InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

I do claim rights to any orginial characters that appear in this chapter.


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Reka ushered Kagome from her master's study to take her up to the mistress. Reka smiled 'Inu nii-chan's lady friend seems to have made out alright with the Great Lord.' Reka stopped at the top of the stairs to wait for Kagome to catch up.
"So things go alright?" Reka asked.
Looking up at the kitsune hanyou Kagome nodded. "Yes, Sesshoumaru is going to help me get to Inuyasha."
"That's good..I wondered why you didn't go with him when he left." Reka replied leading the way.
"It's a long story..but, I'm more then ready to be with him now." Kagome answered as they stopped at a door Kagome figured was Rin's.
Reka knocked at the door and waited until she heard Rin's permission to enter, opening the door and motioned for Kagome to enter. Reka whispered to Kagome as she walked past. "Tell Shippou I said hi when you see him." Kagome smiled and promised to do so as she went on in to see Rin.

Rin was still dressed in her bed clothes as she approached Kagome to give her a hug. "How long have you been here?" Rin asked stepping back.
"Awhile, I've been talking to Sesshoumaru." Kagome explained as Rin took her hand and lead her to a small sitting area in the room.
"You've been talking to Sesshoumaru? What about?"
"I finally got time to think about the things we talked about at lunch that day."
"Good, I'm glad you have. Did any of it help?"
"Well, it did help me to remember what I had already decided awhile back." Kagome admitted taking a seat across from Rin.
Rin plopped down in her chair and leaned forward anxiously. "And...and.." Rin said making a come on gesture with her hand.
Kagome smiled at Rin's actions. Rin might have been over 500-years old but, time had not changed who she was. 'Another fact I over looked with Inuyasha. Man I had to be suffering some kind of time traveling jet lag or something.' Kagome was brought from her thoughts by Rin pushing her leg with her foot. "Come on tell me."
"I told Sesshoumaru I figured out that doing things this way was only hurting Inuyasha and I. I want to be with him, even if that means going to Canada."
"Have you told your family?"
"Yes, funny thing is they are fine with it. It's almost like mama knew at some point I would decide to go with him or something like that."
Jumping out of her seat Rin pulled Kagome up as well to hug her while she continued to jump. "This is wonderful, Inu nii-chan is going to be so happy!"

Sesshoumaru had finished making arrangement and was on his way to the bedroom to inform Kagome on them. He smiled softly as he heard his mate through the door squealing and jumping around. 'It takes so little to bring her joy. Her joy is infectious even to me.' Opening the door he witnessed Rin and Kagome jumping around. "Rin, is it wise to engage in such activities after your treatment yesterday?" The stoic lord asked.

Releasing Kagome, Rin rushed to him taking his hand. "Did you call Inuyasha? Is he happy Kagome is coming?"
"I called his assistants. Kagome, I will send the car for you in the morning around ten in the morning. The car will take you to the airport to one of our private planes. From there you will be taken to Inuyasha's airstrip on the outside of his estate grounds. You will be meet by the ookami Kouga. He will take you to Inuyasha. I did not wish to fight with Inuyasha over his strange sense of honor so I will allow you to surprise him."
Hugging her mate Rin smiled up at him. "Your sneaky Sesshoumaru-sama."
Sesshoumaru smiled slightly to his mate. "I am simply unwilling to fight with him over an issue I find useless."
Releasing her mate Rin went to the closet to find some clothes to change into. "Rin what are you doing?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Well I'm getting dressed. Kagome has less then twenty four hours to get packed for her trip. I'm going to go and make sure she has everything she needs to take with her. We will probably need to go shopping too. Kagome do you have luggage?" Rin asked rummaging in the closet.
"Yes, I believe my mother might have some I can use." Kagome replied.
"Rin, should you not be resting after your treatment?" Sesshoumaru voiced his concern again.
"It's alright Rin I can get everything together on my own." Kagome tried, she could tell Sesshoumaru wanted Rin to stay home and she certainly didn't want to get on his bad side.
Rin laid down her clothes on their bed and walked to her mate. "I got a shot in the butt. I don't believe anything beyond avoiding spankings is needed my lord." Rin replied with her hands on her hips.
Sesshoumaru lazily drooped his eyes at his mates antics. "Then this Sesshoumaru shall disregard his instincts and will refrain from doing so. I leave the miko to you to prepare. You might check on her immunizations. They require different ones in Canada." Sesshoumaru reminded as he backed out of the room and shut the door to leave the two women to their plans.

