma ½! The lucky owner of both these excellent series is Rumiko Takahashi! But some day, I'll be the lucky owner of lots of hit anime series!

Visiting Friends

Ranma's world

Ranma woke up and stretched. "What a beautiful day! No Happosai changing me into a girl and groping me! I hate waking up wet, cold, and being groped by the dirty old man!" He says. Akane then burst in.

"Ranma, we're going out for breakfast at Ucchan's Okonomiyaki!" She says. Ranma grins.

"Yah! I get to see Ucchan today!" He exclaims. So he, Akane, Miroku, Soun, Genma, and Akane's sisters head out to Ucchan's Okonomiyaki.

Feudal Japan

The gang was walking to a village. "I can't believe we're seeing Koharu, again, and Miroku's not with us!" InuYasha says.

"Who's Koharu?" Happosai asks.

"She's a girl." Sango says. Happosai grins a perverted grin.

"Oh, is she beautiful?" He asks.

"Well I guess she's just as pretty as most girls in this time." Kagome says.

"OK! Let's go meet her!" Happosai exclaims and takes off at full speed to the village.

"There he goes." InuYasha says.

Ranma's world

The gang arrives at Ucchan's Okonomiyaki. Ukyo walks up to them. "Hi Ran-chan! Who's your new friend?" She asks.

"Hi Ucchan! This is Miroku! He's some perverted monk from the feudal era!" Ranma says with a grin.

"Nice to meet you, Miroku!" Ukyo says. Miroku takes her hands.

"It's nice to meet you too! Now would a pretty girl like you do me the honors of bearing my child?" He asks. Ukyo looks shocked!

"No I can't! Cause I'm Ran-chan's fiancée!" She says. Miroku sighs.

"OK, I understand." He says, "Wait a minute! I thought Akane was Ranma's fiancée!"

"Well I'm the true fiancée!" Ukyo exclaims.

"No, I am!" Akane yells.

"Genma promised me Ran-chan!" Ukyo yells.

"He promised me Ranma before I was even born!" Akane yells. Everyone else sighs.

"This could take awhile." Ranma says. Shampoo then burst in.

"Ranma date Shampoo!" She yells. Kodachi jumps on top of Shampoo.

"No, Ranma will date me!" She says. Miroku looks shocked.

"Hey Ranma, your so lucky! I wish this many girls would want to marry me!" He says.

Feudal Japan

The gang arrived at Koharu's house. Koharu runs out. "Hi guys! Where's Miroku-sama?" She asks.

"Oh he's somewhere else right now and won't be back until a few days." Sango says. Happosai jumps on to Koharu and starts to grope her. Koharu screams.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO IS THIS DIRTY OLD MAN?!?!?!?!?!?!" She asks.

"That's Happosai." InuYasha says and punches him in the head.

"Ow!" Happosai says, "You'll pay for that!" He then sends InuYasha flying.

"Wow, he sure is strong for a little dirty old man!" Koharu says.


OK that's all I can think of for now! R+R!