InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

Warning: In this chapter the death of an original character (NOT AN INUYASHA CHARACTER) will be talked about in detail, if this is something you are not comfortable with do not read. The rated R version can be read at the following web site: http(colon)(dbl slash)www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net(slash)s(slash)2276808(slash)1(slash). Thank you

Rouyokan made his way to Kouga's house as quickly as he could. Kouga had went back to his house earlier in the day, Toutousai had came out to Rouyokan's office and told him Inuyasha had called and sent the ookami packing with his tail between his legs back to his mate. Rouyokan gave a little snicker at the thougtht of their lord giving mating advise, especially when he never had one before. Sighing he had to admit it wasn't like he had one either.

Lord Inuyasha had many chances for mates over the years but, seemed almost sickened by females advances towards him. Rouyokan understood, the inu youkai took a mate for life and with Lord Inuyasha having already found his soul mate any others just disgusted him. Other youkai and hanyou lords under him found his coldness towards female advances unsettling at times but, after meeting with the Great Lord Sesshoumaru and dealing with his coldness most just figured it was the way of their kind. ''Won't they all be surprised when Lord Inuyasha shows up with his soul mate.' Rouyokan thought as he approached the ookami's housing.

Inuyasha had asked them all to come help in the Americas when he received his appointment. Rouyokan for one was more then happy to be in service to the Inu No Taisho family once again, even if it was the youngest son. He had to admit Lord Inuyasha was much easier to deal with then Lord Seshoumaru and Lord Inuyasha did remind him of the late Inu No Taisho alot.

Japan had been a wonderful home but, as the years went by the number of humans increased and the amount of wilderness decreased alot of the youkai kind had come to feel the need to leave. In the Americas, even at this time, there was still untouched areas of wilderness. Just what those with youkai blood liked.

Passing several houses Rouyokan continued to make his way to Kouga's home. It was funny when he thought about it, Kouga and Inuyasha had been rivals for Inuyasha's soul mate, the miko Kagome in the past. When Inuyasha received his post Kouga was the first one he had approached to get followers. Kouga had at first balked at the idea of serving under Inuyasha but, the decreasing lands had made times hard for his pack and he soon relented and joined the group. Inuyasha and Kouga still had disagreements and insulted one another like their was no tomorrow but, in the end Rouyokan knew they were pack and nothing seperated pack.

Finally making it to Kouga's home he raised his hand to knock only to be stopped by the sight of Kouga running from his mate who was chasing him with a cast iron skillet. Shaking his head at the two ookami's he wished he had time to enjoy the show but, the problem at hand was too important to wait.


Inside the home Kouga heard the knock at the door, he only hoped he could talk Ayame into stopping long enough for him to answer it. "Please Ayame, I said I was sorry. Look someone's at the door."
"Good, they can help me bury you when I'm done beating your brains out, you liar!" She said lunging at him.
"For the love of pete, would you just listen. I told you I didn't know that tape was what it was. Sango said it was a dance instruction video. We were going to take you girls to the dance as a surprise. It was an accident, okay." Kouga tried again dodging his mate.
"That really isn't the issue Kouga, I came to you to talk before I called Inuyasha and you lied to me. You could have explained it before but, you and your damn pride just tried to cover it up." Ayame yelled at him.


"Ayame, now I'm your mate and I'm trying to make this right but, someone is at the door." Chancing a quick glance Kouga saw Rouyokan jumping up and down waving his arms to get his attention. "Look it's Rouyokan, Inuyasha still left me in charge and if Rouyokan is here then I got things to attend to. You can beat me over the head later." Making a dash for the door, Kouga just made it out as Ayame sent the skillet flying at the back of his head nailing him squarely. Kouga fell landing hunched over holding his head cursing. Rouyokan leaned over examining his bump and commented, "Ayame hasn't lost her aim or her throw over the years has she?" Looking up at the large youkai Kouga said, "shut up and help me up." As he struggled to his feet he asked, "what's going on? Not that I'm not glad to get out of there but, it's not like you to leave your office before the end of the day." Helping the ookami to his feet Rouyokan replied, "we got problems, come on back to the estate and I'll fill you in. I'm afraid you are going to have to call Inuyasha on this one."

