InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

Shippou begins to tell Kagome of their lives with Sesshoumaru.

Flashback several months after Inuyasha's gift of the talisments.

Sesshoumaru had received word the old miko his brother cared for had died. 'Suck weak creatures,' he huffed as he rode his dragon stead to Inuyasha's forest.

He had been fighting for over a year now with a tribe of serpent youkai that wished to control his lands. They had went as far as to attack the home he had acquired for Rin. The attack had almost succeeded in taking his companion from him and had proved that Jaken was not adequate protection for her.

His thoughts turned to his brother. Sesshoumaru had recognized him and stopped hostilities and in that was his reason to visit him now. Inuyasha was powerful enough to protect what belonged to Sesshoumaru while he was attending to the insurgents plus, he had a soft spot for humans and understood their needs. With the old priestess dieing he would probably be needing something to fill the place the old women had left and Rin would be perfect.

Coming to his brother's forest he touched down by the tree that had sealed his brother for fifty years to wait for Inuyasha. Sesshoumaru did not have to wait long. His brother bursted through the surrounding trees, the young fox kit he cared for on his heels.

"Sesshoumaru, what brings you here?" His younger brother asked, not drawing his sword but, taking a defensive stance in front of the kit.

Sesshoumaru faced his brother with the same stoic mask he always wore, "you take defense against your own brother? Baka, had I wished ill you would not be here today."

"Old habits die hard," a now calmer Inuyasha replied, "what brings you here?"

Sesshoumaru wasted no time getting down to business. "My current vassal is unable to full fill his duties. I have insurgents on to the Western Lands I must deal with but, Rin has became a target. I heard rumors your old priestess died so I came to offer you a new human to care for."

Surprised by his brother's offer Inuyasha looked over his shoulder at a now 13-year old Shippou. He came forward, folding his arms over his chest, he was taller now, almost reaching Inuyasha's waist. Inuyasha had been out working with Shippou on hunting and tracking when Sesshoumaru showed up. "The hut is big enough, what's one more mouth to feed." Shippou whispered to Inuyasha.
Nodding once Inuyasha turned back to his brother, "I'll take her."

"You miss understand brother, Rin is mine. You will come to the house I have provided for Rin and care for her there."

" to come wtih you?" The shocked hanyou asked.
"I don't know, I can't leave my pack. What if they need me?" Bowing his head Inuyasha reached and grabbed Shippou placing him on his back. Shippou understood the gesture immediately. Inuyasha was needing help making a decision, where in the past Inuyasha would make rash decisions every minute of the day he no longer seemed able at times. Ever since the Shikon took Kagome he acted like he was lost. Shippou wondered how he ever was able to find the talisments by he's self.

Sighing Sesshoumaru answered, "you may bring your pack, the home is large enough for them all."

Inuyasha jerked up to face his brother, "How fucking big is this house?"
"It was a daimyo's palace."
"I provide what my companions need, would you not do the same?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Inuyasha, I think we should go. Miroku, Sango and Kohaku don't feel as welcome in the village as they once did. They are getting as restless as you are. Sounds like the place is big enough for us all and if Sesshoumaru promises not to hurt us it should be fine." Shippou whispered from his back.

Inuyasha nodded, "do you promise protection to my pack in your name?"
"I will not harm you or your pack brother, they will now be with me as well as with you. But, keep them out from under foot."
"Agreed. Wait here I'll go get them."
"I must return to Rin, Ah-Un will wait and bring you to the palace." Sesshoumaru assured him and with that he was gone in a ball of light.

End flashback

"You guys didn't mind leaving the village?" Kagome asked.
"It wasn't the same after Kaeda died. We just didn't feel at easy as we once did." Sango told her.

"How did Sesshoumaru get a daimyo's palace for Rin?"
"Somethings are better left unasked Kagome." Miroku supplied.
"Oh! So how was it living with Sesshoumaru, did he and Inuyasha fight alot?"
"No, Sesshoumaru wasn't there much at first. He was busy with the serpent youkai problem. It was just us and Rin. We played in the gardens and worried Inuyasha to death." Shippou told her with a smirk.
"Worried him? That wasn't nice Shippou." Kagome reprimanded.
"Well he was just so overbearing. He was always worrying about Rin. I swear he would have carried her on his back forever if she would have let him." Shippou told her.

