InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.
I do claim rights to the original characters that appear in this chapter.

A/N: Thank you to the reviewers from fanfiction, mediaminer, and who privately email me. I not only thank you for your kind words but, also your well wishes to my father. After numerous tests the surgeon decided it is not safe for my father to have surgery as of yet, so we will be doing 3-4weeks more of home health care then more testing and hopefully surgery. Good news for you, I will be up late tending to dad so I will be working on the story. Bad for me, still no sleep! Sorry this chapter took longer to get out but, had a last minute inspiration did a bunch of research and rewrote the entire chapter. Now on with the show!

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Inuyasha refilled his moose cup from the punch bowl. He had went up to his room and got his fire rat haori to wear over his tee shirt, he had always wore it to the yearly celebrations so it felt natural to wear it now. Besides his haori and tee shirt he wore his button fly jeans, moccasins and of course his rosary and anklets. He wore his haori to remind him of Kagome, 'how many times did I give it to her?'

Behind him the party went on. Not only were the Caribbean bird youkais enjoying the festivities but, also Sesshoumaru servant youkais and hanyous. He had been surprised that the tight reigned servants would loosen up and party with them. To see the ones who had always been so worried about protocol and etiquette in the past now drinking and dancing was a wonderful surprise. He had always felt comfortable around the servants in the past even if they had worried about how he acted at times.

Mankee was busy loading up his cd player with more songs. You just never knew what he would play next. Song popular in the Caribbean islands, Native American music, USA Rock and Roll, Country, Blues he had them all.

Taking drink from his cup, Inuyasha realized that Mankee's Planter's Punch had really knocked his senses for a loop. 'Just like he promised.' He knew it wasn't a good to be finding comfort in the alcohol but, he had been without true comfort for so long that he would take what he could. The comfort was only an illusion but, like Kagome's ghost that greeted the day with him he would use the illusory to help him get through the day.

True comfort laid a few miles away. His Kagome, the Kagome he had lost 500-years ago, she was the one who touched every place in his heart and she was only down the road.

He wanted her to be at his side so badly it hurt but, better to hurt himself then her. She had no idea what he had started to do so long ago but, not a day went by that he didn't hate himself for his moment of weakness.

None of them knew what he had done, ashamed he hid the truth away. As punishment he did not allow himself to return to Japan until after Jaken and Myogua had called with news that the journey was over for Kagome. Not once since that day 18-years ago had he permitted himself to look upon her beauty. Now he had to face her. He was torn between his desire to be with her again and his need to punish himself.

Just as he had with Kikyou he would toture himself for what he had done. He wasn't sure which Kagome would be more angry about him putting off seeing her, what he had tried to do or comparing his action towards her to Kikyou. He laughed a humorless laugh at the thought.

Her family had not deserved what he had started to do. Now he only hoped she would ever find it in her heart to forgive and trust him again. He had to see her, he owed her that much. He could not keep the truth from her, he would have to face her and tell his crime.

He had almost ruined everything, just as he always did and no amount of good he had done in her name over the last 500-years would ever make up for it. He took another gulp from his cup to wash away the bad taste of self hatred.

In his heart and soul all he wanted was her. To wrap his arms around her and hold her close, run his clawed fingers through her beautiful silky black locks.

In the deepest part of his soul he prayed to be allowed to touch his lips to hers. In his heart he hoped she would forgive him and return to his side. He would bestow his price to her family and set things right. It was a fleeting dream, no different from the wishes he make on all the stars in the heavans.

His mind told him that when she found out about his crime she would turn away from him. He knew for certain she would disappear from his arms just as she did after the battle with Naraku.

'Maybe it would have been best to let the madness have me.' He knew when she turned away from him he would have his chance to let it take him. ' I'll face her tomorrow, she'll have fun with our friends tonight. Then in the morning I'll go see her.' He thought as he started to make his way back over to Mankee, who was waving for him to join in.

Mankee had taught him to live in the moment. To find happiness in what the day gave you and to deal with the heartache and pain when it faced you. Tonight with his old friend that was what he would do. He made his way through the group of dancing youkais and hanyous to take his place by Mankee as they began moving to the music and he continued to silence the pain in his soul.

