InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A New Friend ❯ The meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Meeting
Inuyasha slurped his ramen noisily as the group sat by the side of the road, watching the clouds. It was a beautiful day, blue skies with only a few clouds in the sky. Kagome made a face at Inuyasha. “Inuyasha!” she yelled. “That's really disgusting!” “What's disgusting?” he asked, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. “That slurping noise,” she said. “Knock it off!” “Shut up,” said Inuyasha. “I can do anything I want, and I especially don't need to take orders from a stupid girl like you!” “Hmph!” said Kagome. “Well I never! SIT BOY!” The ground shook as Inuyasha smashed into the ground. “Hey!” he shouted, looking up from the ground. “What was that for?!” “For having the nerve to insult me and expect me to make your precious ramen for you!” Kagome shouted back. “Well--,” started Inuyasha. “Excuse me,” said Miroku, finally stepping in. “But I believe we have company.” “What do you mean?” asked Kagome. “Demons,” growled Inuyasha. He sniffed the air and his hand gripped the Tetsusaiga, “and plenty of them.” Kagome looked around, the sky was growing dark and she could hear the snarls and barks of the approaching demons. Soon, she saw the demons moving towards them. “My gosh,” she breathed. “I've never seen so many at one time!” Inuyasha unsheathed the Tetusaiga, Kagome grabbed her bow, Sango gripped her Hiraikotsu, and Miroku prepared to unleash the wind tunnel. Shippo decided he'd best hide under Kagome's backpack since he didn't stand a chance against so many demons. The demons charged the gang. “Give us the jewel shards!” howled the demons. “Feh,” smirked Inuyasha. “Come and get them!” he shouted. Inuyasha swung his blade, unleashing the Wind Scar. Hundreds of demons fell, but thousands still remained. Kagome shot her arrow at the demons cutting through their ranks. Miroku sucked in hundreds of demons, but soon he had to close the tunnel. “Ugh,” grunted Miroku. “So many, I've never consumed that many demons at once.” Sango's boomerang was killing demons by the dozen. However, no matter how many they destroyed, there were still more than they could count. Finally, a few demons broke through and attacked Inuyasha and Sango. Inuyasha was stabbed in the stomach and Sango was stabbed in the arm. They both collapsed, Kagome turned to help them but was knocked unconscious by a charging demon. Miroku was the only one still standing. He raised his staff to protect the others. There were too many though, and Miroku soon fell too. It seemed hopeless, demon's were coming in from all sides. Suddenly, a boy appeared in front of the demons. He landed on the ground and stood with a staff in his hands. He stood between the demons and the Inuyasha gang. “Leave now,” he commanded. “I don't think so boy,” sneered one of the demons. “Especially not for a weak human boy like you.” “I am no mere human,” snarled the boy. Fire shot from his hands and the demon was cooked to nothing more than ash. “What the…?!” screamed the demon's in surprise. “How'd you do that? Humans can't do that!” The boy smirked. “Like I said,” he raised his staff. “I'm no mere human.” With that, he swung his staff, smashing through dozens of demons. The remaining demons howled, and surrounded him, forgetting momentarily of the Shikon jewel shards. “DIE!” they screamed, lunging at him. He clasped his hands together. A wall of fire surrounded his body. He unclasped his hands and spread them out causing the wall of fire to spread out and run through the ranks of demons. Most of the demons burned up, but the remaining demons kept coming. He pointed his hands to the ground in front of them and it rose up. When they came under the rock he threw it down on them and crushed them. One of the demons managed to survive and crawled out from under the rock. He crawled towards the backpack where the jewel was located. Right before he reached it, the boy stepped in his path. “Who are you?” asked the demon. “I'm Katsuo,” said the boy. “And I'm the last thing you'll ever see.” With that, he burned the demon into oblivion. Katsuo straightened up and looked around. He noticed a little fox tail sticking out from underneath a big yellow backpack. He walked over and lifted up the backpack. Shippo lay curled up in a ball. He opened his eyes and noticed Katsuo looking down at him. “Wh- who are you?” asked Shippo. “My name is Katsuo,” he replied cheerfully. “I'm Shippo,” said the little kitsune. He looked around at the corpses of demons and back at Katsuo. “Did you save us?” asked Shippo in awe. He nodded, “it was no big deal,” he replied. “B- but even Inuyasha and the others couldn't defeat all those demons,” stuttered Shippo. “How did you…?” “Like I said,” laughed Katsuo. “It was no big deal.” “Anyways, we'd better go help your friends.” Shippo nodded and they walked over to Inuyasha and the others. Kagome was just waking up and she noticed a boy standing over them. He smiled down at her and helped her up. “Are you ok?” he asked. “Yeah,” said Kagome wincing slightly. “It's just a bump.” “I wish I could say the same for your friends here,” said Katsuo bending over and examining Miroku, Sango, and Inuyasha. “Well, we'd better help them help,” said Katsuo. “So why'd you help us?” asked Kagome as they leaned the others against a rock. “Well because I sensed a huge demon aura, and decided I'd better check it out.” “I guess it's lucky for us you did,” said Kagome. “I was sure we were as good as dead.” “I'm Katsuo by the way,” said the boy. “I'm Kagome,” she said. With the introductions out of the way, they began patching up the others.