As two youkais headed back to the estate Rouyokan filled Kouga in on the call he received and it was decided quickly that there was no way this was a job for them. No matter how much neither wanted to call Inuyasha and distrub him while he was with his future mate they knew they had to. "Inuyasha is going to shit when I tell him this one, he hates the Chupacabra. Not that I blame him their nothing but, trouble." Kouga said as they entered Inuyasha house.
"I know, the Thunder Birds and Chupacabra have been fighting now for awhile. This is just outrageous though." Rouyakan answered as they entered Inuyasha's private den to use the phone.
"Might as well get this over with." Kouga said as he dialed Inuyasha's cell phone.

Across the Pacific Ocean in Japan at the estate of Sesshoumaru


"Oops, I'm going off here." Inuyasha fumbled with his cell phone as it startled him out of his thoughts.
"That sounds like a private matter to me." Miroku chuckled.
"You damn pervert, you'll never change will ya?" Inuyasha said shaking his head at his friend as he retrived his phone. "Hello, are you mangy wolf, you and Ayame kiss and make up yet?"
"Trying Inuyasha, it would be easier to kiss her if she wasn't throwing skillets at me." Kouga told him.
Laughing Inuyasha tried to continue to listen to what Kouga was saying.
"Inuyasha is the rest of the guys there with you?" Kouga asked.
Noticing the ookami's serious tone Inuyasha stopped his laughter to attend to his call. "Yes, what's wrong Kouga?"
"We got an issue here, Inuyasha. You'll have to relay the information to the others." Kouga began when Inuyasha cut him off. "Wait a minute, hang up and on the in house line under number one is Sesshoumaru's private number on speed dial. Call back on speaker and I'll have him put you on speaker to tell us all at once. Give us about five minutes so we can get Sango up here." Inuyasha instructed.
"Right, I'll call back in five." Kouga hung up turning to Rouyokan he asked, "get me all the information you got so I can relay it to them. You got five minutes."
"I'm on it!" Rouyokan yelled running out of the room to head for his office to retrieve the information needed.

Back at Sesshoumaru's estate in Japan

Inuyasha turned to his friends and brother. "Sesshoumaru do you have access to your private line in this room with speaker?" "Yes brother I do, is there a problem?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Looks like it." Turning to Miroku he said, "I can't believe I'm saying this but, go to the whirlpool room and get Sango, let her know she's needed up here. We have an issue back home."
With a leacherous smile Miroku stood up and saluted Inuyasha, "yes sir, any thing to serve you."
"Yea, yea specially if it has to do with Sango bathing right? Oi, don't look at Kagome!" Inuyasha added.
"What's going on Inuyasha?" Shippou asked.
"Don't know but, we will soon." Inuyasha told him, going into Taiyoukai mode. "Got your lap top?"
"In my room." Shippou replied.
"Get it."
As Shippou rushed out of the room Miroku walked back followed by the girls who were giving him the evil eye. Raising an eyebrow at the monk Inuyasha decided he would deal with him later. Shippou was soon back in with his lap top ready to record the information they would be receiving from Kouga. The ladies were all wearing cover-ups over their bathing suits and barely dried.

Rin went over by Sesshoumaru looking at him with questioning eyes, he looked back at her and only blinked. Rin seemed to understand immediately and quietly gave her attention towards Inuyasha.

Sango had taken a seat on the couch and Miroku sat next to her, she squeezed his hand and the shared a soft look between them.

Inuyasha wondered if he and Kagome would ever be like the others. Turning to look at Kagome, she had taken a seat on the couch by Sango. She had her hands folding in her lap but, her attention was completely on him. Slightly shocked by her attention Inuyasha looked deeply into her eyes as she smiled at him. In her eyes he seen what he had not had in the last 500-years, she was supporting him completely. At that moment he knew no matter what she would be his strength once again. He returned her smile with a slight blush as the Sesshoumaru's line rang.


