InuYasha Fan Fiction / Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Enter the Witch and the Miko ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I forgot to do this until Secret411 reminded me to put this up: Certain characters are slightly OOC, and some are very OOC. Sorry about that. I've tried staying true for the most part, but some of them changed completely.
Kurama'sFoxyMiko: Yes, Hiei will be heartbroken. Or he would have been, had he known. It'll explain in this chapter. Is this updating soon enough for you? I could always wait until next week or next month to post the next chapter if this is too soon… ^_^
Secret411: Could you give me an example of where it's repetitive, like the paragraph number and where it is? If it's all over the place, then it's almost a hopeless case trying to fix it unless I know exactly where it is. I promise I'll try to do better. I can't guarantee that it'll happen, but I'll try. Thank you for the constructive criticism; your comments are well-appreciated.
Kagome now wore the jewel on a string as a necklace. She thought that the best way to protect would be to keep it with her. Walking around, she saw Shippo was now entertaining the younger Hiei with his bag of fox tricks. Sango and Miroku were helping some of the villagers with the plowing of fields, and other stuff like that. She didn't see Robin or Inuyasha in the village, so she strolled into Inuyasha's Forest and to the Goshinboku. There she found Robin reading a book and Inuyasha in the branches, looking at nothing in particular.
Talking to Robin looked much easier than trying to coax Inuyasha to come down and talk. Robin looked up at the sound of her footsteps. Putting the book aside, she stood and asked, “When were you planning on going back, exactly?”
Kagome sighed. “I don't know. I don't want to, but I will have to go back eventually. I want to wait a little while, though.”
Inuyasha, surprisingly, came down and joined the conversation. “You don't have to, you know. You're more than welcome to stay.”
“I can't leave my family like that. Besides, if they leave, Robin's friends can buy the shrine, and then I can come back from England, and stay with her.”
“I don't think it will be quite that simple,” Robin said sadly. “How would you manage to get to the airport? And how would you get to the shrine?”
“I would find a way, somehow,” she said.
All the talk about technology completely threw Inuyasha. He just remained silent. They walked back to the village after they had exhausted that subject. Kagome felt a strong demon aura enter the area. “You guys go ahead. I'll catch up. I have to go check on something,” she said, shooing them on.
She walked towards the demon energy. Why didn't Inuyasha feel it? I guess the jewel heightened my senses. She felt like she was being watched, but continued walking anyway. Then she whirled around, and saw a gorgeous silver fox. He looked like a human, but he had the same ears as Inuyasha, and he had a tail. They looked at each other for a minute, then he turned and left. Why did he come all this way just to leave again? she wondered. Her hand went to her throat, where the Shikon Jewel wasn't. She gasped. He took the Jewel and I didn't even notice! She ran after him, but he already knew that she would come after him and reverted to animal form. She could see him bounding away and knew she could never catch him. Great. NOW how am I supposed to get it back? She thought hard, and remembered the energy arrows that she had used against Naraku, seeming years ago. She formed the arrow and bow, and let it fly. It hit its mark, and he shrieked in agony. Her arrow was steadily purifying him, but before it could finish the job, his spirit leaped out his body and vanished.
Running to where she had shot him, she saw that the Shikon Jewel was still there. Thank goodness, she thought, putting it around her neck again. I'd better be more careful. Walking unsteadily back to the village, she wondered where he was from. It wasn't common knowledge that the jewel was complete once again, but it would make its way around eventually. There was no way of stopping people from gossiping.
That night, a loud racket woke Kagome. She made sure she still had the Shikon no Tama and ran outside. There was fire everywhere. The villagers were in disarray, trying to get water to put out the fire. She saw demons running around, trying to run humans through with their swords. One of them turned to her and she recognized him as Karo, the bandit leader. He leapt over to her and sneered, “You have something of ours. We want the Shikon Jewel.”
“Leave if you know what's good for you,” she shot back.
The idiot charged her. Getting her energy arrows, she fired at him and it hit. He started smoking, and his face was contorted with pain, but he didn't yell. Instead, he grabbed her throat and started to squeeze her. Kagome clawed at him, but his grip only got tighter. That's strange, she thought as she saw his aura. His aura's changing. It's becoming sort of whitish. She remembered Robin's lessons about her ghost Craft. That's his soul! If I get rid of that, then he won't be able to move. Well, he'll be dead, but that's what I want. Okay, separate the white aura from the regular aura. She could tell by his face that something was happening that wasn't supposed to be happening. He let go, gasping for breath, but his soul escaped him and fled into the sky. The demons nearest them stared at their fallen leader, then, once again, charged all at once. She purified them.
Someone called the retreat, and the demons fell back. This time there was no threat of return. Kagome was surprised at how quickly they left. There was no trace of them to follow. I guess they don't want us following them. Wanting to help the villagers clean up the place, she worked with them until everything was more or less in its place.
At this time, she saw Robin, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango approaching her, their eyes downcast. “Hey, guys, what happened?” she asked worriedly.
Robin answered brokenly, “They took Hiei.”
Kagome felt like her whole world was crashing down with those three words. “Hiei? How did they know he was here?”
“They can put two and two together.”
“We have to go after them!”
Inuyasha decided to enlighten her on why they weren't helping the villagers. “We were tracking them. They escaped to Makai. We couldn't follow because they closed the portal behind them. There's no way we can get him back. I'm sorry.”
Kagome felt numb. Hiei was basically her baby; she couldn't lose him! It was still dark out, but no one felt like sleeping. They all stared into the fire of the main room, feeling like their hearts would break. They were all attached to the boy, and his capture hit them hard.
The sun came up, and they were all in the same positions. No one had even moved. Kaede came in and said that they were needed to help rebuild the homes. They did as they were told, mechanically working until breaks were called. Robin, coming out of her depression a little bit, went to Kagome and said quietly, “I know this isn't the best time, but we have to go back and buy your place.”
Kagome couldn't comprehend what she was talking about at first. Then, when she did, she glared at Robin and said, “Are you heartless, or something? Can't you see that we can't leave now?”
“School will be starting soon, and if you're enrolling here, we have to get a move on.”
Kagome stood up angrily. “You heartless WENCH!” she shouted, slapping Robin as hard as she could. She stormed off, leaving Robin reeling from the slap.