InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Dark Past ❯ Popularity Will Never Die ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Well, all I got to say is. . .um. . . hi? And that. . . Inuyasha. . . belongs to. . . Rumiko Takahashi! Yes, that's it! There's no mention of me, but I fit there somewhere. . .
A/N: Oh, my god. I love you all! *glomps* ^_^
Eh... an amnesia fic... those usually don't turn out well, but I'd still read it based on the strength of this story. And I got a chapter dedicated to me. Go me! That automatically upgraded the chapter to "Buffy gets the flu." And hey, Kagome forgot to play her one question game, unless you count "do you like to go outside?" Bad overly-cheerful orderly! And the guess that Miroku finally died... *Snerk* And did the hag... err quack really know about Inuyasha's day trip? I doubt it since Kagome was worried about her finding out about taking over for Miroku. How very criminal of Kagome. I kind of like it. Though she needs to stop being the polite police, that's almost as rude as calling the quack an old hag (which she is, so it's not like Inuyasha's lying or anything) IMO. And how did Kagome's parents afford a Lamborghini? Are they rich too? Most graduation cars I've seen were junkers that the recipient had to fix up. And taking a patient to a crowded place where he can easily get lost... brilliant plan. There's no possible way it could backfire. I hope Inuyasha cheats at a game to win Kagome a stuffed animal. I'm corny like that. And the plot thickens with Kikyo's appearance. At least she doesn't seem like a bitch in this one. And Inuyasha better hope nobody finds out his weakness for crying women. I can just see Sango exploiting that during sessions. Actually, that'd be pretty funny.
I'm so glad and happy that you're interested in my other story. ^_^ Yes, yes, go you. The “one question” will be in this chapter. He he, you'll have to read and find out. My guess? She has no idea about this. The Lamborghini? Well, much labor. She got a good car and she went to a really good school, receiving a nice degree. They scrimped to get most likely. But I know! It's so sad that teens graduation presents are like that. T-T That'll include me. I'll be drivin' around in a junky. NOOO! Yes, corny is good. I like the thickening plot. Don't you? He he, my fun begins.
Make it, but still keep up with this one. I really want to know what happens after lunch. Will he see his family?! That might be strange... Anyway, please update!
Don't worry, I'll still be writing this story as well as ant others that I am writing/will write in the near future. Well, you now know what happens after lunch. Inuyasha most likely will not be seeing his family because of the plot… sorry!
Inuyasha: 19
Kagome: 18
Kouga: 19
Naraku: 19
Miroku: 19
Sango: 18
Kaede: 65
A Dark Past
Chapter Thirteen: Popularity Will Never Die
`Farewell. . . Kikyo.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Oh, Inuyasha, look!”
“Look! Over there!” Kagome pointed to a small stand that was selling a couple paintings of gardens and waterfalls.
“Yeah? What about them?” he looked curiously at Kagome. She got so excited about such small and trivial things.
She smiled. “Nothing. I just think they're. . .” she drifted off.
“You think they're pretty?”
“Not. . . pretty. More- more. . . I can't explain it. Don't you ever get that feeling?” She paused for a second as she thought. “When I look at the paintings, it reminds me that no matter how we may abuse our earth, there's always something that fights and remains in bloom - beautiful.”
“Uh-huh. . .”
“Just like the earth, I hope that humans can withstand any `abuse' they may get, whether mental or physical, and see through it. I hope that they can still bloom - become beautiful no matter what. I hope that child right now that's getting teased for being special in his or her way will become the best child of his or her class. I hope that child who is being abused by a drunken father will stay strong until they become adults. I hope that person will bloom and become a major part of our world.” Kagome examined each and every painting as she spoke.
“You have a lot of hopes,” Inuyasha grumbled. But despite his words, he couldn't help but smile softly.
“I guess,” she whispered. `More than you can imagine.'
“Where we going now, wench? We've been here. . . what? Two hours? Three?”
“Yeah, I suppose you would want to leave.” Kagome glanced at her wristwatch. “We can stop at a fast-food place and grab a lunch.”
Inuyasha felt a small pang in his chest. It had been so long since he'd done something like that. “Sure.”