Rin had talked Kagome into shopping for new items after deeming Kagome's wardrobe to not contain enough back woods clothing. Of course Rin had insisted on paying for everything including new luggage just for Kagome. They had also updated some shots that were required in Canada but, were not normally given in Japan. Of course she would need to finish the sets but, Rin's private physician said she could go ahead and enter Canada being the country didn't require any vistitor visa's from visiting Japanese natives.
"If Canada doesn't require a visa then why do I need these shots?" Kagome asked as the doctor administed the first of the shots.
"Look at it this way Kagome, if you live there you will need them in the future anyway. Might as well get them started now." Rin had explain.

The two young women had arrived at Kagome's home in the early evening having the driver help them carry all the new purchases up the stairs to the house and into her room. Kagome had felt sorry for the driver even if Rin assured her the driver was a hanyou and could handle it fine. Kagome still promised the driver she'd try to have herself and the luggage down at the street before he got there in the morning. Rin had swore to her that the plane had a stocked kitchen so she wouldn't need to pack any snacks unless it was just something special she wanted. Rin had made a point to suggest Kagome bring a jacket as well since Canada's weather was cooler then Japan's.

After packing up and putting her luggage by the front door, Kagome spent the rest of the evening with her family. They had a nice evening together and none issued one word against her going to Canada that next day. When morning finally came Kagome meet the day with anticipation. She got up and began getting ready by taking a bath and pulling off the band-aids where she had recieved the shots for her trip. Dressing in a pair of jeans, tee shirt and tennis shoes that Rin had bought her yesterday Kagome remembered Rin's warning that it was cooler in Canada then in Japan and jeans and a jacket were necessary especially in the evening until she got accustom to the weather. Grabbing her jacket Kagome heading down stairs where her family was already up and preparing breakfast. She had a quick meal with her family then they all headed out to help her get her luggage to the street before the promised time. Just as they finished with the last of the luggage the Sesshoumaru's limo pulled up and the same driver from yesterday got out with a smile on his face.
'Guess he's happy he didn't have to deal with all this stuff again.' Kagome thought turning to face her family as the driver placed the luggage in the trunk. "I'll miss you all." Kagome said as she took another look at her family.

Jii-chan stood with his hands cupped behind his back. Souta, her brother, was smiling holding their cat Buyo. Her mother stood with her hands clasped in front of her.
"Bye mama." Kagome said again as her mother reached out and hugged her.
"You follow your heart Kagome. It won't steer you wrong." Her mother whispered to her. "I could never have asked for a better daughter." She added kissing Kagome on her temple. Pushing Kagome back to look at her both women held tears in their eyes.
"Mama..." Kagome began not sure what to say to her mother.
"Alright you better hurry. Your keeping all these folks waiting." Her mother instructed releasing her.
Nodding Kagome stepped back and got into the car saying goodbye again before closing the door and being whisked away. Walking to his mother Souta touched her arm. "You okay mom?"
"Yes, I'm just a little worried about your sister going so far away is all."
"Don't worry mom. She's going to be with Inuyasha. He would never let anything happen to her." Souta assured her.
"Of course, what was I thinking. Inuyasha is such a good boy he won't let anything happen will he?" Mama replied smiling at her son.
"That's right, he's the coolest!" Souta proclaimed.
"Alright enough of this, there are chores that need to be done. Souta I'll be needing your help seeing your sister is gone." Jii-chan announced climbing the stairs.
"Oh, jii-chan." Souta whined following the old man up the stairs. Mama shook her head and smiled as she made to follow also. 'May the kami's be with you both.' Her mother thought taking one more look in the direction her daughter had went.

Kagome had been a little worried about flying in a plane, especially since she never had before. She figured it couldn't be any worse then fly on Kirara and was happily surprised the the ride was very smooth. The take off had been a little rough, the force had pushed her back into the seat but, it wasn't any worse then some of the amusement park rides she had rode before.

