InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ~"HIM"~ ❯ My Crescent Moon Watch ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

8:00 am

the five met at Kagome's house and decided to hit the mall first and then go to a movie.

9:00 am

Shopping… and I do mean shop. The boys had to take a trip back home to drop some of the shopping bags. And only happened to be one floor of the mall.

12:30 pm

Time for lunch All decided on a veggie pizza except for Inuyasha he decided to grab some Ramen instead. Always the same.


"Stuff it Inuyasha it wasn't that bad"-sango taking a bite of her slice.

"Not that bad not that bad" raising his voice a little higher "Hello, Miroku and I had to drop by the house like three times."-inu

*ring* theme of outkats hey ya *ring*

Inuyasha took out his cell phone from his side pocket looked at the caller i.d and answered it

"Yo…yeah i'm at the mall… shopping… yeah with the gang… meet you where?... at the parlor alright… later."-inu

Inuyasha got off his cell phone and slurped down the rest of his ramen.

"And we are in a rush to go where???"-mir

"Got to go meet Sesshoumaru at the parlor I think we have to be fitted into the tux's"-inu

Kagome looked down when she heard that name.

"Sorry Kag."-inu

"Nah it's alright i'm fine. Anyhow come one guys lets go to the jewlers there's this nice watch that I saw when we were passing."-kag

Inuyasha left and the four went to the jewlers.


At the parlor…

"Is your brother going to meet us here?"-mot

"Yeah he is but first I want to go to the jewlers, there's this watch that I wanted to get."-sess

"why? You have like loads of them."-mot

"Not for me it's for one of my best-friends in America, it's a black strap and in the face there's a crescent moon in the background, and the hands sort of look like arrows, she's into archery."-sess

"Sounds nice, so do you want me to wait for Inuyasha?"-mot

"If you kindly could?"-sess

"No problem"-mot

"Alright bye"-sess

Sesshoumaru left the parlor on his way to the jewlers.

12:40 pm

walking towards the jewlers

"So what kind of watch is it?"-san

"Well it's a black strap the hands are sort of like arrows and in the background of the face is a crescent moon."-kag

"How nice, so do you still do archery?"-san

"Yeah once in a while, they really didn't have a team at school in America but I found a college that had it as a P.E class."-kag

"At least your still keeping up you know."-kik


The shop looked like a hut. Inside of the store there where walls filled with glass antiques. In the center of the store stood a display case that held the engagement rings and necklaces. On one side of store had the watches and bracelets.

Sango and Miroku entered the store first. What they didn't expect to see was Sesshoumaru at the counter purchasing an item.

Kagome and Kikyou fell a little behind due to the fact that they entered a store a few slots down. It was a store that held many ancient weapons. Of course Kagome and Kikyou were drawn to the bows and arrow display.

~Back to the jewelry shop.~

"Miroku what are we going to do"-sango whispered into her boyfriends ear

"Well I guess we are just going to have to distract him now aren't we?"-mir


"dunno I guess were just going to have to wing it common follow me"-mir

Miroku walked up to Ssesshoumaru and tapped him on the shoulder. Sesshoumaru turned around to see Miroku smiling at him

"Hi Miroku, Hello Sango what brings you two to the mall today?"-sess

"We were shopping with some friends. I thought that Inuyasha went to go meet with you at the parlor."-mir

"Yes he is I just had to make this purchase I am meeting him there right now."-sess

"Alright well we'll see you later then" sango said while pushing him out the store through the other entrance ((there are two entrances )).

"O.k Bye." Sess. He began to walk out the store when he stopped and turned around "Have you two heard anything about Kagome? Cause I sent the invitation like a week ago and she hasn't responded?"-

"um. Isn't the mail slightly different? I mean she wouldn't receive it the next day right?"-mir

"I guess your right but if she calls you can you tell her to give me call?"-sess

Just then Sango spotted the two missing girls coming right behind Sesshoumaru

"Uh Sesshoumaru can I see what you got there in the bag?"?-san

"um. Ok"-sesshoumaru began to walk inside the store Sango wrapped an arm around his neck and dragged him to the other exit.

Miroku caught on to what sango was doing and dragged the two girls into the shop while sango was dragging Sesshoumaru out.

"What's going on?"-kik

"It's Sesshoumaru Sango has him."-mir

the two girls made a silent `O' and made a dash behind the center case. Ducking just in time when Sesshoumaru turned his head when he heard voices especially one that sounded like his Kaggie.

"What was that?"-sess. Turning his head when he heard voices.

