InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. The are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.
I do claim rights to the original characters that appear in this chapter.

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It was getting late and all those she knew from Sengoku Jidai and Inuyasha's friend Mankee had tried to wake Inuyasha up.
Mankee had expressed his happiness in his newest drink, "I guess that means my new receipe is a success." His happiness was not well meet by anyone else.
"Are you sure there is no way to wake him?" Rin asked as she leaned over to check on Kagome again, "you doing okay down there Kagome?"
"As well as I can,'" Kaogme's muffled answer came.
"If we can't wake him, how about we try braking his hold on her." Shippou asked as he took hold of Inuyasha's arms.

Inuyasha had just black out and collapsed in the wooded area near the party with Kagome wrapped in his arms and had yet to release her. She had been lucky in that even though he had fell on his side from a standing position, he had wrapped her so tightly next to him that his body had taken the total impact. Kagome couldn't help but, wonder if he did this every year.

They had all tried to break the grip he had on her. Sesshoumaru even offered to use his poison claws to melt Inuyasha's hands if she so wished it. Kagome refused as soon as the offer left his lips. She had the sneaking suspicion that none had tried too hard to help her, 'either they are not trying or Inuyasha has became a lot stronger over the years.' They all seemed too amused at Inuyasha using her as a teddy bear.

He had finally moved but, it was only to pull her closer, 'I didn't think it was possible to get closer.' Kagome musingly thought as Inuyasha nuzzled into her hair. He currently had pulled her body so her upper thighs rested between his legs, much to her embarrassment. His legs were wrapped around hers, the one not by the ground he had cocked up so it rested on her hip and had shoved his foot between her legs. The arm by the ground he had wrapped around her shoulders and twisted his upper arm to cradle her head against his chest. The other arm he wrapped around to her back and down it. He had went as far as to have a lock of her hair in his mouth. Kagome was very amazed at his flexability but, she still had no idea how to get out of his hold. "What now?" Kagome's muffled voice asked.

Snickering Miroku suggested, "Why don't we at least move them some where more comfortable for what ever it is Inuyasha is trying to do to his lady." Sango quickly smacked him acrossed the face, "pervert."
Miroku smiled rubbing the hand print she had left, "only for you my dear Sango, only for you."

Sesshoumaru, Shippou, Miroku and Mankee had each taken a side lifting and carrying them up to the house. Sesshoumaru directed them to the room that had been given to Inuyasha for his stay and they deposited them on his bed.

"If you need anything little girl, you just yell." Mankee instructed.
"Just be specific that you need help Lady Kagome, nonspecific yelling we will ignore so as not to interrupt anything." Miroku suggested earning another smack from Sango.
"How long until he wakes up?" Kagome asked.
"Hard to say, he doesn't usually do this, you must have been to much for him little girl." Mankee answered with a pervert smirk similar to the one Miroku wore.
"Are you sure you'll be all right by yourself with him?" Sango asked her friend, she was very concerned as to how Inuyasha would react when he woke up.
Kagome's murmured, "I think I'll be fine Sango, haven't you all been telling me he's still the Inuyasha I remember?"
Sesshoumaru had been moving everyone out of the room, "the Miko is correct, Inuyasha would never harm his choosen one. Now taiji-ya leave them, so my baka brother might sleep off the effects of the alcohol."
"Go on Sango, I'll be fine." Kagome assured her friend.
"Night Kagome, I'll call your family and let them know you will be staying with us tonight." Sango promised. "Thanks Sango, night."

They all left leaving Kagome and Inuyasha alone. Looking up as best she could with the hold he had on her and around her hair he still held in his mouth she examined him. His face no longer held the same round boyish look it had just a few days ago for her when they had fought Naraku. 'A couple of days and 500-years, both are the same. Hard to believe it.' His face had matured, if he had been human he would have appeared to be in his mid-twenties. It was still his face and those same unruly bangs he always had. Kagome tried her best to wiggle her hands out from between them, she only wished to touch his face but, he had such a strong hold on her there was no way she was doing anything till he awoke. Slowly the warmth of his embrace and the allure of his heart beat was to much for her and she also succumbed to sleep.