Finally after sometime in the air Kagome had inspected the entire plane she could get to and decided to try and speak to the ones flying the plane. Knocked on the cock pit door Kagome was meet by an unconcealed shika youkai at the door and an unconcealed tsuru hanyou piloting the plane.
"Sorry to bother you." Kagome apologized. "I was a little bored and wondered if it would be alright to talk with your?" The two were extremely shocked when the young lady whom they were delivering to the Taiyoukai of the Americas plopped down on the floor between them and attempted to strike up a conversation. The conversation had quickly turned to why she was heading to Canada to see Lord Inuyasha.
"Well Inuyasha and I are old friends, were kind of dating you see and I just got tired of waiting for him to get done with these meetings he has been in so Sesshoumaru and Rin are helping me return to his side." Kagome revealed as her stomach rumbled. "I'm hungry, you guys want me to bring you back a snack too?"
Uyeda and Kano agreed a snack would be appreciated as the strange young women exited the cock pit to get them a snack.
"Can you believe it Kano? Lord Inuyasha has found a female that interest him." Uyeda remarked turning to the tsuru hanyou pilot.
"I can see why the lord would be interest in her, she reminds me of the lord." Kano replied checking some instruments.
"How so Kano?" Uyeda asked checking off items on the flight list.
"She is big hearted and down to earth just like the lord." Kano explained as Kagome knocked on the door again. Uyeda opened the door and Kagome handed the snack she had prepared to them.
"Here you go." She said playing hostess to them. "I going to go take a nap unless there is anything else you need."
"No, go ahead Lady Kagome we shall alert you when we get close to the airstrip." Uyeda promised.
"Thanks..." Kagome replied stiffling a yawn and returned to the passenger compartment.
"I think she will be good for the lord don't you Kano?" Uyeda asked returning to his seat and handing Kano his snack.
"Yes, yes I do and I believe he will be good for her as well Uyeda." Kano replied happily taking his snack from Uyeda.

Kagome spent the remainder of the trip sleeping. Uyeda, the shika youkai co-pilot, came to Kagome and laid his hand on her shoulder to give her a little shake to wake her. "Were about thirty minutes away from Lord Inuyasha's private airstrip. You've got about ten minutes before you'll have to buckle if you want to get freshen up a bit."
"Thanks Uyeda, for waking me. I think I will freshen up a bit." Kagome answered stretching. With a smile the co-pilot was gone. Standing up Kagome reached into her luggage and got her toothbrush, paste, and hair brush. Going into the bathroom she splashed her face with some water and dried off with a towel that was provided in the washroom. Next she brushed her teeth and then moved on to fix her hair. Checking herself in the mirror she grabbed up her stuff and returned to her seat repacking her things in her luggage.

Taking a chance Kagome moved over to looked out the window. She was greeted by the last rays of the sun descending under the horizon. It painted the sky with beautiful colors, at first near the sun was a bright almost white sky. Next it darkened to a light blue that increased in depth of color as you looked higher into the sky only to end in a almost black of night at the top of her vision. Under the plane she could see the different shades of greens and browns of a forest. Kagome was startled by the pilot alerting her over the PA system that she needed to be seated and buckled as they were begining their descent to land. Jumping into her seat Kagome buckled up and tried to control her butterflies she had devolped the closer she got to seeing Inuyasha again.

