InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ To See the Truth in Each Other ❯ Prologue of Scattered Thoughts ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To See the Truth in Each Other
Chapter One : Prologue of Scattered Thoughts
I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha
The room was quiet except for the pants of the heavily pregnant twenty-five year old. Years before this same woman had stood before a hanyou named Naraku. After the defeat of the evil Hanyou the young woman know as Kagome returned home.
Upon returning home her family found that Kagome seemed to think that her time in the feudal era nothing but a dream. So life for Kagome returned to normal she returned to school, spent time with friends and even dated. As soon as Kagome graduated high school she began working at a local business and it was there she meet her future husband.
At first nether seemed to notice the other then one day he walked into her small office and left her but a single rose for her find. Every day after that Kagome would walk into her office to find a fresh rose and every night she would plant the rose. After many months of only finding the roses Kagome walked into her office to find her gift giver sitting in her chair.
Shuichi Minamino the stepson of her boss set in her chair smiling, in his hand he held a single red rose. Slowly standing he approached her slowly taking her hand and raising it to his lips he kissed the back of her hand. He had then asked her out on their first date.
Almost a year later found Kagome sitting under the Goshinboku with Shuichi kneeling at her feet. Their families could not be happier since both mothers had feared their child would never marry.
The wedding had been a small with only family and close friends. Shuichi's friends had surprised Kagome at how mismatched they were just like her friends from her dreams. Other than Buyo trying to lay down on the groom's cake every thing went off with out a hitch.
Their marriage had been perfect up to the point of when Kagome found out she was pregnant. Then Shuichi started sneaking out late at night and the phone would ring at all hours if Kagome picked up the person would hang up. After five months of the suspicious behavior Kagome decided to ask her husband if there was something he needed to tell her.
That night Kagome returned to the shrine she were she had grow up telling Shuichi if he could not tell her the truth then their marriage was over.
Authors Note: ANOTHER STORY! Sorry so very sorry but after two days of little to no caffeine and sleep this story just refused to go a way so here is the first of maybe a ten chapter story at most. I am working on the next chapter of Secrets and Dark and For the Love might be back soon. As for Roses I have half of it planed out and I hope to have a chapter posted soon. Oh and les not forget (falls on knees) PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!