InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

While the workers packed the plane Inuyasha paced nervously, his need to check up on Kagome finally won out. Fumbling with his phone he dialed Jaken's number and hoped the toad had his phone on him. After what seemed an eternity but, was only about ten rings the line was picked up.

"This is Jaken."
"Jaken, Inuyasha, look we're getting ready to take off. Let Sesshoumaru know we will be about 20-hours, have someone meet us at the air strip to transport us to the estate and send a moving van. I'm brining Kagome's price with me."
"Of course my lord, wonderful idea Master Inuyasha."
"So, how is she doing?" Inuyasha asked scuffing the toe of his moccasin against the pavement.
"Not well I'm afraid my lord, she won't eat and all she is doing is crying." Jaken reported.
"NO....I don't want her to cry...make her stop!"
"Bbb..but, my lord how?" Jaken asked.

Shifting from foot to foot Inuyasha tried to think what to do. 'Fuck, wish I had known the date, then I could have been there,' sigh, 'liar.'

he ran his clawed hand through his bangs. it was no use, he knew why he wasn't there, he couldn't lie to his self. Sure it was true he really didn't know the exact date they had lost Kagome. He knew what year it had been for them and the season but, that was it. Also Inuyasha had no way to know what year it had been on Kagome's side of the well, only it was about 500-years in the future. 'Truth is, you don't trust yourself. Do you baka?' Inuyasha winched at the thought. 'I'm Taiyoukai now I've got responsibilities, I couldn't just sit by the well this whole time.' He tried to argue with himself. 'Just keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll start to believe it. Maybe Kagome will buy it better then you do.'

"Sigh, you and Myogua go talk to her."
"We have your permission to enter the shrine?" Jaken asked skeptically.
"Yes, I, Taisho Inuyasha, Taiyoukai of the Americas, give you Jaken and Myogua, faithful servants of the Taisho family my permission to enter the sacred shrine to attend to family affairs." Inuyasha answered giving the ultimate declaration.
"Thank you my lord, we will not fail you. What should we tell Lady Kagome?" Jaken asked.

"Let her know I'm on my way but, don't let her know about the price. Tell her I said no more crying, she knows I hate it when she cries. Answer her questions as best you can and ...and give her this Inuyasha's regrets at not being present when she reappeared after the end of the quest but, I knew not the date and wished not to interfere with history."

"Of course my lord, brilliant, Myogua and I shall not let you down. You can depend on us." Jaken assured.
"Good, now I trust you aboth to tend to my Lady. Do not fail this Inuyasha."
"Yes lord, we shall get right to it." Jaken promised.
"I will be there soon."


"Feh, kami, I sound just like Sesshoumaru." Inuyasha mussed shaking his head slowly. 'Well it's not like I didn't have 200-years under that bastard's roof to pick up a few bad habits.'

Inuyasha put his phone away, 'I guess those years weren't too bad.' Inuyasha thought remembering the relationship, he now shared with Sesshoumaru.

Going back to the plane he witnessed some of the native workers' miss handling one of the crates, "yo, if you can't do any better with those hands I'll remove them for ya!" He threatened.

Back in Tokyo

"Come Myogua we have our next assignments, Lord Inuyasha shall be arriving late tomorrow and we must inform everyone and then we have been given permission to go and tend to his Lady's needs."Jaken explained.

The next morning having taken care of all the phone calls Jaken and Myogua checked their concealment talisments that gave them the appearance of humans. With everything in place they entered the Higurashi shrine.

"Now Jaken you must remember Lady Kagome doesn't know you are under Lord Inuyasha now, so she might feel more at easy with me." Myogua explained to his partner.
"I know that flea. We will simply explain it to her. Should we ask to speak privately with her?" Jaken asked.
"No, Master Inuyasha was close with her family, they had accepted him the first time they meet him. In fact it will be alright to release our concealment's in front of them, the family already knows all about our kind. Actually it would probably put our Lady at ease to see us as we are." Myogua assured him as they approached the home.

Inside mama Higurashi tried to busy her self with daily house work. Her heart just wasn't in it, her poor daughter had come home in tears the other evening. Kagome had dutifully told her family what had happened, the journey she had started three years ago was done. Mama would never have thought it would end this way.

