InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Across the Cafe' I Saw You ❯ Chapter II ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: O.k. I'm writing fan fiction, emphasis on fan. So yeah…
Across the Café I Saw You
By: IsisTheEgyptianGoddess
Chapter II
The Girls and the Guys
Kagome deposited the dirty cups into the sink in the back and walked out again looking over at Sango who was currently talking to the new guy. She smiled and shook her head. Kagome looked at the silver haired guy, took a deep breath and made her way over.
“H-hi there. Can I get you anything?”
Somehow, Kagome kept her voice even, or almost even. The guy looked up from his chemistry book and his eyes widened slightly.
“Yeah, sure.”
“O.k. then, what can I get you?”
“Um, could I have a medium café latte with extra whipped cream?”
“Alright. I'll be right back Mr. …”
“Alright then Mr. Ikkoku. I'll be right back with your order.”
Kagome went back to behind the counter to the coffee machine and began making the café latte. `Hmm, Ikkoku. I'm sure I've heard that name before, but where?'
Inuyasha had been reading his chemistry book. O.k., so he'd read the same line ten times, but at least he'd remember that PH level 7 is neutral. Then that girl who'd been working there had come up to him. Inuyasha usually wasn't one to be easily tongue tied but, well… look at her for God's sake! She had dark black hair, beautiful creamy skin, and lovely gray-blue eyes. She was gorgeous! He'd first noticed her when she had started working there, but there was only one draw-back, she looked almost exactly like his ex Kikyou. Then she'd started talking to him, and well, he sighed. Well, when she came back he'd try to at least find out her name.
Kagome came back with his café latte.
“There you go Mr. Ikkoku, one medium cafe latte with extra whipped cream. Will that be all?”
“Well, um,” he looked around anxiously for something to ask for or even say. “That cake there on the counter.”
Kagome turned,
“Could I have a slice of that, it looks really good.”
Kagome smiled, “Of course I'll be right back Mr. Ikkoku.”
Inuyasha caught her arm, “One more thing, please call me Inuyasha.”
Kagome gave him a brilliant smile that made her eyes light up and his brain turn to mush. She left again.
“Hey `Yasha! What's up?!”
Inuyasha looked over, there was a friend of his, Miroku.
“Hey Miroku!”
Miroku took his drink and moved to Inuyasha's table.
“Dude, you're already studying?” Miroku made a face at Inuyasha's textbook.
“Yeah, I hear that, that Mr. Asamashii is a real bitch.”
Kagome and Sango stood behind the counter looking at the table.
“And his name is Inuyasha Ikkoku.”
“Very cool Kagome.”
“I know.”
They high fived,
“So, who's Mr. New Guy huh?” Kagome asked slicing the cake
“His name's Miroku Kozou, he's starting collage this year, living in the dorms, and loves learning about ancient religions.”
Kagome's eyes widened, “Wow Sango.”
“Thank you, thank you very much.”
“Well, I've got to get back with my order. Bye, bye.”
Kagome took the tray and started back over.
“Hey `Yasha, see that girl up at the register with the really long black hair?”
“Her name's Sango Taijiya, and I'm gonna ask her out.”
“Right now?”
“Yep. Watch and learn from the master.”
“Yeah, the master pervert.” Inuyasha said calmly sipping his latte.
“Yeah, well, I'm gonna ask her out, and that's that.”
“Good luck.”
“See ya later.”
Miroku took his bill and made his way up to the counter about the same time Kagome left to go over to Inuyasha.
“Here you go Inuyasha.” She said setting down the plate. “I hope you like it, I make it myself.”
He took a bite and his eyes widened,
“Wow! This is great.”
She gave him another smile, and all the witty things he was going to say left his head.
“Thank you. It's my mother's recipe.”
“Well, the best thing I can cook is Ramen noodles.”
“Hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere.”
She handed him his check, but then her eyes went to his book
“Um, Yeah, I'm starting at the collage this year.”
“Well, you better study hard, I hear that Mr. Asamashii is a real bitch.”
“I heard that too.”
“Hey there.” Sango came up apron less,
“Hey Sango.”
“Shift's over ready to get out of here?”
“You have no idea. Well, I've got to go, but when you're done, you can pay the bill at the front.” She said to Inuyasha. They walked off and Kagome put her tray behind the counter and took off her apron. The next shift was already here Hojo and a girl Sango and Kagome were kind of friends with. The red-headed Ayame.
“Hey Kagome.” Hojo said as Sango and Ayame winced behind his back, Hojo had had a crush on Kagome forever, but she obviously didn't feel the same way. Poor boy couldn't take a hint either.
“Oh, uh, hi Hojo.”
“Hey Kagome!” Ayame came to her rescue, “Don't you have chemistry this year?”
“Um, yeah Ayame.”
“Well, you better get out of here and study, that Mr. Asamashii is real bitch!” Ayame was a year older then them and had already had him, so had Hojo.
“Oh, yeah Kagome. Well, we better be going.” Said Sango, “Bye Ayame, bye Hojo!”
“Bye guys!” Kagome said following their lead.
“Oh, well bye Kagome!” Hojo said turning back to the register.
“Thank you.” Kaogme mouthed at Ayame who responded, “No problem.”
Kagome was just about to walk out the door when Inuyasha finally got the guts to come running up,
“Um, Miss wait!”
Kagome turned around
“I'm sorry, but I never caught your name.”
She gave him yet another smile, “My name, is Kagome.” And with that she walked out the door.
“Kagome.” Inuyasha whispered to himself, then his face broke into a wide grin. Wait till Miroku heard about this!
Isis: Hi there! Thank you for all your support! I have decided to keep this fic up!
Sango, Kagome, and Miroku: ^__^ YAY!
Inuyasha: Keh! Whatever.
Isis: What? You don't like it?
Inuyasha: I've seen your plans for this story. It's a fluffy romance!
Isis: So? I like fluffy romances.
Sango and Kagome: Me too.
Miroku: Well, if Sango and I get to be together, then it's good!
Sango: *blushes until she feels someone's hand on her butt* Hentai! *turns and smacks him*
Miroku: *giant handprint on his face* Always worth it.
Isis: *rolls her eyes* Here's the new chapter. Hope you had fun!