"That's Kouga, Sesshoumaru will you put him on speaker?" Inuyasha requested as his brother pushed a few buttons. Soon Kouga's voice came over the phone. "Is this damn thing working? Hello, dog turd you there?"
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrown at the ookami youkai's choice in greetings, personally he would never be able to deal with Inuyasha's subordinates as his own. The first time the ookami would have called him anything but, lord or master he would have given him a taste of his whip or claws. "This is Great Lord Sesshoumaru, yes we hear you." The unmentioned threat was there and all kept quiet.
"Sorry..." Kouga rubbed his face with his hand, he couldn't win for loosing today.
Finding some compassion for his liaison Inuyasha spoke, "were all here Kouga. What is this issue you two got?"
"Inuyasha? You ain't going to believe this shit. Rouyokan got a call from the Thunder Bird Tribe, they were contacted by a reptilian hanyou in the area of the...Rouyokan, what's the area again?"
Looking at the printed report Rouyokan took over the statics, "in the area of the Chihuahuan Desert. It's a desert region in North America, it extends from southeastern New Mexico and western Texas, south to Mexico."
"Any way it seems, a reptilian hanyou was returning home from visiting family and came acrossed the corpse of a Thunder Bird. In it's true form." Kouga said as old Toutousai entered the den to see what was going on.

Inuyasha grimace and hissed through his clentched teeth, this wasn't good. Those with youkai blood were not suppose to reveal themselves except in areas designated as without visaul restrictions. "Is Chihuahuan Desert a designated area?"
Inuyasha question was meet with a shuffling of papers, finally Rouyokan spoke, "it is a free reign area but, visual restrictions are only lifted at night."
Taking in the information Inuyasha asked, "any idea when the bird died?"
"It is estimated sometime around twelve a.m." Rouyokan supplied.
Sighing Inuyasha rubbed his face with his hand, at least he wasn't going to have to get on to the Thunder Bird's about disobeying directives, out of all the New World spirits the Thunder Birds had been very good to him. "Was the body seen by any unauthorized human?" That was the next issue, if any humans that were not aware of the youkai and hanyou population that lived along side of them had seen the body it could mean loads of problems.
Kouga replied, "no, we were lucky in the reptilian had a cell phone on him and called the local branch of spiritual beings and got the correct agencies involved before the body was discovered by any unauthorized humans."
Pacing slightly taking in all the information Inuyasha thought, 'okay this isn't so bad. I'll need to send my regrets to the tribe but, no real harm done.' "So what's the issue then Kouga?"
"Inuyasha, maybe I should send you pictures of the body. I'm faxing over now.." Kouga replied, there was no way he wanted to break this to Inuyasha. Everyone knew how Inuyasha felt about the Chupacabra. He handed the pictures to Toutousai who sent them through the fax.

"Kouga, believe it or not I really don't feel like looking at pictures of a dead body." Inuyasha began only to be cut off by Miroku, who had ran to Sesshoumaru's study to retreive the fax.
"In the name of all the kamis." Miroku said before mumbling a prayer and handing the faxed photos to Inuyasha

One look at the pictures of the body of the Thunder Bird told Inuyasha what his liaisons wouldn't. The body of the Thunder Bird was sprawled out in all its glory, they were truly beautiful creatures in their natural forms. The Thunder Birds were beautiful elemental spirits, controling the rains, thunder and lighting. In their natural forms they looked like large eagals. In their human forms they took on the look of a Native American human. The body was in it's natural form but, was that of a young one probably not long out of adolescent for it was not at full size.

What distrubed Inuyasha was the fact that the young spirit had been murdered in the Chupacabra's ritualistic way, he knew the signs. He had dealt with this before but, not for along time. There was no blood on the corpus or around it, the round holes that went through the spirit showed were the blood had went. Another set of pictures showed that with surgical precision certain organs had been removed for the spirit.

"Chupacabra..." Inuyasha shuddered as he passed the pictures to Shippou. There was no doubt what had caused this spirits death but, why now. The last time Inuyasha had to deal with such a thing between spirits in the Americas was between the late 1800's till the early 1900's. That was the last time he had to really fight, to take the life of another. He had posted regulations after that to try and control the wild spirits that roamed the Americas. No more killing between the groups, separate land areas, all spirits had to use their concealments and fit in to the human population, no human killing. Now after a hundred years it looked like his was in for another battle of the wills. He only hoped this time it didn't come down to the fight it had last time. He did notice though that unlike last time when he didn't really want to fight because Kagome wasn't by his side, he just didn't want to have to leave her to deal with this.

