InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Love can Overcome all Odds ❯ What's Goning On?: The Truth ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Love Can Over Come All Odds
Chapter 11. What's Going On: The Truth
Yoko Kurama was gone and Kurama was in his place. Hiei and the masked fighter were still trapped in the force field. "Come on Romah! Hurry up!" Rayven called to her little brother.
"I'm coming, Sis, I'm coming. But why do they all want your papa's team dead?" Romah said trying to keep up with his sister.
"I don't know now hush. I don't want then to hear us." Rayven whispered to Romah as they got to the opening of the ring.
"Hey it's Aunt Kina!" Romah cried.
"Shhh, Rom, I told you to be quiet!" Rayven whispered loudly. "Now follow me, quietly." Rayven slowly began to creep up on the unsuspecting fighters. But as usual Romah couldn't keep his excitement down.
"Aunt Kina!" Romah yelled and jumped into Yukina's waiting arms. Suddenly Kurama felt weight around his neck and shoulders and found Rayven there with her arms wrapped around his neck.
"Hey Uncle 'Kura!" Rayven smiled.
"Rayven! Romah! What are you two doing here!" Yukina and Kurama asked in unison. "You know them!" They both blinked.
"Ok wait. How do you know them?" Kurama asked as he slid Rayven off his back.
"Well Ray and Rom are children of one of my best friends, Iyudaka." Yukina informed. "How do you know them?"
"Iyudaka's an old friend of a friend. She . . . she's been having a lot of trouble with . . ."
"Koga! I know." Yukina said sadly. "But she's just so afraid of him . . . She'll never be able to stand up to him."
"She doesn't have a choice I don't think. So she has these two runaway to my house every once in a while." Kurama said as he ruffled Romah's hair.
"Yeah they come to my house too."
"Ah guys . . . you do know we're standing right here, right?" Rayven said in a snotty tone.
"Oh right, hey look Yusuke won." Kurama said trying to change the subject.
"What's going on here! These children should not be here." The masked fighter said as she and Hiei walked over to the group. They were now freed from the force field.
"PAPA!" Rayven ran to Hiei. He picked her up, threw her in the air, and caught her. Then Hiei held Rayven close for a big hug. Rayven had tears starting to fall from her eyes. "Papa I've missed you so much! Why? Why did you leave us?" Rayven asked through the tears.
"I know Rayvie I know. I'm sorry." Hiei whispered into one of Rayven's black dog ears. By this time most everyone was shocked. (Except Kuwabara, he was just confused.) Obviously this little girl was Hiei's daughter.
"Papa . . ." Rayven said as she looked at her father with seriousness in her brownish red eyes. "I'm not going home! That Koga he's evil!"
"He hurts Momma!" Romah chimed in. "He hits her and makes her do things she doesn't want to do." Romah's eyes then began to water. He was ashamed to be that demon's son.
"Well then you can stay with us." Kurama said.
"Yes that's a perfect idea." Botan said agreeing.
"Come on Ray lets go." Hiei said then added. “You too Rom.” Romah smiled and ran to Hiei. The other members of the team were still slightly shock and confused by Hiei's father-like attitude with the children but knew they could get it out of him some how. So they all walked back to the hotel room.