InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ a forgotten love and a forgotten child ❯ Too young to be a mother ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Oh no" said kagome with tears in her eyes.She held a pregnancy test in her hand. "kuso! I'm such an idiot! how could I let this happen?" kagome whined.
"I went to far this time with inuyasha...what will he say when I tell him?" Kagome walked coutiosly out of the bathroom and into her room. She sat on her bed and began to cry. "hey what's wrong kagome?" kagome looked up at the window to find the silver haired hanyou, Inuyasha. Kagome looked away hiding her tears. "uh? nothing dont worry about it" she said. "kagome I know when something's wrong...and you're not telling me" Inuyasha said. Kagome put a fake smile and looked up at Inuyasha. "come in and s-i-t down Inuyasha" she said(kagome spelled it out so Inuyasha wouldnt go crashing on the floor). Inuyasha enterd the room and sat next to kagome (lke a dog sits)"Inuyasha what do you think about babies?" kagome asked with hope. "you mean kids?" asked the hanyou with confusion. "yeah kids... do you like them?" she asked. "depends if the're bratty or not, cause if their like shippo forget it" Inuyasha said with an attitude. "Iie,not like shippo" kagome said with a fading smile. "well i guess they'll be ok" Inuyasha said. "but why are you so intrested kagome?" he asked. "oh! no reason" kagome quickly added. "well kagome if you're done talking about kids can we leave already?" Inuyasha asked without patience. "yeah....let me get ready" kagome sais and went of to get ready.
"MIROKU YOU PEVERED MONK!" sango yelled once Inuyasha and kagome arrived. "I'm sorry sango but I just couldn't resist" said miroku. You womanizer!" sango yelled. "what you do now miroku?" asked kagome. "oh nothing *sigh* just relaxing with my lovely sango" miroku said in a perverted way. "you're hopeless" whinned sango. It began to get dark in feudal japan and everyone had fallen fast asleep, except for kagome. She sat their sarrounded by a blanket looking at the stars. Her grayish blue eye shinning in the moonlight. "when am I going to tell Inuyasha about our child?" kagome thought to herself. "hey kagome are you asleep?" asked a voice it was sango. "oh hey I was just thinking" she said to her friend. "can I join you?" asked sango. "hai" kagome said with a smile and sango sat next to her & both of then snuggled in the warm blanket looking at the stars. "what troubles you kagome?" asked sango. Kagome stayed quiet for A while. "well do you promise not to tell a soul?" asked kagome. "hai kagome-chan what's wrong?". "well you see..I did a big mistake and I dont know what to do" said kagome. "well what did you do?" asked the slayer.Kagome sat up and so did sango. "sango...I went to far with him" a tear raced down kagome's cheeck.
Sango began to get worry. Kagome looked at her friend. "I- I'm going to have Inuyasha's child" kagome said and began to cry.Sango hugged kagome and conferted her. "you're gonna have a baby kagome?" asked sango like she had just seen a ghost. "yes" kagome cried. Sango looked at kagome "but kagome it's kagome...dont worry It going to be ok, I'm here for you and if you tell Inuyasha he will too.
well thats it for now. Second chapter will be done soon. Promise. :D