InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ^.^Sisters ^.^ ❯ Troubles ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

3 Chapter
Steering in her slumber, Kagome slowly opened her eyes and sat up. Her head was hurting a little but otherwise she was ok. Looking around, she recognized the living room immediately, but she couldn't quite get it how she got on the sofa. Pushing that aside, she stood up and glanced around, just listening for a while. It was weird. Everything was quiet. The only thing she heard, were birds and cars that passed by. But it was all coming from outside.
Turning her attention on the wall clock, panic washed thro her face. It was already 1.15pm! It was even worse when she realized she was supposed to be at school with her so called sister! Come to think of it…where was Kikyou anyway?
`Wonder where everybody is?' Kagome asked her self and headed towards the kitchen, when a nice aroma filled her nose, making her stomach growling. Expecting to find her mother behind the stove, she peeked inside and stared at the scene before her very eyes.
Kikyou was sitting on the kitchen counter, her arms dropped around some guys shoulders.
He had his hands on both sides of her, while his own lips claimed hers. Kikyou happily sighed in to the kiss, while her fingers ran thro his long silver hair. If Kagome remembered correctly, this was her boyfriend Inu-----something, that she met the other day at the airport.
Kikyou deepened the kiss, while licking on his lips, before her tongue found its way in to his mouth, her arms sneaking around his neck, pulling him closer to her body.
Moaning against her lips, his hands trailed under her shirt, his thumbs lightly brushing against her sides, making her shiver under his touch.
Finally realizing what she was doing and what they were supposable doing, Kagome swiftly turned on her heals and headed upstairs as fast as possible, with out making any noise. Reaching the top, she broke in to a run, opened the door to her and Kikyous room, then shut it close. She landed against it, her hands covering her cheeks as her face got a nice red dash on it. She knew Kikyou did that probably all the time, but actually seeing her kiss some guy was weird and somehow embarrassing for her.
She didn't know why, but she was always uncomfortable around this things.
Probably cause she never actually kissed a guy before in her life.
All she ever did was study and read books, also watch television or hang out with her friends. She never really thought about boys. Sure, she had a crush here and there, but only a crush. She was never really in love so to speak.
Shaking her head and erasing the memory about Kikyou making out in the kitchen, she only hoped their mom wouldn't bug in if they would be doing anything more intimidating. She hoped her sister wasn't that stupid to have sex right on the counter, but then again, you never know.
Sighing, Kagome started to undress her cloths and headed in to the bathroom. Turning on the water, she grabbed a shampoo and add it in, soon bubbles started to form. She let her hair down and ran her fingers thro it, another satisfied sigh escaping her lips. Deciding the bathtub was full enough, she turned the water off and stepped inside. She rested her head against the cold marble wall as she relaxed in the hot bubble-bath. Her eyelids grew heavy and soon enough she was asleep, completely oblivious that her body was sinking deeper in to the water with every second.
Moaning one last time against his lips, she broke the kiss.
He pouted and wanted to do it again, but she placed a hand on his chest, stopping him from doing what was on his mind at that precise moment.
`Not here Inuyasha.'
`Why not?' He asked and kissed her again, all thought it was against her own will, she pulled away again.
`We can get caught'
`So what? Big deal'
`Maybe it isn't, but my mom would kill me if she found out, more correctly, I don't even want to think what she would do to the one that was enjoying sexual pleasure with her daughter'
`Damn…' he muttered out and placed his forehead to her shoulder. He gave a gentle kiss to her neck, before helping her of the counter. She straitened her cloths and he went to the refrigerator to get something to ``cool'' off. Meanwhile Kikyou checked the food that was cooking then went up to see how her sister was doing.
Just when Inuyasha sat down by the table and grabbed him self a cookie from the bowl and right before he was about to seat his teeth in it, Kikyou came storming in with a very worried expression. Taking a bite he glanced up at his nervous girlfriend. She crossed her arms and stared at the floor.
`What's wrong?' he asked while chewing.
`I can't find my sister' she said and started fuming.
`She isn't far' he said like nothing was wrong.
`Yeah, well…Kagome can be weird sometimes. She just disappears like thin air and then shows up the next day'
`Don't worry, she's probably in her room or taking a bath'
`I don't know…I'll go check, meanwhile you keep and eye on the food'
With that she was gone, while Inuyasha got up and opened a kitchen cabinet, finding exactly what he was looking for…Ramen.
Kikyou searched the whole house, she even looked in to Soutas room to see if Kagome was on the computer, but she was nowhere in site. Finally she decided to take Inuyashas suggestion and went to look in her room…it was empty.