Kagome pulled on her jeans and shirt she would wear to go see Inuyasha, her mother had thought she should put something different then what she had been wearing on. They had just finished a light dinner with her family. Souta had been thrilled to meet the people she called friends from her journey beyond the well. He and Shippou had tooken to one another right away and Shippou had even done a little fox magic for him.

Her mother had cautioned her not to be to hard on Inuyasha as he was always a little uncertain of himself. Kagome's mother had been sure that he was probably just worried about how they would take to him being he had aged since they last saw him and they had not. "Tell him that he is always welcome here and as soon as he is ready I'll fix a big dinner for him, you let him know that dear." Her mother always thought a meal and a bath would fix everything. Finally done getting ready she headed out with her friends to Sesshoumaru and Rin's estate on the edge of Tokyo. Coming down the shrine steps she was shocked to see a limo waiting for them but, quickly entered the vehicle with her friends for the trip.

In the limo Kagome worried if she was doing the right thing. Their friends had shown her that life had not been easy for Inuyasha after she was sent home. He had survived as he had all his life but, she had hoped to spare him from more of the life he had lead before they became friends.

She wasn't certain what their relationship was, neither had told the other what they felt. She knew her own heart and knew that all she wanted was a chance to show him just how much she loved him.

Something always got in the way of them sharing their feelings. The first time had been her fault. She wasn't even sure what he had been going to do but, he had moved his face so close to her's she had thought he was going to kiss her. Frightened because she had never been kissed before, she had shoved him away. She had only been 15-years old at the time and it was right after Shippou had joined their group, after the first full moon they had spent together fighting the spider head youkais.
'I wonder how things would have changed if I would have let him kiss me?'

Then Kikyou had been resurrected, things were horrible between them for awhile. Until she made it clear she would not leave his side. Over time Inuyasha acted like she was important to him, unless Kikyou came around.

Kouga had causes alot of problems between them. She never was sure if Inuyasha's problem with Kouga was because he had feelings for her and Kouga declarations made him feel threatened or if Kouga kidnapping her right from under his nose had insulted him to where he couldn't forgive the wolf youkai.

No matter what had stopped them in the end they were both afraid to tell the other how they felt, better safe then sorry.

She was unsure if to believe Miroku, Sango and Shippou. They all seemed so positive that Inuyasha had some undieing love for her and they were soul mates meant to be together. Sure it made her feel great to think her feelings would be returned but, was it her he loved and wanted or Kikyou.

She knew Kikyou had returned to hell with Onigumo's heart, she had seen it with her own eyes. Was the youkai madness Inuyasha had suffered from been caused by her disappearance or Kikyou's?Kagome had watched him approach the crater left by Kikyou, he had seemed to accept it and be at peace so was it her disappearance that had caused him so much pain?

She knew she could run the ideas around forever and never have an answer. The one with all the answers was Inuyasha and she couldn't help but, be nervous about if the answers he had would be the ones she hoped for.

Kagome noticed their ride was over as they pulled up to a beautiful estate. Her friends ushered her into the home to meet with Sesshoumaru and Rin. It had been nice to see others she knew but, in truth the whole meeting had been a blur, she was so anxious about meeting with Inuyasha she really didn't pay attention.

As Sesshoumaru lead them out to where Inuyasha was he cautioned her, "Miko, Inuyasha does not look the same as when you last saw him so be prepared."
"Now Sesshoumaru he is still himself, even if he has grown up some." Rin reminded him.
"True, also avoid his guest the bird youkais. They speak something similar to English but, only Inuyasha can completely translate their language"
"You should watch out for his friend Mankee," Shippou warned, "He makes Miroku look like a honest and pure servant of Budda." That earned him a bop on the head from Miroku.
"Their not as bad as everyone acts like Kagome," Rin whispered to her, "I wish I could get Sesshoumaru to let me go and dance with Inu nii-chan."

That made Kagome smile to remeber how Inuyasha had found peace in taking care of others. As they came down the steps of the house a the sound of a female crying and another offering comfort reached Kagome.