"He really cared about Rin didn't he?" Kagome asked uneasily, ' maybe he found someone else and doesn't want to face me. I know they said Inuyasha felt like we were soul mates but, he never said anything in the past to me about how he really felt. What if he was just hurting because he didn't have someone to accept him like I did? Maybe Rin accepted him and he was alright then, I mean if she could live with Sesshoumaru dealing with Inuyasha was probably easy for her.' Kagome filled her mind with the worst, afraid of why Inuyasha wouldn't see her.

"Oh he acted that way with all the pups he took care of." Shippou said.
"Pups?" Kagome asked.
"Kids, you know he is inu hanyou so he calls them pups." Shippou explained.
"Pups, as in others?"
"Oh yeah, there was me, Kohaku, Rin, Sango and Miroku's pups and then Sesshoumaru and Rin's later." Shippou told her.

' Oh, that's right. Sesshoumaru took Rin as his mate. Now I remember, so that's not why Inuyasha doesn't want to see me.' Kagome thought trying to figure out why Inuyasha still wasn't there.

"So Inuyasha was a babysitter, huh?" Kagome asked with a twinkle of amusement.
"More like everybodies aniki." Shippou supplied, "he even had them all call him Inu nii-chan."
"Inu nii-chan? That's what Souta calls him." Kagome said shocked that Inuyasha would want others to call him that.
"That's what he told Rin, so that is what she called him and so did all the others. Remember how happy Rin was?" Shippou asked Miroku and Sango.

Flashback: Weeks after the pack moved to Sesshoumaru's daimyo's palace.

Sango and Kohaku were busy in the surrounding woods practicing with their wepons. Miroku was off meditating and in one of the gardens Inuyasha sat watching Shippou and Rin play.

Beside Inuyasha is a tray with ingredients to his potion, a bowl of hot water, a stone cup, a pestle and several straining material pouches. Four of the pouches have already been used and he is working on his fifth.

Shippou ran towards the house as Rin went to Inuyasha. "Shippou-chan is going to get something else for us to play." Rin tells Inuyasha as she sits down by him. Picking up one of the used pouches she asks, "what is this Inuyasha-sama?"

Cringing at the honorific Inuyasha continues to fix his potion. Placing the new pouch of ingredients in the stone cup he uses the pestle to slightly mash it, then pours the hot water over it to allow it to seep. "What's what?" he asks not looking up.

Rin leans over and places the pouch under his nose, "this."
"No, don't touch that!" Grabbing the pouch he quickly inspects her hands for any of the potion but, they are clean. "What were you thinking? This stuff isn't safe for humans, especially pups!" Inuyasha yelled angrily.

Sitting back Rin places her hands in her lap and bows her head. "I'm sorry Master Inuyasha, Rin didn't mean to make you angery."
"I'm not angry!" Inuyasha yelled, grabbing his potion he quickly downed it. Softly this time he spoke to her, "I'm not angry. This stuff just isn't good for pups, especially weak human ones."
"Lord Sesshoumaru told me it was your medicine. Are you really sick Master Inuyasha?" Rin asked.
"I guess but, don't worry you can't catch it." Inuyasha assured her, "sorry I yelled at you." He added quietly.

Smiling at her gruff inu hanyou protector Rin told him, "it's alright, Master Jaken always yells at me, so you can too Inuyasha-sama."
", don't put me in the same group as that damn toad..." Inuyasha told her holding up one clawed finger. "Two..." He held up a second finger, "enough with the honorifics, don't use them with me...I'm nobodies master or lord...I'm just Inuyasha, got that pup?" He told her putting his hand down.

Rin giggled at him, "so what does Rin call you...just Inuyasha?" A mischievous twinkle in her eyes told Inuyasha what she had planned. Thinking quickly for something he could live with he answered.
"You can call me Inu nii-chan, my Kagome's brother called me that."

Rin jumped up and clapped her hands happily, "I can call you Inu nii-chan, does that mean your my aniki now? Rin always wanted an aniki!"
"Sure kid, from now on were family." Inuyasha promised her with a pat on the head.
"Can Shippou-chan be my nii-chan too?"
"Sure, from now on he is nii-chan and you nee-chan, okay?"

