InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Dark Past ❯ Big Surprises ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. . . and. . . I never will. . . and I just realized how many times I'm going to be writing this. . . quite a few. . . because this story is far from over. . .
Well, this could be a nice job for myself - maybe - I might as well glue myself here to my chair, this will be one of the longest stories ever written by me. . . . -_- Great. . .
AN: Any questions??
This story's great! I get endless entertainment from it and I don't know why. I think it would be great to have Inuyasha be even more of a shit disturber, I mean, he has to get entertainment somehow right? What can they do to him? His life's already completely miserable. I'd like to know more about his family though. Were his parents the type that would lock him in his closet when he was bad or were they more the type to send him to Tranquility Bay and pretend there is no problem? What made him snap? Why is the center run by teenagers? Why is an 18 year old doing the job of a shrink? When will he punch Miroku in the throat (He's so annoying in this story)? When will these questions be answered? It keeps me up at night. Seriously though, I think he's right not to respect or trust that place. They seem to be more concerned with keeping up appearances and killing time with useless activities than actually helping. Even his former best friend treats him like a precocious child. Respect should not be given, it should be earned, and nobody running that center would have earned it from a rational person.
Well, ::chuckle:: yes, Inuyasha is a `shit disturber'you could say. And there are reasons as to why. Yes, indeedy, there are big reasons as to why. And many answers will be told in the next few chapters. . . and you'll see why soon. And I giggle to myself to think just how much fun Inuyasha could have if he really wanted to. His parents don't have that big a role in the beginning of the story and they might come in later - actually, they are coming in much later -you have to be patient and wait for these answers to unravel themselves!I will not tell what made him `snap' because it would give away. . . shall we say. . . most of the funin writing the story? ::giggle::The center isn't exactly run by the teenagers, it's a center forteenagers.The reason behind Sango's job will become known after a while, too. And I'm sure Inuyasha would just love to punch Miroku some days, but, as the writer of this fic, I restrain him from doing so. And the center is. . . a little lacking, I agree. But you'll probably understand why as the story progresses. Oh, and there is a reason behind the art class.As you can see, these questions are answered now.
well i finally caught up with this story. I'm interested to see were is going and I'm dying to see why inu and the rest of them are there. There is much more to kogas story that constantly wanting attention right?? I kinda have a thought about why he's there but i'm not sure if it's correct. Also is there going to be a thing with him and auyume?? Well I hope you update soon and good luck with the writing. I'll try to review the story any time I have a thought or question about it. take care. Peace!
Yes, Koga has a story, I very interesting one, I might add. It should start to appear soon, so don't worry. You may think you have it figured out - who knows? You might be onto something. But, I know every turn he made since his birth and his story is all mine. ::evil laugh:: Ayame comes in; but will there be something between her and Kouga? I won't say. And things should - hopefully - get interesting from here on out.
Oh, and people, it's review like these that make me want to write and update more often. -hint hint-
Note: Everyone is in their regular form (hanyou, youkai, miko, taijiya, monk, etc. etc.) but Miro-kun has NO kazaana! Clear? Kapeesh? Good!
InuYasha: 19
Kagome: 18
Kouga: 19
Naraku: 19
Miroku: 19
Sango: 18
Keade: 65
A Dark Past
Chapter Six: Big Surprises
“Nice having you as a friend,” Inuyasha seethed before storming into the art room and slamming the door so hard, it cracked the frame slightly.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Inuyasha fumed over to an empty seat and sat down, trying his best not to slice the poor, innocent chair to a pile of scraps as he pushed himself tightly against the table.
The red-head nurse came in a only a few seconds later with a pile of white paper in her arms that was swaying slightly and threatening to topple on her.
She barely managed to plop it on her desk before turning to the arriving patients.
She looked around to estimate how many where there and how many were missing.
“Well,” she cleared her throat, “There are a few people absent, but we'll start the assignment. I'll hand out this piece of paper. Everyone see it? Okay, you'll receive this piece of paper and then you'll take one of the coloring instruments - a crayon, pencil, or marker - and you'll draw.”
Inuyasha slumped in his chair as he folded his arms over his torso. `And this is supposed to help with my `problem'? How does drawing make one better?None of it makes any sense.' He shook his head for emphasize.
“You'll draw something that tells how you feel right now. For example, if you're happy, draw a bunny or a flower or a rainbow. If you feel sad draw raindrops or something like that. If you feel hurt because someone made fun of you. . . well, then. . . use your imagination. And if you feel sick. . . there's a bathroom down the hall.”