As the night wore on the alcohol began to loose it's effects over him, Inuyasha began to awake to a feeling of completion he had not known in a very long time. The first thing he realized was he was no longer at the party or outside but, back in his room in his brother's house. The second thing he noticed was someone's hair was in his mouth and that someone was in his arms. For a moment he worried if it had really been Kagome he seen, his sense of smell still wasn't working. Finally he had the courage to look down. Carefully he used the hand cradling her head to move her so to look into her face and confirmed his hopes that it was indeed Kagome. As he looked her over he was thankful she wasn't awake to see the tears of joy in his eyes. He had quietly whimpered before he could stop himself and he bit his lower lip and hoped he had not woke her. He wanted to talk to her but, just for right now he only wished to look at her and hold her. 'It's her, she hasn't changed one bit.' Pushing her hair out of his mouth with his tongue he smoothed it down with his clawed hand. 'So soft,' he thought as he continued to stroke her hair, 'it's almost like a sweet dream.'

He watched her sleep remembering the times they traveled looking for the shards. He had taken it for granted that he would always be watching over her. 'Boy, was I wrong.' Unable to resist any longer he nuzzled into her hair.

So many things had stood between them before. Naraku's evil had kept everyone from having a life. The gathering of the shards of the cursed Shikon No Tama had started their journey but, in the end it had taken her from him. 'No, nothing but, heartache ever came from that damn jewel.' Kikyou had found peace finally and Kouga was mated to Ayame. ' No one left to come between us, ' he smirked into her hair thinking how he had won out against that damn wimpy wolf. 'No school!' He smiled happily, 'you took your last test to finish high school before the final battal with Naraku.' He didn't know why the idea of no more school made him so happy, 'it was something else that took her away from me.' He reminded himself. ' Nothing left to take you away from me. Nothing will come between us again.' He promised.

Just as he was getting the nerve to kiss her while she slept his conscience reared its ugly head to remind him that what he had tried to do would take her away from him. 'You will never be forgiven, you don't deserve her.' His conscience whispered to him. Fearing it to be true, he tightened his hold on her. ' NO...' he growled to himself, 'I'll fix this. I've got her price, I'll pay for what I tried to do. No one has to know, then she will be one will keep her from one. She belongs to me.' With his plan firmly in place he went back to watching her sleep. He could see the first rays of daylight filtering into the room and he could feel his love begin to stir. Watching her intently he was determined that his eyes would be the first thing that she would see every morning from that morning on.

Slowly Kagome began to wake feeling warm and safe. She cracked an eye open to see the first rays of light coming into the room. 'Morning, wonder if Inuyasha has finally woke up.' Opening her eyes completely she jerked when she was greeted by two golden amber eyes. She noticed he still held her as if she would disappear, 'I guess that is what happened last time he held me.'

Smiling down at her with some unnamed emotion in his eyes he finally broke the silence. "Morning, sleep well?"
"Yes thanks and you? Are you feeling better now?"
"Better then I have in 500-years," he answered with a smile. Loosening his hold just a little he rolled them so he was over top her. His arms on either side of her and his body pressed up next to her. "You didn't give me a chance to say how well you did in the battle with Naraku or to ask you if you'd continue to stay with me." He said inching his face closer to hers.

There it was, what she had been afraid of, he was angry she had left him. It hadn't been her fault or choice but, that didn't matter. "I'm so sorry Inuyasha, I didn't want to leave you." She sobbed out as she gripped his tee shirt. "Can you ever forgive me?"

Shocked by her tears and plea he gasped and drew back from her. 'Why is she sorry? She didn't do anything wrong.' Sighing he smiled a small sad smile to her, taking one of his clawed fingers he placed it to his lips and shushed her leaning back down till the finger that was on his lips was also on hers.

Only his finger seperated their lips and Kagome's heart was pounding as she was flooded by a sudden heat. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. "Shhh....don't cry...." he told her. Never moving he continued to whisper to her. "It's not your fault, we are here together now and that's all that matters," he assured her.
"But, the others told me how alone you felt. I never wanted to leave your side." Kagome said back with tears in her eyes. "It's all my fault,"
"No it's not your fault and it's okay, I carried your smile in my heart and it helped me get past the times my life was low. Besides none of that matters, we're together now that's all I care about."
"Oh Inuyasha..." she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down on her as tears continued to fall. He had moved his hand to beside her head to keep from crushing her with his weight, she had moved her face to the crook of his neck "I was so scared when the jewel lit up and then I was in my era at the bottom of the well. I tried to get back, I really did but, it wouldn't let me. I was sure I'd never see you again." She continued to sob, "I'm just so happy your back, I don't care if you changed alittle, just say your not angry with me."
Inuyasha chuckled lightly at her, "I'm not mad, I just didn't know how you'd react to me? Maybe you were glad to finally be rid of me?"
Shocked at his words Kagome pushed him back gasping, taking in his happy smile she pouted and slapped his arm. "How can you say that? I can't believe I sat around and cry because of you. If you weren't on top of me I'd s-word you."
Shaking his head Inuyasha thought, 'same old Kagome. Still full of fire.' "Okay..sorry, give me a break 500-years can play games with your mind." He said crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue at her.
She laughed at his antics, which was music to his ears that twitched at the sound. "I don't know about you but, I'm hungery. You want a shower before we eat?" He asked rolling off of her and the bed. "A shower, sure but, I don't have anything to change into." She answered getting up as well. "You and Sango are about the same size, I'll go get something from her, the shower is in there and towels are in the cabinet. I'll be right back." He promised heading out the door.