She thought she heard Inuyasha's name and his friend's mention so she broke away for the group to listen at the corner. "Kagome, where are you going?" Sango asked.
Shushing her friend she said, "someone is talking about Inuyasha."
Kagome was quickly joined by the other women, Rin and Sango pressed up against her straining to hear. The men hung back, Shippou sighed, "women." Miroku and Sesshoumaru nodded their agreement.

Tychell, the oldest of the female Caribbean bird youkais, pulled Ezola, the youngest, up to the house of the Great Lord. She had noticed Ezola wasn't in a good mood and when she approached her the young girl was crying. Pulling her away from the noise Tychell was determined to find out what was the girl's problem before Lord Inuyasha noticed. This party, like the yearly celebration, was all about making Lord Inuyasha happy and a crying girl was not going to set well with him.

All Caribbean bird youkais basically looked the same. Dark olive colored skin, straight black hair, and swirled colorful markings on their bodies. The amount of color showed the ranking one was born into, more color the more royal ones family was. Tychell, like Mankee, had a rainbow of colors on her but, Ezola, who's family was lower in class only had red, blue and yellow. They appeared as humans without the help of the concealment spells but, the spells did hid their demonic features like their pointed ears, talon like clawed fingers and the markings.

As they came to the side of the house Tychell asked, "now, what is wrong with ya?"
"It's that damn Mankee," Ezola replied with a pout. "Before we came and on the way here he couldn't keep his hands off Lord Inuyasha is here and Mankee doesn't have a passing glance to spare me." Ezola folded her arms over her ample chest, "That Mankee he is such a whore!"

Kagome, who was just around the corner of the home stiffened, "what did they mean Mankee was a whore and what did it have to do with Inuyasha?"
The rest had also heard and started to try and calm her but, Kagome shushed them all, she wanted to here this.

"Yes Mankee is a whore but, you know that he is completely loyal to our Lord Dog, after all Inuyasha saved our kind from the Spanish and he personally saved Mankee from execution." Tychell told Ezola as she wrapped an arm around her. "Don't worry about Mankee, he won't be with anyone while we are here. Then when we leave he will have time for you again. The only one you'd have to worry about Mankee bedding while in the presents of our Lord Dog would be Lord Dog." Tychell said with a smirk.

Kagome gasped at the statement, she covered her mouth as several unsettling images raced through her mind. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at such a statement about his brother and the group were in varied degrees of shock. Even Miroku was unsettled by the thought of his friend relieving he's self with the flamboyant bird youkai.

Tychell and Ezola shared a laugh at the idea of their Lord Dog and Mankee having anything other then a friend relationship. Even if it was clear Mankee would love to have more with the handsome hanyou, they knew Inuyasha's heart belonged to only one and no one would ever be anything but, a friend in that loyal dog's eyes. Mankee repected Inuyasha and took whatever he was willing to give as Mankee owed his life to the great hanyou savior.

"Ya can't be to angry at Mankee I mean ya got to admit our Lord Dog is mighty good lookin'." Tychell said.
"Ya can say that again...ya know he's got to be one of the god's greatest creatures made." Ezola admitted.
"Mmmm..that's right chicky girl, when the god's made our Lord Dog they stood back and declared 'and he will be known as the other other white meat!' " Tychell remarked, laughter followed not only from the chicky girls but, also the young miko around the corner.
"Besides Ezola our Lord Inuyasha would never have anything other then friendship with Mankee. I swear it's not like Lord Dog couldn't have any female he wanted, even several males would take him up. We all know he is waiting on his little girl he lost." Tychell assured Ezola.
"Mankee said they found her....I don't know about you but, I feel sorry for her. Not that I wouldn't gladly trade her places, hee, hee." Ezola laughed.
Tychell sighed, "Lord Dog be the only virgin man I know of. Gods, he's going to blow her head off when he beds her. I mean he's got 500-years worth to blow, can you imagine?"

Kagome blushed at what the youkais were saying, ' what has Inuyasha been saying about me?' But she was glad that those images that had been going through her mind weren't true. Even Rin and Sango blushed at the statement.

Shippou had enough of this, turning around the corner he let his presence be known. "You two go get Mankee! Tell him Inuyasha's ward wishes to speak to him, now."