Kouga had did his best to avoid Inuyasha all day. He didn't want to risk Inuyasha being around when he got the call to go pick up Kagome. Kouga had went immediately and phone Ayame yesterday to inform her on Kagome coming and that he would be picking her up at the airstrip to bring to Inuyasha as a surprise. Ayame had said she would come to the estate so to see Kagome again and help run interference with Inuyasha. As the sun began to set Kouga seen his mate approaching the house. As Kouga approached Ayame asked. "Any word yet?'
"Not yet, the pilot is suppose to call me when they are about twenty minutes out." Kouga explained taking Ayame's hands.
"How goes the mettings any chance they will end soon?" Ayame asked taking a hold of his hands in return.
"No....I think dog breath is right. They are going in circles."
Ayame laught at her mate. "Well maybe things will be better when you know who gets here."
"I hope so, Inuyasha has suffered enough."
Smirking Ayame nudged her mate. "Is that compassion for Inuyasha I hear?"
Nudging her back Kouga smirk back. "Just don't tell Inuyasha. He'l get all hormanal on me." Their conversation was ended by the ringing of Kouga's cell phone. The two ookami youkai stared at one another for a moment. "You going to answer it or do I ?" Ayame asked innocently reaching for his front pocket.
"Gods women you'll be the death of me yet." Kouga answered fumbling in his jeans pocket for his phone. "Yo..." Kouga answered. "I'll right I'm on my way." Ending the call and shutting his phone he noticed Ayame watching him intently.
"Time to collect some sunshine for dog turd." Kouga replied putting his phone away and pulling out Inuyasha's truck keys. "Does he know you have those?" Ayame asked.
"Would I have them if he did? Look just watch out for him, make sure he doesn't leave okay?" Kouga asked leaning forward to kiss his mate. Kissing him back Ayame nodded. "Don't take to long."
Walking towards Inuyasha's truck Kouga causally said over his shoulder. "Right."
Ayame headed on up to the house and took up a seat in the grand room to make sure Inuyasha didn't leave by the front door.

Xipe watched from the corner of the house as Kouga slipped away in Inuyasha's truck to go to the airfield to pick up this human women they were smuggling in under Inuyasha's nose. Smirking at the stroke of luck he had at overhearing the lord's servents and Wovoka talking about it. Xipe went to the back of the house and entered so to avoid the she wolf in the front, as he searched for Inuyasha.

Finding the halfling lord in his study Xipe schooled his looks and being as poliet as possible gently knocked on the door frame of the open door. Inuaysha looked up to find the concealed chupacabra at his door. Sighing Inuyasha wondered. "Haven't you bothered me enough for one day?' Putting down the maps he was studying Inuyasha asked. "Something I can do for you Xipe?"
"No, no I was just confused about something I heard earlier."
"That would be.." Inuyasha began rolling his hand along for him to continue. 'I'm not in the mood for this.'
"Oh it's probably nothing...just isn't your wolf assistant already mated?" Xipe asked scratching his head.
"Yes to Ayame, why?" Inuyasha cautiously asked. 'What is he up too?'
"Oh yes, red haired she wolf right?" Xipe asked nodding.
"Correct. What is this about?"
"It's just that I seen his mate just a moment ago here at the estate but, I over heard him telling Rouyakan he was off to the airfield to fetch a young women for himself." Xipe explained.
"That is strange...there is no one coming in as far as I knew." Inuyasha replied, shifting his eyes back and forth wondering what Kouga was doing now.
"Yes and what was even stranger was that Rouyakan told Kouga he should make sure not to let you catch him with someone named Kagome."
Inuyasha stood so fast he knocked the chair he was sitting in to the floor. "What?" Inuyasha roared moving so quickly he was in front of the chupacabra and had lifted him by his shirt collar before Xipe realized Inuyasha had even moved.
Xipe put his hands up in a surrendering motion. "Please Lord Inuyasha that is just what I overheard."
"Where did you say Kouga was going?" Inuyasha asked his voice cold and devoid of emotion.
Xipe put on a fearful face for the lord. "Th..the airfield..mmy lord." He stuttered shaking slightly.
Growling Inuyasha dropped the chupacabra and ran from the study to the front door. Ayame was there and attempted to stop him but, Inuyasha would not be stopped and pushed her out of his way. Getting outside Inuyasha noticed his truck was missing and growled again in frustration taking off cross country for the airstrip. Behind him Xipe watched from the porch, a deceitful smile on his face as he made to give chase after Inuyasha.