Jogging to Sango and Miroku's room he knock lightly calling to her, "Sango, you up?" Coming out wrapped in a robe Sango was shocked to see Inuyasha up and in such a good mood. "Welcome back to the land of the living. Where's Kagome?"
"Ha, ha very funny. She's taking a shower, got anything she can borrow?"
"Sure just a minute," turning back into the room Sango dug through her bag and produced a change of clothes for Kagome. "Here she'll have to wear her own bra if she wants one." She said handing them over.
"Yeah, I know gave them up in the 60's didn't ya?" Inuyasha smirked at his friend.
"Hey that was a very good decade, besides the decade women received the same rights as men in the United States the 60's were my favorite time." She defended.
"Whatever, like you didn't have the same rights as anyone else with me." Inuyasha huffed crossing his arms with the clothes in them. "See you at breakfast, then we'll go back and see Kagome's family." Running back down the hall to his room he left his friend shaking her head as she went to get ready for the day.

Going back into the room he carefully opened the bathroom door after he made sure the shower was going. Not peeking he said, "it's just me, got you a change of clothes Sango didn't have a bra, so you'll have to use your own, I'm leaving them on the hamper. I'm not peeking!" He promised.
Gasping at having him sneak into the bathroom she was glad the shower curtain wasn't see through. "Thanks...."
"Don't worry," he assured, "I'm shutting the door."
"Okay, hey can you still hear me outside the door?"
"Sure, what ya need." He asked sitting on the floor with his back to the door.
"I was wondering, does your friend Mankee remind you of anyone we meet during the time we gathered the shards?" Kagome asked as she resumed her bath.
Thinking of all the folks he had meet, he came up empty. "No, I don't thing so. Why does he remind you of someone? This is his first time in Japan and he wasn't even alive when we fought Naraku, he's only 491-years old."
"Only?" Kagome asked wide eyed at the thought, 'well I guess Inuyasha is 520-years old so Mankee is probably like a kid to him.' She shook her head sighing, "He kind of reminds me of Jakotsu."
"Jakotsu!" Inuyasha growled out, "that weirdo bastard! Mankee is nothing like him. Jakotsu tried to cut my head off! Mankee has always been a loyal friend, I don't think so!" Crossing his arms he huffed at the idea of Mankee and Jakotsu being anything alike.
"Don't get mad! I didn't mean they were alike I just mean that maybe Mankee is Jakotsu's reincarnation. It's the reincarnation's job to right the wrongs the pervious life did, right? To improve the soul, Jakotsu wrong you and many others in his pervious life, maybe as Mankee he has been given the chance to right his wrong towards you. Mankee has been a good friend, right?"
Inuyasha sighed, he didn't like the idea of Mankee being Jakotsu's reincarnation. Sure both were kind of fruity but, Mankee had been a good friend and Jakotsu had just been, well yuck. Shaking his head, Inuyasha decided that somethings were better left alone. "Doesn't matter if he is or not. Jakotsu was Jakotsu and Mankee is Mankee. Their not the same."

As Kagome finished her shower and began to get ready for the day she thought, 'wish you could have figured that out so easily with me and Kikyou.' Giving the door the evil eye as she finished getting ready for the day. Gathering her things she opened the door to find Inuyasha sitting indian style, as he had always done, guarding the door of the bathroom. "All yours."
Going and gathering his things he was stopped by a knock at the door, it was Sango and Miroku. "We thought we'd walk down to breakfast together."
"Go on Kagome, I'll be right down." Inuyasha promised.
"It's okay, I could wait."
"No, go on. You don't have to wait for me to shower. Won't take me long, promise." Inuyasha said pushing her out of the door. 'Less temptation this way.' He thought as he closed the bedroom door and went to take his shower.