`How about if you feel like you've been betrayed? More importantly, how about if you feel like you've been betrayed too many times to count? Huh? What would you draw then?'
Inuyasha, for the first time since he was here, did what he was told he should do.
It was different. It was. . . odd. . . but it would do.
Inuyasha examined the drawing he made.
`Yep, trash.'
Quickly, he scrunched it up into a ball and stuffed it into his pocket before he grabbed another sheet of paper from the center of the table.
Inspiration; he needed inspiration.
Inuyasha looked at Jankotsu's - who once again was sitting there next to him - paper.
It would work. He would just personalize it a bit. Maybe, instead of DeVinci, he could make someone like. . . the piece of paper Jankotsu was using jealous?
Yes, that piece of paper would be green with envy, envy that the masterpiece he would soon concoct would not be on its on face.
Now, there was lots of work to do in the few precious minutes left of this session.
Inuyasha made the final curve on his picture just as the red-head nurse started talking, “Okay, now I've looked at the pictures on this side of the room,” she gestured behind her where there where a few people sitting, making a few adjustments on their paper. “Now, I'll check the other side, and then you'll have five minutes to finish up.”
That said, she strutted over to a random table and examined the drawings the patients had drawn, giving advice on how to draw particular things or answering questions concerning the pictures.
Inuyasha looked down at his own masterpiece. If he wasn't feeling so sane, he might have bowed down and worshiped it. . . too bad he was in his right mind.
“Oh, Inuyasha,” the nurse popped out of almost nowhere saying, “What did you draw for me today?”
“I don't think this is technically your drawing,” the hanyou snapped irritably.
The read-head blinked in confusion. “No, sorry. Your drawing. What did you draw?”
“Are you too blind to figure it out on your own?”
“Um. . . no. . . but. . . well. . . is it. . . a. . .” she turned her head in every which way to see if she could figure out what was. “Oh! Why. . . it's a- a- a . . .uh. . . a. . . oh, what is it?”
“It's a fish.”
“A fish?”
Deciding not to fight this time, like she usually did, the nurse left him be and walked away - saving energy that would have gone into arguing about how a fish doesn't tell how he feels.
Inuyasha watched her go before looking back at his drawing.
It was a masterpiece, he had to admit. A beautiful oval with a nice circular dot in the middle - an eye.
Okay, it still needed some work.
Inuyasha looked at Jankotsu's drawing. The one that he got his inspiration off of. The wonderful masterpiece that had made him feel bubbly inside. Made him feel warm and fuzzy; the drawing was his new friend. And Jankotsu drew a nice, bolded, black, squiggly blob. And, he had to admit, it did seem to wave off a vibe that said Jankotsu felt all. . . bleah. Or unhappy. . . or sad. . . or depressed. . . or something of the sort.
He decided to check on how far the red-head nurse was with examining how far everyone was in their drawing.
Pretty far. She only had to check two more patient's papers; and there was only seven more minutes to this session. Then, he'd be free to run for his sanity and escape to his room. At least then he would be in company of his sane mind. Everything that went through this place always came out screwy. It wasn't all that healthy here. He knew that, and everyone else should, too.
Inuyasha clucked his tongue once in boredom before looking around the room for anything that could keep his mind occupied. A poster; a painting; anything that had colors or words.
There was nothing. On the light blue walls, there was not a single sign of anything normal humans kept up. It was a bare, bare room.
There wasn't an odd sound, either. No wind blowing, no trees rustling, only the scribbling of pencils, crayons, and markers on paper.
The kids seemed to be robots. They obeyed every command given. If someone said `sit,' they sat. If someone said `come,' they came. If someone said `play dead,' they blinked in utter confusion before falling like a log being chopped down. It's how they were taught, it's how they were expected to behave, and it was sick.
“Okay, kiddies! I'm done with looking at your pretty drawings- - -”
`Pretty? Keh! '
“- - -And now you have about. . . oh, I'd say four minutes left. And since you were all so good, you can even converse - talk - with each other.”
A girl's head shot up from her paper and her hand flew into the air.
“Oh. . . yes, Susie?”
“We aren't allowed to talk unless someone says we can; but not just anyone, an adult.” The girl's tone of voice seemed to suggest that what the red-head nurse just said was like committing some sort of unforgivable sin.
“Yes, but I am an adult and I said you could.” The nurse replied, smiling sweetly.
“But you didn't say we could.”
The nurse frowned. “I just did, sweetie.”
