InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Alone ❯ Nothing ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch4- Nothing
(AN- I'm going to try to cut back on the specific POV's, hopefully, it was a bad habit, thanks for the replies)
~*Inu- POV*~
`Damn it where is Kagome,'
“I'm sick and tired of this Naraku! You're going down! Wind-Scar!”
Naraku, dodged it “Pathetic, Inuyasha, you can't even hit me.”
“I have no time, for such an incompetent baka, like you. Want me to say goodbye to Kagome, for you?”
“Why, you!”
“Wake, up Miroku!”
He stirred underneath her, and woke up. “Come on we need to find, Kagome!”
“Eh? What's wrong my lovely Sango?”
“She been kidnap, damn it!”
“What, by who?”
“That's why were leaving!”
“What about me?” Shippo whined.
“Go and find Inuyasha, and tell him that Kagome, is underneath ad tree in the east.”
He just stared at her. “NOW!”
He ran off into the shadows.
“Come one Hoshi-sama. We have to go and find her. Kirara!”
Kirara flew down from the tree, and Miroku and Sango took off into the darkness.
`Uh, where am I again?' her eyes opened.
“Morning, sunshine” A man growled at her.
“Oi, Shaddup, just give her, the food.”
The man placed some bread and water in front of her; she threw it away, “You should eat that you know, you'll starve,”
“You think I care, I have nothing to live for anymore.” He punched her face and she spit blood on the ground.
“Stop that, you have a use.” He retorted.
“What to be your master's slave, I rather die, than ever do anything for that bastard!”
He punched her again. “Don't speak that way about him!”
“Like I care.”
“That's it!” He threw her against the wall.
“Stay in your place, wench. You're right you are nothing, but a slave, for my master!” He screamed in her face.
“Why don't you kill me then. I am nothing! But just a girl who had dreams which shattered right in front of my eyes! Don't you get it! I WANT TO DIE!” She screamed back.