Throwing herself to hug the stunned inu hanyou around the neck Rin said, "thank you Inu nii-chan, you have made Rin so happy." Releasing him she took off for the house, "I have to tell Shippou!"
Inuyasha sat stunned for a few moments, "sure pup, I think it'll make me happy too."

End flashback

"So life wasn't too bad at Sesshoumaru's after all, huh?" Kagome asked, happy that not all of Inuyasha's life had been hard on him.
" got a little harder on Inuyasha after Sesshoumaru finished with the serpent youkais. He turned his attention to Inuyasha then." Miroku said.
"Why is that?" Kagome asked
"Well you see..." Miroku began.

Flash back about one year after Inuyasha and pack moved to Sesshoumaru's daimyo palace....Sesshoumaru has defeated the insurgents and is now back at the palace.

At a low table sits the group. Sesshoumaru is at the head with Rin, Jaken, and Kohaku on his left. On his right is Inuyasha, Shippou and Miroku while at the end sits a very pregnant Sango. Miroku, Shippou and Kohaku have already served the breakfast. Sesshoumaru's being basically raw meat.

Out of the corner of his eye Sesshoumaru watches his brother as he makes his potion, he is on his third cup. "Did you not understand the instructions brother? You merely need one cup three times a day not three cups."
"Shut the fuck up asshole! I know what you said, I need more!" Inuyasha yelled looking at his stone cup, "come on, seep already." He desperately instructed his cup.

Sesshoumaru raised on eye brow at his brother and his actions. Watching him down another cup and quickly start making a fourth he noticed Inuyasha's hands shaking. "Inuyasha, how much of that potion are you consuming everyday?"

Rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands Inuyasha replied, "I don't know, I have about five or six cups, couple of times a day."

Leaning over and touching Sesshoumaru on the wrist Rin informed him, "Lord Sesshoumaru, Inu nii-chan is always like this in the morning, by midday he is much better and then by sunset he is lots of fun." She assured him.
"Inu nii-chan?" Sesshoumaru asked Rin.

Slamming his hands on the table and leaning over towards his brother Inuyasha began growling. "That's right! Inu nii-chan, you got a problem with that?"

Sesshoumaru's first thoughts were to grab his brother by the throat and put him in his place but, the protective growl he was giving stopped him. His brother believed he needed to protect Rin and that was what he had been brought to do. It was obvious that the potion was not working as it should or his brother would not be so out of control. Sesshoumaru knew it was customary to show respect to one with this illness, even if the one was his brother. He would find out why the potion was not working correctly.

"Calm yourself Inu nii-chan, you are upsetting the pups." Sesshoumaru finally said.

That put a stop to the growl as Inuyasha took in the faces of those sharing the table. Embarrassed he sat back down and bowed his head to hide under his bangs.

"Drink you medicine brother, so we can continue breakfast." Sesshoumaru told him.

That is what Inuyasha did.

Sesshoumaru watched Inuyasha the rest of the day, just as Rin had said his brother's mood did improve as the day went along, by midday Inuyasha had drank about ten cups of potion.

Currently his brother was scowling his kitsune for kicking a ball to hard at Rin and scowling Rin for hitting the kitsune in the face with said ball. His brother's voice was gruff but, held no anger as he told them brother and sisters did not fight. Sesshoumaru smiled ever so slightly at the remark being he and Inuyasha had always fought one another.

As the sun was setting he observed Inuyasha actually playing with the children. In the garden running around grabbing into the air was Rin, Shippou, Kohaku and Inuyasha. They were attempting to catch lighting bugs.

His brother did not act like he was much older then the children he cared for and in reality he really wasn't in youkai standards. Not counting the fifty years he had spent sealed, being as he didn't age they did not count, Inuyasha was only 23-years old. He was in adolescence but, would not reach full maturity till around 150-years old. He had been old enough to take a mate at 20, when his miko had been taken from him but, it was considered very young to do so.

