InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Afraid to Love ❯ Trouble ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

5: Trouble

Kagome struggled and shook wildly, but it was no use. Soon, she was chained to a wall in what looked like a dungeon. The room was nearly covered with dried blood from ages ago and to her left was a skeleton still dangling in the chains. The two guards sneered up at her. "Heh, that's what you get for coming upon the Lord's land." one said. "Let me go!" "We should play with her for a little bit…" "You are dismissed."

In the doorway stood a figure with a long silver mane, golden eyes, and distinctive markings that could only be Sesshomaru. The guards obediently left as Sesshomaru walked over to the frightened girl. "So, you are without my brother. Are you not afraid?" he asked coolly. Kagome's throat was paralyzed with fear, but she managed to croak out "No.". "We shall see about that."

Sesshomaru went to a small chest in a corner of the room. He took out a long, black whip and snapped it inches before her face. He licked the tip of it. Seeing her confused look, he said "My healing saliva will heal your wounds immediately after they are made. It will still hurt, but I can't let you die that soon...Midoriko."

"You know?" Sesshomaru smirked and flicked his wrist, leaving a huge gash on Kagome's inner left thigh. After a few seconds, the wound healed, but Kagome could still feel the searing pain. `No, I can't scream. I won't let him see me in pain.' Sesshomaru was in front of her in a flash. "Why is it that you do that scream, human? Is that not enough? I can only use one arm to torture others now, thanks to you." He dug his claws deep into her right him and allowed a few drops of his venom to seep in. "This will not heal, wench." he sneered. He walked out of the room leaving Kagome still chained to the wall.

The venom began to circulate with Kagome's human blood and her hip was still throbbing with pain. `Where's my stuff? Midoriko, what am I supposed to do?' Kagome fought back the tears that threatened to fall. She turned to face the skeleton beside her. "Did you go through this, too?" she whispered as she slipped into unconciousness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Fate sighed and massaged her temples. "This is not going the way I expected." Destiny frowned and said "Why am I not surprised to hear this from the one who started World War One?" "Shut up! That was an accident!" "And this isn't? Sure looks like one to me." Frustrated, Fate threw a crystal ball at her sister. Destiny ducked the fragile object and there was a loud crash and explosion of light.

Fate and Destiny's jaws hung open. "What did you do that for?" "Well, sorry, but you were being all…" "That was the only thing that allows communication between the worlds of the living and dead! Now Midoriko can no longer urge Kagome on! Sesshomaru will die!" "Don't worry, Mother Life can make a new one." "Making a new crystal ball of that power takes about ten years, smart one. It will be far too late by then." Life walked into the room where her daughters fussed. "Kagome, it's up to you now…"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

In the other world, Midoriko saw a demon that looked familiar. "Sachimaru!" The demon turned around and it was indeed Sachimaru. A hurt look appeared on his face and he walked faster. "Sachimaru, please stop! Sachimaru, you don't understand! I love you!" "You loved me enough to marry another man and break my heart right after I had proposed to you. You never loved me." Sachimaru disappeared and left a teary Midoriko. She wiped away her tears and understood everything. `He died because of me and he could never love me, no matter in what life. What I have sent Kagome to do is impossible. I must stop her and tell her before she becomes endangered. Sesshomaru will die no matter what, for he will never love Kagome.' Midoriko sat down and concentrated all of her powers on Kagome's dreams, but there was a strong barrier keeping her from reaching her goal. `What is this?!'

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