InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Bleeding Heart ❯ Here he Goes Again ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A Bleeding Heart
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters in this fan fiction.
Pairings: It's a mystery
Rating: R- for intense citrus and perhaps lemon in later chapters.
Chapter # 1: There he Goes Again.
There was a soft crunching sound that met Inuyasha's ears coming from the infamous Inuyasha's Forest and none other than Kagome Higurashi emerged from the underbrush. She looked quite flushed, pieces of twigs stuck out of her long raven black hair and Inuyasha could hear her heart beat a mile a minute. She quickly rushed over to the group, (which was Inuyasha, Sango, Kirara, Shippo and Miroku of course) and sat down in a huff, causing Shippo to stir in his sleep slightly.
“ What's with you?” Inuyasha asked gruffly, folding his arms across his chest and stared intently at Kagome.
“ Nothing, I was in a hurry to get back, that's all.” Kagome said, and took a deep breath, settling herself on her sleeping bag.
It was then she seen Inuyasha sniff the air and suddenly stand up. ` What's with him?' Kagome thought to herself as she watched with a mild curiosity. She turned her gaze away as he landed a amber glare at her, and pretended to be very interested in a rock by her foot. When Inuyasha suddenly took off in the direction of the Sacred Tree, Kagome realized where he was going, exactly. Kikyo's soul collectors were distinctly visible in the cool night, hovering around in the air.
' Why does he love Kikyo and not me? What is so good about her that he shuns me away whenever she lurks in the forest, leaving me worrying if he'll come back or be dragged down to Hell with his previous love? ' Kagome thought as she gazed into the direction had left in such a hurry in.
A sad frown formed on her lips and she sighed, knowing that if she wanted to make her heart mourn and bleed for him, she would do better not to follow. Kagome forced herself not to think about the twisted love triangle and focus on where Naraku might be hiding now. What was more important, Kagome had yet to practice her archery skills. Perhaps blowing some stress off by shooting a few arrows would make her feel a little better? Kagome could only hope.
She was careful not to wake anyone up as she grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows, then walked a little ways away to practice without disturbing anyone. She slid and arrow out of the quiver and strung it, pulling back and trying to keep it steady in the process. Kagome was aiming for a knothole in a large tree about twenty meters away, her brow was furrowed in concentration, her lips drew into a firm and straight line. She loosened her hold on the arrow and let if fly. It went whizzing towards the tree, hitting the upper part of the knothole. Not the middle like she had aimed for, but she was satisfied with her shot.
She drew another arrow, determined to hit the mark she had planned to hit in the first place and readied it for firing. Kagome knew if she was eventually going to battle Naraku, she had to have precision in her shots for a shot like her previous could have been a critical error that could have cost her life. For a brief moment, she spared a glance at her sleeping allies, Kagome returned her focus onto the mark she was aiming to hit. She yet again let the arrow fly and held her breath, hoping this time she would hit the knothole. Indeed her arrow marked it straight dab in the middle!
“ Yes!” Kagome exclaimed triumphantly, She covered her mouth quickly, looking at her still sleeping friends. She sighed in relief and looked back to see Inuyasha walking towards their camp. Kagome muttered something under her breath and returned to her sleeping bag to sit down, casting the coldest glare Inuyasha had ever seen her direct at him.
“ Kago-“ Inuyasha began but was cut off by her quiet but seething and venomous voice.
“ Don't you Kagome me Inuyasha, I know where you went so don't try to cover it up! “ She hissed angrily, trying to keep her voice low so that she wouldn't wake up the others. Her withering glare made Inuyasha slink back, partially in fear and partially in guilt. Why did she have to make thing so hard when it came to Kikyo? He couldn't fathom why she acted this way every time he came back from seeing his dead but living past love.
Couldn't she make things easy for him? Just once?
Authors Note: Please be nice, this is my very first fic so no flames. I hoped you liked it and if you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me them. I like to improve my writing abilities.