InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Woman Scorned ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

5 years later
“Mama Shippo won't let me play with him and Rin and Uncle Inu-yasha!” Kagome and Sesshomaru's 4 year old child cried out. She turned and stuck her tongue out at her older brother. “Now you're going to get it!” she snarled.
“Shippo be nice to your sister okay?” Kagome's exhausted voice called out from where she was sitting. She rubbed her hand across her swollen belly, where the twins were currently competing to see who could do the most acrobatics inside their mother's stomach. Sesshomaru had gone to the well to retrieve Kagome's mother and brother, leaving Inu-yasha here to help Kagome and Jaken manage the rambunctious kids.
“But mother we're playing with dangerous weapons,” Shippo's voice whined. Kagome sighed, attempting to stand up, but unable to. She growled softly in frustration and blinked when a couple of hands suddenly appeared in front of her.
“Thanks Sango, Miroku,” she said once she was up. She looked at her best friends and giggled at the sight of Sango's equally swollen belly.
“Laugh it up! We'll see who gives birth first,” Sango huffed in mock anger. Kagome laughed openly and threw her arms around her best friends, hugging first one then the other with her tail. Sango just sighed and rubbed her face against it, provoking another flurry of giggles from Kagome and more acrobatics from the twins she was currently expecting.
After Kagome's visit with Midoriko, she had tugged the gang through the well to her original time to help prepare for the wedding. Kagome's mom had been surprised by the changes in her daughter at first, until she spotted her tail. It had finally taken Sota and surprisingly her grandfather to get her mother to turn loose of her poor maligned tail.
The weeks had flown by quickly, although not quick enough for the traumatized demon slayer and monk. They had never seen such things as TVs and cars and it took a lot of persuading Sango before she stopped trying to kill every mechanical thing she saw. In the end, Kagome had bought Sango her own CD player with CDs. Her friend had burst into tears and hugged her gratefully before slipping on the headphones and listening to a Linkin Park CD. Since then, her mother had made sure to bring both girls plenty of batteries and the newest CDs when she came to visit.
Miroku had been pleasantly dazzled by some of the rather…skimpy clothing that the girls in Kagome's original time wore. But since the day that he and Sango had confessed their love for each other and the wind tunnel had disappeared, he had not felt the urge to grope any other woman but Sango. Of course at times the familiar sounds of him being smacked and the cry of `Hentai' filled the air, mostly due to force of habit and the need to entertain their friends sometimes. They had been married quite suddenly at the same time as Kagome and Sesshomaru, thus ensuring that they had something to remember the date by. Now they lived nearby where Sango's old village used to be. They were far enough away to be able to travel and help subdue any demons that might still be about, but still close enough to visit their friends Kagome, Sesshomaru and Inu-yasha.
The biggest relief for Kagome was the fact that Inu-yasha and Sesshomaru had managed to bury their differences and try making something of their brotherly bond. It was Sesshomaru that Inu-yasha had turned to when he had finally killed Kikyo, thus freeing her soul to return to Kagome and allowing her to finally be at peace. There were many nights when Kagome would awaken looking for her mate only to find him sitting out in the gardens with Inu-yasha, just talking. She would quietly return to the castle and go back to bed to await her mate. When he would return to their bed, he never told her what they talked about and she never asked. Some secrets were just better left between brothers. She had offered to remove the subduing beads from around Inu-yasha's neck and was surprised when he declined. He had grown used to them, plus he wanted to make sure that she had a way of controlling him if his demon blood ever got out of control again. He was just as protective of her and the kids as Sesshomaru was. He seemed content to play the part of devoted uncle rather than be off looking for his own mate. He knew in time that the right person would come along for him. Until then, he had his own little family to help look after. And that included the child that Sango and Miroku were expecting. Kirara was often dividing her time between Kagome's place and Sango's place.
“So do you two know what you are having?” Kagome asked as they slowly waddled their way to where Inu-yasha and the children where. Miroku had gone ahead to help calm the children down, leaving Kagome and Sango alone temporarily. Somewhere nearby, Kagome could hear the sounds of Sesshomaru and her family. Apparently they were just in time, for suddenly Kagome and Sango both doubled over in pain.
“I don't believe this!” Kagome exclaimed in a thorough annoyed tone of voice. She looked over at Sango, who unbelievably was giggling through the contraction.
“Looks like it really will be a race then,” Sango snorted. She then moaned as the pain returned, harder and longer than before. In an instant, Sesshomaru and Kagome's family was by their sides, supporting them through the pain. Sota ran off to get Miroku and help round up the children while Sesshomaru supported his wife and Kagome's mother supported Sango. In seconds, Miroku was there and helped get his wife inside the castle to her room. Yep, it was just another normal day for Kagome and Sesshomaru!
THE END!!!!!!!!