“Great, we'd better leave now, though. We have to be back before dinner.” Kagome grabbed onto Inuyasha's hand and tugged him toward the car.
About twenty meters from the car, Inuyasha started to feel annoyed. Stifling a growl, he laced his fingers through hers. `Better.'
If Kagome noticed it, however, she didn't show it.
“Where would you like to go?” she asked as they parted to go to their own sides of the car.
“Anywhere,” he replied simply, swinging his door open and sitting in the soft seat while making sure to slam the door shut tightly.
Kagome did the same, saying as she pulled the keys from her pocket. “Okay then, I'll take you to my favorite place.”
Inuyasha made no comment as she started the engine and reversed out of the parking spot.
“Where's this?”
“Where's here?”
“Wench,” Inuyasha growled.
Kagome giggled. “We're at Wacdnalds.”
“Really?” His tone softened. `I love this place.'
“Yeah, let's go.” Kagome bounced out of the car and Inuyasha could only follow as she briskly walked in.
“What's with the attitude?” he snapped.
“Attitude? I'm sorry! I haven't been here for such a long time that I guess I got carried away.”
“What do you want?”
Inuyasha looked up and scanned the long list of sandwiches, fries, combos, and everything else.
“Anything else?” Kagome chanced a look at him from the corner of her eye.
“Okay then, I'll get you a large fry.”
“Now, onto the next question, where are we going to sit?” Kagome held the tray at chest-height as she stood on tip toes to examine which seats were empty. “Oh! There's a booth over there!” Kagome rearranged the tray so that she held it with one hand and grabbed Inuyasha's hand as she made her way over.
“It's even got a window by it,” Inuyasha muttered.
“Yeah, that makes it better.”
“Sure it does,” Inuyasha grumbled.
Kagome laughed as she sat down and handed Inuyasha his huge pack of fries. Her hand had almost released the paper container when she zipped them back and cradled them protectively against her chest. “I forgot.”
Inuyasha blinked, half in confusion, half in annoyance. “What?”
Kagome smiled mischievously. “I get to ask you on question before I give you this.”
“Actually, I think I would have rather had you forget that,” Inuyasha complained.
“One question. Come on, Inuyasha. It's not that bad.”
“Says you.”
Kagome laughed before she asked, “Okay, well, what's your brother like?”
“He's a bastard.”
“Anything else?”
“He's a big bastard.”
Kagome shook her head. “Forget I even- - -”
She was cut off by a long, loud squeal. “Oh my god! It's Inuyasha!”
Kagome could barely look over her shoulder before a few girls stampeded over to the table. The girls' mouths were going more than a mile an hour.
“Oh, is it true what they said in that magazine? Oh, what was it, Just Like Hollywood? No, no, wait- do you know what it was called?”
“Inuyasha, Inuyasha! I wanted to know if I could have your autograph! Could I shake your hand, maybe?”
“My sister loves you! I would be the envy of her and school if you flashed me one of your famous grins!”
“Can I hug you?”
Kagome just stood there, her jaw open. Why did this have to happen? Why did the public have to suddenly remember that Inuyasha was technically still incredibly famous? It didn't happen at the carnival. Why, why, why? Deciding to answer that later, Kagome grabbed the bag her sandwich and parfait was in, shoved Inuyasha's fries in as well, and reached into the small circle of girls to seek out Inuyasha.
After a few vain attempts, she finally grabbed his hand and pulled him out,. “Let's go.”
She whirled and sprinted out of the door. Inuyasha practically leapt into the car as Kagome started the engine and wheeled out of the parking lot, leaving behind a stray of whining girls on the sidewalk.
Kagome took a few minutes to catch her breath, her mind racing before she panted, “What happened?”
“How should I know?” Inuyasha replied glumly.
“Hm, well, I'll stop at a nearby park and we can finish eating under the shade in the car or at a table.”
Kagome smiled as she continued to drive.
“This is actually nice.”
Kagome blinked in surprise before turning to face the hanyou. “You think so?”
Kagome smiled as she finished her parfait. “How were your fries?”
