InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ 500yrs to wait ❯ chapter 26 ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Blanket disclaimer: I do not claim any rights to Inuyasha or any characters associated with the anime/manga. They are the property of Rumiko Takahahi.

I do claim rights to any original characters in this chapter.


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Kagome sighed as her back rested against the building that covered the old well as she sat thinking about her visit with Rin last week. She had not had time to think about the issues they had talked about. After she had ran into her old school friends at Wacdonalds with Rin they had been occuping her time a lot. It had made for a nice change, to just be an eighteen year old girl and not thinking about what had been happening in her life.

Today though she had the whole day free from her friends and family. Her friends all had jobs for the break between graduating from high school and starting college. Today her friends would all be working, trying to earn some extra money to help buy supplies they would be needing for college life. Kagome had explained to her mother that she really needed time to think and had escaped having to help her jii-chan for the day as well.

She shifted around on the blanket she had laid on the ground to sit on, tugging on her shorts as they rode up on her. Kagome had snuck out before dawn, well before anyone else in the house had made it up to watch the sunrise and try to think. Kagome had noticed she felt more and more depressed lately. Inuyasha had called last night, same as always but, he just semed very subdued. Their conversation had been friendly enough but, his voice seemed to lack the spark it normally did. It worried her a great deal along with the fact that she had caught herself picturing him in her mind's eye lately not as he appeared to her over a month ago but, as she remembered his younger self. That distrubed her a great deal, she had talked to her mother about it and mama had said it was probably due to the fact that Kagome had only been with him for two days as he looked now and had spent three years with him when he was younger so that was how she remembered him best.

That had made Kagome spend the whole night crying. In her room alone she had secretly mourned the boy Inuyasha she had lost to time, that had been last night. Before the sun had risen she got her bath and dressed for the day. Grabbing a breakfast bar, soda and the blanket she had headed outside to hide out behind the well house so she could think about the adult Inuyasha she was now waiting on.

His appearance was not all that different from his boyish looks from before. It was very clear that Sesshoumaru and he would brothers now that they were both adults, not that it wasn't before but, now with his longer hair and demonic facial markings the fact they both must have taken after their father seemed very clear. The demonic facial markings didn't bother her, she had seen him with golden eyes and the markings before. When he had used the Shikon no Tama shard in his sword to give him enough power to free them from the inside of a rock oni that Naraku had captured them in. She had ran to him and given him her purity to keep the jewel from tainting him so he could use the power and still be himself.

Kagome thought of how Sesshoumaru seemed physically unchanged from the past. 'Only his personality has lightened a little. He still has an aura about him. He still is so aristocratic while Inuyasha...well Inuyasha is more free, untamed.' Kagome smiled at that thought. "Untamed..that's nothing new for Inuyasha." Kagome looked around her as the sun began to warm the morning. "He talks more and is more open with his feelings....but, that's not really new either. I just had to catch him alone to get him to open up and he always talked more freely on his human nights with me." Angry at herself Kagome smacked her hands together. "Enough of this, I'm only confusing my self more. I need to do like Rin said. Stop thinking with my head and feel with my heart."

Closing her eyes Kagome let her heart lead her through her thoughts about Inuyasha. First she thought about when she first seen him, sealed on Goshinbuko. She had been shocked to find him there and by his appearance. She smiled as she remembered not being able to resist as she reached up and rubbed his inu ears. She would never forget how she had even then thought him to be handsome. As time went and they began their journey she couldn't help but, find herself drawn to him.

Even if at first he had tried to kill her, thought she had often wondered if he really had been meaning too. She had gotten her answer almost two years into the journey. Inuyasha had been boasting about his aim after they had paid their friend a compliment on his hunting skills. Kagome had slyly remarked that he had missed when he had tried to kill her in the begining. Inuyasha's inu ears had twitched and he had blushed saying he only missed when he did so on purpose. That had been the closest she had come to him admitting that even in the begining he had never truly wanted to harm her.