As infants youkais matured quickly as to beable to protect themselves. His brother would have been no different. Learning to walk around nine months, his teeth and claws strong enough to help protect him by a year and a half. After a youkai could care for it's self around age five it could survive on its own. By age 14, a higher youkai would appear as a full grown human adult.

The kitsune had shown that, over the past year he had grown in height that he now stood about five foot. By the time a youkai reached 150-years old they would be fully matured. Gaining more height and lossing their childish appearance.

For now though the kitsune as well as his brother were still very pup like, as their antics proved. Sesshoumaru figured his brother probably enjoyed his new chance at childhood. As he had heard him say he did not have playmates as a young pup and in fact until his miko had revieved him and become a part of his life he had not played much at all. It seemed that she was the first to play games with him.

After dinner they all gathered around a fire while Inuyasha read to them from the strange books that had been his miko's. He told stories of things that had not happened but, he promised would and recounted wonderous sights he had seen in the world beyond the well.

As all seperated for the night Sesshoumaru spied Inuyasha making more potion. Walking to him Sesshoumaru asked, "does that not make around twenty cups today?"
"Hmmm...." Inuyasha replied from behind his stone cup. "More like twenty-five." He answered putting down the cup. "I'm going to go make wishes on the stars. Would you like to come?"
"No...I am going to research why this potion is not working correctly."
"Alright...I rather look at the stars. I keep on wishing on them but, I guess I must be wishing on someone else's star, I never seem to get what I wish for." Inuyasha told his brother as he left the palace to look at the stars.
' Rin was correct, he is more pup like as the day goes on. This is not how it is suppose to be.' With that Sesshoumaru also turned and went his own way.

End flashback

"So did Sesshoumaru find out why the potion wasn't working?" Kagome asked her friends.
"Yes, Sesshoumaru went to see old Bokusenou and he explained it to him as well as what to do to make the potion work better." Shippou supplied.
"Who is Bokusenou?" Kagome asked having never meet him on their journey.
"He is the old Magnolia tree wizard. He was friends with their father." Shippou explained.
"A Magnolia tree, he understood?" Kagome asked.
"You see Kagome with Inuyasha being a half youkai the potion did not work like it should. His human blood countered it's effects until he ingested large amounts and then it had a drugging effect on him." Miroku explained, "like if one were to drink to much sa-ke."
"So this stuff made him drunk?" Kagome asked wide eyed.
"Not really drunk, you see one of the ingredients for the potion is poppy seeds.." Sango began.
"Poppy seeds!....That's what opium is made from!" Kagome exclaimed.
"Yes...but, they have little effect on youkais." Sango tried again.
"Inuyasha is half human." Kagome reminded them.
"He was loads of fun after you got enough of that stuff in him though." Shippou admitted.
"Shippou!" All his friends reprimanded him.
"Sesshoumaru figured out how to help Inuyasha right?" Kagome asked.
"Inuyasha had to get more control over his youkai blood, bring it closer to the surface so the potion did not have to filter past his human blood which diluted its effects." Miroku explained.
"Get control of his youkai blood? Is that even possible? I mean in the past when it took over he would loose himself to it."
"Sesshoumaru worked with Inuyasha for years till they could train it." Miroku told Kagome.

Flashback to two years after Sesshoumaru's defeat of the serpent youkais.

Flopping back on the ground a very drugged Inuyasha covered his mouth shaking his head, jagged demonic markings were slightly visible on his checks.

"I don't wanna...." he said from behind his hands.

Sesshoumaru sat beside him, stone cup full of potion in his hand. Several other stone cups, all seeping potion awaited Inuyasha. "You must Inuyasha, we are almost there. Your human blood must be made to sleep so the youkai blood can be dominant."
"I can feel my human blood sleeping Sesshoumaru....I feel funny. Do we have to drug my youkai blood so much? I'm getting better at controling it." Inuyasha replied.
"We do not want your youkai blood to feel threatened brother, you can not hold Tetsusaiga while we do this. It is best that it is completely drugged so it is easier for you to control." Sesshoumaru explained.
"I know but, I can bring it this far up without the potion's help and hold Tetsusaiga, isn't it enough?" Inuyasha asked.
"No your youkai markings must be fully visible, that is what Bokusenou said." Sesshoumaru replied.