Kagome's life had been torn in two for so long, at first mama had worried if it was a good idea to let Kagome live this double life but, Kagome had insisted it was her duty to fix this mistake. Later it was very clear that these people on the other side of the well meant the world to her daughter and there was no way mama would hurt her by making her choice between people she cared about.

'Now it was over, Kagome is home and safe but, will she ever be the same?' Mama wondered.

Mama Higurashi couldn't help but to worry not only about her daughter but, also Inuyasha. The gruff young man who showed up and turned all of their lives upside down. She could easily remember times he stayed at the house, eating dinner, playing with Souta and Buyo, helping her and Jii-chan around the shrine and of course his relationship with Kagome. 'I'm going to miss him and his puppy ears.'

Knock, Knock..

"Just a moment," going to the door, mama slowly opened it to reveal two very short older men, "how can I help you gentlemen?"
"Hello Mrs. Higurashi, my name is Myogua and this is my colleague Jaken." Myogua introduced them as they bowed.
"Are you in need of shrine help? My father is the priest here, he is in his office."
"No Mrs. Higurashi we were in hopes to speak to your daughter, Kagome."
"Kagome? I don't know..she isn't well right now. What is it you need to speak to my daughter about?"
"We understand Mrs. Higurashi but, I believe we have news that will brighten her day. Please, if she does not wish to talk after we deliver our message we shall respect her decision and leave." Myogua replied, once again bowing.
"Alright, please do come in, would you like some tea?" Mama Higurashi relented.
"Please, you are very kind to these old servants. Jaken would you like tea as well?"Myogua asked as they entered the house.
"Oh yes Mrs. Higurashi." Jaken quickly answered.
"I'll get the tea started and then fetch Kagome. Please make yourselves comfortable here in the living room." Mama said as she bowed to her strange short guest.

Mama Higurashi quickly got the tea started and hurried to get Kagome.

Upstairs in her room Kagome was looking through her photo album at the pictures she had of her life back in Sengoku Jidai and ones her mom had took of Inuyasha with the family in this time. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying and she could hardly make out the pictures for her tears. 'There's no hope to go back, how am I going to go on with my life without them?'

She traced her index finger lightly over one of the pictures from her time. It was a picture of her, Souta, Inuyasha, and Jii-chan sitting on the living room floor playing a card game. She and Inuyasha had won the game, laughing he had pulled her into a hug. They had lost their balance and fell over. Kagome had ended up draped over him, mama had snapped the picture then. It was one of her favorites, they were all so happy. Souta and Jii-chan laughing at her and Inuyasha laying on the floor, Inuyasha and her on the floor face to face laughing at each other.

Sobbing she hugged the abum to her, 'I'm so sorry Inuyasha, I never meant for this to happen. I didn't want to leave you.'

Softly knocking mama Higurashi opened the door to Kagom's room. "Kagome, you have some guest down stairs, they wish to speak to you."

Taking in her daughters pained expression she went over and wrapped her arms around her daughter. "Kagome, I wish I could help you."
"Oh mama I didn't even get to say good bye and I promised Inuyasha I'd stay by his side as long as he wanted me to." Kagome sobbed.

Mrs. Higurashi tried to comfort her daughter as best she could but, how does one comfort someone who's whole life has disappeared like a dream. Then the strange men down stairs and their promise that what they had to say would make Kagome happy came back to her. 'Perhaps it has something to do with what has happened.' "Kagome, we have guest, I know your upset but, I think you should come down."

"Mama I'm not in the mood for company." Kagome whispered.
"I know dear but, they said they needed to speak to you and I have a feeling it could be about what has happened."
"Alright mama, go ahead and go down, I'll be down in a minute." Kagome slowly stood up and went to the bath room to wash her face.

Walking down stairs Kagome was hit with the familiar aura of her guests. She quickly got down to the living room to find two older men sipping tea.

"I know you!" Kagome shrieked.
"Aaak, my tea!" Jaken squawked struggling to keep hold of his cup.
"Oh Lady Kagome, how nice of you to join us. Would you like a cup of tea?" Myogua asked.

a price: a chinese marriage custom, where a groom gives goods depending on his families wealth to the bride's family. the reason behind why inuyasha will use a chinese custom will be touched on later.

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