InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts ❯ A Mother Miko's Instincts Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Mother Miko's Instincts - Chapter 19
By Majicman55
Why did this castle seem so familiar?
Oshirimaru settled onto the floor in what evidently was the most important room in the castle. She had the distinct feeling she had been here before. No, she had lived here. She could feel the evil that permeated the place. Flashes of memory came to her. It was like when Kikyo's memories were beginning to return.
Oshirimaru suffered a sudden case of the willies.
She wondered if she really was this Kikyo person. She had her memories, or at least some of them…but that didn't make her Kikyo, did it? Certainly she had been created out of something that had once been Kikyo.
Oshirimaru grumbled and began exploring the castle again.
Now it appeared that, in addition to all the youkai and the three children of InuYasha and Kagome she had absorbed, she was made, in part, of someone else.
A very evil someone else.
Oshirimaru opened a trap door she had found and floated down into the dungeon below.
The place reeked of torture and death. There were even skeletons and parts of skeletons scattered throughout. Oh, yes. Whoever it was that was a part of her was very evil.
On one side of the dungeon were two doors. One was labeled “For InuYasha” and the other “For Kagome.”
Oshirimaru went through the door labeled “For InuYasha.” Inside there was a very strong frame, complete with chains, facing a screen wall separating InuYasha's room from Kagome's room. Oshirimaru could feel the magic that had been infused into the chains. The hanyou would have been forced to watch what was in the next room.
“So InuYasha would have been forced to watch Kagome tortured,” thought the floating ass.
For some reason the thought pleased her immensely. She smirked inwardly as she opened the screens separating InuYasha's and Kagome's rooms.
There, in Kagome's room, was a raised dais covered in furs. It was obvious from the construction (and the manacles and leg irons) that Kagome would have been restrained while someone could walk right up between her…
“Puff-Does-pufffff-everyone-puff-want-puff-to-puff-h ave-puff-sex-puff-with-puff-that-pufffff-agghhhhh!”
Oshirimaru fled the dungeon and slammed the trap door shut. She really hated that girl. The floating ass returned to the main room and settled there. She didn't have long to wait. Judging by the way the three brats she had absorbed were acting, Kagome and InuYasha and the others must be nearby. “Puff-What-puff-can-puff-I-puff-do?” she thought.
“I can help you.”
The group had set up camp about a mile from Naraku's castle. InuYasha was out hunting for supper while Miroku was gathering the firewood to cook it.
Suddenly the monk felt a sharp pain in his hand. “It couldn't be,” he thought. At the same time, the monk checked his hand. Out of sheer habit, he had kept wearing the special cloth and prayer beads meant to seal his old air rip. He lifted the cloth slightly.
There was a draught of air rushing into his palm.
“No,” thought the monk. “That bastard's dead.”
Oshirimaru looked around desperately. “Puff-Where-puff-are-puff-you?”
“I am…inside.”
“Inside you.”
A low, continuous rumble began as a shapeless mass began rising out of the top of the floating ass. Rapidly it formed itself into a stomach, a chest, shoulders and arms, a neck and - finally - a head.
Below the floating ass, tentacles appeared and writhed about wildly.
When all was done, the head finally stirred. A sneer appeared on its lips. “I am back.” It opened its eyes. “They thought they had destroyed me, but I am…”
The head looked down.
“…a female ass, facing the wrong direction.” The face took on a look of angry concern as the body slithered rapidly over to a mirror and turned first to the left and then to the right. “A really nice ass, though. In fact, a great…wait. Kikyo? Is that you?”
“Puff-Some-puff-part-puff-of-puff-me-puff-may-puff-be… ;”
“I get the idea.”
The creature she was now part of was waving one tentacle rapidly in front of its nose. “Puff-And-puff-you-puff-are?”
“Call me…Naraku.”
“That bastard's dead!”
“That's what I thought, too, InuYasha, but…” Miroku held out his hand, uncovered. “It hasn't gotten big enough to be dangerous yet, but I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.”
Kagome was looking more upset by the minute. “You mean that - thing - that is part Kikyo may be part Naraku as well?”
“Keh. Looks like it. We never did know where the bastard had his heart hidden when he came after you,” said InuYasha. “All we knew is that at one point in the fight he suddenly looked shocked.” The hanyou looked to his brother. “Do you know anything about this?”
“This Sesshomaru regrets not smashing the undead miko's statue into powder.”
“Ummm,” hemmed Kagome. “That wasn't exactly a statue.”
“But how…?
“I don't want to explain right now.” A wild look came into Kagome's eyes as she turned back to her mate. “InuYasha!”
“You don't suppose Naraku hid his heart inside the statue of Kikyo?”
“So you are Kikyo.”
“Puff-I-puff-am-puff-not-puff-really-puff-sure-puff-about-p uff-that.”
Naraku waved his tentacles rapidly in front of his nose. “Would you stop that? How am I supposed to get any respect as the `ultimate evil' if you keep doing that? People will just laugh.”