“No, you didn't! You're going to get us in serious trouble! I don't like you anymore!” There were tears flooding Susie's eyes.
“Why don't you like me, honey? Talk to me about it.”
The tears that had been in the little girl's eyes vanished. “I don't like you because you want to get me in trouble and you call me names!”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. `Note to self: never have kids.'
“I'm not calling you names, silly.”
“There! You just did! I'm not silly or honey or sweet! I don't wanna get eaten!” The girl crossed her arms over her small chest and huffed.
Inuyasha put his cheek in the palm of his hand as his ears dropped in utmost boredom. `Yes, no kids. And if something ever happens that I do, run for any sanity that may still be in me.'
The nurse looked like she was trying to hold back a bad case of the giggles, “No, sweetie- - -”
“You're doing it again. . .”
“- - -Calling you things like that means I think you're really nice and cute. It's not bad.”
“It isn't?” The girl sat up and looked at the nurse intently.
“Nope, so, can I call you sugar?”
The girl beamed. “I like you now!”
The nurse chuckled before directing her attention towards the class. “So, like I said, you can. . . talk. . . for. . .” she drifted off as she realized no one was paying attention but instead were blabbing to someone about some random thing.
Inuyasha sighed in annoyance before muttering, “It's so time to go by now.”
“Thanks for pointing that out, Inuyasha.”
He inwardly jumped and turned to face the nurse.
“I didn't know you could hear me,” he stated in an apathetic voice.
The red-head ignored his comment before turning. “The fact that it's time to leave has been pointed out by our very own Inuyasha. Can everyone say `thank you'?”
Inuyasha stifled the sigh of exasperation as all the patients said `thank-you' in unison. `Yep, they're robots.'
“Okay. Now, you can go if you see your escort anywhere here.”
Inuyasha got up and shoved the chair back under the table before turning and leaning against it. It might be a long wait before- - -
“Yo, Inuyasho!”
Inuyasha blinked in mild surprise before turning towards the source of the voice, “You're surprisingly early; oh, and you're calling me names.”
“What?” Miroku looked stunned.
“I don't like you anymore.”
“Why not?” Miroku looked lost in the dark about what he was talking about.
Inuyasha's eyebrow rose. It sounded better when the kid said it.
“Nothing - nevermind. Now, could you take me somewhere else? Anywhere else? My room perhaps?”
Miroku shrugged, “Actually, you go to your room next anyway.”
“I could have guessed that,” Inuyasha said, vainly trying not to clench his teeth.
“Good - I guess.”
Inuyasha practically dove his pajama-clad body into the bed. He loved this time of day.
`Freedom for. . . I don't exactly know how long, but a while.'
He rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling. Tracing the pattern that he could see only because of his youkai senses, he slowly eased into a deep, blissful sleep.
Yes, this was his favorite time of day.
It was huge, monstrous. It used to scare him when he was little. He never knew if a big, hairy monster would creep out of a dark room when he wasn't looking.
When he was six, his father always had to remind him that he was a strong, brave hanyou and he could easily beat up any monsters that made him scared or threatened him. It was ironic, right after his father said that, every time, he felt braver. And he knew that even if he couldn't protect himself, his youkai father would, and that thought was what eventually made him realize he was being foolish, thinking their were monsters in his house.
As he grew, though, he grew to love his home. It always gave him comfort to wake up and smell everyone's scent so close together, it proved they were a family, it proved they were together. But it all changed so suddenly, no one knew exactly what happened. . . .
Inuyasha blinked his bright amber eyes once, to clear them of sleep that was there. He slowly pushed himself up on his bed as he looked out the window. He woke up at the time he usually did, only a few minutes before Miroku came.
Only then did he remember that he wasn't allowed outside his room for anything besides going to see the. . . Sango. He shook his head. He would never call Sango a psychiatrist. She was too young to be a proper psychiatrist. She was just an assistant of one.
Suddenly, a scent flooded his sleep deprived senses that shouldn't have been there; a female scent; a scent that reminded him so much of sweet raspberries and blackberries.
A scent that belonged to an employee.
He turned his head so quickly if he was human, he would have gotten whiplash. What he saw didn't make him feel secure. Kagome was leaning against the wall, with a tray full of breakfast in her hands. She jumped slightly when he looked at her that way before returning his stare full-force.
Why was she here? Miroku was his personal nurse. Something wasn't right. He had that feeling, it never led to anything good.
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Ooo, what now? Just read the next chapter if you want to know! And drop off a review, if you would be so kind!
Ja ne!