Of course Kagome couldn't think of Inuyasha in the past without thinking about Kikyou. Inuyasha had loved her so much, even when she was resurrected and lived off the souls of others. 'But, that really is in the past. Kikyou found her peace at Naraku's defeat. I hope she didn't have to stay in hell...she suffered as much as anyone else did at Naraku's hands.' Kagome thought as tears pooled in her eyes for the undead priestess. "Inuyasha said he had long ago let go of Kikyou, after she was avenged and put to rest he had been able to let her go and move on with life. So I guess i can move past that as well."

Kagome left her thoughts about Kikyou to remember the look on Inuyasha's face the day she had told him that she wanted to stay by his side even with Kikyou being a part of it. The look of surprise and another emotion she had never been able to place. He heart tightened when she remembered how she wanted to be by his side. Kagome's thoughts shifted from the far past to just before she had graduated from high school, Kagome let herself get lost in her memories. Inuyasha had just arrived to come to get her, he had been in such a good mood the closer it got to her graduation. He had not even argued about her coming home to take some tests and had even given her extra days to spend with her family. Coming into the kitchen he had noticed the pamplets on the table, his curiosity what it was he picked one up and began thumbing through them. Entering the kitchen mama had found him looking at them and had felt the need to go on and explain the brochures to him. Mama went into great detail all about college, jobs and finding a husband. All the thing she as a mother hoped for her daughter. When Kagome entered the kitchen his anger was bearly contained. Turning to face Kagome he yelled. "Hurry up wench, I'll be waiting by the well!" As he stomped out of the house. Kagome sighed at the memory. Inuyasha had been impossible to live with after that until finally one night she had approached him so to set his mind at easy and attempt to calm the grumpy hanyou before the others took matters into their own hands.

Flashback several weeks before Kagome's graduation from high school, in the Sengoku Jidai era.

The group sat around the camp fire after dinner, they had been searching for Naraku and any shard's that might have been left. They were only a few days away from Kaeda's village, thought it felt like they had been traveling for weeks they were so tired. Kirara and Shippou were curled up already asleep. Poor Kirara was so tired, she had been carring Sango, Miroku and Shippou ever since they left Kaeda's a few days ago. Inuyasha had been going full speed, refusing to stop at all. Inuyasha had been grabbing Kagome up early in the morning and would go all day long. As soon as she would get packed up in the moring Inuyasha would pick her up bridal style and take off full speed not stopping till night time. There had been no way to sit him without getting hurt herself. So Sango, Miroku and Shippou were forced to follow on Kirara transformed, making the mononoke fire cat fly at top speed all day.
"Kagome, might you have any idea what coud be bothering our hanyou friend?" Miroku inquired.
"Yes Kagome, he had been in such a good mood until he returned from your time...did you two fight again?" Sango asked shifting to try and see Inuyasha who had began staying away from the group at night.
"He has been upset ever since he talked to mama but, she had no idea what upset him." Kagome explained. "She said she had been showing him these pamplets she had....on colleges. Oh no."
"What's wrong Kagome? What is colleges?" Sango asked.
"College is schooling you take after you graduate from high school but, unlike high school you can choice if you want to go or not, which one you want to go to and what you would like to study. Mama has been trying to get me to make plans for my future but,...."
"But, what Kagome?" Miroku asked laying his shakujou down and moving closer to the two ladies.
"I just don't feel like my place is there anymore. Does that make sense?"
"Then perhaps Kagome-sama it would be helpful to let Inuyasha know how you feel...I'm sure he is feeling quite vulnerable right now. Maybe if you assure him of your intentions then his mood would improve." Miroku said staring off into the night in the direction Inuyasha had disappeared into earlier.
Taking a deep breath Kagome stood and walked out of camp leaving her friends watching and hoping things would return to normal soon.
"Do you think he'll listen to her houshi?" Sango asked leaning up to watch her friend walk out into the dark hills.
Watching Sango lean up and expose her back side ever so slightly to him. Miroku flexed his hand and reached for her. "We can only hope he will listen to reason Sango my dear."
Sango gasped when she felt the all too familiar stroke on her back side. "He's not the only one who needs to listen to reason houshi." She replied smacking him on the check.

