InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Fragile Heart ❯ Chapter Eight: Field of Dreams ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

So, this chapter is sort of the "pivot point" for this fic. In other words, I finally, after many months explain what the hell is going on, and the story style changes. You'll see this from the very first scene. Houston, we've got plot! Hah. It took me forever, but yeah, I actually have a plot now; I knew I'd find one eventually. The pace of the story may speed up a bit from this point, seeing as I can't imagine the pacing staying the same now, but whatever happens happens, ya know? If I've led anyone to believe I plan my stories chapters in advance, I'm sorry for lying to you! Hah. In truth, I'm usually lucky if I know what's going to happen in the next scene, let alone the next chapter. I want to give an idea of how many more chapters I'm anticipating, because I really feel like I'm starting to wrap things up, even if only just barely, but I really don't know. The best I can say for now is that at this point in time I can't possibly see this story wrapping up in less than three more chapters. It may take more than that. Heck, I had one fic that was supposed to be about 18 chapters and ended up being something like 42 chapters, so I don't try to guess these things too early on...uhm, but, yeah, I would say that, at this point, I see this story being at least eleven chapters long, and I hope to keep my inspiration and stop sitting on this story, since I've kept it going forever and ever. I also think that there will be one more story in this arc after AFH. I'll know better depending on how this story goes, but I really do think with one more story this arc will be suitably and officially closed for business. I can't keep it going forever, after all. I have way too many other projects and arcs and such in the works for that.

Haha. I look at this story now, and I think back to the days that I was calling "Not that he Cared" a one-shot. It seems like ages ago, but I guess it wasn't really that long. I still like to call it a one-shot though, because that story CAN and DOES stand on it's own without needing the closure that BAA and AFH are giving to it. Man, I must be really tired because my babbling is even sounding like babbling to me today. Alright, I'm done talking now, in that case.

Hope you enjoy the chapter.



"A Fragile Heart"

By: Banshee Puppet

Chapter Eight: Field of Dreams


"Tanjoh. I hear you've had some trouble," Naraku said evenly, sliding open the rice-paper door with ease.

"It's nothing, m'lord. I under-estimated the strength of that brat prince's mind, but it's already been taken care of. He won't be able to get out of this dream world as easily," the youkai said, bright green eyes smirking from where he hunched over two glowing orbs.

"And the others?"

"Clueless. They seem to like to make themselves miserable, but other than that, no problems. As in life, people move beyond tragedy. There's nothing to worry about. The priestess's shards are as good as yours."

"Good. See that that doesn't change, Tanjoh."

"Of course." 'After all, I'll hold you to your promise to grant me the power to destroy the wolf tribe when the task is completed. And with Kouga out of the way, it will be simple to destroy those bastards. It'll show them what happens when you turn your back. Cast me out, will you? Heh heh heh. That was a mistake. Vengance is always a bitter pill to swallow. Heh.'

Tanjoh. He was irritating, self-centered, and he didn't think in terms of the bigger picture. Naraku doubted he had any idea what he'd do once he had his revenge. But he was easy to understand and his simplicity made him reliable, to a fashion. He knew the wolf youkai would never betray him; he had too much at stake to even consider it. And Naraku had to admit, the plan had definite uses. He didn't even particularly mind that Inuyasha had survived that fatal blow from one of Kikyo's arrows, since it all fit into the plan so nicely.

Tanjoh had dabbled in the black arts, which had been the cause of his expulsion from the wolf tribe, and was now what was called a dreamweaver. He manipulated the mind. Human, youkai, hanyou--it didn't matter. He trapped his victim, or in this particular case, victims, in a dream, a very complex dream that was a perfect imitation of life, and which they would never think to escape. It was priceless. An entire, tangible dream that an outside party could enter and manipulate. A dream where the miko's powers could be weakened by distraction and he could claim her jewel shards for himself. Naraku had not even considered the potency of the dream world, a world where the annoying little wench didn't even know that the jewel shards existed. There was only one real obstacle. No, it wasn't Sesshomaru, though his love for the priestess and his darling baby brother was the power that allowed Tanjoh to bring them into the dream world in the first place...

No, the obstacle, as always, was Inuyasha: Inuyasha, who remembered everything. And yet, the wolf youkai seemed to be keeping the hapless pup easily distracted, and with the demon exterminator of all people! Even Naraku had to admit that the concept was rather amusing. Still, he wanted to get the shards before something went wrong. It was all just a little too...convenient. He was confident, but now this with the wolf prince, subconsciously killing himself in a dream and nearly waking up...