Inuyasha had been unaware that Kagome had gotten out of her seat and approached him till she touched him, surprised he flinched away at first only to be meet by her concerned eyes. Relaxing when he realized it was her he quickly reached out and took her hand and the support she was offering with a slight smile.

At first Kagome thought she had over stepped her boundaries with him when he flinched away and had went to return to the couch but, he had grabbed her hands to quickly to allow her to move away and smiled, she knew she had just surprised him. "What are these Chupacabra?" Kaogme asked quietly. Before Inuyasha could answer the cocky voice of Kouga was heard again. "Hey, is that my women I hear?"
Kagome drew her hand back like it was on fire when she heard the growl that reverberated through Inuyasha. 'Oh no, this has got to be bad karma or something. First Shippou acting up now Kouga.'

Turning to face the phone, Inuyasha stalked up to it and leaned over to speak directly into the speaker. He used a voice Kagome had heard before but, didn't hold promise of any good. His deep savage demon side's rough voice asked "What. Did. You. Say." He asked as his eyes flashed, grasping hold of his concealed Tetsuiaga to hold back the demon that wanted out. Inuyasha tried to keep control but, hearing Kouga voice that long ago claim was enough to drive him over the edge.

Rouyokan knew this wasn't good when Kouga looked at him with that oh shit look. They had all heard that voice before over the years and also knew they didn't want to know what would happen if they didn't appease him. Kouga knew he had screwed up when he heard Inuyasha use that voice, he really hadn't meant any thing by it, it had just slipped out when he heard Kagome's voice. He couldn't believe Inuyasha had lost it so quickly over such a little comment. The two had always took jabs at one another, 'what's going on that his so overprotective of his claim now?'

Toutousai shivered at the voice of Inuyasha fighting with his demon blood, he had seen the change before in the past and knew what he could do. Poor Rouyokan was running around the room looking for a good hiding spot, even though Inuyasha was in Japan he still could scare the hell out of Rouyokan. Knowing how to fix the problem Toutousai grabbed the solid brass lamp beside him and reached out to grab Rouyokan on his next lap past. Silently Toutousai handed the lamp to Rouyokan and pointed to Kouga's head.

Knowing he had to save his friend Rouyokan reached over and wacked Kouga over the head to knock him out. Bowing to the phone he spoke, "a thousand pardon's Lord Inuyasha. Please forgive Kouga, the last skillet Ayame hit him with knock something loose I think."

Having heard the sounds of Kouga begin stuck and hitting the floor Inuyasha cocked his head to the side looking at the phone stunned. "Rouyokan, did you just knock him out?" Inuyasha asked his voice having turned back to normal.
"Why yes my lord."
Laughing Inuyasha asked, "with what?"
Hoping he had done the right thing when he heard his lord laugh Rouyokan answered, "the brass lamp. It's okay I don't believe its dented to bad, my lord."
Clearing his throat Inuyasha praised his liaison, "thank you Rouyokan. You have done well."
Hearing his lord's praise Rouyokan smiled and bowed, "thank you my lord. My lord, what do we do about this?"
Sighing Inuyasha replied, "let the Thunder Bird's Know I've been contacted on the issue and I'll be in contact shortly. Give us some time to figure this out, I'll be back in touch shortly. Find out what group of Chupacabra where in that area last night. Oh and Rouyokan, Get the servants to help you with dumb ass there and have some duck tape ready the next time we talk."
"Of course my lord." Rouyokan replied hanging up. Shaking his head at his friend as he picked him up he remarked. "Thanks for the help Toutousai. How did you know that would pacify Lord Inuyasha?"
The old youkai smiled, "oh I just know how Inuyasha is. There is nothing to improve his mood like smacking someone in the head. Trust me I know, he has smacked me enough over the years. Just drop Kouga on the couch over there and go do your work, I'll watch him."
Depositing Kouga on the couch Rouyokan headed out to his office. Looking over at the ookami youkai Toutousai said, "you better watch what your doing Kouga or you two will end up in a fight that will make the ones you had in Sengoku Jidai look like a sparring match in the work out room."

