InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Cinderella Stroy ❯ The Ball ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru was having a hard time containing his temper. His face remained cold and impassive but his eyes snapped with unreleased fury. Those who knew him best, who could read beyond the cold mask, gave him a wide berth. The two daughters and their filthy ningen father had appeared, but Kagome was not with them. Inuyasha politely inquired about her and brought back word that she had not wanted to come. Sesshomaru knew they were lying. Even if he had not scented it on them, he could tell. Kagome would have come if she could, if only to see them again. He wasn't sure how he knew that, but he knew. They were purposely keeping her away from him.
Kagome landed outside the palace and dismounted. She felt a tiny knot of fear in her stomach at the daunting building and its youkai guards but shrugged it off. She hugged Moondancer to her, letting him bury his face in her chest. She wasn't sure how, but he was comforting her, giving her the courage she needed to face this crowd. At last she released him and he took off. He would know when she needed him and return. She turned and saw the guards staring at her wide-eyed. She shrugged this off too, after all, not everyone arrived on their own dragon. It never even occurred to her that they were staring at her and not Moondancer.
The halls were well lit avenues to guide revelers into a room of light and laughter and music. Kagome walked toward the doors. The page stood staring at her in slack-jawed silence. She gave him a warm smile, preferring for her entrance to go unnoticed she stepped past him into the ball room. Her plan to simply slip in was thwarted when the musicians caught sight of her at the door and abruptly stopped playing. One by one every eye in the room was turned toward her. She felt a blush start until she caught sight of Yoshi, Ayame, and Yuka. Her face hardened and her eyes turned to ice as she descended the stairs to the ballroom. Several Lords, some even youkai, stepped forward to introduce themselves. She nodded to them, demurely murmuring the proper responses. Yoshi managed to elbow his way to the front of the pack. He took her hand, introducing himself as his lips descended to brush her fingers. She slipped her hand from his grasp before he could make contact and moved past him, ignoring them all in favor of Inuyasha. The hanyou looked stunning in green silk that made his eyes blaze amber. He bowed over her hand and guided her to where Sesshomaru stood. She inclined her head to him. Silently he reached out and touched her chin, his eyes locked on the necklace.
“That is the Shikon no tama. I had thought it a myth.”
He released her and she felt a soft smile touch her lips. “If it is a myth, then so am I, I am its Guardian.”
Several of the youkai seemed to take a step back, including Inuyasha. “I have never met you, yet you enter as though you were an invited guest.”
“Are you saying that the Guardian of the Shikon no tama, the sole member of the most ancient order of warrior mages to walk the Earth, is not welcome in your halls? If this is true, then I will leave.”
Amusement danced in his eyes. “I would never say that.”
“Ah, but you think it.”
“There is a difference, and I do not think mind-reading is one of the powers you possess, so let us say that I am both shocked and honored by your presence.”
“I do not believe anything shocks you.”
In the time that they had talked the room seemed to remember how to breathe. The music had started once more and several couples were dancing. Kagome caught sight of Yoshi staring at her and her face hardened again.
“That one has a dark heart.”
Sesshomaru nodded, his eyes equally dark. “You have no idea.”
“No, Sesshomaru-sama, you have no idea.”
He seemed to start. Gently he took her hand. “Will you give me the honor of a dance?”
She tried a smile on and found that with Sesshomaru it was not so hard to do. “I would love to.”
He spun her expertly into the whirling couples his other hand resting on her waist as they danced. “I fear you have me at a disadvantage.”
“You know my name, but I do not know yours.”
A mysterious smile touched her face as her eyes scanned the crowd. “Perhaps in a place with fewer ears.”
They danced until the music stopped. He was about to speak again when the Taiyoukai of the North bowed to her and took her hand. “You can't have every pretty face as your own, Sesshomaru-sama, learn to share.”
Before either could respond he swung her out onto the dance floor. The set ended and she found Sesshomaru waiting for her, a drink in hand. She smiled as she took a sip of the heavy wine, letting her parched throat ease a little before a human Lord approached her. She danced three more sets before she managed to escape to the periphery of the room. She sighed softly, leaning against the wall as she watched the couples. A movement caught her attention and Yoshi appeared at her side, a drink in hand. She took it with a differential nod and said nothing.
“What is the most beautiful woman at the ball doing all by herself? Surely Sesshomaru must realize her value.”
