InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Tears of Fire ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well this took kind of long. I’m sorry for the wait. I was doing other stories. There is some things that I’m going to change. One is that Kagome’s eye color is still blue. They just turn red sometimes. I going to tell you. Another is that she’s not the Goddess of Pluto and of Magical Beings and such. She still has the wings though. The other is that her hair is in a braid. I know that doesn’t mean much but I couldn’t help it. I don’t like the way that this story turned out. The second chapter, in my opinion, was better then the first. I got some complaints that it had to many flashbacks but whatever. I know it did but I did it to explain some stuff. Anyway I finally got the pairings. Here they are :





Hiei/Kagome/K urama-Youko

Inuyasha/I have no idea

Kikyo/I have no idea

And those my dears are the pairings. You guys can tell me what to do with Inuyasha and Kikyo. I don’t really care what happens to them. I hate Inuyasha and Kikyo is…well I don’t really care about her. Well let’s get this story started.

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Chapter Three.

Tears Of Fire


As Kagome climbed the stairs to his apartment she grinned like a child that had just gotten chocolate. She hadn’t been at their place in a long time but was sure they would let her stay there for awhile. I mean, she was a friend.

“ Hey, mama,” she looked down at Shippo, “ How long are we going to stay here?”

Kagome sighed heavily. How long were they going to stay there? “ I have absolutely no idea kit. But as soon as I do I’ll let you know.” She grinned down at him and he returned the favor. Kagome held him tighter as she climbed the last flight of stairs. She came to room number 202 and sighed nervously.

After much hesitation, Kagome knocked on the door twice. It seemed like hours to Kagome of waiting and hearing shouts of “ Hold on ”, when in reality it was only less then two minutes. When the door finally swung open she smiled at the green-clad boy with slicked back black hair. He had a scowl on his face and Kagome’s smile just got wider.

“ Who the hell are you?,’ he asked rudely. Kagome blink once before she realized that he may not notice her because of her youkai changes. She sighed. She really didn’t feel like making up a lie. But, alas, that was what she was going to have to do. She shifted Shippo over to her other hand and said,

“ Shut the hell up ’Suke and let me the hell in. I’m tired, I’m hungry, and I ra-walked all the way across the city to get here. So just fucking open the door.”

Yusuke looked very surprised. That voice sounded familiar. And the only person that ever called him ‘Suke was-

“ Kagome, what the hell are you doing here?,” he held open the door to let her in. She walked in slowly, carefully inspecting any changes since the last time she came. She still kept Shippo close to her side, not ready to let him go. She smelled three other aura’s in the house, and though they were carefully covered, she could tell that two of them were youkai. Kagome was sure as hell glad that she covered both her and Shippo’s youkai aura. She didn’t feel like doing more lying then she already had to.

Yusuke closed the door behind him and smiled at his younger cousin (yes she’s his cousin). It had been a long time since he’d seen her and he really did miss her. But he also wondered what she was doing their. And what was she holding in her hands? It looked like it was squirming.

“ Hey, Yusuke where is Aunt Atskui. I have to ask her something important.” So that was why she was hear. But what would he want from his mother other then where to find the best bar in the city? He shook his head. He’d ask her later. For now, he was going to introduce her to his friends.

“ Nah, she’s not here. But my friends are. Come on you can meet them.” He grabbed her arm and dragged her to the living room area where his three friends and teammates were situated.

____________________________________ ____

The rest of the Spirit detective’s were generally curious as to who Yusuke was talking to. And he seemed to know the person also. They could already tell it was a girl and by her attitude she sounded like a female Yusuke. Kuwabara snickered at the thought.

Kurama sat up attentively as he waited patiently for Yusuke and his company to come in. Hiei just sat at the window sill glaring at everything that his eyes set upon. They heard arguing for a little while before the voices came closer. Kurama smirked a little. It seemed like the girl was winning.

Kagome rolled her eyes as Yusuke went on and on about how she hadn’t called him in years. She vaguely thought about what he would once he found out about Shippo. Feeling a smirk tug at the corner of her lip she turned her head away incase he saw.

But suddenly her head shot up as she sensed the other aura’s in the room she was heading in. The first two were definitely youkai. But one of then seemed to have two aura’s in one body. The first was completely human and had a green aura. The other soul had a silver aura and was a youkai. She checked his aura again. A kitsune to be precise. She was going to have to warn Shippo before he pounced on the poor youkai.

The other youkai was also had a weird energy. It was red and blue. Meaning he was half of two different types of youkai. But this one meant something. She racked her brain trying to figure out what Sango had told her about this type.

Suddenly the answer came to her. He was a forbidden youkai. And by his aura he was fire and ice. She wondered how he could have lived this long. It was most common for a forbidden youkai to be killed as soon as they had been given birth to. She shrugged, unnoticed by her cousin. She would think about that later.

The third aura wasn’t a youkai at all. But he did have a high spirit energy. It was then that she noticed that Yusuke had an even higher one then he did. And had a little youkai blood also. Closing her eyes briefly she made sure that hers and Shippo’s youkai were kept tightly shut. She really didn’t want to have to deal with anything right now.

Yusuke turned to his younger cousin in curiosity. She wasn’t even listening to him. A scowled crossed his face. But that was what you would expect from Kagome. She did whatever the fuck she wanted. He suddenly smiled. And she learned from the best.

But he was still curious as to what was in her hands.

_______________________________________ _

Kurama looked up as the Yusuke and the woman who visited came in. His kitsune curiosity had gotten to him and his green eyes were starting to show specks of green. Youko was awake.

Hiei inwardly sighed as the kitsune’s yuki went up. He swore that his curiosity was going to kill him one day. And if he kept staying around him he was going to be affected by it also. To him the woman mattered as much as low level youkai. Something to kill to pass time.

They were both brought out of their thoughts when a ,


Was shouted for the whole house to hear. Hiei glared at where the noise was coming from and Kurama winced slightly. You shouldn’t really do that to a youkai. Especially with their EXTRA special hearing.

Kagome moved into the room where the three aura’s were. She seriously needed to get away from Yusuke. If she didn’t she wouldn’t have an older cousin anymore. Bedside’s, she had to pick Souta up from school.

Yusuke stood still as he watched his cousin’s back turn. She was mad. And going into a room where is friends were. Where Hiei was. He closed his eyes tightly. The living room needed redecorating anyway.

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I know this is short but I just really wanted to get a chapter up. I hoped to write more but this s what your going to get for now. I I’ll try to update as soon as possible. And just to tell you. I didn’t really like this chapter. Actually this story is not at all like I had hoped it would come out. But you guys want it so I’m going to give it to you. Ja.