InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Valentine's Special ❯ Valentine's Day Part I ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
Valentine's day part I
Inuyasha had stayed up all night after the others were asleep so he could go and get some things; he went all the way to the mountains in search for them.
When he got back he had in his hands a bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hands, he had to fight demons in the way because some of them were really rare. He hoped kagome would like them.
“Kagome wake up…” he whispered in her ear, he was gently shaking her shoulder.
When she woke up he said, “stand up I have something to give you”
“Ok” she said half asleep
“Happy Valentine's day kagome” he said offering her the bouquet
“Inuyasha those are beautiful!” said kagome in amazement, she took the flowers and then he said, “ Common lets go for a walk, ok?”
“Sure” answered kagome, blushing a bit, but she liked how he was acting lately.
They exited the hut and headed for the forest. They were holding hands without noticing, Inuyasha was wondering what to talk about so he just said, “kagome”
“Yes Inuyasha?”
“well, I've been thinking” Inuyasha started talking but was soon interrupted by a sudden gust of wind.
“Inuyasha what's going on?!?”
“I don't know kagome! Where are you?”
“Over here!”
They suddenly appeared in a very dark place, kagome and Inuyasha had been separated, kagome was unconscious and laying on the floor, Inuyasha was running trying to find her when he realized this was a maze.
“ Kagome!!” he screamed, nothing was heard except his echo. “KAGOME! Where are you?”
He tried to sniff her out and finally after some minutes he found her scent.
“Kagome hold on I'll get you!”
With kagome
Kagome was having a bad dream, she was dreaming of Kikyo and Inuyasha being together forever. But then the dream turned into something else, her hopes, she saw when she was sitting next to Inuyasha and she had his Hiori top on her, then this morning when she woke up and he gave her the flowers. After she saw all this she appeared in a dark place.
Then she heard a voice; `you know he loves her more than you…' said the little voice
Then a similar voice spoke, ` no kagome you mustn't give up! There's still hope'
The two little voice kept arguing while she remembered all of the times Inuyasha had run off with Kikyo, but then she thought of all the times he had been with her.
The room had gotten brighter little by little until she could her his voice, Inuyasha's voice, `kagome don't give up yet! I'll get you!', she wanted to answer back but she couldn't. Her eyes started to get brighter and brighter with hope.
When he finally reached her he noticed she was sleeping, he tried waking her up but couldn't.
`What can I do to wake her up?' he thought desperately