InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Pain, Terror, and Insanity ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho

Pain, Terror, and Insanity

Chapter One

Two lights shone in the dark, surronding two people. One figure, the one surrounded in the white light, was about fifteen, maybe sixteen, she had black hair that shone blue with the white light, and had blue-grey eyes. The boy looked ten and was surrounded in a malicious purple. He had dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. They stood there illuminating the dark surrounding them.

"You couldn't save me."


Flashes of a boy being pulled into a pit of black bore into the girl's eyes. She couldn't remember...

"You couldn't help me."


There he stood in a pit of black, the shadow beneath his feet slowly eating him up. She groped for his arm, but she just brushed the fabric of his shirt. He screamed in pain, a hysterical screech that no one heard but her. She tried using her powers, building them into a blast that would hurt the black, but her light just bounced off the shadow. And his scream continued while he yelled words jumbled into unknown sentence. One thing was clear though. He was screaming for her, asking why she wasn't there trying to save him. She covered her ears in hopes of blocking off his voice, but the sound rang in her ears, forever pounding in them. "WHERE ARE YOU SISTER? WHY AREN'T YOU HERE! SAVE ME! HELP ME! please... anyone, please... just help..." The cries quieted down and there stood her brother...

"You left me to die."

(i tried)

'She groped for his arm, but she just brushed the fabric of his shirt.'

"You didn't try to find me."

(i did though i wanted to)

'She tried using her powers, building them into a blast that would hurt the black, but her light just bounced off the shadow.'

"Who are you?"

(im your sister)

'And there stood her brother.'

"You are a monster."

(just your sister)

'But her light just bounced off the shadow.'

"Do you intentionally try to hurt me?"

(no i could never hurt you)

'A blast that would hurt the black.'

"You could never be as strong as me."

(it was so hard too strong the black so much black)

'Building them into a blast.'

"They're my friends now, sister."

(no dont do this)

A pale face with thick black eye brows, deep, blood red eyes, a small pale nose, and thin pink lips pasted onto a pitch white face bore into her eyes.


(theyre just controlling you)

He was a master at controlling things and people. He used your loved ones on you to hurt you slowly.






(trying to hurt us)

'Used your loved ones on you to hurt you.'


(i want to help)

The girl flared a brilliant white, forcing the boy to shield his eyes so he wouldn't go blind. She could still her the scream, that piercing scream, loud enough to awake the dead...

"Why won't you go?"

(to save you)

'i want you to save me, i do. he has me under control... saying these things with my voice... save me sis, please just save me! ' His thoughts went unheard to his sister while she stood there regarding him with hate.


(let me help)

'find me and save me sis, i just want to be free... death would be better then this, no. Death brings grief and that would be horrible to bring that upon my beloved sister... SAVE ME!'

"please just go"

(I want to help you, to save you form the black, brother.)

He was overpowering His voice, he wanted his sister to go so that he wouldn't hurt her anymore, but it only seemed to bring distraught into her... He tried and tried to make her go, in the most pleading of tones. At least that was what he thought, she might've heard differently... maybe in a more colder tone... hopefully she would just go.

"go far away"

(Please let me help!)

Her voice was getting stronger, His manipulating 'powers' were weakening, so was this actually her brother talking to her? Or was it just Him making it sound like her little brother?

"you'LL NeveR FInd hIM AgaiN!"


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If I get at least five reviews I'll post the second chapter faster! Review please!

-Unknown Shadow-