InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Marriage of Convenience for Whom? ❯ Sneakiness ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, bitch. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions.
Thanks to those who reviewed!
A/N: Important! I'm leaving the country for four months! So yeah, you guessed it, there will be fewer updates than there have been in the past. Not only will my internet connection by shaky at best, I don't know if I'll have internet on my laptop. That and the fact that I'll be traveling all over Europe in addition to taking classes, so there probably won't be any updates until June after January 6th. Sorry sniffle.
Chapter 5
Inuyasha waited. He looked at his watch, then he waited some more, his eyes never leaving the woman who sat across from him.
Now he knew something wasn't right.
They had been at the café for five minutes, they had even ordered, and Kikyou hadn't lit up a cigarette. She was just sitting there, staring at him.
I have to make her slip up. Inuyasha thought, toying with the straw in drink. A small smirk edged its way on the corner of his mouth. He had always liked a challenge.
“So tell me, Kagome, how did you become a stunt double? I don't know that many girls who go looking for that line of work.”
Kagome stared at him for a moment, digesting the question. “I sort of got trapped into it—I started out acting, and the next thing I know, this was the last job I could get in Hollywood.” Not a complete lie. I am trapped here.
Inuyasha nodded. “I know how that goes…So, what's the dress for?”
Kagome gapped at him. “You know, this and that,” she tried to shrug it off, but telling from the look on his face, she knew she had not convinced the new Inuyasha. “What's the tux for?” she countered.
“Dinner party with some bitch friend of my boss. Its something of a blind date.” Inuyasha slouched in his chair. He continued to toy with his straw, flicking ice in different directions. The glass wobbled from time to time, but Inuyasha paid it no mind.
“You're going to spill that you know.” Kagome glared at him. Again Inuyasha remained impassive. “A blind date, you said? What's so bad about that?”
“I've worked with the woman before, but our boss is pushing us together. He seems to think it would be good for the company if we hooked up.” Inuyasha let out a long sigh.
“So is she repulsive or something?” The hanyou's eyebrows shot up into his hairline and Kagome tried to recover under the somewhat angry glare he was giving her. “I mean, why do you seem unhappy about seeing her?”
“Its not that I don't like her, its just I don't like the idea of going out with her for the sake of our jobs.” Inuyasha grumbled, leaning forward onto his elbows.
Kagome thought for a moment. “I guess it depends on how you look at things…”
“Or how she looks at it. In the past when we've been set up, I've tried to treat them like regular dates, but she always approaches the damn things like just another job.” He grumbled and leaned back so his hands were behind his head. “The same thing keeps happening. She stays cold, I get pissed of and treat her like shit, and that's that.”
Kagome gave a small laugh which Inuyasha growled at. “You need to relax, first of all. No woman is going to take kindly to a guy who gets wound up and explodes.”
Inuyasha looked at her. Yeah, she looked like Kikyou, but Kikyou didn't say shit like that. Ever, especially to strangers.
But Kikyou is a great actress… Actress yes, but its not like she writes her own lines…
Not thinking, he leaned forward and began to play with his drink and straw again. Kagome was almost about to warn him to stop, when then glass over turned in her direction, spilling the liquid all over her outfit.
Inuyasha stood the cup up quickly, but was not in time to stop the waterfall that poured into Kagome's lap. He expected to hear a shriek followed closely by a string of curses to his name.
The scream came, piercing though his sensitive youkai ears. However, instead of every obscenity flowing from the woman's mouth, which would have been the response the water normally would have provoked from Kikyou (Inuyasha had a habit of playing with straws), he was shocked to find himself dripping wet. Blinking and pushing his wet hair aside, he looked to find Kagome holding her now empty glass over his head.
She was smiling at him sadistically. He could almost believe her when she said she wasn't Kikyou….but the slightest doubt still lingered in his mind….
“I told you you would spill you water if you didn't stop.” Plucking up a napkin, she wiped her chair of the water and ice. Sitting back down, she laughed openly at his look of surprise through the hair and ears plastered to his head.
Ok, that was definitely not a Kikyou thing to do. Maybe she's on the level.
Inuyasha had just managed to whip his wet hair out of his face when the food arrived. The waiter flashed them both a disgruntle look that said if they didn't stopped fucking around soon, they both would be forcefully removed.
