InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ It Started With A Rose ❯ Kagome Leaves Home ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It All Started With A Rose
Chapter Five: Kagome Leaves Home
I Do Own Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho
SNAP: The merchant quickly rode home taking two days. When he arrived home all three daughters came running to him.
“Where are our presents?” Kikyo and Yura asked.
“Welcome home Father.” Kagome said taking hold of the horse's bridal as their father dismounted the horse. He smiled sadly at his three very precious daughters. He had decided before he even made it through the gates of the Beast's palace that he would not be sending any of his daughters but he would get his small farm in order and say his farewells before returning to the beast. “What's wrong Daddy?”
“We'll talk about that later right now we need to get this horse taken care of. I do not think his owner would be very happy if this beautiful creature got sick.” The merchant said before leading the horse towards their small shed that they would use as a temporary stall. The older two girls hurried into the house to be away from the dirt and bugs that seemed to be attracted to the two. Kagome went to the get a bucket of water for the horse.
Kagome set the bucket down in front of the horse and ran her fingers through the hair between the two twitching ears. The merchant reached into his jacket and pulled out the rose that he had stolen from the beast. Kagome gasped, Kagome had never seen a rose as perfect as the one her father held. Even after two days the rose still looked like it was freshly picked “Oh thank you so much Father!” Kagome said hugging her father. An hour later they finished caring for the horse and had made it back into the house.
“So what did you bring us?” Kikyo asked noticing the rose that Kagome held.
“I am sorry but it turns out that the cargo had all been ruined. But on the way home the most surprising thing happened…” He then told the girls of his night within the palace and of the beast who he was indebted to.
“See what you have done with your foolish wishes. Why could you not be like us and ask for something sensible?” Kikyo said glaring at Kagome. Kagome just hung her head; her heart was to full of grief.
SNAP: Just before the fortnight was over, one evening when the entire house was asleep, Kagome got up taking the rose her father had brought her and a note she left her room. She quietly entered her father's room placing the rose and note near the door before quickly leaving the house. She slowly entered the shed which served the bay horse for a stable. She managed to bridle and saddle the horse.
“I know not where I must go, good horse, but take me to the house of your master, the Beast.” Kagome said after mounting the horse.
The horse nodded his head as if he understood and trotted out into the road, never seeing Kikyo standing in the door watching her leave or the words her sister said as the older girl returned to her room.
At Kurama's Palace
“Are you seriously going to kill his family?!” Sango asked her and half the other inhabitants of the castle looked at the Fox beast that set before them.
“Yes.” Kurama said coldly.
“What are you going to do return to your old ways as the bandit!” Sango all but screamed.
“It is not your concern, any of yours.” Kurama growled looking at where the group stood. Even though he couldn't see them didn't mean that he did not know where they were. Everyone but Hiei quickly left the room.
“Hn. What if someone sees you?” Hiei asked.
“No one would see me. He had just better hope that he or his daughter arrives on time.” Kurama said.
With the girls
“Come on Sango you have to admit it would be romantic.” Botan said bouncing around happily.
“And how would it be romantic?” Sango asked raising an eyebrow.
“A beautiful girl falls in love with a frightening beast of course silly!” Botan said. Kieko and Yukina were giggling at Botan. Sango shook her head why was she stuck with the hyper girls.
They soon entered an empty room not far from Kurama's ad began to fix it for one of the merchant's daughters. The whole palace was palace was hoping that one of the merchant's daughters came instead of him.
With Kagome
SNAP: At the end of the second day, just an hour before the appointed time, the horse brought her to the door of the palace in the woods.
End Chapter
I know it has been a while but I…I… Ok I forgot. And May I want my bridal back tomorrow.