InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Valentine's Special ❯ An Unnexpected occurence ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1
An unexpected occurrence
“Kagome are you feeling ok?” asked Inuyasha, they were sitting around a campfire, and kagome had just sneezed.
“ I'm ok Inuyasha, some one must have been talking about me.” She said looking up at Inuyasha grinning.
“Kagome here wear this,” said Inuyasha taking off his Haori top and covering kagome with it, “that little shirt can't warm you much.”
“Thanks Inuyasha.” Kagome whispered resting her head on his shoulder.
She had soon drifted off to sleep, Inuyasha was kind of uncomfortable like this, but he also enjoyed it. He noticed that he was blushing and that his heart was running really fast. He wanted to lay down to rest but with kagome leaning on his shoulder he couldn't, so he rested his head on her head.
Miroku noticed that when he was about to go to sleep, so he woke up Sango and whispered to her, “Sango what do ya think of that look at them”
“ Aw that is so sweet, I knew they would end up together.” She said grinning at Miroku.
“Yes me too.”
“Well goodnight Miroku”
“Night Sango.”
The next mourning
Kagome woke up and she noticed she was lying down next to Inuyasha who was still sound asleep. His Haori top was still on her, she remembered last night and how he had acted, `he actually cared that I was cold' she thought, she then blushed a bit and rested her head on his chest.
When Inuyasha woke up, a few minutes later, he immediately noticed that kagome was next to him, that she was blushing, and his heart was running fast. He could see that she was trying to fake that she was asleep so he went along with it for an hour or two, because he noticed that Miroku and Sango already left the campsite.
He shook her shoulder gently to wake her up; at first she just opened her eyes a bit then closed the back shut, but then she woke up completely and sat up.
“Had a good night's sleep?” asked Inuyasha.
“Umm………”started kagome blushing a bit, “ yea I slept great.” When she finished talking she gave back Inuyasha his Haori and stood up to stretch.
“ Good, so where are Sango and Miroku?” Inuyasha asked while putting his Haori back on.
“I don't know maybe they will come back in a bit…. Do you want some ramen?” asked kagome.
“Sure thanks”
While kagome was taking out the boiling water out of the fire they heard a bunch of loud smacking noises come from a distance.
“ Kagome I think that was them.”
“I bet it was one of Miroku's perverted things.”
“Yup” with this Inuyasha went over to kagome and helped her with putting the boiling water into the ramen cup.
He accidentally put his hand over her's and they blushed a bit but he kept it there.
“MIROKU!!! You pervert!!”
They heard Sango screaming from the mouth of the forest clearing. They noticed Miroku's face was all red, they figured it was from how many smacks they had heard earlier.
“Hi Sango,” started kagome, “ what did Miroku do this time?”
“ Oh nothing! I was just talking to him about a change I wanted, which was for him to stop being a pervert, and he takes it as if I want for him to change where he touched me!!” started the angry Sango, “so can you guess where he touched?”
“No, where?”
Sango then leaned loser to kagome and whispered, “my boob”
“Miroku you pervert!!” screamed kagome when she heard that.
“Sorry girls but I just couldn't help myself!” said Miroku in defense.
“Wow Miroku you've passed your perverted ness level!” said Inuyasha from the ground where he was sitting eating his ramen.
Sango and kagome sat on the other side of the campfire to make sure he wouldn't try anything. Miroku san next to Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha, why is kagome starring at me like that? She is with you so why should she be worrying about me?” whispered Miroku into Inuyasha's ear.
“ Maybe she is worried you might try something, and she…………s-she is not with me!” he screamed out loud, blushing a lot and noticing a bit too late that what he had said was wrong.
Kagome looked at him and their sights met but she quickly dropped hers because she knew that her eyes showed too much of her emotions, and she was feeling very sad right now and it would be too embarrassing for him to see her like that. She knew that Inuyasha was very hard at expressing his feelings but it was still hard on her for him to say that.
“So Sango,” kagome started talking looking for a different subject to change to, she tried to grin but was too sad to. “ How about we take a bath?”
They had seen some hot springs when they were coming this way.
“Ok kagome,” answered Sango smiling, she then gave Miroku a death glare and said, “ Miroku if you spy on us it will be the last thing you do!”
“ Ok don't worry,” answered Miroku automatically.
A while after the girls were gone Miroku got up and said, “ Well we should be going now”
“ Where to?” asked Inuyasha, standing up with him
“ To the spring of course!” said Miroku with a perverted look and a grin.
“ Pervert! I'm not going to go ok?”
“Come on Inuyasha! You know you want to…!”
“ Miroku you are the perverted-” Inuyasha started but before he could finish the sentence he was being dragged by his kimono's neck.
With the girls
They had already gotten in the hot springs and where leaning against the sides enjoying the warmth of the water.
“ This is so relaxing………” started kagome so relaxed that she didn't have her eyes open.
“Yes and no fighting demons for once” answered Sango her eyes were closed too.
When the boys arrived there they were right in front of the two girls. Miroku enjoyed the view while Inuyasha blushed like he had never before.
Kagome then heard the rustling of leaves and halfway opened her eyes, her's and Inuyasha's eyes met and she blushed a lot and then she opened her eyes all the way and saw Miroku.
“SANGO!!” she screamed
“ What's wrong kagome?” asked Sango confused
“Look right in front of you”
Sango then looked at Miroku and said, “YOU PERVERTED MONK!!!!”
She then started throwing things at him, but kagome just stayed sitting down looking at Inuyasha, he was blushing so much it looked as if his head were a red cherry.
Miroku then went away and Inuyasha followed when they got back to camp Miroku said, “that was a beautiful sight we just saw Inuyasha”
“ At least this time I didn't come out with a sit”
“ I know they are beautiful”
“Miroku are we talking about the same thing?” said Inuyasha looking over to Miroku.
“I don't know and I don't care,” he said then he started looking at the sky.
A few minutes later when the girls had come back
“ Miroku I have a surprise for you” started Sango when she came back.
“What?” asked Miroku curiously.
“THIS!” said Sango getting a rock the size of her fist and throwing it at his head.
Kagome and Inuyasha had a large sweat drop at the side of their heads.
“ Wasn't that a little bit too harsh Sango?” asked kagome.
“ Maybe it was… oh well he did deserve it”
“You're right!” said kagome
“So umm kagome I'm sorry I was with Miroku its just that he always drags me off with him....” started Inuyasha
“Its ok we know how he gets when it comes to perverted things” replied kagome.
“ Kagome…” started Miroku weakly, “ what day is it in your era?”
“I think it's February the 13th”
“Ok, then tomorrow is the day.”
“ What day?”
“It's a holiday representing the couples,” he said looking over at Sango, she blushed a bit
“Oh yea I forgot it was Valentine's Day!”
“Yes I don't know how it is celebrated in your era but in this one there are demons that only come out of their year long sleep and help couples realize their loves for each other, their names are Sukiyanen.” Explained Miroku
“Wow it's so romantic in this era! In mine you just go around handing out followers to each other.” Said kagome.
This gave Inuyasha an idea.
They packed up and started traveling back to Kaede's village to rest there

When they go there they almost immediately went to sleep because they were so tired of all the walking they had done earlier.