“Perhaps Sesshomaru-SAMA must attend to his other guests.”
She stressed the title, not liking that Yoshi would address him in so informal a manner. “Still, I would attend to you if you were a guest in my home.”
She felt her hackles rise and smiled at him. “If you will excuse me, I think I see Inuyasha-sama looking for me.”
She handed him her untouched wine and slipped into the crowd. They parted before her and closed ranks behind her, hiding her from his view. She found the open doors and stepped out into the garden, breathing a deep sigh of relief as the cool night air washed over her. The warm comforting scent of Fall coupled with the unique musk all men bore washed over her and she felt herself relax.
“Is the party so bad?”
She turned and smiled as Sesshomaru joined her. “No, but some of the guests are insufferable.”
He inhaled deeply, taking in her familiar yet foreign scent. “Lord Yoshi…I think I understand.”
“I doubt it.”
His eyes flashed with annoyance but he squashed it. “I know you, but from where? Your scent is familiar to me.”
Kagome closed her eyes. Only Sesshomaru, she only wanted Sesshomaru to recognize her. She heard him suck in his breath and turned to face him. “Do not speak my name.”
Her eyes darted toward the guests and he nodded. “I had thought you were not coming.”
“I almost didn't. If Yoshi had his way I would still be in the kitchen, scrubbing out pots and tending the spit.”
“He doesn't know it's you. I could scent lust on him.”
She shuddered. “I have come to ask for your help. He holds my pup hostage, he dangles the lives of my friends before my eyes to buy my compliance. I do not wish to live as his slave anymore.”
On some level he understood how great a challenge it was for her to admit that she needed help. “I cannot move against him without proof, despite my best efforts he has some allies among the ningen. They would demand revenge on his behalf unless I could present them with proof or unite the other Taiyoukai. What of your sisters?”
She winced and looked away. “I love them still, no matter what they do to me, they are still my flesh and blood.”
He removed a silver ring from his right index finger. “Keep this with you at all times. If you are in need, I will know, and I will come.”
He slid it onto her finger. The ring shrank until it fit her perfectly then faded into her skin. The only proof that it was there was a slightly pale band on her finger. “Thank you Sesshomaru-sama.”
He touched her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. “When we are like this, just you and me, call me Sesshomaru.”
She blushed but nodded. “I have to go. I must get back before they do.”
She could sense several others join them and turned her smile on Inuyasha and the Taiyoukai of the North. She gasped suddenly her mouth forming a small o before breaking into a radiant smile once more. She gripped Sesshomaru's hand, drawing him further from the party.
“There's someone I want you to meet, all of you.”
The other two followed her to a small grassy clearing. She released Sesshomaru and stepped into the open space. She closed her eyes and silently called to Moondancer. The dragon descended, spiraling downward to touch the Earth at her feet. She hugged him, his face buried against her chest as she rested her head on top of his. Her fingers slid through his silky mane and she was reminded of Sesshomaru's silver hair. She turned and smiled at them as they stared in open awe. Sesshomaru took a step forward.
“That is a Doom.” His eyes were slightly wider, but other than that, he looked unperturbed.
She nodded. Somewhere in the back of her consciousness she knew what he meant. “He is, but he is not my Doom, nor is he yours.”
“Then who?”
She looked at Moondancer, her eyes grew vacant and her voice was suddenly hollow, as though she were speaking from very far away. “He lives surrounded by ice and snow, a black Prince. He waits for the day when he can emerge to bring death to the land, just as Moondancer waits for the day when he can wrap himself around him and drag him down to the Gates of Hell.”
They were silent for long minutes as she slid her fingers through his mane. At last she turned to face them once more. “I must go.”
Sesshomaru bowed slightly, as did Inuyasha and the Taiyoukai. She smiled at him. “I never learned your name.”
“Kouga, and yours?”
Her smile turned mysterious. “In due time.”
She swung onto Moondancer's back and they leapt skyward. Kouga shook his head slowly and walked back to the ballroom. Inuyasha watched his brother for long minutes. At last he spoke.
“You gave her your mother's ring.”
Sesshomaru nodded. “Yes, I will tell you why after all this rabble leave.”
Inuyasha nodded. He had learned that when it came to Sesshomaru, it was best that he simply be patient. All things would be revealed in time.