Kagome gasped, ' Shippou wasn't lieing when he said Inuyasha raised him.'
Looking over his shoulder at her Shippou asked, "what? I told you he took care of me."

A very sweaty and slightly intoxicated Mankee went towards the house. He knew he was in trouble when Tychell and Ezola had pushed their way to him and pulled him away from the party. They had told him as they pulled that Shippou, Lord Inuyasha's ward wanted to talk to him and was mad. For the life of him he had no idea what he could have done and being dragged away from dancing by his Lord Dog only infuriated him.

He had felt badly for Inuyasha. He always seemed so unsure of himself when it came to his little girl but, Mankee had been excited to spend time with him before their yearly celebration and if his girl was here now who knew if he would still come to the celebration anymore.

Coming around the edge of the house he was faced with not only Shippou but, the Great Lord as well. His mood ruined by having to leave his Dog Man's side he cared not if he insulted them. "Shippou, what's up your ass that you take me from the party man?"
"Mankee, where's Inuyasha? Did you get him drunk? Did he tell you we found his Kagome? Now he is in no condition to meet with her." Shippou rebuked the bird youkai.
Mankee tried to assure his friend's ward, "Shippou he needed it, you know his condition." Mankee waved his hands in a surrendering motion.

Kagome decided it was time to speak up after hear in Mankee talk like something was still wrong with Inuyasha, "Condition? Is something wrong with Inuyasha?"

"Who be this girl?" Mankee asked giving Kagome the once over with a pleased smile.
"This Mankee is Lord Inuyasha's Lady Kagome." Miroku explained.
"This be Lord Dog's little girl? Wow, Mankee always thought he exaggerated when he spoke of your beauty. You little girl are a goddess! No wonder Mankee never stood a chance."
"Thank you," ' I think,' Kagome shivered once again as those images came back. "You said Inuyasha had some kind of condition?" She tried again.

Reaching out and taking Kagome's hand Mankee looked at her with very concerned eyes, he spoke with the same voice a doctor would use if telling someone they were dieing, "the best way
to describe Inuyasha's problem would be," Mankee looked around as if making sure no one would hear, "emotional constipation."
"Insult not the Taiyoukai of the Americas." Sesshoumaru warned.

Mankee had just about had it with his Lord Dog's tight ass brother. He knew Sesshoumaru was the Great Lord but, damn couldn't he let it rest just a bit. He didn't like this Sesshoumaru, he acted like unless Mankee bowed down to Inuyasha he was disrespecting him.

That was the furthest thing from the truth. He owed his very life to Inuyasha, he was his savior first, his lord second and most important his dear friend. Dropping Kagome's hand to turn and face his Lord Dog's brother Mankee began gesturing wildly, making his points to the Great Lord. "Chill Great Taiyoukai man, Mankee means no disrespect to his Lord Dog." Placing his hand over his heart he continued, "Mankee loves his Lord Dog, Mankee would lay down his life for him. He saved not only my life but, the lives of all my people from those damn Spanish humans." Mankee shook his head. "Those Spanish fools came to the islands bringing sickness, death and slavery to the Tainos. Our kinds had lived in peace for hundreds of years and thanks to the Spanish they are gone. My kind were next if it had not been for Inuyasha. No matter what I am his friend and he has come to my people for his celebration for almost 300-years on the anniversary of our freedom to give thanks to all the gods for another year our Lord Dog is closer to his lost love."

Quiet laughter was heard from Kagome. Mankee and Sesshoumaru turned to look at her. "Emotional constipation? Well that's a new way to put it." She said as she shook her head.
"Hee, hee see Inuyasha's girl, she gets it." Mankee retorted to Sesshoumaru.

"So Mankee, what does Inuyasha do when he visits?" Kagome asked, 'maybe this Mankee wasn't so bad but, I can't help to feel like I've meet him before or maybe someone like him.'
Mankee threw an arm around her, "not much little girl. He comes to visit old friends for the week." Mankee continued to paint a picture in words for Kagome, he stretched out his hand as if to show her. "We drink the nectar of the island and dance in the streets. On the last night we sleep on the beach and then greet the day when it rises. In the end we see him off back to his home in the wilderness." Mankee told her.

