InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Lover's Quarrels ❯ A Short Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own nething cept the plot


It was late night when Kagome decided to go for a walk. Stepping carefully around her sleeping companions she went outside. She had just been brought back from Koga, the wolf demon, and was feeling weird. 'Why do I feel this way? Do I actually miss Koga and his wolves?' she thought.

There was a rustle in the bushes. Out came Koga. "Kagome is it really you?"

"Yes it is. Why are you here?" Kagome asked.

"Come back with me. Become my wife. Live with my wolves and me," Koga pleaded.

Kagome thought about this, but then she thought about Inuyasha. She couldn't leave him, could she? "I'm sorry Koga. I just can't." Kagome answered sadly.

"But why?" Koga asked. "It's that half demon isn't it? Fine if you change your mind I'll be around." With that he took off leaving Kagome to ponder her decision.

'Is the reason I didn't go is that I care for Inuyasha or is it that I just don't care for Koga?' Kagome wondered then she turned and headed back to the cabin to get some sleep.

The next morning Songo asked, "Kagome is something wrong?'

"No why?" Kagome asked flustered.

"You seem distracted, but I guess it's because you go home today." Songo replied as they reached the well that would take Kagome home.

"Don't worry so much, Songo. I'll be back in a couple days." With that Kagome was gone.
”I didn't want Kagome to know but I smelled wolves last night." Inuyasha said to the others.
Meanwhile in the future/present day Japan Kagome was trying to study for a big test but memories from the last night came back to her. 'Had Koga actually wanted me to be his wife? Did he really want me to live with his wolves and himself or did he jus want to use me to get the jewel shards like Inuyasha?' Questions danced in Kagome's head.
The doorbell rang ending Kagome's thoughts. It was Kenshin, Kagome's only human admirer, "Are you feeling okay Kagome?" he asked.
"Fine thanks. What's that?" Kagome asked looking at the package under Kenshin's arm.
"A gift for you." Kenshin replied handing Kagome the gift.
“Thank you it's lovely!" Kagome exclaimed. The gift was a rose shaped candle with the sweet aroma of a field of roses.
"I was wondering; would you like to go to a movie? I mean if you're feeling well." Asked Kenshin.
"Sorry I can't. I have a huge test to study for." Kagome replied not too convincingly.
"Ok. Well see you around. I hope you do well on your test." Kenshin said with a stinging sadness. After that Kagome took her gift and went to study some more and then to get sleep. She needed to sleep because after school she would have to go back to Feudal Japan and search for the Sikion No Tama.
As Kagome was about to lay down her conversation with Kenshin returned. 'Why did I blow him off?' Kagome wondered and didn't get much sleep that night.
The next morning Kagome got up early. She packed her bag with clean clothes, ramen, chocolate, and a few textbooks. After that she studied a little before leaving for school.
After her test Kagome's friends caught up with her. They started asking her annoying questions about Kenshin and herself like 'You're so lucky. He's such a babe.' And 'Why did you blow him off like that?' After awhile Kagome broke free of their loud, constant chattering. She looked at her watch, 'Inuyasha is going to kill me.' Kagome thought flying up the 234 stairs two at a time. She grabbed her heavy bag and jumped into the well.

Hey thanks for readin' my story. Plz read and review. Kenshin is basically Hojo I jus don't like Hojo. I hoped u enjoyed it. It gets better I promise.