Sitting up Inuyasha took the cup from his brother, "I've had just about all I can stand of you." Inuyasha told Sesshoumaru, drinking the potion.
"To bad, I am just getting started." Sesshoumaru said as he picked up the next cup and handed it over.

Over at the koi pond a now 16-year old Shippou and Rin were playing follow the leader. Shippou leading jumps on to the bridge handrail. "I'm going to win this time Rin."
Struggling to get onto the handrail Rin replies, "like to see you play in this stupid heavy kimono!"

Sesshoumaru had been showering her with gifts lately and while she did love the attention she could not help but think there was something on her Lord's mind.

He had always provided for her needs in the past until Inu nii-chan and the others had come to take care of her in his absence. True to his word Inuyasha had been her aniki always there, always helping and protecting.

She felt bad for her Inu nii-chan, he had suffered so long with the sickness and while the potion did eventually calm him, it made him at constant extremes. One moment angry and shaky then the next calm and child like. She only hoped her Lord Sesshoumaru could help.

As she continued her walk across the handrail Rin felt her self slipping. She tried to hold her balance as this side of the koi pond was full of rocks but, she could not. Frightened she called out to the one who she had come to depend on, "Inu nii-chan!"

Before her kimono could even touch the water she felt her self secured in the embrace of her Inu nii-chan. As he set her down his scowling pout was the first thing she seen.
' He's not it comes.' She closed her eyes.
"How many times have I told you pups not to walk on the handrail?" A very calm voice asked.

Shocked by not getting yelled at, especially this early in the day, Rin looked back up at Inuyasha when she noticed his demonic jagged stripes for the first time were clearly visible.
"Inu nii-chan, your face." Rin said breathlessly.
"What about my face pup?" A much to calm Inuyasha asked.

This calmness only went to infuriate Rin, this was not what she was use to. "Go fucking look at your face!"
Coming behind his brother and hearing Rin's choice of wording Sesshoumaru spoke, "Rin a lady should not use such language."
Shaking her head she grabbed her adopted brother's face to show Sesshoumaru, "look at him!"
"It would appear brother you have finally done it." Sesshoumaru told his brother.

End flashback.

Wow, so Inuyasha has control of his youkai blood..does that make him a youkai instead of a hanyou?" Kagome asked amazed at what Inuyasha was able to accomplish.
"No, he is still hanyou." Miroku told her, "still has his human time on the night of the new moon and still needs Tetsusaiga to keep from losing control if his life were ever in danger."

"He reminds me of the time we were stuck in that rock oni Kagome," Shippou supplied, meaning a trap Naraku had set up. "He hasn't forgotten himself or lost his human heart or soul. After he was able to keep his youkai blood calm without the potion's help he was able to cut his self back to only three cups of that potion a day." Shippou finished.

"That's great, I'm really happy for Inuyasha." Kagome said, 'see Inuyasha you didn't need that stupid jewel after all.' "So Sesshoumaru and Rin became mates huh?" Kagome asked, she hated to admit it but, listening to them recount their lives had lessened her hurt and anger towards that baka hanyou. "Now mates that's like being married, right?"

"It's much more Kagome. Especially for inu's, they only have one mate until death separates them, then alot of times the surviving mate will die of youkai madness." Shippou explained, "mates are connected by heart, soul and blood."

"I can't believe Sesshoumaru and Rin are mates, so did Rin get a talisment too?" Kagome asked.
"No, being mated gave her the same life span as Sesshoumaru." Sango told her.
"Remember how Inuyasha acted when they mated?" Shippou asked.
"Oh kami, I was sure there was going to be a fight." Miroku said putting his head in his hands as he thought about the event.
"Did Inuyasha think they shouldn't mate?" Kagome asked.
"Rin was 16-years old at the time and while back then she was considered more then old enough, Inuyasha voiced concern of if she was ready. Rin had final say and Inuyasha accepted it." Sango recounted.
"So why almost a fight? I mean Inuyasha was only concerned. Was he a jerk about it?" Kagome asked.
"No, I was talking about the next day." Shippou said.
"Okay, what are you talking about?"
"Allow me Shippou." Miroku said, then he began the tale.

