InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Day Without You ❯ Unknown Reasons ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any other anime I may mention in this FF.


Hello. I'm really really sorry for the wait. I normally would have updated by now. It's just that I have a test today and had to study for it. (yes, I'm in school…) Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. It may be a little short due to the fact that I'm on my fathers school computer. (yes, I haven't written it yet…) Anyway, here it is!




Chapter 7: Unknown Reasons


Shippo sat there, panting after trying to break Kagome's prison. "It's no use…" Shippo said as he sat there. Kirara looked at him and purred. Shippo looked over at her and saw her determination and smiled "Ok Kirara. Lets get out of this mess!" He said then stopped and looked at Kirara. "Maybe you could transform and help me out?" He asked and Kirara did so gladly as they both struck Kagome's cocoon.

Kagome plopped down on her bed after making dinner. "I wonder what all that was about…" she said before remembering she had homework. "Oh No! I had to turn that in last Friday!" She said as she started it. Some time later she closed the book and went to run the bath. "Why do I feel this way? I can't seem to figure out who this mystery guy is, but still I think I have a crush on him… Bad Kagome! You don't have time for guys! You have to remember to keep your grades up!" she scolded herself as she got into the warm water.

Inuyasha sat there, watching Kikyo eat. "I love her. But why can't I feel the love pulsing through me anymore?" He thought as he ate his own food. As he watched Kikyo, he blinked and rubbed his eyes. "Who was that?" he asked himself when he was sure he was awake. "She looked exactly like Kikyo, but her clothes are different and she looks like another person…I feel as if I know her, but from where? I don't remember ever going to another village and she's not from here…" Inuyasha was very disturbed now. "Kikyo," he said as he got up, "I'm going for a walk. Please go to Ms. Shizu and help out her daughter. I smell blood from that way." He said and walked off. At first Kikyo thought nothing of it. Inuyasha always takes walks by himself in the morning. As she started walking over to said house, she got a message from Shinkutsu. "Kikyo, the Kitsune is trying to break the spell. But don't worry, he will lose hope soon and Inuyasha will go back to normal." Kikyo smiled as she understood. "Oh No! What happened?!" Kikyo said as she spotted Ms. Shizu's daughter on the ground with a big gash on her leg.

Miroku looked down the road, then back at Suki. "Wow. She's pretty…" He thought to himself for the 18th time. But as he looked at her, he saw someone else. His eyes grew wide and he now thought she was the prettiest. She looked exactly like Suki, except she looked like she had a different personality. But as the image cleared, he realized it was his imagination and sighed. Suki looked over at him "Miroku are you ok? You look like your sick." She said and felt his forehead. "No I'm not si…" he started before he felt her hand touch his head. Miroku thought about playing sick, but some unknown force told him if he wanted his life, don't. Miroku shivered but said "Um, no not sick. Just tired." He finished and asked her if she's like to stop for today. She smiled and gratefully accepted. "I've been tires for a little while now, so this is perfect!" Suki said and started walking again. Miroku stared at her before catching up and apologizing for taking so long.




Authors Notes:

I'm really sorry I didn't update. I hope this chapter is long enough. The reason I'm stopping now is because I have to go to class. Ugh… Anyway, I hope to have the next chapter up this afternoon. But please don't get mad at me if I don't. I hope you liked it and please review!