Acrossed the Pacific at the home of Sesshoumaru

Looking back at his friends Inuyasha asked, "any ideas?"
Kagome approached him and asked once again, "who are these Chupacabras?"
"The Chupacabras is one of the youkais or as they are called in the Americas spirits that are native to the Americas. I think they came first from South America. They are hell nasty creatures. They stand around three to six feet tall, depending on their age. Got grey colored skin, fangs, quills on their back and claws. They are ritual killers, they kill their prey by drinking the blood out of them. They use this appendage in their mouth that can go through anything; skin, organs, even bones. Then they inject them with this substance that paralysis their vitcims. Then they suck the blood out of them while they are still alive. They believe drinking the blood of their kills increase their stregnth. The smell is the worse, they stink. Their stench resembles sulfur but, worse." Inuyasha explained, "I hate them."
Butting in Miroku asked, "it's been what a hundred years since we last had to deal with anything like this? Why all of a sudden now?"
From his spot on the coffee table Shippou answered from behind his lap top. "It isn't all of a sudden, remember before we found out about Kagome the Chupacabras and Thunder Birds were fighting over this same free reign land."
"This the same land they were fighting over?" Inuyasha asked.
Shippou continued his computer work as he nodded. "Yep, the Chupacabras said this land was theirs and the Thunder Birds were going on to it. The Thunder Birds were in the right, land is truly free reign."
"So we have an issue of insurgeny." Miroku said laying a hand on Shippou.
"Looks like it." He answered.

Across the Pacific at the estate of Taisho Inuyasha

Rouyokan wished he hadn't of hit Kouga so hard, now he had to call Lord Inuyasha with the news he had received. "Oh, his going to be mad." No sooner then he had entered his office the phones were ringing off the hook. Placing the phone on speaker just as Kouga had done he only hoped his lord was still available.


Answering the phone once again Sesshoumaru spoke, "Taisho Sesshoumaru."
Hearing the Great Lord, Rouyokan spoke. "Great Lord Sesshoumaru-sama, a thousand pardons lord. Is my Lord Taiyoukai of the Americas Inuyasha-sama avalible?"
'Finally a servant that knows how to address a lord.' "Yes, Rouyokan. Do you wish to speak to all or just him?"
"All would be best Great Lord. I have more information about the matter." Rouyokan answered hoping his voice didn't waver as he spoke.
Getting the rooms attention Sesshoumaru said, "Inuyasha, Rouyokan is on the phone again. He has more information for you." Putting the phone back on speaker he said, "speak Rouyokan."
Clearing his throat Rouyokan began. "Lord Inuyasha, when I returned to my office I was contacted by both the Thunder Birds and Chupacabras. The Thunder Birds had found out what group of Chupacabras were in the area of the murder and contacted them. Now the Chupacabras and the Thunder Birds are demanding mediation or they are going to fight."
"What! They know better then to go around me! Damn it that's why I'm Taiyoukai is to keep them from fighting. When?"
"They are asking for mediation as soon as possible." Rouyokan answered.
"Alright, I'll be in touch."
"My lord what about their requests?" Rouyokan asked.
"I said I'd be in touch." Inuyasha yelled.

