InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Marriage of Convenience for Whom? ❯ Matrimony's Dark Sprial Begins Part 1 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. I'm playing. Leave me alone. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions.
A/N: This is only half of this chapter. The second half is written in my travel journal and I have an insanely snoopy, fan fiction-distaining roommate who will further dig into my personal life and laugh at me if she sees me copying stuff from my diary to my computer. I wanted to get you guys at least something out, and I don't know when the next time I'll have the room to myself. Don't worry, Part II is coming soon.
Chapter 7
Kagome stumbled home, feeling a freezing cold wrapping around her. She felt ill and was at more than a complete lose to understand what had just happened.
Inuyasha seemed so angry. So what if I had an ex? Doesn't everyone?
It was almost too much: first seeing Kouga again and then Inuyasha rejecting her. It was an emotional roller coaster she didn't want to be one under the present circumstances.
Retracing her way, she found herself back at Kikyou's house much sooner than she would have liked. She wanted to be at her sister's home even less when she realized they had discovered her absence.
Shoulders slumped and, in no emotional state to deal with Kikyou's wrath, Kagome made her way passed the security guards who offered her only a puzzled nod before muttering in their walky-talkies to report that the prodigal sister had come home.
Before Kagome could cover half of Kikyou's finely trimmed lawn, the front doors to the house burst open and Kikyou flew out, Sango on her heels. It was obvious she was angry but was trying to remain calm.
“Where have you been?” Kikyou demanded. She did not shout—Kikyou never shouted—but there was an edge on her voice telling a practiced ear Kikyou was unhappy.
Kagome opened her mouth to explain, but only a soft sob came out. Swallowing under the slightly-soften glare Kikyou was still giving her, she tried again. “I—I went ou—t,” Kagome managed before she launched herself into her sister's arms and began to cry. Kikyou exchanged a surprised looked with Sango, but still wrapped her arms around her distraught sibling. All her anger was deflated at the site of Kagome's tears. Kagome may have been hiding something, but she was also upset.
Detaching her sister, Kikyou pulled Kagome into a half hug, one arm tightly holding her shoulder, and began to lead both of them back to the house.
“Come on, let's get you inside, Kags. We'll make tea and you can tell me what's wrong,” Kikyou cooed.
Kagome nodded and wiped away a tear. There was no way she could tell her sister what was going on. Kikyou would be furious she had put the entire charade at risk.
Inuyasha stood in his darkened bedroom. The only light was the open window blowing the long curtains into the room.
The half demon was thinking, and that was never a good thing.
Looking into his full-length mirror, he couldn't help by glower at the hanyou image staring back at him.
She's lying to you. You have been nothing but one of many distractions for a spoiled actress. “Kagome” is nothing more than a part for Kikyou to play…
Inuyasha outwardly snarled at the mirror now. He had acted in too many chick flicks and not only was it turning it soft, it was making him think like a mopping girl.
A hesitant knock on the door announced Miroku. He did not wait for permission to enter, just let his friend know he was coming in.
“I thought you were going to be out all night with Kagome,” he joked, but his demenor changed at the sight of Inuyasha flexing his claws at him.
“There is no Kagome,” said simply.
Miroku shook his head. “No, you remember Kagome. You fought her for a bag of cereal and she kicked your ass.” Miroku mused for a moment before he began to tidy Inuyasha's room. He paused for a moment to think, dirty shirt in hand, “Kagome…you were supposed to go on a date with her. You know, you may have hit your head a little too hard in that last stunt for Big Explosions by Big Guns, I think its affecting your memory if you can't remember Kagome, or is it that you really do prefer rent boys?”
Inuyasha snarled and leaped at his friend. Miroku was ready and simply side stepped. Inuyasha landed in a pile of filthy designer jeans. He wanted to get up and rip Miroku to shreds, but he was feeling a little overwhelmed today.
“That's not what I mean! Kagome is Kikyou, Kagome doesn't exist.” He growled, letting his head drop in defeat. He shot back up the instant his nose touched his dirty laundry…if only he washed his clothes more often…
“I don't understand,” Miroku said over his should. He was plucking up sweatpants and dropping it in a discarded wash basket.
“I figured it out,” Inuyasha rolled over onto his back. Propping his head up with one hand, he let the other lay on his stomach. “Kikyou has been slumming. You remember I told you about that red string I put on Kagome's dress?”
Miroku nodded. He had pulled a pair of pink plastic gloves from his jacket and was now handling Inuyasha's underwear.
“I found it on Kikyou's dress the other night. I thought—I guessed she was just looking for someone out of all this Hollywood mess. But then when I went to pick Kagome up last night, one of her exes was there. He was a complete ass and she was clearly afraid of the guy.”
“So?” Miroku asked through the vent in his gas mask.