Flashback to the day after Sesshoumaru and Rin's mating ceremony

"What in the seven hells is taking so long, it's been almost a whole day!" Inuyasha yelled as he paced the dining area. "Jaken!"

The toad imp ran to the room, "What!"
"Humph, are you sure they haven't exited the chambers yet?" Inuyasha asked.
"No...they haven't exited yet. What's the problem? A virile demon lord like Sesshoumaru-sama has many needs I'm sure he is having meet." Jaken replied turning to leave.


Inuyasha stood over the toad, his fist recocked as his eyebrow twitched.

"Well, it has been awhile since that happened." A 16-year old Shippou said sitting on the edge of the low table.

"I don't even want to think about what's going on between those two! I've had it damn it, I'm going up!" Inuyasha stomped out of the room to the kitchen area.

"He's not going to their bed chamber, is he?" A now 22-year old Kohaku asked fearing for his friend's life.
"We should follow him, perhaps we can stop him before it's to late." Miroku replied as he made his way intending to stop his friend from an early grave.

Inuyasha quickly made his way to his brother's bed chamber, a tray of food in one hand and a large bucket of fresh drinking water in the other. Before anyone could catch him he stood before the chamber banging on the frame.

Sesshoumaru appeared from the chamber in only his hakama. "You dare to interrupt this Sesshoumaru while he bonds with his choosen mate?"

With a slight bow of his head Inuyasha began to speak to his brother. "Sesshoumaru, you do remember your choosen one is human? I have brought a tray of bread and fruit for Rin as well as fresh drinking water."
"Do you challange that I know not what is best for my mate?" Sesshoumaru asked with narrowing eyes.

There it was, what they had hoped to stop. Miroku, Sango, Kohaku, Shippou and even Jaken had hidden around the corner, they were to late.

Inuyasha began to growl before he realized what he was doing. His brother and he had gotten along well since he came for him but, for some reason this had been hard for Inuyasha. He knew it had to do with the fact he had tended to Rin's almost every need for the past three years. Sesshoumaru had only provided protection and material needs for the girl until Inuyasha and his pack had come to stay and only after she had come of age had he showed interest in her again.

Quieting his growl he answered his brother, ", I do not challange you." He bowed his head, "you are Taiyoukai...beyond that you are Rin's choosen mate. Just as we are brothers can you not accept that I am Rin's aniki?" He handed the tray to his brother and sat the bucket in the doorway at Sesshoumaru's feet. "I'm not saying you don't know what your doing with your mate but, I am half human, I was raised by a human and I have lived with humans. Can you not admit that I might know a little more about human needs then you?" Inuyasha turned to leave then said over his shoulder, "fuck Sesshoumaru what kind of aniki would I be if I wasn't standing here?" His mission to insure Rin had food that would not easily spoil and fresh water completed Inuyasha quietly walked away.

Shocked by not only his brother's control but, also his concern and candor on the issue Sesshoumaru admitted to his self that his brother had won that battle.

End flashback

Wow Inuyasha did that? He has really changed." Kagome said shocked that Inuyasha could hold his temper so well.
"You have to understand Kagome, Inuyasha continued to take the calming potion everyday until a couple of years after he was named Taiyoukai of the Americas." Miroku said, "in fact he would probably still be using it had he not became friends with Mankee."
"Who's Mankee?"
"You will get to meet him soon, he is currently with Inuyasha at Sesshoumaru's estate." Miroku assured her.

Kagome sighed deeply, the anger and pain she had felt at Inuyasha's refusal to see her had subsided, replaced by her concern for him. ' He really has suffered alot hasn't he?' With renewed determination she said. "Fine, I'm not as angery anymore but, if he thinks I'm just going to sit here and wait on him, he has another thing coming. Take me to him, now."

A/N: As i promised my reviewers who give their emails in their reviews here is chapter 14 on monday, sorry i know its late but, it is still monday! I will not be able to update for a couple of days as i must tend to my father who is being schedualed for surgery, i have currently been tending to his home health care and now must deal with his readmittance to a hospital an hour and half away. Do not fear I am not stopping this story, life just demands more of my attention at the moment. Chapter 15 will hopefully be posted later this week if no unforeseen problems come up. I hope you enjoy the chapter and as always thank you to those who review.

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