Naraku knew that the dream was starting to fall apart, there wasn't time to waste any longer, but the priestess was not completely weakened yet. She was not weakened enough to claim the shards from. Her aura still protected her, even in slumber, it seemed. Even Kagura had failed him, and she had been instigated into the dream itself! It was mildly annoying. Naraku had a sudden thought.


"Yes, M'lord?"

"The orphan girl that you brought with you. How is her health?"

"She'll last a bit longer, I think."

"Good. And the monk?"

" a more delicate matter."

A sinister smirk pulled at Naraku's lips. "Tell me, Tanjoh, what happens if you die in a dream?"

"You wake up."

"Is that so? Interesting. And what of those who've been dreaming with you, as in this particular case?"

"Well, to explain it simply...their minds pick up the slack of your absence to keep the dream...entire, as it were. That is to say, they'll work harder to keep the dream reality in tact, use more of their own spiritual energy to that end."

"I see. That is interesting indeed. Shall we put it to the test?"

"Heh. I understand, Lord Naraku."


Sesshomaru blinked back the early morning light. After bringing Rin back from the hospital, he didn't feel comfortable leaving her alone, and found himself half-sitting beside her bed with his arms on the mattress and her tiny hand wrapped around his slender fingers. He allowed himself a soft smile.

Yes, in fact, her arm was broken, but it hadn't been a clean break, and six weeks would see the cast removed. Until then, she just had to be careful. And Kagura wasn't babysitting anymore...ever. And he had to go to work.

Sesshomaru stretched and sighed. He had an hour yet, but...

He moved to the kitchen and dialed a phone number he knew by heart.


"What sort of way is that to answer the phone, Inuyasha?" Sesshomaru frowned into the receiver. "You weren't raised in a barn, contrary to popular belief."

Inuyasha stuck his tongue out at the receiver. 'No, I was raised in the feudal era, but I can't very well make that retort, can I?' he thought.

"Whaddya want Sess?" the younger brother sighed.

"I need a babysitter. Are you busy?"

"You want me to watch your kid for you? Are you high?"

"I'll pay you."

"I'll be there in thirty minutes."


Sesshomaru was about to hang up when Inuyasha said suddenly, "Oi, is it okay if I bring Sango?"

"You won't be doing anything perverted in front of Rin."

"Of course not!" Inuyasha protested, blushing on his end of the phone line. "I'm not you. I just don't want to leave her alone. She's been really depressed after all that's know, with...uhm..." There was really no tactful way to say it.

"What are you implying, exactly?" Sesshomaru questioned blandly of the first comment. "Fine. Don't make a mess of my apartment," he stated. "I'll see you soon."

"Yeah yeah. Half an hour. See ya then, Sess."

Inuyasha hung up the phone and allowed himself a slight smile. Talking to his brother like that, calling him 'Sess', in their original time, that sort of thing would have never been possible. 'Maybe that damn wolf went back to where we came from. I have to think like that, or I'll be sad again,' he thought for a moment, before shaking off the sudden grim mood and slipping into his sneakers at the door. Since Sesshomaru had moved out, the house was always empty. It was like their father had just disappeared. Went on a business trip two months ago, never came back. He got a letter once in a while, but it was pretty generic. Not bad for a dead guy, though, he supposed.

"Well, babysitting. Hmm. Maybe I'll bring a movie. What kind of movie would a little kid like..." His eyes lit up as he yanked Willow and Ferris Bueller's Day Off from the DVD rack. Yeah, so technically, only one of those was actually a decent choice for an eight year old (or however old the kid was) but Inuyasha had no idea what kids liked. Stuff collected, he called Sango to let her know he was on his way over to pick her up before heading out the door.


Sesshomaru glared at his little brother when he entered the apartment, shoving a list in his face. "Thank you for coming, Sango. I'm glad I don't have to leave Rin's well-being exclusively in the hands of my idiot brother," he stated.

"Heh heh," Sango laughed a little uncomfortably. Sesshomaru was in a bad mood, you could practically feel it. "No problem," she said, waving the subject off.

"Inuyasha, that is a list of when Rin needs to take her medicine and what time to give her lunch. I will be home in time for dinner. There are emergency numbers on the back, and you know my cell number should anything unforseen happen."