Kagome thanked the waiter despite the man's death glare, and Inuyasha couldn't help chalking up another tally on the side of her not being Kikyou.
If she's not Kikyou, damn there is a resemblance!
Might as well go in for the kill.
“So, would you go to dinner with me some time?”
Kagome almost choked on her sandwich. “Excuse me? Dinner, like a date dinner?” She croaked.
“This is fun, isn't it? Why no do it for dinner?” He smiled as confidently as he could muster. In all reality, he was worried she wasn't enjoying being around him, especially if she really was Kikyou.
Kagome looked at him so intently he swallowed hard, but then she broke into a smile. “You're right, this is fun. I don't remember the last time I got into a water fight at a restaurant. Actually, I don't think I've ever had a water fight in a restaurant.” She resumed eating her sandwich, but Inuyasha's ears twitched on the top of his head.
“So does that mean you'll go on a date with me?”
“I don't know…You seem kind of hung up on the girl from work…the blind datish one? Why go out with me?”
Inuyasha cursed under his breath. Because you probably are the girl from work, Kikyou.
“I wouldn't say I'm hung up with her…and besides she's ignored be for years. You'll go out to lunch with me without a memo from our boss. How about Friday?”
Kagome flinched. Fuck, the party is on Friday! “How about Saturday night?”
Inuyasha gave her a calculating look. She said Friday was off, but then that was the night of the party.
“Saturday is good for me, when should I pick you up?”
Kagome stiffened. You have been out of the dating loop so long that you forgot you have to give an address in the process. Fuck! You don't have an address and he already thinks you're Kikyou. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
With a sudden burst of inspiration, a light bulb flickered over her head. “I have some research to do at the university Saturday afternoon, could pick me up there? In front of the social sciences building? 6-ish?”
Inuyasha was struck with a moment of doubt. Kikyou knows where the university is?
He was about to answer her when he noticed Kagome was staring frozen at someone walking toward their table and fear was rolling off her. He turned to see her “agent” walking towards them with her features etched in an angry glare.
“I was worried sick!” Sango growled before she had even reached their table.
“Sorry,” Kagome bowed her head. She was blushing, embarrassed because she was about to get a dressing down in front of Inuyasha. She had only met the hanyou, but the thought of him seeing her treated like a child was not appealing. It only made her blush harder.
“And now we are late,” Sango announced as she stepped up to the side of their table, looking at her watch and taping the toe of her shoe.
“I'm sure any man would be willing to wait for you,” a voice cooed from behind Sango. All three at the table turned to see Miroku standing there in his pressed black suit.
“I don't even want to talk to you,” Sango glared. Returning her attention to Kagome, she began, “We really have to be going, you know—”
Sango suddenly stiffened, stopping midsentence. Her hand shot behind her back and a moment later she pulled out Miroku's quivering hand—thankfully still attached to the innocent looking monk.
“My dear, if you will not speak to me, could we perhaps practice some sign language?” he grinned.
Red tick marks popped around Sango's head. “I've got your sign right here!” She growled, flashing her hand in front of his face.
“I'd love to!” Miroku beamed, taking in the gesture.
Without answering, Sango jerked Kagome away from her half eaten sandwich, dragging the girl from the restaurant. In her haste, she failed to notice Kagome mouthing the word “six” and giving him a thumbs up to Inuyasha as she was pulled away. The hanyou nodded he understood.
“What the hell were you thinking!” Sango screamed once they were out of earshot. “Kikyou is going to kill me! And then I'm sure she'll go after you.”
Kagome shrugged. “I was just getting some food.”
“You were supposed to be getting fitted for a dress! Not going out with random hanyou!” Fisting her hands in her hair, she pulled on her locks. “Kikyou is going to kill me.”
“Its fine Sango. No one saw us, and he—”
“He thinks you're Kikyou! He could leak it to the paparazzi that Kikyou is slumming, and they could get pictures. You have to promise me you won't see him again Kagome. Promise me or I'll have to tell Kikyou.”
Kagome nodded. “I promise Sango. I don't usually do stuff like this, its just…”
“Its alright Kagome. I understand, not come on, you're due for a manicure.”
Kagome gave a fleeting look back at the building where she knew Inuyasha was, and then continued on after Sango.
A/N: That's it for now. I know its short, but I thought you would like an update of some sort as opposed to um nothing. I'll try to update again before Friday, but no promises because I'm lazy.