After a quick shower Inuyasha replace his Indiana anklets. They were made from hand carved stones that not long ago he had restrung on elastic cord so he could remove them easily. Crowfoot, the chief of the Siksika tribe had given him the anklets when they had accompanied him back to his estate. He pulled on another pair of button fly jean and replaced his moccasins, finding another tee shirt he had from Shippou he pulled it on and went to grab a brush to fix his hair. Looking at himself in the mirror as he ran the brush through his hair he decided to leave it down, 'for Kagome I'll leave it down.' Skipping down the stairs two at a time he figured it was time to mess with his brother, 'haven't pushed his buttons yet.' He smirked stopping by the pantry area where they had stowed some supplies they had brought with them. Reaching into the refrigerator he grabbed what he had been looking for. Getting a tablespoon as well he headed for the dinning room with a smirk on his face. He couldn't wait to see his brother's face. "Morning.." he said grabbing a chair by Kagome, 'she seems to be enjoying the gathering.'

Around of good mornings were issued by all at the table. Sesshoumaru had his normal chair at the head with Rin at his left, on down was Sango and Miroku. Inuyasha had taken the chair to Sesshoumaru's right, Kagome had left it for him. He noticed Shippou had yet to make it down.

Inuyasha held up his cylinder shaped plastic package, putting the spoon in his mouth while he opened it with a claw. The table fell silent as everyone eyed Inuyasha and his mysterious food. "What's that?" Kagome asked taking a bit of rice. "This?" Inuyasha asked innocently, "raw chocolate chip cookie dough." Inuyasha replied dipping his tablespoon into the dough and taking a large bite. "The breakfast of champions." He remarked with his mouth full.
"Eww, that's gross. How can you eat that?" Rin asked making a face.
Waving his spoon at her Inuyasha replied, "don't knock it, till you've tried it." Then took another bit.
"I see your taste in cuisine has not improved brother." Sesshoumaru remarked taking a sip of tea.
Inuyasha became ramrod straight putting his treat down on the table. He eyed his brother with an emotionless mask, "there is nothing wrong with this Inuyasha's taste in foods dear brother."
Sesshoumaru looked his brother over. "Feh," was Sesshoumaru's simply reply.
Inuyasha broke out in a loopsided fanged grin at his brother's reply and leaned back over his snack.

Kagome just starred at the two brothers in amazement, her jaw slightly dropped. Leaning over Inuyasha took a finger and closed her mouth, "you trying to catch flies or something? Better eat so we can go visit your family." Before she could say anything Shippou entered the room, "so what's for the most important meal of the day." He asked coming up behind Inuyasha and looking over his shoulder. A round of greetings went out to the fox as he leaned over Inuyasha to inspect the morning offerings. "Oooh, coookie dough!" Shippou quickly laid his head on Inuyasha's shoulder to beg for the treat, "ah, ah, ah." Calmly as he continued his strange meal Inuyasha aked, "what do you want runt?"
"Come on...I'm a growin' boy!" Shippou whimpered.
Sighing Inuyasha scooped up a spoon full of dough and shoved it into Shippou's mouth. "Yeah, your growin' alright...into a really big pain in my ass." The words were gruff but, held no bit as Inuyasha shared his treat.

Kagome watched the exchange, she couldn't believe she was sitting there with all of them. She was even happier then she had been in Sengoku Jidai till it occured to her how different it was. 'For me it was only a couple of days, nothing really has changed. For them it's been 500-years. Inuyasha has really changed. He was never like this with Shippou before. He has the life he always deserved...he's accepted by his brother. He has friends and he's even a Taiyoukai now. I'm still just a doopy 18-year old. He said all that matters is us being together but, does he love me or is he just doing like he did with Kikyou? He couldn't give her up and she was dead. It wasn't until she left that he seemed to realize they couldn't be together. Is he doing that to me too? Maybe he doesn't really need me anymore?' Kagome chanced a glance at her hanyou love as he was teasing Shippou by pulling the spoon away from him before he could take a bit.