"Dunno, I think you're hearing things. So I think you should be heading off i'm pretty sure Inuyasha is having a fit right now."-san

"Yeah your prolly right. See you later Sango and tell the rest I said hello."-sess

"Bye"-san waving him good bye and dashing to the shop. To see Kagome and Kikyou crouching down behind the display case hands over there mouths from laughing out loud.

"not funny guys"-san

"Actually it was"-kag

"What ef- well where here so hurry and pick your watch."-san

"Alright" kag. She walked over to the counter and rang the small bell that was there `ding'

A sales associate came out "Hello how may I help you?"

"Yes there was this watch that I saw here early it's a black strap with a crescent moon on the face in the background."-kag

"I'm sorry but the person in there before you already bought that watch, I can order you another one if you'd like?"

"No thank you very much though."-kag

"We're really sorry please feel free to look around The Shikon Jewelry."

"thank you."-kag. She walked over to her friends looking sad "They sold it already."-kag

"Sorry. Hey how about we go look at the weapons shop. Maybe we can find some daggers. How about that?"-kik

"Yeah maybe let's go. I feel sad I think I need some violence."-kag

"Yeah I need some polishing cream for my boomerang"-san

"Oh no"-mir

Sango just glared at him and the other two girls laughed. Sango usually beat Miroku with the boomerang when he got out of hand it was her so called `frying pan'.

1:45 pm

Three guys where being fitted into their tuxedos at the parlor shop.

"Alright are we done here?"-inu

"Calm down Inuyasha we are almost finished they just need you to give them your shoe size and then you can go okay."-sess

"Good I got places to go"-inu

"If you mean to meet your friends don't worry they know you're here I met them while I was at the jewler's"-sess

Inuyasha took a big gulp of air "What do you mean you met them?"-inu

"Exactly how it sounds dear brother while I was leaving I saw Miroku and Sango entering the shop. I don't know where your kikyou went I think she was with a girl though she kind of looked like Kagome. But that couldn't be it she's in America."-sess

"yeah you're right but the other girl was prolly kikyou I mean the two do look alike yah know what I mean?"-inu

"True. Anyhow do you know where Motoki went?"-sess

"yeah he went to the weaponry shop something about daggers."-inu

"Ahh… it's weird he's a photographer yet he still fancies daggers and such."-sess

"Whatever. I'm outta here later fluffy…"-inu. He walked outta the store calling Kikyou on his cell phone.

1:50 pm at the weaponry shop

*ring* the theme of Britney spears toxic *ring*

"Hello… hi Inuyasha… no they are I think at Cinnabon… O me and Kagome are at the weaponry shop… no the one on the third floor… alright I'll see you here bye."-kik

"Who was that" kag. Stringing a bow

"Inuyasha he said that he's coming right now."-kik handing Kagome an arrow with a silver tip.

"Do you know that silver was meant to kill werewolves."-kag

"Yes I think I've heard that somewhere, hey why don't we look at the daggers."-kik

"Alright."-kag. They set down the bow and arrow and made their way to the section that held the dagger.

Kikyou and Kagome were so distracted talking to each other that kagome bumped into someone.

"OMG." Bowing her head down " I am so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going please forgive me."-kag .

"It's alright… hey it's you"-mot

She looked up and saw the same guy from the park." So it is did you ever finish your project for school?"-kag

"Yes I did. So what brings you here to the mall?"-mot


"Um… why are you girls in a weaponry shop?"-mot

"Uh. We were planning to buy some dagger usually when I am feeling sad I like to cheer myself up with a new set of weapons."-kag

Kikyou started busting up laughing. Only kagome knew exactly what to say to scare off a guy. Motoki had that `ok this girl is really freaky'

"Um… well I am really into ancient weapons it's kind of a tradition see I live at a shrine so you see the whole weapons and stuff."-kag

a silent `o' was made by motoki

"So… I know this is kind of forward but um would you like to go with me tomorrow night?"-mot

Kagome began to blush red. "Um… well you see-" kikyou nugged her in the side looking at her like `you better agree or ima make you suffer' "Sure. Here is my cell phone just give me a call later on tonight. Um… Motoki?"-kag

"Yeah you got it right. Well I'll call you tonight." Mot. He started to head out of the store when he turned around "Wait what's your name?"

"O. it's k- it's `GOME'."-kag

"Ok by Gome." Waving and heading out

"So kagome's got a date wait till the rest find out. You've only been here for what two days and you already got a date. Go gome Go gome."-kik

"What ef. Lets just find the rest."-kag