As the plane landed at the airfield the workers there got weighted blocks placed in front of the wheels as soon as the planes engines stopped and got the door open and stairs placed to the opening for the passenger to exit. The workers wasted no time running off to get the fuel truck to refuel the plane for the trip back. Kagome unbuckled and made quick work of getting her luggage out of the overhead compartments and pulling it over to the door. Having finished getting her luggage together Kagome looked out the open door at the surrounding landscape. The airfield was not very big, it was large enough only for one plane at a time to be landing or taking off and had several rounded metal buildings at one end the runway. All around the airstrip's perimeter was encircled by large trees. It appeared like the airstrip had been carved out of the forest. 'No wonder they like living here. This place is similar to what Japan was during Sengoku Jidai.' Kagome thought taking deep breaths of the clean air.

Kagome noticed out the corner of her eye that someone was approaching the plane, turning towards the individual she watched him attentively. 'Is that Kouga?' As the man approached Kagome could make out it was indeed Kouga he was not concealed and didn't seem to have changed all that much. Kagome wondered at first why he was walking around unconcealed and then remembered Inuyasha explaining that they didn't have to at his estate because everyone who worked there had knowledge of what they were. Kouga was taller then he had been but, not as tall as Inuyasha. Kouga's dark brown almost black hair was in a pony tail as he had always wore it but, it was even longer then before.
'What's with demons and long hair. They put us women to shame.' Kagome thought to her self.
Kouga's face she could see seemed to have matured like Inuyasha's but, there was no doubt it was Kouga walking towards her. It was a little strange seeing him dressed in modern clothing instead of his pelts but, the jeans, flannel shirt and boots suited him well.
Leaning out of the plane a little Kagome waved to him. "Kouga!"
'Gods, has it really been 500-years? She's the same as she was the day we defeated Naraku. Oh, Inuyasha how were you able to leave this creature behind?' Kouga smirked at the young women peeking out of the plane then opened his mouth to prove it truly was him. "Yo! Kagome, I thought that was your sweet scent I smelled!" Kouga yelled throwing up a hand to wave at her.
Kagome covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh Kouga." She mumbled trying to stifle a laugh.
"Come on Kagome, hand out your luggage then will get you to dog turd." Kouga said holding out his hand for her to hand him her stuff.
"Inuyasha doesn't mind you calling him that?" Kagome asked handing out her first piece of luggage.
"Are you kidding? For Inuyasha and I it's a term of endearment."
Kagome laughed out right at the wolf youkai reaching for another piece of luggage.

Inuyasha ran as fast as he could pushing his body to its limits. He flung himself from tree to tree through his forest. The trees whipped him as he barreled his way to the airstrip. "So help me if Kouga is there with Kagome I'll kill him." He darkly thought. "If that damn chupacabra lied I'm going to send him to the four winds." In the back of Inuyasha's mind a dark void asked. 'What if she is there. What if you waited too long and she wishes to be with Kouga?' Stopping Inuyasha was shocked to hear the voice of his misery once again, the voice of his madness. "No...I thought I got rid of you."
'For awhile you did but, then you refused to take the one we were waiting for. Now you have lost her again.'
"I haven't..I did things right this time. When you do thigs right you are rewarded not punished."
The dark voice responded. 'Is that right? The the last 500-years was your reward for righting the wrongs Naraku did? You gave vengeance to many yet you were left alone with only me.' The voice taunted.
Shaking his head violently Inuyasha gripped his head in pain as he crouched down growling. "Shut up! I'll show you!" He shouted talking off again for the airfield.

A bit behind him Xipe leaned past a tree to watch the halfling lord fight with himself before taking off again. Smiling Xipe continued taking off again. 'The poor thing. Is all this a little hard for you halfling. Will the strain make you loose your mind? How helpless will you be when I corner you?' Xipe wondered as he continued to follow under his concealment.

Coming to the edge of the tree line Inuyasha saw Kouga taking luggage from his brother's plane and putting it in his truck. Advancing slowly upwind of the wolf he watched how things were playing out before he jumped to any conclusions. Even if his mind was whispering insane thoughts to him.
"Is that the last of it?" Kouga asked as Kagome popped her head out from the plane.
"Yes that's all the luggage." Kagome replied starting to make her way out of the plane.
"Ka..Kagome?" Inuyasha whispered to himself. 'She's here but, why?' He worried as he began walking towards them.

