InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ^.^Sisters ^.^ ❯ My dreams and stupid feelings! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

4 Chapter
Lying in her bed, she stared at the ceiling above. Her hands behind her head, she stayed perfectly quiet as to not awake her sleeping sister. Lightly biting on her lower lip, she thought back to the events of that afternoon. She couldn't help but blush at the memory. She was only thankful that it was dark and late at night, so nobody could see her face…
…After Kagome opened her eyes, she gazed right in to those amazing amber orbs she saw, before she passed out. Everything in her body started shivering and making this weird feeling in her stomach, like little butterflies caught in a net. She got goose bumps all over her skin, as if she were cold or something like that. Not really being able to explain what that was, it had already been to late. In a matter of seconds, Kagome felt his lips brush against hers.
The kiss didn't last long. It was short, but sweet. Closing her eyes, she tried to breath as calmly as she could, trying to slow down her heart that beat so fast like never before. Soon enough she felt the back of his hand lightly brushing against her cheek. She could have slapped it away, but she didn't have the strength. And lets face it, even if she could, she wouldn't.
Soon she heard footsteps and before she could react, she was lifted from the ground in to a pair of strong, lets not forget, muscular arms. She didn't object. It felt right and she did indeed feel safe. Not a moment and she was gently placed on her bed, as Kikyou dropped a dry towel over her trembling body.
Kikyou hugged her sister, after Kagome sat up, holding on to her head and coughing like crazy. Neither Kagome nor Inuyasha said a word. She stared at him from Kikyous shoulder, while he just stood there looking back. Not one of them could explain what actually happened there in the bathroom, so they just decided to forget about it. But was it really that easy?
Then why did Kagome found her self thinking about the kiss at 4.36am in the morning?!
Turning on her right side, she got angry at her self, for even thinking about Kikyous boyfriend. Glaring at the wall, she pulled the covers over her body as much as she could.
She had only known him for two-three days and he was already snooping around and invading her mind as well as her dreams. It scared her almost half to death that she woke up, thinking about Inuyasha. What scared her even more was the memory that she actually had dreams that weren't so ``innocent'' as you would normally think.
``Ok Kagome…breath'' she tried to calm her self in her head.
``This is just a matter of chemistry. I appear to like this silver haired guy, with the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen, not to mention the most silky and beautiful hair I have ever felt. Do not forget about the thing that he's cute and totally hot!''
She slapped her self and dragged her palm down her face, her eyes burning with flames.
``What the HELL am I THINKING!? I, Kagome Higurashi, don't fall for men whom I have known only a few days! What is going on here!? This is not me! This is…this outrage!…For havens sake, I'm acting like…like…''
Her eyes widened and she shot up ``OMG! I'm acting like Kikyou! This can't be…I…Do I have a crush? No…that is just plain old stupid. Me? A crush? Yeah right! I'll live the day to see that one coming…'' she sighed and got up. Realizing there was no point of going back to slumber, she dressed her self in a pair of low, loosened, light pink pants and a simple white spaghetti strap shirt, with her hair left down.
Quietly, she made her way down the hall. Passing Soutas bedroom, she saw a light coming from under the door. Peaking inside, her brow raised at seeing him behind the computer, snoozing. Chuckling to her self, she went down to the living room. Seeing as how the dawn was slowly coming, she decided to go for a short walk. All thought her legs felt so very heavy and that she yawned almost every half minute, she had exactly no intentions on going back in to the house.
Turning a corner, she saw a park and had a wish to go there. But being lazy as she was, she decided to had back and get her self a nice warm cup of coffee.
Kikyou woke up and stretched her self. She got up from bed, took a quick shower, got dressed then headed down in to the kitchen. Meeting up with her tired sister and her brother that looked worse then ever, she wondered what was going on, as she ate her breakfast.
Finally finishing it, she said her good byes to her family, before heading of to school with Kagome, who looked pretty nervous as they entered the grounds of `Shikon No Tama' high.
She wanted to say something, but the thought was soon forgotten as Kikyou spotted Sango sitting on the trunk of a red cabriolet sports car. Grabbing Kagomes arm, she dragged her in direction of her friends.
