InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ An Unexpected Meeting ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Botan: Boo! Hello everyone! How are we doing this happy day? jumps around
Hikari: Thank you for the uh…um…interesting introduction…
Silver: Anyways…
Youko: Hey you! Am I gonna be in this one?
Hikari: Um…sure? Hehe
Silver: straight forward no
Youko: What? WHY!? I'm cool and hot AND a fox demon! So I should be in here more than those losers points to everyone else
Everyone else: HEY! Ready to kill
Silver: Gullible people…points and laugh anywho…I might just put you in if you are good.
Hikari: Yah…IF he's good…which is never.
Youko: Hey! I'm always good! Determined
Silver: except for the perverted ness among other things…
Youko: mutters stupid women
Hikari: I love you too!
Youko: You do? Stars
Youko: How can you resist me? I'm hot!
Everyone: stares
Youko: What? I am.
Sasuke: Hey! What's going on here? Magically appears
Everyone: What the…?
Hikari: SASUKE- KUN! You're in the WRONG STORY! GET OUT!
Fangirls: gasps There he is! GET HIM GIRLS!
Youko/ Sasuke: She's scary Sasuke runs away, Youko hides behind Silver
Silver: tries to move but Youko grabs on Oi, do you mind letting go? Doesn't like getting dragged in much
Everyone: Er…guys? Maybe we should start…
Silver: I agree! Okay, here it is chapter five!! Still trying to get Youko to let go Would you like to let go of me?
Youko: No.
Silver: struggles
Hikari: Anyways, we no own so you no sue. Enjoy!
Silver: Youko! Let go!
Chapter 5: Mission accomplished
As they walked in, they felt something strange coming from inside, but it didn't feel very threatening. “This well is called the Bone Eater's Well, A long time ago, it was used to get rid of the bones of the dem--…” Mrs. Higurashi was cut off by Yusuke. “Wait, why is it called `Bone Eater's Well'? How can a well eat bones?” “Yusuke, it's not polite to interrupt someone when they're explaining something to you.” The ever polite Kurama reminded him. “Oh, it is fine, I was getting to it anyways.” Mrs. Higurashi didn't seem to mind. “Well as I was saying, this well was used to get rid of the bones of demons. This well was a mystery, every time when a demon's remains were thrown inside, a few days later, there would be no trace of the remains left.”
“Nani?! How is that possible?” asked the 4 detectives excluding Hiei. “Nobody knows. That's what makes this well such a mystery.” `Is this why Koenma sent us to investigate this well? It does seem a little strange and out of the ordinary.' thought Kurama. Even though Hiei didn't show any sign of it, he too, was thinking the same thing. It seemed that the tour was over, so everyone thanked Mrs. H. (a/n Silver: I'm just gonna type Mrs. H now cuz her last name is too long.)
“Wow! I am starting to understand what's so special about this well.” Yusuke stated what everyone was thinking, same wording or not. By this time, the Rekai Tantei was sure that this shrine was the shrine they were sent to take note of. With their mission completed, they called for Botan to open a portal for them.
As they stepped into the tiny office of the pint-sized ruler prince, Yusuke and Kuwabara couldn't help themselves but laugh. Kurama tried to hide a smile, while Hiei smirked. George was running around trying to pick up the papers on the floor. Being the clumsy ogre he was, while picking up the papers, he would knock over other. The toddler was standing on top of his desk flailing his arms frantically and jumping up and down while screaming at George. It was quite a comical scene.
It's been two days since the jewel shards became tainted with hatred. So far, nobody has noticed it yet, since they were too busy searching for other jewel shards and Kagome was too busy fuming.
It was that night when Kagome decided to put her plan into action. What plan? OKK (Operation Kill Kikyou) putting on false look of cheerfulness, she asked Kikyou to take a walk with her. To say Kikyou was surprised would have been an understatement. Unaware of what was planned by the seemingly innocent girl, she agreed. (a/n Hikari: DUN DUN DUN…)Telling all who were present that they were going for a walk, they walked towards the forest. To get Kikyou at ease, so that she wouldn't be suspicious. Kikyou answered, but she was still getting over the shock. She realized this girl was truly pure. The not so pure girl asked the older miko to sit down with her as they reached a clearing. They never stopped talking. Soon Kagome felt that Kikyou was distracted enough. She reached behind her, grabbing the brown dagger that blended in with the tree trunk and slowly slid it up her sleeve. Looking straight at Kikyou seriously, she suggested “Let's put aside our differences and be friends.” Kikyou realized the importance of it and agreed. Kagome reached around Kikyou and hugged her. Sliding the dagger back out, she slowly maneuvered it to point at the back of Kikyou's neck.
After they informed Koenma of their knowledge, they left relieved. It would seem that the small prince needed the time to sort things out. It was late, so they decided to walk home together.
“Where are you taking me?” Sakura had been asking that question for a while now, yet, she never received an answer. They were rushing across the night streets of Tokyo, dodging everything in their way. Hoshiko stopped, Sakura quickly caught herself before slamming into her friend. They were in front of a very tall building. After staring at it for a few seconds, Hoshiko picked the smaller girl up with her. They were now on the roof of the building. Hoshiko picked the lighter up and held her over the edge.
The detectives were enjoying the night view of Tokyo without a care, taking in all they could. It wasn't a normal occurrence that they didn't have to fight demons of save lives. At the precise moment, Kurama looked up at the sky, to stare at the tars, but what he saw instead was unexpected. Something was dangling on one of the highest building of Tokyo.
“You need to let out some stress.” Hoshiko smiled mischievously at the hanging girl. “If you drop me, you are dead.” Sakura promised a slow painful death. If looks could kill Hoshiko would have been dead 20 times ever. That look would have gotten anyone else shaking in their boots, but not Hoshiko. She only smiled and let go.
Hikari: Hmm…I wonder what would happen…
Sakura: glare You are one of the authoresses! Glare
Hikari: Heh…heh…don't kill…
Hoshiko: Hey that was fun…um…where id Silver anyways…
Hikari: Running away from Youko. Points to running Silver
OC's: Huh???
Akito: How did she get let go anyway?
Hikari: I don't know…
Silver: Hide me! Please! Youko is coming!
Youko: There you are! Grabs her again
Silver: NOO!!!
Hikari: Um…why is he still grabbing you?
Silver: Because I didn't put him in the chapter struggles help me…straining
Youko: drags her out
Hikari: Er…sorry Silver…can't help you…
OC's: Some friend you are.
Hikari: Hey!
Youko: Put me in the next chapter and I'll let you go.
Silver: I'll put you in when it's right…let go please? Hopeful eyes
Youko: No.
Hikari: not caring read and review no flames please…bye bye!