All that was there were two beds, one on the left and the other on the right side. There was a table under the window and a carpet in the middle, along with some posters on the wall, books and teddy bears that were felling out shelves and a pack of cd-s.
Taking in a big breath, Kikyou sat on her bed and thought where her sister was, till a cloud of steam coming from under the door from their bathroom, caught her attention.
Sighing with relief, she threw her head back and rolled her eyes at her stupidity that she thought Kagome actually got her self in trouble. ``For Peat's Sake! What was I thinking! Kagome is 18 years old for crying out loud! She's not a child anymore!…I really worry to much''
Kikyou got up and knocked on the glass, but got no respond. All tho it was a glass door you couldn't see anything thro it, so it was really no use trying when she wanted to take a peek at what her sister was doing, since Kikyou figured out that Kagome locked it.
`Kags, everything ok in there?' she questioned and waited for her replay, but it never came.
`Kagome?' she called again, but no use. It was dead silence.
`Kagome open the door!' Kikyou ordered, but again it was no use trying, Kagome said nothing.
`Kagome!' Kikyou yelled this time, her heart beating faster, telling her something was wrong.
Her and Kagome have been so connected as sisters and spenT so much time together, that they instinctively knew if the other one was in trouble or hurting. Trusting her 6. instinct and since there was no other way, she called for help, screaming as loud as her lungs allowed her to.
Not a minute and he was by her side, trying to calm the girl that was on the edge of tears.
She whimpered silently and tried to tell him what was going on.
`And…and…I…the door….she…and Kagome…'Kikyou shattered out.
Grabbing her shoulders he forced her to look him in the eye.
`Listen to me. Calm down.' She relaxed at his touch and waited for him to continue.
`What's going on?'
`My sister is in the bathroom and she wont open the door. I tried to call her but she didn't respond. I know something's wrong Inuyasha. I just know it'
`Why can't you open the door?'
`Why? It's locked! That's why! I know something isn't right! What if she fainted or something in there? What if she-'
`Get a grip on your self Kikyou.' That earned him a glare as she roughly slapped his hands away.
`She's in there and I don't know what's going on! I have a feeling something has happened to her and all you can say is `'Get a grip on your self''!?!'
`Look, we'll open the doors, just don't panic'
`Oh yeah, really great! Just how do you plan to do it Einstein?! If you haven't noticed yet or if you are deaf, I clearly said that the DOOR is LOCKED!'
`Easy…we'll brake it down. Stand back'
Kikyou stood a good distance and watched as Inuyasha ran in to the door. A few more times and it fell to the floor. Not even waiting, Kikyou pushed him away and ran to the bath tub. At seeing what she saw her skin turned even more pale then it was naturally. She immediately grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Kagome right there in the water, before she picked her up, completely ignoring the fact that her cloths were soaking wet, and gently placed her on the marble floor.
`Oh God! She isn't breathing!' Kikyou panicked and pressed her cheek to Kagomes mouth…not a breeze came out of it…In tears she glanced at her unconscious face. Her face was white as snow and her lips were almost blue.
`Inuyasha! Inuyasha she…she…'
He was right by her side. Kneeling down, he observed the girl lying on the floor.
Her wet hair was clinging to her forehead and her mouth was slightly open. Her skin had a dash of tan, except for her pale face. The only thing she was wearing, was a towel. It didn't mater what happened to her, he found her beautiful just like her sister…correction…he found her even more beautiful. Just like the day he first saw her.
`She needs…well…umm…' before Kikyou could say another word, Inuyasha got the hint.
His hands carefully yet gently touched her face, parting her mouth just a little more.
`I'll go get another dry towel while you do what you have to do!' and she was gone.
Staring at the girl, he wasn't quite sure if this was such a good idea. He didn't know if the girl would slap him or hug him when she found out what he did, but on the other hand, he had to do it to save her life. He would have normally ask Kikyou to do this, but she was a girl and well it would seem strange, wouldn't it?
He neared his face closer to hers, his lips only inches apart from hers, his hands rasting on both sides of her head. While in that position, he couldn't help but notice the girls smell. She smelled something he never smelled before. And he would have lied if he said that he didn't enjoy it. Just when he was about to close the distance between them, Kagome opened her eyes and stared right in to his amber pools.
Moments flashed in their head and they both blocked out everything but each other.
Kagome stared back at him with confusion and fear. She wasn't really sure what she was doing. All she could feel at that time, was his soft silky hair, that dropped over his shoulder and on to her neck and the feel of the warmth radiating from his face. In a different situation this would have felt wrong, but in this case, it just felt so right.
Before she realized it, his lips feel upon hers.
So what do you think?