InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Afterward ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

These characters are not mine. They belong to Rumiko Takahashi.


The battle with Naraku was finally over. Though it had taken a lot out of all who had participated in the fight. Myouga, who could sense danger, left during the fight, and he was still gone. Miroku was being a pig towards Sango. Sadly he still had enough energy left to keep up his bad behavior. Oh, well. Shippou had been helpful. (Not in the fight but in caring for people) One unfortunate effect of the battle being over is that now the two strongest women in the group were turning on each other. Kagome and Kikyou, who was only there to kill Naraku because he had captured her, were arguing over who was Inuyasha's love. Inuyasha stepped in after -

Kagome- You! You DIED AND ATTEMPTED to KILL him, which means that you don't trust him. How can you be in love with somebody if you don't trust that person?

Kikyou- Well! He only thinks he love you because you are me in the future, so obviously he loves me.

Inuyasha- HEY! Is it not my choice whom I love? I think that… Inuyasha sniffs No!

Shippou! Do you smell that?

Shippou sniffs and becomes terrified. Everybody looks up to see a familiar form descending on them. Inuyasha draws his sword, but realizes that if there is a fight that he will likely lose.

Sesshomaru- Hello, brother. I see that you defeated Naraku. Impressive! Don't worry about us fighting. I know that you are not at full strength, and I am so pleased that I will let you live for a while.

Inuyasha shrugged and puts the sword away. Sesshomaru looks at the entire group, and becomes intrigued to see that Kagome and Kikyou look almost identical. He knew that his brother's woman wore odd clothes, but the other had traditional garments.

Sesshomaru- Brother, how did you find two identical women? I would think you were being selfish having both.

Inuyasha blushed, mumbled, and walked over to sit next to the others. Kagome blushed then moved as far away from him as possible. Kikyou did nothing of the sort.

Kikyou calmly and boldly looking at him as if to challenge him said, "Well, actually that was the issue we were discussing before you interrupted."

Sesshomaru was surprised and infuriated with this woman. Did she have no fear? He quickly regained composure and started to talk.

Looking at Inuyasha he said, "I guess I'll be staying a while, so you don't run or become human"

Nobody was happy with this development, but they could do nothing about it. They found shelter and settled down for the night. Miroku had offered to use his influence to find better housing, but all had vetoed his idea.