Kagome found him quickly enough. He had not wandered far from the group, only out of their range of sight. She had no doubt he could see them all clearly from his resting place on a near by hill. As her eyes adjusted to the dark she seen him move to sit on his hunches with his back to her. Kagome sighed silently to herself. 'He has to make this difficult doesn't he?' As she went to sit by him. "Inuyasha..what's wrong? You had been in such a good mood until you came to get me. Did something happen?"
Inuyasha turned his head away from her. "Keh." Was her only response from him.
"Please Inuyasha don't shut me out...maybe I can help." Kagome tried again.
Inuyasha turned his to face her, his eyes burned with a fury in them. A fury similar to the look he got when he faced Naraku.
'Kami, his scary like that.' Kagome thought.
In a voice to calm he softly spoke. "You lied."
Inuyasha pushed his face closer to her's. "I said you lied to me! You said when you grad..u..ated you would be done. Now your mother told me you had more! So you. lied. to. me." His eyes burned into hers.
"Inuyasha I didn't lie, when I graduate I'm finished with high school." Kagome tried to explain, pulling back a bit.
"Then what was your mother talking about?" Inuyasha asked moving his face to make up for the distance she had back up.
"She was talking about college...high school is required is a choice."
"A choice? And you choice it over....." He stopped turning his back on her again. "Forget it!"
Reaching out Kagome touched his shoulder only to have him flinch away. 'He's really upset about this. Does he think I'm going to leave?' Moving to sit on her knee's she leaned on his shoulder, his muscles in his shoulder and back tensing up at the contact. "I decided awhile back that since I have now full filled all my obligations in my world I had before we started this's only right I put my efforts into our quest now. I'm not going to college right now..mama would like me too but, I decided my place was your side..if that's alright with you."
Inuyasha listened to her, his eyes and body softening at her reassuring words. Reaching up he touched his hand to her's. "You'll stay?" He asked quietly.
Nodding her head against his shoulder she replied. "If it's alright with you."
"Your mother, she wants you to go to more school?"
"Yes but, maybe what my mother wants isn't what's right for me. I have to do what's right for me Inuyasha. Not always follow what my mother thinks is best. Does that make sense?" She quietly explained to him.
Trying to understand he asked again. "You'd forget about this new schooling? You would stay here?" Inuyasha hid under his bangs. "With me?"
Wrapping her arms around his neck Kagome gave him a hug. "Yes."
"Why, why are you willing to put off the life your mother wants for you? Kagome, are you sure?" Inuyasha asked holding on to her hand. Leaning up more so to lay her cheeck to his Kagome gently rubbed her face to his. "Right here Inuyasha, right here is where I belong." She whispered to him.