“Puff-Do-puff-you-puff-think-puff-I-puff-like-puff-b eing-puff-an-puff-ass?”
“And another thing…I'm not a girl.” The Naraku part concentrated. “I should have a…”
“Puff-No! Puff-Wait! Pufffffffff-Ooooohhhh!”
“What's the problem?”
“Grown what…ohhh, I see.” Naraku smirked. “Since I'm growing it there, and it's growing forward, and since you're facing…”
“…backwards.” Naraku's eyes got big. “Why, I must be screwing myself.”
The evil hanyou looked down at the now-red-and-irritated ass. “But we both know I'm doing it to you.”
The composite body began making rapid jerks forward as if something was sticking into it, over and over.
“What's wrong, Kagome?” asked InuYasha.
His mate had a strange look on her face as if something was gradually making her sick. “It's the kids.”
“Oi. What about `em?” InuYasha suddenly got very serious. “Are they in danger?”
“N-No,” answered Kagome. “I just get the feeling they're being grossed out. Yeah, that's it. Grossed out.”
“But what could…?”
Suddenly Kagome's eyes got big and she turned around quickly so she could lean over a log. Retching noises could be heard, followed by the miko weakly asking for water.
“Feh. Are you okay?”
“I…I think so. Thank kami that didn't last long.”
“The pups?”
Kagome shuddered. “They're…okay. I'm getting this overwhelming feeling of grossness, but they're okay.”
Naraku had this evil, satisfied smile. “So I finally got to stick it to the great Kikyo.”
“That's right. I'm Naraku. I'm bad. I'm bad.”
“I'm so…what?”
“I just haven't had sex in a while. I was bound to do that.”
“Next time it'll be longer.”
“It's the motion in the ocean, baby.”
“Shut up, bitch.”
Naraku glared down at the ass that glowed an angry red right back up at him. “Who's here?”
“They can't see me like this!” Naraku frantically looked around for a baboon pelt, finally finding one in a back room. “I'll have to try to buy time to get away.”
InuYasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru and Miroku stood before the main gate to Naraku's castle. Kagura floated overhead on one of her feathers.
“Oi! Naraku…or whatever you are,” shouted InuYasha. “Come out of there now!”
To everyone's surprise, the castle's gate opened and a figure in a baboon pelt emerged.
“Naraku!” spat Miroku, as the pain in his hand increased tenfold.
Up above on her feather, Kagura checked to see if her heart was still in her chest. She sighed as she felt its continued beat.
A smile appeared on the mouth of the figure dressed in the baboon pelt. “Miss me….InuYasha?”
A frown replaced the smile as the figure vigorously waved tentacles in front of its own nose. Naraku looked down and whispered, “Stop that!”
InuYasha and Sesshomaru looked at each other. Kagome spoke. “You guys heard that, too?”
“What's that smell?” asked Miroku as Kirara, who had been standing beside him, began backing away.
Sesshomaru looked up. “Kagura?”
“Oh, all right.” The wind sorceress waved her fan and blew the stink back to Naraku.
Naraku waved his tentacles even more frantically now. “You will bow down…cough…to me!”
Kagome was staring at Naraku and especially at his baboon pelt. “You know, InuYasha, I think there's more under there than just Naraku.”
“Miroku?” said Kagome. “Would you mind using your wind tunnel one more time?”
“If it will help defeat Naraku…”
“Just do it.”
The monk unwrapped his hand and pointed his palm at the figure in the baboon costume. “Wind tunnel!”
The wind tunnel was not yet strong enough to pull everything into it, but it was enough for what Kagome had in mind. The pelt parted.
There it was, staring them in the face: Kikyo's ass.
Naraku temporized. “So you know our secret...”
“…but it will do you no good!”
“For I, Naraku…”
The part of Naraku that was Oshirimaru began to tremble.
“…will destroy you.”
The ass began to puff. It started to gasp.
InuYasha's eyes got big.
Kagome pointed. “Is what I think is happening…happening?”
The ass began to moan. Something powerful was building inside it.
Even Naraku looked down. “What the hell?”
Then it happened.
Oshirimaru came…and came…and came again.
“Hmmmpf, triplets,” said InuYasha.
The Great Lord of the Western Lands looks perplexed. “This Sesshomaru would like to know what's going on.”
Kagome blushed and tried to answer, but couldn't. She gestured towards her mate.
“Oi, Sesshomaru. When a hanyou and a miko mate, you can tell how many pups…kids…they'll have by how many orgasms she has.”
“You mean?”
“Yup. Naraku must've given into temptation and screwed himself.”
Naraku was staring incredulously at his now-recovering ass.
“Yup, he's pregnant, alright.”
A/N: Oh my kami! Naraku's managed to impregnate himself, sort of. What can it mean for InuYasha's and Kagome's kids? Can they get them back? Oh, what will happen next?
As always, please read and review. And, as always reviews = inspiration to write new chapters. Thanks!