His sense of smell having returned he could smell Kagome's sadness. Inuyasha turned to see what had caused it and found her staring at her plate. "Kagome, you okay?" He asked eyeing her with concern.
Putting on a fake smile Kagome answered, "never better. So Rin you were saying that you and Sesshoumaru are going to be undergoing fertility treatments to have another baby?"
"Oh yes," Rin replied, "you see while being mated to Sesshoumaru allows me to share his life span it did stop my body from running out of eggs. I never went through menopause because my organ's are basically in a state of agelessness, like Sango thanks to Inu nii-chan's talisment. They have treatments now so women who have problems having babies can have children with help now and they can be used by humans mated to youkais and hanyous who have aged past child bearing age."
"Your going to have another baby?" Inuyasha asked handing his treat to Shippou who went to the seat on the other side of Kagome.
"Well Inu nii-chan it has been 490-years since our last child." Rin reminded him, "I miss being a mom."
"It's not fair," Inuyasha pouted, "I live in Canada now, I won't be able to help out."
"I was hoping to help raise this one brother." Sesshoumaru said, "no need to worry Miko, my brother will make a fine okaasan."
"Sesshoumaru! I hope Taeru isn't around, you promised not to speak of that." Inuyasha reprimanded his brother.
"I never said I wouldn't tease you with it."
"What is Sesshoumaru talking about?" Kagome whispered to Shippou.
"Let me explain Miko," Sesshoumaru began.

Flashback 12-years after Sesshoumaru and Rin had become mate. The last child, of three sons, is now about 2-years old.

An almost 2-year old hanyou pup is heard crying in the palace of Sesshoumaru on the night of a new moon. A human Inuyasha is jogging to the room of Taeru. Pushing the shoji screen back he enters the room. Human Inuyasha walks over to the futon, "hey Taeru, it's okay pup." Picking the young hanyou up he sways back and forth as he walks the pup to use the toilet. Having finished a very sleepy Taeru snuffs, "drink?"
"Sure thing pup." Inuyasha tells him, picking him back up to carry him to the kitchen.

Sesshoumaru had just returned from checking his borders to find a human Inuyasha carrying his youngest son to the kitchen. Silently from the shadows he watches as his brother take care of the pup. 'He will make a fine chichi-ue when his time comes.' Just as human Inuyasha is leaving the dining area to put the pup back to bed Sesshoumaru witnessed Taeru nuzzle into Inuyasha's neck, "okaasan," Taeru says grabbing hand fulls of Inuyasha's black hair. Sesshoumaru raises his eyebrows at hearing his youngest call his brother mother. "Okaasan?" He says as he shakes his head. For his part Inuyasha only patted the pup's back and continued on his way to return Taeru to his bed.

End flashback

"He called you mother?" Kagome asked.
"He was just a pup and it was the first time he had seen me human. He was just confused." Inuyasha insisted.
"Yes, well with you in Canada, Rin and I just might raise our own pup this time." Sesshoumaru said.
"Feh, don't call me when the pup won't sleep at night and Rin needs a rest." Inuyasha huffed crossing his arms. "You all done with breakfast?" He asked eyeing his friends.

When everyone was finished Inuyasha lead Kagome out of the house to wait for their friends so they could head for her families shrine. Exiting the house, Inuyasha turned to Kagome. "Wait here, I'll be right back." He told her as he took off towards the back of the house. Sitting on the stairs, Kagome wondered where he had went off to now.

Going into Sesshoumaru's private garage, Inuyasha spied the moving van. Looking at Sesshoumaru's collection of vehicles he pick out a new Toyota Land Cruiser SUV. Opening the back of the van Inuyasha picked out the best chests from Kagome's 'price' and a couple from the mementos he had saved over the centuries for her. Placing the chests into the back of the SUV he had picked he settled into the driver's seat fixing the seat and mirrors for the drive to the shrine. Pulling out of the garage he noticed Mankee and the girls loading up into one of the limo's, he yelled to his friend, "You heading back to the Island?"
"Yo Dog Man! Glad to see you woke up." Mankee said running up to the vehicle Inuyasha was in.
"Your new receipe was very effective."
"Thanks, we are headed off. You don't need old Mankee right now, you got your little girl. Don't fuck it up okay? She's good for you." Mankee said reaching into the vehicle and giving his old friend a hug.
"I'm going to try and make everything right, I promise old friend." Inuyasha replied hugging Mankee back. "I'll see you at our next celebration, I'll bring Kagome with me."
"We will have the celebration as always my Lord Dog but, maybe you will be to busy with your girl to come dance with Mankee anymore?" Mankee asked with sad eyes.
Smiling Inuyasha patted his friends arm, "we will be there old friend. I would not miss visiting my friends."
"Alright my old friend, till then." Mankee said running back to the limo.