End flashback

Kagome opened her eyes and reached up to touch her cheek, it was wet with her tears. 'That's right...I decided before that what my heart wanted was to be with Inuyasha. No matter what mama wanted for me.' Kagome laid her hands acrossed her heart. 'All my heart wants is to be with Inuyasha, no matter where or when that is.' Kagome jumped up and took off towards the house. 'Have I been in that much shock? Not to remember what was in my own heart?' Coming to the front door she entered taking off her shoe's and continued on her run upstairs to fetch Rin's phone number. As she passed the kitchen her mother and grandfather called out to her but, she had no time for them. Getting into her room she quickly located the number on her desk and returned downstairs to use the phone. As she picked up the phone her mother came out of the kitchen. "Kagome is something wrong?" Her mother asked.
Her grandfather exited the kitchen next. "Kagome, you act like a youkai is after you. What's wrong child?"
Kagome stopped dialing and replied. "A youkai isn't after me jii-chan but, I need to call one's house!"
Taken back by her statement her grandfather backed up a step. "What?"
Knowing she wasn't going to get to call anyone until she explained things to them Kagome sat the phone back down. "Mama, jii-chan...I understand you both just want what is best for me but, mama I think this is like with college. Maybe what you think is best for me isn't what's right for me. I have to follow my heart and it's with Inuyasha. Can you understand?"
Kagome's mother turned to look at jii-chan, he smiled and nodded his agreement to Kagome's mother. 'Well so much for hoping for anything in Kagome's life to be normal.' Her mother thought with a smile. 'No, that's not right. It's normal for Kagome.' Turning back her mother reached out for Kagome and wrapped her in a hug. "You are a brave, intelligent and beautiful young women Kagome. You know what right in your heart. Your jii-chan and I support you no matter what. You do what you've figured out is right for you."
Smiling Kagome hugged her mother back. "Thanks mama, your the best."
Lettting go of her daughter mama moved back towards the kitchen to give Kagome some privacy. Stopping she looked back at her daughter. "Kagome..." Kagome looked at her mother. "Just remember, I expect regular visits. Especially after I get some fuzzy eared grandbabies." With that mama lead jii-chan back into the kitchen to begin breakfast. Jii-chan went back to his seat and resumed reading his paper. "Grandchildren sooner then later would be nice. Don't you agree?" He asked from behind the paper.
"Yes...yes I agree jii-chan." Mama replied smiling.
Kagome shook her head at her mother and grandfather, 'those two.' Picking up the phone she dialed the number Rin gave her.

The private study at the estate of Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru looked over some paper regarding an up coming meeting. He would have liked to have stayed in bed with his mate and watched her sleep but, he knew he needed to prepare for the meeting. Other youkai groups were becoming aggravated by the goings on in the Americas. Sesshoumaru had the upmost confidence that Inuyasha would handle the Chupacabras but, the whole task would have been easier for Inuyasha if only he would have taken his intended mate with him. Sesshoumaru pushed his concerns over his brother from his mind. 'What the baka does is not my business.' He reminded himself.

He was slightly surprised by his phone ringing at such an early hour, reaching over he pushing the speaker button. "Taisho Sesshoumaru." His calm voice said.
On the other line Kagme froze a bit. 'What's wrong with me? It's alright to speak to him now.' Taking a deep breath she spoke. "Sesshoumaru, it's Kagome Higurashi. Is Rin available?"
" mate is still resting. Is something wrong? Is there a problem with Inuyasha perhaps?"
"No...I just have come to a decided and I needed Rin's help with what to do. I'm sorry to have bothered you, please let her know I called." Kagome said getting ready to hang up.
"What is this decision you have come to? Does it involve the baka?" Sesshoumaru inquired.
"Continue miko, I wish to help my brother and you if it is in my power. I have for so long watched out for him it is almost second nature now." Sesshoumaru assured her.
'Wow, I never thought I'd hear that come from him.' Taking a deep breath she replied. "I just decided that this is not where I belong. Inuyasha needs me, were just hurting ourselves by doing things this way." Kagome explained gripping the phone handle.
"I knew there was a reason you suited him so well, you temper his stupidity. Be ready, I'm sending a car for you. It will be there in twenty minutes." With that he hung up.
Holding the phone out to look at it Kagome shook her head as she hung it up. "That Sesshoumaru, a man of action not words." Turning she ran upstairs to change.