`Come on Kags, I have to introduce you to my pals. You'll simply love them!' Kikyou said all excited as they reached the group.
`Hey guys!' Kikyou greeted as they smiled back and wished her a good morning.
`Sango, I want you to meet my twin sister'
Sango jumped from the car and circled around Kagome like a hock looking for it's pray.
She stood before the girl, watching her right in the eyes. Kagome felt rather stupid. She took this like an insult. The `woman' was acting like a detector or something . Even tho she did get a little on her nerves, Kagome found her very pretty.
She had long light brown hair pulled in a high pony tail, brownish eyes and a hot pink eye shadow. The cloths she was wearing were rather tight, proving the point that she was indeed Kikyous best friend. Finally Sango spoke up, bringing Kagome back from her trance.
`Nice to met you' she gave her a friendly smile and offered her hand. Happy, Kagome gladly took it. Sango wasn't that bad after all. She was just a show off and acted all mighty and stuff, but she was actually rather nice and very friendly.
Sadly, she couldn't say the same for the other member. The one Kagome liked to call, ``The pervert''. Yes, his name was Miroku. The minute Kagome shook Sangos hand, she felt a rub on her but. Not thinking to as what could have caused it, she turned around and punched the thing, making it smash in to the ground. Realizing what she did, she covered her mouth and was about to bent down to help the poor guy, when he said something that sounded like a compliment to Sangos underwear, as he curiously stared under her skirt.
It earned him a good 5 wacks on the head and two slaps on each cheek.
Seeing Sango chase Miroku around like crazy, it made her think back to what her and Souta did almost every morning. She could imagine her self, how she ran after her brother like a lunatic. It was very amusing. But unfortunately her amusement died as she saw him. More correctly, felt him.
His hands sneaked around her and hugged her from behind. She froze in spot as he placed a kiss on her cheek. `Good morning little sister' were the words still ringing in Kagomes head as she watched him go over to Kikyou. She smiled back at Kagome, before kissing Inuyasha passionately.
Kikyou didn't mind that her boyfriend did that. After all, she was her sister and there was absolutely no harm in it, since Kagome had no intentions of steeling him for her self. Actually, Kikyou wanted Kagome to know Inuyasha more, since she had a feeling that Inuyasha and her were meant for life, meaning, she hoped for some day to be engaged or even married to him.
Finally the bell rang, reminding them that it was time for class. Turning on heals, they started all together for their first period.
`Guess what Kikyou? I have a party set up this Friday and you are invited! Please tell me you will come, please?!' Ayame, a skinny red-haired girl, leaned over the table and waved a piece of pink-smelly paper before her face.
Kikyous eyes watched with amusement. Sure, she was the most popular girl at school and was constantly invited to parties, all tho she didn't intend them all. But in this case it was different. Ayame was a rich girl and she was known as a party freak. Meaning, her parties were a blast.
Sighing, Kikyou shook her head.
`Sorry Ayame, I can't'
Ayames smile faded and her hand smacked on to the wooden surface, eyes narrowing and pure anger radiating from her face.
`Why the hell not?'
`Because…' Kikyou glared back and crossed her arms `I have a date with Inuyasha'
`Well cancel it! This is far more important then any stupid date!'
`Well SORRY Ms. ``I demand for you to do as I say'', but I have a boyfriend to attend to. And if you haven't noticed yet, I'm getting more out of this relationship then I will get out of your stupid party!'
`Oh come on Kiky! It's your only hope!…ok. not only. I know you would have been nominated but still, this way you'll get even more people to vote you for prom queen!
Sure you wouldn't let out a chance of a life time, would you?' Ayame pouted and stuck out her lower lip, her eyes widening and filling with fake tears.
`Sorry girl, but I can't. How do you ever expect for me to become Inuyashas fiancé if I keep
canceling times he wants to spend with me?'
`Well…what if you reschedule it?'
`No can do hun'
`Ok…how about if somebody takes your place?'
Kikyou raised her brow as curiosity got the better of her, so she just had to speak.
`I'm listening…'
`Well…lets just say supposable you know somebody that looks just like you…lets say, for example if you had a sister…then maybe…just maybe she could take your place…understand what I'm saying?'
The end! What you think? Will Kikyou take the bait or not? Till next time…