As Kagome was exiting the plane she stepped on her shoe lace and lost her footing. Kagome gasped as she felt herself fall. Seeing the young women slip Kouga reached out and grabbed her waist to steady her. "Careful Kagome!" He warned her picking her up and sitting her on the ground safely.
"Thanks Kouga." Kagome replied feeling embarrassed over her clumsiness.
Kouga smiled at the young girl. 'She still that sweet thing she was when we all hunted Naraku.' Feeling nostalgic for a moment Kouga looked in her eyes and replied. "Anything for you Kagome."
Kagome pulled away from Kouga. She was feeling a little uncomfortable with him holding on to her. He was her friend but, the guy just never seemed to understand about personal space. "Kouga please, you know I love Inuyasha." Kagome said looking down at his hands that were still on her waist.
"What?" Kouga asked looking at her with confusion then followed her line of sight. Pulling his hands away he reached up and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry Kagome, I didn't mean anything by it."
"I know that but, I doubt Inuyasha would." Kagome explained.

Inuyasha's blood boiled in rage as he watched Kouga lift Kagome from the plane then had the balls to hold on to her waist for a few more moments. 'See..see I told you. The wench has abandoned you again. She wishes another.' The black voice in his mind pointed out. Gasping for breath Inuyasha let his misery have a voice so all would know his pain as he threw his head back and wailed Kagome's name. Xipe had just arrived to witness Inuyasha's pain. He licked his lips in anticipation of tasting the halflings despair.

Kagome turned to face whatever it was that was making those inhuman cries. She was shocked to see Inuyasha standing on the runway. He was dressed in the same fashion he was when she last saw him. In jeans, a tee shirt and his moccasins his long silvery white hair pulled back, except for his forlocks and bangs, in a thick braid starting behind his inu ears. Inuyasha had his head thrown back as he cried out, his face looked like he was in pain.

Beside her Kouga gasped when he saw Inuyasha. "Oh shit!" He exclaimed.
Inuyasha stopped his cry and clutched his head in pain. Kagome began to move forward fearing for Inuyasha's well being. Before she could get but a few steps Inuyasha held out his hand to stop her. Righting himself he stared at her with lost eyes. "I'll leave you two alone." Inuyasha said as he fled the airstrip into the surrounding woods.
"Wait Inuyasha..come back!" Kagome yelled starting to run after him. She was stopped by a strange man appearing out of the woods. He was dressed like a business man wearing black pants and a light purle shirt. He certainly didn't look like someone that should be out in the woods. From behind her Kouga reached out and pulled her back growling. "Xipe, what the fuck are you doing out here?"
"Who is this?" Kagome asked looking between Kouga and Xipe.
"This is Lord Xipe of the Northern Chupacabra Tribes. Stay away from him Kagome, he's evil." Kouga replied pushing her behind him and taking a protective stance.
The chupacabra seemed unaffected by Kouga words or actions, he simply smiled at them. "I mean neither of you harm, at this time. I only wished to thank you both."
"Thank us for what?" Kouga growled baring his fangs at the chupacabra.
"Why for showing me Inuyasha's weakness. Who would have thought it was his own mind that would be his undoing." With that Xipe shot off through the woods in the same direction Inuyasha had left.

Inuyasha bursted through the trees and stopped to look around the meadow he had entered. Even in his state of distress he had to admit it was a beautiful and tranquil place. 'It would be a lovely place to sleep..forever.' The dark voice in his mind whispered.
Nodding Inuyasha sank to his knees. "Kagome..." Inuyasha moaned to the early evening sky as fireflies began to dance around him and in the trees, making the trees appear as if they had been strung in lights. The summer weather had been slightly warmer, allowing more fireflies then usual to appear.
'You were given many perfect times to have her. Would you take them? No, you just had to do things your way.' His mind yelled at him.
Staring up at the stars that were just becoming visable in the darking sky Inuyasha asked himself. "When was the perfect time to start forever with her? Because it seemed to take forever just to get here, especially when I wanted to be with her so bad." Slowly a silent tear trailed it's way down his check. "Please gods, you created the world and the stars in the sky. You make the tides flow and the trees grow so can you take back this one night? I know I don't deserve her and I can't blame her if this, cause I traded the love of a life time for my duty. Just please bring her back to me...I'll do anything." Reaching down for Tetsusaiga Inuyasha unsheath and unconcealed his sword holding it in position for seppuku. "Please gods I'm down on my knees, I'll do anything just take back this night." He stopped when his sense of smell was assulted by the stench of sulfur. Laying Tetsusaiga on the ground out to the side of him it transformed back into a rusty katana. "I know your there Xipe!" Inuyasha yelled leaning back to rest his bottom on his legs and feet. "Damn you stink." Inuyasha insulted shaking his head.

