InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Across the Cafe' I Saw You ❯ Chapter I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Inuyasha! All I own is this storyline.
Across the Café I Saw You
By: IsisTheEgyptianGoddess
Chapter I
And So It Begins…
Inuyasha walked into Café on the Arbor and sat at his favorite table. The café was on a very nice piece of property right on the edge of the park and was his favorite place to eat lunch or have a coffee break. It was very peaceful, and there was always at least three other people here eating, drinking their lattés, or just hanging out. It was the perfect place to study, in fact that was mainly the reason this place was so popular on the weekends and would be even more so once classes officially started again. Inuyasha glanced over at his backpack and finally with a resolute sigh opened it and reached in for his chemistry book. He opened it to the appropriate page and began to read.
Kagome stood behind the counter of Café on the Arbor listening to a man's order.
“So that's one large double mocha espresso and a blueberry muffin?”
The man nodded his assent and Kagome took one muffin out of the display under the counter and her best friend Sango handed her the espresso. Kagome rang him up on the old-fashioned cash register. It was one of those ones with a bell that rang when the change drawer came out.
“That's five dollars even sir.”
The man handed her a ten and Kagome gave him his change and bid him farewell. Then she and Sango leaned on the counter bored to tears. Normally, Sango would tend to her customers and Kagome to hers, but it was a very, very slow afternoon. There were only five people sitting at various tables around the café. Kagome looked around taking in her surroundings. She had to admit, the café was very pretty and tasteful. The forest of the park wrapped around it, and the walls had wood paneling with large floor-to-ceiling windows on one side. Round wooden tables sat in front of each of these windows with a vase of flowers on each. More tables took up the rest of the floor space with a few green corduroy couches in an out-of-the-way corner. The ceiling had a glass dome in the middle. A branch had grown halfway over the dome shading half of the tables, and Nora Jones played softly over the speakers. Kagome looked over at Sango who was currently counting the leaves on the branch that half covered the dome.
“Yeah?” The girl looked over at Kagome
“Feel like waiting on tables a little?”
Sango shook her head, on slow days like this, sometimes to relieve their boredom, they served tables. The owner of the café Kagura Nowaki had no problems with this. While their boss seemed a little bitchy at first, it turned out that she was really alright. Sometimes Kagome and Sango wondered how a person with Kagura's somewhat wild personality could own such a peaceful place. Once Kagome had even asked her, and her answer was, `My life has been so crazy and hectic, it's nice to own a peaceful place. Now, get back to the register, Sango needs help.'
“Hey Kag.” Sango discreetly pointed to the fourth table next to a window where a man sat. He was quietly sitting reading a chemistry textbook obviously taking in nothing he read. The thing that made him stand out the most though was his hair, it was silver white.
“I don't think I want to wait on tables right now, but, why don't you.” Sango grinned playfully at her friend watching Kagome's cheeks turn a light red. Kagome lightly whacked her friend on the shoulder.
“You know you want to.”
“Leave me alone Sango.”
“Come on! At least find out his name. You've been ogling him for almost the whole summer. Go on!”
“You're not going to leave me alone till I do are you?”
Sango shook her head, “Nope.”
Kagome sighed, picked up tray and tucked a note pad into the pocket of the small apron around her waist and walked over to a table not far away from the guy.
“Hi there. Can I get you anything?” she asked the couple
They nodded and gave her their orders. Kagome went back to the counter and got two hot chocolates and a large slice of their famous Double Fudge Cake which she made herself. She gave them their order and told them to just come up to the counter and pay when they were done. Kagome was prolonging this as much as she could. She looked over at a table that the occupants had recently left and began to gather up the plates and cups very, very slowly. She could see Sango glaring at her from behind the counter. Then the door opened and a guy walked in. He had cheerful mischievous brown eyes and black hair tied into a short pony tail behind his head. Kagome glanced at Sango
`She sees,' Sango's eyes widened and the guy sat down at a table looked out the window. `And she goes to conquer.' Kagome grinned as Sango also picked up a tray and pad and walked over to the new guy. She and Sango brushed passed each other,
“I thought you didn't want to wait tables.” Kagome whispered
“And I thought you were going to go talk to your mystery guy.” Sango shot back.
Kagome deposited the dirty cups into the sink in the back and walked out again looking over at Sango who was currently talking to the new guy. She smiled and shook her head. Kagome looked at the silver haired guy, took a deep breath and made her way over.
Isis: Ta da! What do you think? This is my first try at an AU fic.
Kagome: I like it.
Sango: Me too.
Isis: Well people, I hope you like it! Please review if you liked the beginning. Thank you!!