Kagome changed into a blue jean skirt and green button up short sleeve shirt with her loafers. She brushed out her hair and hoped she looked presentable for seeing Sesshoumaru. It wasn't she really feared him but, he most definitely commanded respect. 'After all it seems he is willing to help me get to Inuyasha. If that doesn't justify respect I don't know what does.' Checking her clock she seen it was almost the time Sesshoumaru said the car would be there to pick her up. 'Don't want to keep them waiting.' She thought as she exited her room and headed down stairs. At the kitchen she spied her mother and grandfather. Her mother was busing her self with making a shopping list as her grandfather was drinking tea. Kagome was still surprised they didn't seem to have a problem with the fact she was determined to be back at Inuyasha's side, even if that was in Canada. 'With how they had said it was improper before I can't believe they have so easily accepted it.' Clearing her throat she let herself be known. Her jii-chan was first to look up and smile. "Ah Kagome, is it time to be off now?"
"Yes, the car should almost be here."
Kagome's mother turned wipping her hands off on a towel and also smiling at her. "You'll come home before you leave for Canada won't you dear?"
"I"m only going to talk to Sesshoumaru and Rin. I'm not leaving right now."
"Well you better get down to the street dear, you don't want to make them wait."
"Alright...bye." Kaogme said moving to the door and walking out.
As soon as she left her mother sighed happily. "My little girl is all grown up."
"Yes it would seem so. Are you sure we should allow her to go be with him before they are married?" Jii-chan asked.
Mama went and placed a reassuring hand on the older man's shoulder. "Her place has been at his side for along time now. I just wanted her to give herself time to get past everything that has happened and come to terms with the events that have lead her here. She needed to find her place again."

Making her way down the shrine steps Kagome saw the limo she had rode in before pull up. Before the driver coudl exit the car she opened the passenger door. "Did Sesshoumaru send you?" The surprised driver nodded as Kagome slid into the front seat and shut the door. "Well let's not keep him waiting then." Shaking his head to agree the stund driver put the car in drive and took off back to the estate.

Once at the estate Kagome thanked the driver and hurried on to the front door. Stopping she knocked and awaited to be let in. The same kitsune hanyou from before opened the door. "Inuyasha's Lady Kagome? What may we do for you?" Reka asked.
"I'm here to see Sesshoumaru and Rin. He is expecting me Reka." Kagome explained smoothing out her skirt.
"Oh, well I believe he is in his study, come on let's get you in there." Kagome nodded and followed still fixing her clothes. "You look fine." Reka promised leading her to the private study.
"Thanks, I'm just worried. I don't want to offend him in any way."
"I don't believe you could dear lady." Reka assured her stopping at the study door and knocking. From with in they heard Sesshoumaru's voice. "Enter Kagome."
Reka opened the door and bowed to Sesshoumaru motioning for Kagome to enter. Kagome once again pulled down on her shirt and entered the room. Reka gently closed the door and left. Sesshoumaru stood before her dressed in khaki pants and a button up short sleeve white dress shirt. "Kagome, please have a seat." He instructed to her pointing out a chair for her to sit in. "Rin is still resting. We have began the fertility treatments and they tire her." He explained.
"Everything is going well, I hope?" Kagome asked taking a seat.
"Thank you, yes. Now on to my otouto. I knew if anyone would finally come to their senses it would be you. Do you wish to go to him?" Sesshoumaru asked sitting back down behind his desk.
Kagome was slightly shocked but, nodded her agreement. "The only problem is I know Inuyasha will not agree to it. He wants to do things just so so and me in Canada isn't it."
"Inuyasha is a baka. He worries about unimportant things. He is who he has always been. He is only complicating things. I believe it to be a problem with his upbringing and him being hanyou that makes him second guess himself so."
" could you say such things about Inuyasha? Don't you have three hanyou sons?" Kagome asked angrily.
"This Sesshoumaru's offspring's hanyou blood was off set by good upbringing." He insisted.
"It's not Inuyasha's fault he didn't get the chances you provided for your sons. He didn't have a father and while he was still young he lost his mother. Who was going to bring him up?" Kagome challenged. "Besides, I'm very thankful to Inuyasha for giving me time to come to terms with my feelings and time with my family. His heart was in the right place and that is what matters."
"Perhaps then my brother understands the human heart and soul better then this Sesshoumaru ever will."
"Did you just give him a compliment?" Kagome asked wide eyed.
"No, I stated how the facts appear is all. You will make a fine mate for Inuyasha, you have always supported him. Now, let us come to a decision for you. Will you go to be with my brother?" Sesshoumaru asked as he heard water running from Rin and his master bathroom above his study.
"If I could find a way, then yes I would." Kagome replied with a blush at Sesshoumaru's talk about her becoming Inuyasha's mate.
"Leave all arrangements to this Sesshoumaru. I will prepare the way for your journey." Sesshoumaru stated standing to show Kagome out. "Reka..." He called to the servent kitsune hanyou.
Just as she arrived Sesshoumaru spoke. "Show Kagome to my mate's room. She is awake now." The kitsune hanyou bowed and motioned for Kagome to follow her. As Kagome moved to follow Sesshoumaru's hand reached out to touch her shoulder to stop her. "How soon can you be ready to leave miko?" Sesshoumaru asked.