"Such actions are unbefitting someone of his status." Sesshoumaru remarked.
'Hmmm, I remember when he would say that Inuyasha should act like the lowly creature he was. Time must have really changed things.' Kagome thought.

Turning to face Sesshoumaru, Mankee assured him. "Great Lord, it's not like Mankee ever sent him home screwed blue and tattooed."
"This Sesshoumaru would hope not. We all know he has been waiting for the Miko."
"Me?" Kagome squeaked.
"That's what we've been telling you Kagome. So Mankee what's Inuyasha's problem this time?" Shippou asked.
"The same old same old, he's scared." Mankee supplied.
"What could Inuyasha be afraid of?" Kagome asked as she moved to look Mankee in the eyes again.

Mankee smirked, he like his lord's little girl. She would match him step for step, 'just what he needs, someone who won't let him be. To bad she a little slow like him.' " He only fears one thing my dear, a beautiful little girl named Kagome that he lost 500-years ago."
"Wh, why is he afraid of me?"
"He's afraid you won't love him." Mankee confessed with a shrug.
"Love? Inuyasha loves me?" Kagome could hardly believe her ears, in all the time they had been by one anothers side he had never voiced his feelings but, now it seems he'd tell anyone who was listening.
"Oh, now I remember you were taken from him before he told you." Mankee remarked tapping his finger to his lips. "We have to get you two together, this is stupid." Mankee tilted his head to think of a way to fool his Dog Man. 'Maybe mean but, a hell of lot of fun.' Slapping his fist in his other hand Mankee announced. "I got it, we haven't stole anything from him yet!"
"You steal from Inuyasha?" Kagome asked eyeing Mankee with suspicion. 'What kind of friend is he?'

Grabbing hold of Kagome's arm Mankee pulled her to the grounds were the party was. Veering to the wooded area around the border of the grounds Mankee placed Kagome by a tree, turning to the troop following behind them Mankee instructed them, " you all mingle with the crowd, if Dog Man see's you this might not work."

Turning back to Kagome Mankee smirked deliriously, "this is going to be so good. You just stay here, One of the chicky girls will bring you Dog Man's jacket. Just put it over you so he can't see you, then when he approaches walk away into the woods. When you get him away from everything then let him know it's you!" Mankee jumped up and down clapping his hands like an excited school girl, "this is going to be so good, I can't wait to see his face!"

Kagome nodded in agreement as she watch Inuyasha's friend act like someone from long ago. 'Is it possible for a human to be reincarnated into a youkai?' She wondered, 'he sure does act alot like Jakotsu, except he's friends with Inuyasha.' Kagome shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts. Something were better off not thinking about.

As Mankee jogged away back to the group of dancing youkais and hanyous he parted the crowd so Kagome could get her first view of Inuyasha as he was today.

As Kagome leaned against the tree she noticed Mankee had parted the crowd so she could see Inuyasha as he appeared today. Kagome watched him dance in muted fascination, he had all the grace he had possessed when they hunted shards. She was shocked to see him dance, she didn't think the old Inuyasha would have ever been caught dancing. He was not exactly as he was but,' for him it has been 500-years.' She reminded herself again.

His back was to her and the first thing she noticed was his hair. It was the same silvery white but, where before it reached his waist now it was close to his knee's. He had it drawn up into a high pony tail behind his inu ears and had fixed it into a thick braid. 'Same kawaii ears.' She thought with a smile.

Instead of his fire rat hakama he wore jeans. To her surprise he had shoes on, they appeared to be some type of slipper made from leather.

As he turned with the music she seen his jagged facial markings. It was slightly unsettling to see the markings that had meant he had lost control in the past but, their friends had assured her he was completely in control. That and his actions were not those of someone who did not know friend from foe. He had opened his eyes but, seemed not to see her, they were still golden amber which told her he was in control. His face was still the same only more matured and he was definetly taller. Where she had came to his shoulder she now would come to his lower chest. ' I don't know why he's so worry about me seeing him, it's not like he has changed all that much. I would accept him no matter what. Inuyasha, why do you doubt me?'