“I could have told you that!” Kagome retorted.
“But good.”
“Of course,” Kagome rolled her eyes.
“Are we going back now?” He didn't need to clarify where he was talking about.
Kagome could barely stop herself from flinching from the tone the hanyou was using. `Hurt, betrayal. . . it must feel good to be out for the first times in months.'
`That's why you took him, right?'
`That's the only reason, right?'
`. . . Yeah.'
`Keep squeaking and you'll turn into a mouse.'
`And who are you?'
`Call me your conscience.'
`Fine then. Shut up, conscience.'
“No,” Kagome stated in reply to Inuyasha. “I have errands to do, and since we're right here near a store, I figured we could stop there and I'll do them.”
Inuyasha shrugged. “Sure.”
“Great,” Kagome breathed a sigh of relief as she stood. “If we're going to get back on time we'd better leave now.”
“Yeah,” Inuyasha muttered as he stood and slowly followed her retreating form. `I feel a bit. . . happy.'
Happy. A good feeling.
“Inuyasha? What's taking so long? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Be patient, wench.”
A very good feeling.
Kagome bustled down the aisles. “All I need now is a camera and a calendar.”
“Here they are!”
“The calen- oh- - - my- - - god.”
“Oh. . . my. . . god.”
“Look,” it was barely a whisper.
Inuyasha turned his head and scanned the racks of calendars. Puppies, cats, lighthouses. What had made her so- - -? The next calendar that registered in his brain made him choke on air. “What the hell?”
“Is that what I think it is?”
“Hell, no!”
“It's a calendar of. . . you!”
“Hell, no!”
“When- - - did you ever have time to pose for those pictures?”
“Hell, no!”
Kagome picked it up and looked at the pictures, only to burst out laughing. “There's one of you in a pink bikini top.”
“What the- - -? Sesshoumaru!”
“What about him?”
“He took these pictures of me at the summer home. He must have sold them merely to torture me.”
“What a cool brother.”
“What the hell? Cool?
Kagome shook her head and grabbed a different calendar, making sure to put the one she had been holding back on the shelf. “They're almost out of them,” Kagome commented.
“Not helping,” Inuyasha ground out.
“I never knew you were still so popular,” Kagome muttered as she put her few purchases on the cashier's desk, grabbing a camera from a rack nearby and added that to the small pile.
“Neither did I.”
“Cash or credit?” a voice asked, interrupting their conversation.
“Huh? Oh, credit.” She delved into her purse and pulled out her card.
“Very well.”
Kagome signed her name and picked up her few bags. “Ready to go?”
Inuyasha looked at the bags in irritation. `She's gonna hurt herself.'
“Let me carry those.”
“Huh? Oh, no! I couldn't- - -”
Inuyasha didn't let her protest any farther, but gently pried the bags from her hands. “I'm hanyou, wench. I can manage.”
“O- okay,” she replied, a light red tinted her cheeks as they made their way to her car.
Kagome unlocked the doors with her hand-held remote and Inuyasha opened the back door and placed the groceries in. “There.”
“Yeah,” Kagome muttered as they both got in the car.
Kagome started the engine and finally headed back for the center, much to the displeasure of Inuyasha.
“So, tell me, did Kaede really know about this?”
“O- of course!”
“You're lying, I can smell it,” Inuyasha said bluntly.
Kagome winced. “Okay, so maybe she doesn't.”
“So, basically, I could be filed as kidnapped.”
“You're over-aged.”
“But I could?”
“Yeah. . .” Kagome tensed, prepared for his next smart comment.
“Rock on.”
Kagome was taken aback and glanced at him. To her surprise, he was smiling.
`You're still very popular among the girls, Inuyasha. And I know why. You're so different. Mysterious. That's why so many girls look up to you in a way. They idolize you in a way.'
Kagome gently smiled. `I suppose I do, too.'
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How'd ya like this chapter? I'm trying to start a relationship, if you haven't noticed.
I hope you don't think I skipped around the day too much. Because if I hadn't done it that way, this chapter would be super long and pretty boring. I think I like it better like this, anyway.
Remember: review!
Ja ne!