The girls excused themselves to change clothes, Miroku and Shippou continued to study the data they had while Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru went to Sesshoumaru's private den.
"This is ridiculous!" Inuyasha huffed as he paced around the den. "Why can't those damn Chupacabra's behave themselves."
"Control yourself brother. We all have trouble makers in our domains that we must deal with." Sesshoumaru reminded him as he watched his brother throw yet another tantrum from his spot behind his desk.
"I just get with Kagome and reconnect, now I have to leave to fight with these assholes." Inuyasha threw his hands into the air. Putting his hands down Inuyasha turned to face his brother. "Why am I doing this again? Is it even worth it? I've got Kagome now, I could just step down. You could appoint someone else."
Standing Sesshoumaru questioned, "you would turn your back on your responsiblities? I did not offer the post just to fill your time till you could get your miko brother. I offered because our kind are leaders and I believed I could trust you. Do not make this Sesshoumaru regret his trust in you little brother."
"Alright...alright, I get it. I just didn't want to leave Kagome so soon." Inuyasha relented.
Going to his brothers side Sesshoumaru placed his hand on Inuyasha's shoulder, "Why would you leave your miko? Do you not intend to make her your mate?"
Turning bright red and crossing his arms over his chest Inuyasha said, "what is it with every one? Her family is already picking out china patterns and you got us sharing a room. Damn all of you! I've just about had it."
Smiling ever so slightly at his brother Sesshoumaru answered, "why little brother, I simply figured you would be more then ready to defile the miko by now."
Gasping wide eyed at his brother Inuyasha dropped his arms. Finally coming back to his self Inuyasha shook his head. "Everyone has gone crazy. Just stay out of my love life, thank you. Don't you got some pups to make or something?"
Still smiling at his brothers expense Sesshoumaru retorted, "true but, you are still very entertaining to harass you dear brother."
Rolling his eyes at his brother Inuyasha simply said, "bastard."
"Now what is this about leaving your intended behind?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Her family doesn't want her to leave with me until we decide where we stand in our relationship. They don't feel it's proper for her to go stay with me in Canada when we aren't married." Inuyasha told him drooping his ears.
"That is ridicules, she traveled with you in Sengoku Jidai. What is the difference?"
"About 500-years." Inuyasha replied taking a seat on the edge of Sesshoumaru's desk.
Glaring at his brother for his reply Sesshoumaru reasked, "why do they not wish you two to be together? You said they were accepting of you?"
"It's not like that Sesshoumaru, I can't blame them. I not a kid anymore."
"You could not have proved that the night you were drinking and dancing with that damn bird youkai from the Caribbean."
"Ha, ha. Very funny. Really if you had a daughter would you want in another country with an adult male?" Inuyasha asked.
Sighing Sesshoumaru relented, "very well brother. If you feel it's improper as well then I will back you but, you know what you want. Why do you not follow through?"
Looking up at his brother Inuyasha admitted, "I'm not sure what I want. Sure I've thought about Kagome being my mate, I mean I'm an adult male. I just wanted to give her a chance to reconnect with me. We have been apart for so long and we never even talked about how we each really felt, we still haven't. Do you understand? Quietly he added, "I just...I just...want to go back." Bowing his head to hide behind his bangs.
Having heard his brother's quiet admission Sesshoumaru put his hand on his brother's head. "Back to when you lost her?"
Inuyasha only nodded.
Patting his brother's head Sesshoumaru turned to leave the den. Looking back at his brother sitting on his desk with his eyes hidden under his unruly bangs Sesshoumaru wondered why Inuyasha suddenly look so young again he said. "Your miko will be fine, it is not like you will not be free to return once this matter is cleared up. She is strong and so are you brother. As far as returning to the past the portal of time has not worked for you in 500-years and I for one would not wish to return to Sengoku Jidai."
Looking up to watch his brother leave Inuyasha thought to himself. 'No, don't want to go back in time, even if I could. I just want things to be like they were, when she was always by my side.'
________________________________________ ________________________________________________

youkai: demon/ghost/spirit/magical creature
hanyou: half youkai
ookami: wolf
Taiyoukai: demon lord
inu: dog
Inu No Taisho: dog general, name given when referring to Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha's father
kami: god
Chupacabra: Spanish means the goat sucker
Sengoku Jidai: warring states era

web sites of interests:

http(colon)(dbl slash)www(dot)mysticaluniverse(dot)com(slash)mystical(underscore)creatures( slash)chupacabra(slash)chupacabra(dot)html

http(colon)(dbl slash)www(dot)elchupacabra(dot)com(slash)whatis(dot)htm

http(colon )(dbl slash)www(dot)io(dot)com(slash)~patrik(slash)chupa3.htm

http(colon )(dbl slash)www(dot)tnais(dot)com(slash)home(slash)w(dot)html

http(colon )(dbl slash)www(dot)phoenixarieses(dot)com(slash)phoenix(slash)legends(slash)thun der(dot)htm

http(colon)(dbl slash)www(dot)desertusa(dot)com(slash)glossary(dot)html

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