“Don't you get it?” Inuyasha demanded jolting up. “She's using me, just like she used that other guy. I'm just a night on the town for her before she leaves me.”
Miroku lifted the mask so he could speak clearly. “You sound like a girl. What are you doing with her? Isn't what your describing casual dating?”
Inuyasha flashed his fangs. “I know that idiot! It's my youkai that's a problem. It likes Kagome. It likes Kagome, more than it ever did Kikyou. Then to know she is parading around with other men and putting on this innocent act and to lie—that's the problem.” He stood completely and stomped back to the mirror.
“Fair enough,” Miroku shrugged. He lowed the gas mask—you never could be too careful clearing Inuyasha's room—and pulled up the pink gloves before delving under the hanyou's bed.
“I'm not going to see her again—at least not like this,” Inuyasha motioned to the mirror he was now standing before. “I guess I don't have much of a choice never to be in Kikyou's presence again.” Miroku looked up from his cleaning, giving Inuyasha his attention.
Most would have missed it, but as one of Inuyasha's oldest friends Miroku caught the ever-so-slight droop in his ears: a classic sign Inuyasha was wallowing in self pity.
“I don't see what you're so upset about,” Miroku spoke even though his words were muffled as he yanked off the gas mask and tossed it on top of the basket with the dirty clothes. The pink gloves followed. “You're getting the girl. Kikyou. Remember? The one who has already ignored you—it was your fifth movie together she would give you the time of day. Kikyou is being delivered to you on a silver platter. Buck up man.”
If anything, Miroku's speech caused Inuyasha's ears to flatten farther on his head. “I don't want Kikyou anymore.” With that, he whispered the words to the ancient glamour that had hid many a hanyou before him.
Turning back to Miroku with his now violet eyes, Inuyasha growled. “I'm doomed to always want I can not have. I want Kagome.”
Kikyou tapped her perfectly lacquered nails on the pristine glass tabletop in the executive boardroom of Dreamstone Pictures.
I'm becoming quite a regular here, she thought as she waited for the members of the board to deem her worthy enough to address her. Tired of the game they were playing, she shuffled in her blazer pocket and popped out her cigarette case and lighter. Blowing a perfect smoke ring with her lips, she smirked that she had the attention of at least some of the junior members of the board.
Seeing she was no longer suffering under stillness of the room, the CEO flashed Kikyou a glare at her lack of reverence in his presence then began to explain why she had been called.
“You were right, your sister has done a brilliant job convincing everyone in Hollywood you are head over heels with Inuyasha. They are practically the royalty of Hollywood couples,” he flashed Kikyou a grim smile as he offered her a stiff nod.
“But?” Kikyou blew another smoke ring. This one floated up, before coming back down to explode on the tabletop. A junior member of the board winked at her and Kikyou rolled her eyes back.
“But?” The CEO echoed. “Not but, but and. They are doing well and it is time to step things up a notch; and it is time for Inuyasha to propose.”
Kikyou clutched her lighter in her hand. She had hoped it would not come to this—at least not so soon. Saying as much to the members of the board, she was only met with the CEO's cold dry laughter.
“You must have forgotten how this works. If you've got it, sell it Kikyou. Inuyasha and your sister are the hottest couple in Hollywood. It is promoting your movie like wild fire and no one remembers that Inuyasha was in a scandal with a go-go boy. There's more to sell and that is the marriage itself.”
“I understand, and Kagome does too. I just think this is going to fast.”
“Fast Kikyou? Don't be stupid—I know you're not. This is a celebrity marriage. It will be over and buried by the end of the year.”
Poor Kagome. Kikyou felt a stab of pain for her little sister. This could ruin her.
Kagome had been distant and mopping since she had come home the night before. She had been very un-Kagome. Something was upsetting her, and Kikyou had a feeling it was the pressure of all this. Kagome had been dropped into this world against her will and had no way of defending herself. Not for the first time, Kikyou regretted dragging her little sister into her world.
And the worst part was Kagome wasn't acting like herself. She wouldn't talk about anything, and Kagome was usually very open.
Kikyou sighed. “I'll let her know. When should she be really to take dog face's ring?” Kikyou smirked at her nickname for her co-star.
Kikyou's eye's narrowed. “Fine.” She spun gracefully on her heels, flicking her still-burning cigarette over her shoulder on to some files piled in the middle of the table. The papers quickly ignited and the sound of the overly sensitive fire alarms covered the sound of Kikyou's clicking stilettos.
A/N: Yeah, I know I'm getting repetitious and this is far from my best, but I'm tired. I spent Saturday night on the airport floor, I'm still recovering from spring break, I've had two plays and two midterms this week, and I think I'm getting a cold. Could be bird flu for all I know. I'm also trying to be clearer, there was some confusion about the last chapter. Hell, even I'm confused. But hold tight—this is only the first half of the chapter, and I promise it will have more stuff going in the next one.