Miroku had cabin fever. He tried to sleep his days away, but a person could only sleep so much, and the dreams he had in sleep were...disquieting. He would have paced, or snuck out, if he was well enough to walk. 'I want to go there. I want to go to our spot one more time, that place by the bay to watch the sunset. Even if you're gone, even if I know you won't be there, my friend, I want to go there one more time, before...'

He sighed, moving to run his fingers through hair that was no longer there, a gesture, that, in the end was just a passing of the palm over the scalp.


Ah, a familiar voice. He looked up and smiled warmly at the girl. "Hi Kagome, how's it going?" he asked easily.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" she asked. "How do you feel today?"

"Bored," Miroku stated with a frown.

Kagome chuckled, taking the seat by the window (out of groping range). It was her experience that Miroku had changed, but not that much. And as long as Sesshomaru wasn't around, the younger girl was still fair game.

"Is anything interesting happening? How's school?"

"It's pretty quiet, since all the troublemakers have gone on to other things," Kagome said. "Other things..." Miroku reflected. "Well, it has to be a little interesting though! After all, Inuyasha is there."

"Hah! All he does anymore is chase after Sango and talk about his 'super-cute little neice.' "

"Super-cute little niece?" Miroku asked.

"Yeah. He went over to baby-sit Rin one time, and he totally adores her now. He's always coming by the apartment to see her, and he keeps bringing her little things. I think he's spending all of his money on her," Kagome laughed.

"Haha. Well, that's Inuyasha for you, he never does anything halfway."

"That's true enough!" Kagome agreed with a smile.

"She sounds really cute, I'd like to meet her, but...not like this." Miroku hadn't meant to bring his condition up, but it happened, and now it weighed heavily on the air. It was almost tangible as the obligatory awkward silence ensued.

"Uh, you know, if there's anything not perverted that I can do for you, Miroku..."

"Do you really mean that?"

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't you idiot. What is it that you want? A decent meal maybe? I hear horrible things about hospital food..."

"There's...somewhere I want to go. You have your mother's car today?"

Kagome looked at him skeptically. He shouldn't leave the hospital, but...

"Please?" he said softly. "I just want to watch the sunlight from that place one more time, that's all."

"Sure, Miroku. We'll go now if you want. Do you have a jacket? The nights are getting cooler."

"Over there," he states, pointing at the small closet in the corner of the room. It was one of those foldable closets, you know the type, they're made of a whole lot of plastic and cardboard that's pretending to be wood and they give off the distinctive impression that whoever's using it doesn't intend to be there long. The jacket, two shirts, and a pair of jeans were the only things in there.

Kagome jumps when Miroku sneaks up behind her, surprisingly not groping, just reaching past her shoulder to grab the jeans and one of the shirts. "I can't sneak out in a hospital gown, now can I?" he asks impishly. But from his profile, Kagome would say that her friend was starting to look tired, seriously worn around the edges. His smiles, which usually came so easily to him, were strained, but he was still Miroku.

The young man thoughtlessly took the dreamcatcher from where it rested on his bedside table to bring with him. He wasn't sure why he had such an affinity to the thing, but he just didn't have any desire at all to leave it behind. It was something precious, the last thing he had of his dear friend.

Kouga, his dear friend. Hah. It was something of a supreme irony. They'd known one another since childhood, but it was only recently, only with his illness, that they'd grown close. He knew Kouga would laugh at him for still hanging on to the dead, but...

'Even so, Kouga, I'm not as strong as you. I'm not ready to let go just yet. I just...I just need to go to our special place one more time. I hope you can forgive me for showing Kagome the way there, but I'm not strong enough to get there on my own,' he thought. 'I just need to do this one last thing, that's all. After this, I can finally let go of you, my dear friend.'


Well, this chapter was sort of the "Miroku Chapter", wasn't it? Hah, well, that's okay! He seems a bit out of character here, but, I dunno, given his current circumstances, I think there's no way to tell that he wouldn't behave like this... Okay, I'm giving excuses. Whatever. He seems a little ooc to me, but I could be wrong...dunno?

Saria 4 & Suzaku Seiryu: you guys didn't really say anything that prompts comments this time around. Hrm. But thanks for the reviews anyway! *gives reviewers hugs...bear hugs* ooo sorry sorry! hope I didn't break anything!