Xipe had hoped to reveal himself to Inuyasha face to face but, he knew he had to stop the halfling lord before the honor of gutting the damn dog was taken from him. "For someone in your position you are not very polite." Xipe replied having finished undressing so he could be completely free of the confines the halfling had placed on his people. Walking out into the meadow Xipe stalked around Inuyasha. Careful not to get to close in case he was not as defenseless as he seemed.
"That young women, she was suppose to be yours?"
"Shut up Xipe!" Inuyasha yelled then quietly said, "you will not speak of her." Shaking his head to try and clear the dizzy feeling he was getting. The chupacabra's scent was messing with Inuyasha's senses, overpowering his enhanced sense of smell.
"Of course my lord.." Xipe replied bowing.

Inside his mind Inuyasha was taunted as well. Closing his eyes in pain Inuyasha resumed his war within himself.
'How could you think she would want you?'
"She said she loved me."
'It was a lie.'
"No, Kagome wouldn't lie to me."
'Then why was she in the arms of the wolf?'
Inuyasha whimpered holding his head in pain. "How do I go on without her? How do I live when she was all I was living for?"
'You don't...stop the pain...make it go away.'
"How do I make the pain go away?"
Inuyasha was brought from his fight with himself by Xipe who had been watching and listening to what appeared a one sided argument. "Perhaps I can make the pain stop. Why do something so weak as commit suicide when you could recieve a death at the hands of another?"
Inuyasha watched as the chupacabra stalked around him. Lifting his head to look at the stars again his silence spoke louder then any words as he closed his eyes and spread his arms out like he was a willing sacrifice.
Xipe backed up to gaze at the once proud lord on his knees before him. 'My gods, he makes a beautiful offering.' Not even in his wildest fantasies had Xipe ever hoped for this. 'It's like the sacrifices Kizan spoke of.' Taking a deep breath Xipe promised Inuyasha. "This is a glorious day my Lord Inuyasha. I will remember you like this for all time."
Cracking his eyes to look up into the starlit sky as the firflies danced in and out of his vision Inuyasha sighed. "Whatever, it doesn't matter either you kill me or I'm destroyed by my own mind. The result is the same."

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youkai : demon/spirit/ghost/magical creature
hanyou: half youkai
inu: dog
kitsune: fox
Inu nii-chan: dog brother
ookami: wolf
tsuru: crane (bird)
shika: deer
Uyeda: Japanese means from the rice field
Kano: Japanese means the God of the waters
chupacabra: 'the goat sucker' in Spanish
Xipe: 'the flayed' worshipped in ancient Mexico. Usually depected wearing a flayed human skin as a cloak. From the Nahua religion, Mexican Mythology.
Kizin: Mayan evil god of earthquakes, lives in purpetory. Name means 'stinking one'.
Wovoka: Paiute mystic lived 1856-1932. Took the white man name of Jack Wilson, responsible for teaching the Ghost Dance to other Native Americans. Was considered a great leader by his people.
seppuku: ritual suicide
Sengoku Jidai: warlord era

websites of interest:
http(c olon)(dblslash)www(dot)cic(dot)gc(dot)ca(slash)english(slash)visit(slash)vi sas(dot)html
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http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)vec(dot)ca(slas h)english(slash)9
ask jeeves search engine: seasonal weather for japan and canada
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http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)baby namenetwork(dot)com(slash)baby_names(slash)origin(dot)cfm?origin=Japanese&a mp;gender=Male
http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)burger(dot)com(slash)ffrepc n(dot)htm
(this website has information on firefly sightings in canada)
http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)historycentralusa(dot)com(slash)Am hist1adocuments(dot)htm