Mankee had grabbed Ezola on his way through the crowd and told her his plan, pointing Kagome out to her. She had been very excited to help Inuyasha and his girl get together. Mankee sighed as he made his way to Inuyasha, ' as much as I enjoy our time together Dog Man I'll be so glad to get out of here so I can get chummy with Ezola. Besides you need to get chummy with your little girl too.' As he approached Inuyasha Mankee began dancing by him again and as soon as Inuyasha turned Mankee reached out and disrobed his old friend in a game as old as the celebrations. Taking Inuyasha's red jacket from him Mankee quickly handed it off to Ezola, who ran into the crowd to hid from their Lord Dog. Seeing that Lord Dog wasn't following she made her way to the tree Mankee had pointed out when he told her his plan and handed the jacket off to Dog Man's little girl.
"Here,,,hee, hee, hee..this is so much fun!"
"Thanks," a stunned Kagome answered.
"No problem...we do this to him all the time, he get so mad at us! Quick put it over your head so he doesn't see you!" Ezola instructed helping Kagome put it over her head.

Inuyasha sighed, 'here we go again. Why do they insist on doing this to me?' Looking around he noticed Ezola handing his haori off to another who was standing by the tree line. He couldn't get a good look at the one Ezola had given his haori to because Ezola was blocking his view and now this person had placed his haori over their head.

Walking towards the person with his haori, intending on recovering it so he could continue his evening, he was slightly angered that this person had started walking away with it. He could tell it was a female from its size and legs. Trying to take a sniff he was faced with the fact that Mankee's punch had truely dimmed his senses. "Damn it can't smell a thing, thanks Mankee."

As they continued to walk away from the party Inuyasha had just about had enough. The alcohol in him was not allowing him to walk the straightest. "Ha, ha okay, jokes over....come on enough already...give me back my haori!" Inuyasha was getting highly agitated, he assumed it was one of the chicky girls as no one else would do this to him. "Here chicky, chicky, chicky....give it up!" Finally the figure in front of him stopped, Inuyasha decided the one he was following had given up the game. "Alright now my little chicky, the game's over, give what's mine back." He ordered gruffly.

Slowly Kagome lowered the haori from her head and turned to face him, "you never use to have a problem with me using it Inuyasha."

Time stopped, he forcefully blinked trying to fix the image he was faced with. It wasn't morning and never before had her ghost appeared to him any other time. Rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands he looked again. "I think I've drank to much. Either that or not enough."

Kagome took his haori off and walked towards him holding the haori out. "Here.."

Inuyasha slowly took the haori and dropped it to the ground, he timidly reached for her. "Is it really you? If I touch you, will you disappear?" He horsely whispered to her, his eyes full of conflicting emotions.
"No, it's me Inuyasha." Kagome answered back, she was trying not to break down in front of him. "I'm so sorry the jewel took me away, I didn't want to leave you. Can you forgive me?" She asked as she reached out and took his hand in her's.
Feeling her hand in his was all he could take, using his hanyou speed he reached out and snatched her bringing her up against his chest in a fierce hug. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her to insure she would not get away from him again. "It's really you, your here." Inuyasha heart soar with love and happniess and his soul felt the weight like that of Atlas lift off of him just before he loss consciousness.

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Planter's Punch-An alcoholic drink native to the Caribbean, made from Rum.
Tainos-Native people in Puerto Rico. These Native Indian people were made slaves by the Spanish in the 1500's and basically the race was wiped out; by the Spainish killing them, illness, natural disasters and interracial marriages. Spanish and Africa slaves married the native indians, their true name is not known, Tainos is the name given to them. More info can be found at http(colon)(dbl slash)welcome(dot)topuertorico(dot)org(slash)
Atlas-A Titan, condemned by Zeus to carry the world on his shoulders.
price: this is a chinese custom, where the groom would give gifts to the bride's family based on his families wealth. why inuyasha is following a chinese custom will be covered later.
For any others wanting a time line here you go: Sengoku Jidai-1500's, Inuyasha and group lives 200-years with Sesshoumaru then Inuyasha is named Taiyoukai of the Americas-1700's to present date, on Kagome's side of the well the journey begins in 1996 A.D.(according to the web site I read for manga translations-sengoku-o-togi zoushi), 3-years to the end of journey(in my story) would be 1999A.D.
Hope this helps!

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