Acrossed the Pacific Ocean at the estate of Inuyasha.

Rouyakan continued to snicker at Kouga's expense. Toutousai, Hachie, Kouga and Rouyakan had gathered in his office for an earrly break while Inuyasha, Wovoka and Xipe were still in their daily meeting. The mood was light as they teased Kouga about his mate.
"So Kouga, " Toutousai began. "Inuyasha was kind enough to go speak with your mate for you? I hear you are on a short leash these days."
Hachie tsked him. "It's a sad day when they once proud Kouga is so whipped by a female."
"Whipped am I?" Kouga asked shaking his fist at them. "Well, why don't you bachelors go get yourselves some mates then will talk." Kouga rebutted crossing his arms.
Toutousai shook his head. "Now, now he has a point. I'm old I've got an excuse but, when was the last time either of you had someone to warm your bed?" Both Hachie and Rouyakan looked around uncomfortably.
"Thank you Toutousai." Kouga said smuggly.
"Don't thank me ookami. What they said is true, you are whipped...but, your whipped with benefits." The old youkai rebuked as the room once again erupted with laughter.
Rouyakan wiped the tears from his eyes as they all tried to get control of their laughter. The merriment was ended by the ringing of the phone. Clearing his throat and making a cutting motion with his hand acrossed his neck to his friends Rouyakan answered the phone. "You've reached the assistants office for Mr. Taisho, this is Rouyakan."
"Rouyakan, this is Sesshoumaru." Sesshoumaru's cool voice said.
The large youkai was in a near panic. 'Lord Sesshoumaru is calling me?' Gripping the phone a little tighter her said. "Lord Sesshoumaru-sama, what can I do for you sir."
"Are you alone?"
Whimpering Rouyakan answered. "No....some of the other assistants and Toutousai are here."
"Are they trustworthy?"
Bowing his head Rouyakan replied. "Most certainly my lord. all of Lord Inuyasha's retainers are most loyal to him. In the room is Hachie, Kouga, myself and old Toutousai. All loyal servants."
"Where is the houshi, taiji-ya and kitsune?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Miroku and Sango were sent to the coast to deal with problems with the oil spill that happened before Inuyasha returned to Japan. Shippou was sent by Lord Inuyasha to the Chihuahuan Desert region. Xipe had made changes that unauthorized spirits were living on the lands. Lord Inuyasha sent Shippou to check out these claims." "Very well then you may put me on speaker so those present can help in this venture." Sesshoumaru instructed.
Rouyakan acted quickly and put Sesshoumaru on speaker. "We await your bidding Lord Sesshoumru."
Kouga looked over to Toutousai and Hachie rolling his eyes at Rouyakan's butt kissing. 'Always was a kiss up, by the gods he has it to an art form.' Kouga thought smiling at his old friend.
Sesshoumaru's cool voice came over the speaker into the room. "This Sesshoumaru has a task for those in this room. Loyal servants of my brother. I do not wish Inuyasha to be advised of this task. This must be handled with the upmost care. Have I made myself clear on this issue?" Sesshoumaru commanded.
"Of course Lord Sesshoumaru." Rouyakan replied.
Kouga shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "What's up Sesshoumaru?"
"Inuyasha's miko has decided that she has waited long enough. I will be helping her on her journey to return to her rightful place, at my brother's side."
All in the room were in different degree's of shock at the news. Kouga was first to recover he asked in disbelief. "Kagome is coming here?"
"Be warned ookami...the miko belongs to Inuyasha. He might be lenient with your behavior but, I am not my brother. You will behave in a proper manner towards your lord's intended."
Kouga balked slightly, he knew not to push his luck with Inuyasha's brother. "I want nothing more then to see my friend happy again and Kagome is the one who can do that."
The line was silent for a moment before Sesshoumaru continued. "Good, now as I have stated I will be helping Kagome to get to Canada. I will send her in one of my planes to your air strip but, someone will have to be there to greet her when she arrives and transport her back to the estate."
"I'll do it." Kouga said shocking all in the room.
"Kouga...." Hachie began only to be stopped by Kouga.
"Look, I've got a lot to thank Inuyasha for and if I can be the one to bring his future mate to him then it's a start."
"So be it. It will be later in the eveing and I will instruct the pilot to call twenty minutes ahead of time of landing to alert you to her arrival." Sesshoumaru said.
"Have him call my cell phone that way Inuyasha won't have anyway to know." Kouga instructed.