Inuyasha watched his old friend get into the limo and drive away. "Later old friend and thanks." Smiling Inuyasha turned his attention back to what he had been doing, reving the vehicle's engine he took off to pick up Kagome and their friends.

The first thing that alerted Kagome that he was coming was the sound of screeching tires. Pulling up to the stairs and turning off the engine Inuyasha leaned out of the window smiling, "going my way little girl?" He asked waggling his eyebrows at her. Laughing Kagome approached the beautiful grey Toyota, "were did you get this from?" She asked running a finger along the side.
"This?" Inuyasha asked snuggling back into the leather driver's seat and drumming his clawed fingers on the wheel. A fanged smirk lite his face, "Ses...shou...maru's private garage."

The rest of the group exited the house. Miroku and Sango looked like any other young couple in Japan. Blue jeans and tee shirts. Shippou was also decked in causal clothes and moccasins, like the one's Inuyasha wore. Shippou was once again under his concealment spell. His red hair showed he wasn't Japanese but, no one would think him anything but, a normal human tourist. Shippou bounced down the stairs to the SUV, "ooo....we got wheels!" Running around to the passenger side and jumping into the seat Shippou yelled, "I call shot gun!"
"Oi, pups in the back!" Inuyasha told him questuring with his thumb to the back seat.
Huffing Shippou crawled between the front seats to the back pushing his way between Miroku and Sango who had already entered the vehicle. "I ain't no pup, old man! I'm 511-years old."
"You know how to drive Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, "when did you learn?"
"Inuyasha has been driving for almost a hundred years Kagome, he made us go down to Michigan to get one of those Model T cars, when did we get that?" Miroku asked Inuyasha.
"1908 or 09, I believe." Inuyasha said tapping his forehead.

Going around to the passenger side Kagome got in, "I take it I get shot gun, huh?"
"Always," was the simple answer she got. Sneaking a look at him Kagome saw he wore a content smile on his face and his eyes held that unnamed emotion again.

The moment was ruined when Miroku leaned forward smacking Inuyasha in the back of the head. "Forget something?" He asked.
"What the fuck was that for?" Inuyasha asked turning to look at Miroku.
"Look in the mirror baka." Miroku told him.
Looking in the review mirror Inuyasha laughed nervously, "oops, forgot again."
"Forgot what?" Kagome asked.
"Just watch," Inuyasha instructed her. Placing his hand on the rosary she had put on him he closed his eyes and mumbled something. As quickly as he did on the nights of the new moon he changed. In the driver's seat now sat Inuyasha in his human form.
"Wow," was all Kagoem could say. noticing his aura was still the same as when in his hanyou form she asked. "So that's just a disguise, right?"
Smiling Inuyasha replied, "yep I'm still me. Just in disguise, like Shippou." Shaking his head he sighed, "I always forget the dumb thing."
"Why is that, don't you have to use it at your home?" Kagome asked as she examined him.
"Not very often," Inuyasha replied.
"Why is that?"
"Because," Miroku supplied from the back seat, "we live out in the middle of no where."
"Hey, I like living out in the middle of no where!" Shippou said shoving Miroku. Putting his head between the front seats Shippou went on, "it's great at our estate Kagome, it reminds me of Sengoku Jidia. You can stand out in the front yard and pee and no one notices."
Blushing Kagome just blinked at Shippou's information. Leaning towards the steering wheel and around Shippou Inuyasha assured her, "don't worry Kagome, it's not that we live so far away that no one is around. It's just is Shippou is out in the yard peeing there's nothing to notice."
"Hey!" Shippou yelled.
Leaning back Inuyasha started the vehicle so they could get on their way. Making a fist he bopped Shippou in the forehead. "Get out of the hole pup."
"Kagome!" Shippou howled holding his forehead.
"Inu...yasha," Kagome warned.
"Don't sit me, I'm driving!" Inuyasha yelled, his hands gripping the wheel.

In the back Miroku and Sango just laughed. It was so wonderful to have things back the way they should be.

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youkai:demon/ghost/spirit/magical creature
hanyou:half magical creature
taiyoukai:demon lord
shoji:paper sliding screen used to seperate rooms
chichi-ue:father, formal term
Taeru:means brave, to be equal to.
price: after more research i have found this term to refer to the money given by a groom to the bride's
family.this is a chinese marriage custom. the amount given is based on the wealth of the
groom's family. why inuyasha is using a chinese custom will be covered later.

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