InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Pain, Terror, and Insanity ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho

Pain, Terror, and Insanity

Chapter Four

"Will you be my girlfriend?" was what broke the silence by; you guessed it, Kuwabara. Kagome just glared at him.

"Kagome, care to explain?" Yusuke asked.

"Which part?" She asked quietly.

"How about oh maybe ALL OF IT?" Yusuke yelled.

"Shut up human." Sesshomaru said stepping into the office.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Botan screeched. "It's a pleasure meeting you and I'm sorry for Yusuke's stupid behaviour, he tends to do that you know...? Eh heh heh..."

"Fluffy, what was that real loud noise?" Asked Rin as she appeared beside him.

"Momma, what was that?" A little fox demon asked while stepping into the office as well. Kagome received a few weird looks from the spirit detectives.

"That was my cousin Yusuke."

"The spirit detective?"

"Yes." Kagome's voice had gotten stronger by now and everyone could hear her pretty well. "I'm not saying everything."

"Yeah Yusuke, my momma has been through a lot. Way worse than YOU could have gone through." Shippo spoke up.

Sesshomaru and Rin both nodded agreeing with Shippo.

"So Kagome, mind telling us what happened NOW?" Yusuke said.

"It all started on my fifteenth birthday... insert story here (you SHOULD all know it). It was a week from the final battle when one of Naraku's puppets attacked us...

-Flashback- (Kagome's POV)

We had been walking to the north because Naraku was rumoured to be somewhere up there. Sesshomaru had joined us a while back. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had finally settled their petty differences and they became really close. Kouga had joined us as well as some of his pack. He wanted to avenge the part of his pack that had died by Kagura, so when he joined us I told Koga I was NOT his woman and he should stop acting like I was.

Anyway, Naraku had decided it would be a grand idea to send his idiotic puppets to either slow us down, to injure us early and attack soon or the latter. Well his idiotic plan worked and a few days later the one and only (and a million puppets and demons as well) Naraku attacked. It wasn't a trick or fake but the genuine Naraku before our eyes.

However, when Naraku attacked us before a couple of Kouga's pack died and many more were injured. Even thought the demons healed quickly, some of the wounds had been fatal and weren't completely healed, so that left us with 2/3 of everyone helping us. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru went for Naraku while everyone else went for his puppets and the other demons. Me? Well, I stood at the edge, bow ready and shot demons with purifying arrows if someone was in danger and they didn't know it.

I was about to shoot a demon when a huge blast of dark purple covered the area; instinctively I made a barrier over my friends and allies. The light subsided and what remained was very little.

The grass was burnt to a crisp, the trees blown back also burnt up, and everyone was practically dead. Well, okay everyone was dead except Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Sango, Miroku, and me.

All of a sudden a huge scream took to the air and you could feel winds pulling you into something. Sango ran up to Miroku, careless of his wind tunnel, hugged him and whispered she loved him. At the time I couldn't believe I could hear them but I did.

Sesshomaru was covered in blood but was still standing, probably because of his demon blood. Shortly after I saw him collapse next to Inuyasha's body. Inuyasha lay on the ground whispering nonsense about how he couldn't tell 'her' something, that he didn't want to go to hell, that he loved... that's when he died.

I looked up at Naraku who just stood there smirking. I don't think he cared that he had killed everyone (even his own 'allies') except me. But when his eyes searched the battlefield and his eyes came upon me, his smirk faded.

End Kagome POV

Kagome stood before Naraku, hate evident in her eyes, with Tetsuaiga's sheath (sp?) in her hands. Her eyes had gone red in a... demonic rage? No, it wasn't demonic; it was a form of a rage though. Anyway, Kagome stood there with the sword un-transformed seething mad.

"You will pay Naraku. For all you have done, you will be killed." Kagome stated in a tone so icy that Sesshomaru would've shivered.

"And how can some human girl do that?" He said while laughing.

Kagome whipped out the Tetsuaiga instantly transforming it and ran up to the laughing half-demon.

Thank you for reading my story so far. Until we meet again, -Unknown Shadow-