The meeting had recessed just moments before as Wovoka walked passed Rouyakan's office. He stopped and back stepped to the door that was slightly cracked open. From inside he could hear Hachie telling Kouga that he had better not let Inuyasha know he was going to be alone with Kagome or he'd be sorry. Kouga had rebutted by saying Inuyasha wouldn't care when he had her beside him again. Wovoka's eyes widened in shock. 'His lady is coming, here?" Opening the door Wovoka took in the shocked faces of those in the room. "Did you say Inuyasha's lady is coming?" Wovoka was quickly jerked inside and shushed. They filled Wovoka in and swore him to secrecy. Wovoka was more then happy to agree being it was to surprise his good friend. As Wovoka, Hachie, Kouga and Toutousai exited the room Wovoka asked. "So when will Inuyasha's lady arrive?"
"Sesshoumaru is putting her on a private jet tomorrow. She will arrive in the evening. The pilot will call Kouga's cell phone to let him know when they are about twenty minutes away. Now remember don't let Inuyasha know Kagome is coming. I just hope he doesn't get too upset over Kouga going to pick her up. You know how his temper has been lately." Hacchi replied.
"Heck, dog breath will be fine. Kagome get's back at his side and he won't care what any of us do." Kouga confidently said.
"Yes, I'm sure everything will be fine. It will be a wonderful surprise for Inuyasha." Wovoka replied as they walked towards the house unware someone was hiding in the shadows.

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youkai: demon/spirit/ghost/magical creature
hanyou: half youkai
oni: devil-like demons
Sengoku Jidai: warlord era around the 1500's
mononoke: animal spirit
inu: dog
kami: god
houshi: buddhist monk
shakujou: buddhist monk's staff
taiji-ya: youkai exterminator
miko: priestess
otouto: younger brother
Hachie: miroku's raccoon demon friend
ookami: wolf
kitsune: fox
Wovoka: Paiute mystic lived 1856-1932. Took the white man name of Jack Wilson, responsible for teaching the Ghost Dance to other Native Americans. Was considered a great leader by his people.
Xipe: 'the flayed' worshipped in ancient Mexico. Usually depected wearing a flayed human skin as a cloak. From the Nahua religion, Mexican Mythology.
chupacabra: 'the goat sucker' in Spanish.
jii-chan: grandfather
Goshinbuko: sacred tree of ages
Shikon no Tama: jewel of 4 souls
baka: idiot/fool/stupid

websites of interest:
http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)desertusa(dot)com(slash)glossary (dot)html
http(colon)(dblslash)www(dot)elchupacabra(dot)com(slash)whati s(dot)html
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