InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Fragile Heart ❯ Chapter Eleven: The Body ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"A Fragile Heart"

by: Banshee Puppet

Chapter Eleven: The Body


He had to hide "the body." Dream or no, he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything if he were caught. He still had two more to go, and also, himself.

Inuyasha had decided to call it "the body" rather than Sango, because when he thought, "I've killed Sango," his eyes flooded over and he couldn't stop his body from shaking. It was totally illogical. The real Sango was alive, out in the real world. He knew that. She was probably fighting a battle somewhere, where she could get hurt…or maybe even die…

Well, shit, now he was worried.

But no, it wasn't the same. Everything had happened because of this dream. The Sango who also loved him and the Sango in the other world…they were not the same Sango. They weren't, right?

He carried the body into the basement. Since Sesshomaru had moved out, he lived alone. Oh, technically, there was still their father, but the man had gone on business many months ago and never returned. But happiness isn't something everlasting, really. You have to work at it, take it one day at a time. More and more, Inuyasha was learning this. The world is a living, breathing thing; you could spend your whole life hoping and never get anywhere.

He took an unsteady breath. The mere thought of being a murderer, and what he was going to do with his Sango made him nauseous. He pulled the body tightly to his chest and gave her one final kiss full of longing, despair.

"I love you, I'm sorry, and thank you," he said before shoving the body into the empty refrigerator and slamming the door shut before it fell out. A crunching sound makes him wince, he thinks he just broke the body's arm. He leaned against the fridge for a moment, suddenly feeling too emotionally drained to stand on his own.

"For my moments of happiness," he finished saying. "Thank you for that."

And he went upstairs to take his second shower of the evening.


Miroku groaned as Kouga lifted him to his feet, slinging the arm of his unwounded left side over his shoulder, and grabbing on, careful to avoid the monk's injury. The bleeding had slowed. That was either a very good, or a very bad sign, and if it was a bad sign, then the wolf prince didn't want to think about it.

"You're limping," the monk stated.

"Heh, yeah. Ran into a persistent wall on the way here," he said. "You're girlfriend is cutting it down for me."

"Girlfri---oh…Sango," Miroku nodded. "Let's go get her then."

"The others?"

"Still out cold from story time. We'll have to regroup and come back. I hate to say it but we're in no condition to fight them like this."

Miroku nodded hesitantly. He hated it, but he would have to agree. If they were lucky, Sango was at the top of her game, but Kouga wasn't and Miroku wasn't even anywhere near his game. He had only the wind tunnel, really, and he had a feeling that trying to use that now might kill him.

"Hey…monk. The fox kit and the cat?" he asked.

Miroku's eyes widened. "You're right! Ugh. They weren't there!"

"Do you think they escaped?"

"We can only hope. If they did, they'd be in the village……"

Kouga stopped him. "I know the place, but we have another stop to make first."


Sesshomaru was making tea. Allow a little clarification: Sesshomaru was making tea for his baby brother who was currently vomiting in his bathroom and had yet to even say so much as 'hello'. He was still dripping wet from what the elder could only assume was a exceptionally late shower, since it hadn't rained in almost a week. Overcast…yes, it had been overcast. That was true at least.

After a time, Inuyasha came, red-eyed and pale, from the bathroom and sat down at the table. Silently, his brother handed him the hot beverage.

"Thanks," Inuyasha stated, and took a sip in hopes of washing what was left of the foul taste from his mouth.

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at his brother. He wanted to know why he was here in the middle of the night, but he wasn't going to ask outright.

"… ….Sango's decided to go live with her Uncle for a while. …in England."

Sesshomaru's eyes widened. It seemed sudden, but he wasn't sure.

"Because of Miroku?" he asked.

"Yeah…guess so. She's been depressed. She left a few hours ago."


They fell into silence again. There was nothing more to be said, not really.

'So, it was love, was it, Inuyasha?' he thought.

"Do you think we'll see her again?" he asked.

"Yeah. But she won't be the same Sango."

"That's to be expected."

'Sess…you have no idea,' Inuyasha thought a little bitterly. He decided it would be best to wait a bit for the others. Not long, but…there was still the issue of a little girl. He didn't know…was she also, a real person? The dream world was making everything fog over in his mind. Things he'd never seen, people he'd never known, it was starting to fade to gray. But there were things that were real here. He could practically taste them. Could he really go through with this? Killing Sango had been nearly impossible, the immediate need his friends in the real world had of assistance the only thing that had spurred him onward; killing Kagome, who he once loved, and Sesshomaru, who now, after many years, he was finally able to love again…could he really do this thing? No, he decided, because he loved them, he had to do it. It couldn't be helped. Because he loved them, and all of his friends in the real world, and especially Sango…he had to. 'They deserve the chance to live their lives the way they see fit. If I can save them, even if it means destroying myself on the way there…then I have no choice.' He paused thoughtfully, trying to figure out how to proceed. Sesshomaru would be last. The dream was based on something between the brothers, after all, he figured it was only right that it be that way, and he had a feeling that it was destined…almost from the beginning. And there was Kagome…

Inuyasha's mind drifted to Rin. 'I should kill her too, just in case she really is a real person. If she's not, it's fine, but if she is…she should also be returned to the proper place….Forgive me, big brother, but…I'm going to kill your little girl next.'


Well shoot, this story is getting darker and darker. I really disturb myself when I start sympathizing with "the murderer"…I hope Inuyasha can keep his sanity (what's left of it) through this story…but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to pull that off in a reasonable fashion. I've totally been pumping this story out lately, though I'm uploading all of it at the same time (kept forgetting my disk at work). Because work is very boring, when no one is around and I have nothing to do, I pick some story at random and work on it. This is the one that is fresh in my mind right now…sooo…meh. But I hope to keep up this pace as if I do I will finally finish this story soon, and be ready to start the next one! Plus I have other stories that have been on the back-burner because of this story forever and ever. I'd like to get back to work on my other Inuyasha arc. (Nobody's reading that one b/c it's original char based. poop. Ah well, I'm still enjoying the storyline, so I want to finish it. Also I want to get back to my ff8 stories. I have many that I want to write and they're all longer stories so I can't really start them until this is done. I've been neglecting Gundam Wing too…I want to write another Wufei story soon, and maybe try to write a Quatre or Heero story, since I've never done that before. And of course, there's my crossover "Chasing Twilight" that I'm also working on right now and need to get back to. Add that to the website, which is still behind fic-wise as opposed to what I have up here, and it basically means that I've got a helluva lot on my hands.

Anyway, I'm really sorry for making you guys wait, as always! But to make up for it I gave you three chapters at once!

You'll see the plot get worse before it gets better, as I see perhaps two more really bad things happening in our "dream world". (Does anyone else want to kill Tanjoh yet? He only has like five sentences in the whole story, and I totally want to rip his throat out! But I can't decide if Kouga should do it or Inuyasha! haha.)

Random Banshee Puppet Quote: "What I have is not writer's block; it's writer's diarrhea."