InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Angel Sanctuary ❯ Angel Sanctuary ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rain sat down and thought about what she was going to do. ~Naraku could find me anywhere! danmit! Why was sesshomaru there? that was odd...~ She soon got tired and fell asleep. The moring sun arises on her cream clored skin awaking her. "mm.. I don't wanna get up today." she says grogly. She jumps from the tree and walked to her bag to pull out a fresh pair of cloths and a towl. The clothing was black pants,black shirt, black lace bra and underwear. She walked towards the lake and shed off all her clothing. She slowly slipped in the water and cleansed off. After a few moments she got out and dried herself off with the towl that was neatly folded on a rock near the lake. She got dressed and combed her hair and let it air dry. She grabed her bag and decided she was going to see how Inuyasha and the others are doing.

She arrived soon after and saw the others awaking. "oh hey, Rain nice to see you." Kagome said as she came over to give you a hug. "nice to see you too, how are you all doing?" "were all fine, we are about to go looking for shards wanna come?" "I'm sorry I can't I am going to look around and see whats changed." "mkay, if you change your mind you know where to find us." Sango said. "bye" She soon left and wandered around beofer coming to a famillar scent. ~Sesshomaru, hmm I wonder what hes doing so close to here.~ She thought. She walked along a river path trying to avoide him. No such luck he was in front her her! ~crap kuso! Why do we keep running into each other!?~ she though. He came up to her and said "what were you doing at Naraku's castle the other day?" "None of your buissness, but if you must know I was taken against my will. To be his sluty slave. Like that will ever happen I am no ones not now not ever."

She turrned around and started to walk off. until she smelt Naraku's scent. "Fuck!" she whispered. "Naraku! Damn he never gives up!" Naraku then came out of the shadows from the trees, he had his pelet on. "ah, Rain What a pleasent surprise, I think it's time you come home now." "You think I'm going to live with a fucking bastard like you!?" She hissed. "Well if you don't come with me I will force you to come." "Not even in your dreams!" she yelled and charged at him ready to slice his head off. He doges and kicks her down, she gets up and delivers a hard blow to his head, knocking the mask off to see his red eyes full of anger. But that only pissed Naraku off....more than he was already was. He kicked her down hard, she got up as fast as she could then triped him by swinging her leg behind him, she then kicked him into a tree. He got up and brutely punched, kicked, and her slaped. He did whatever he could do to cause pain on her. She fell to the hard ground strugling to get up, not wanting to lose. She finaly got up, sudenly getting dizy and falling to the ground, the cause...losing to much blood. She had a large gash across her abdomen and was warn out from the fight. She saw a flash of something, she couldn't quite make it out, whatever it was it killed Naraku's puppet. Before she hit the hard cold ground she was waiting for to come. Sesshomaru caught her before she fell. She last saw those golden amber eyes, before drifting off to a unpleasnt sleep, pain still consuming her.

Rain awakes to the sound of a little girl quietly talking to someone. "Rin! Would you be quiet you little brat! Lord Sesshomaru is very busy" "yes Jaken, Hey Jaken! Can Rin and you play with the flowers?!" "No! Lord Sesshomaru says I have to wait here and tell him if the girl wakes up! Go away!" she then hears the little girl skip off haply humming no song in particular. Rain then opens her eyes and see that she is in a small sort of room with tan colored walls, wood floor, dark silk sheets and blankets, a dresser, and a chair next to the bed where the imp Jaken was at. "Lord Sesshomaru!! Shes awake!" The imp Jaken says waddling the the door to get Sesshomaru. After a few minuets Sesshomaru comes walking through the door with Jaken. She whispers a "sorry" that only Sesshomaru could hear. He then looked at the bleeding wound on her stomach. He then ordered Jaken to pre-pair a bath and for him to get a new Kimono. While Jaken was gone Sesshomaru asked "why are you sorry? Do you have a reason to be that I do not know of?" she paused a while and thought of the recent events. She sighed "for causing trouble in your castle and what not." he merly nodded and said "take a bath and clean yourself, you stink of Naraku." She also nodded and fallowed him to the bathroom where a hot tub was at. She walks inside and waited for Sesshomaru to leave and then she shut the door. She slowly took off the clothing making sure not to re-open any of her wounds. She then slowly steps in the hot, relaxing water and dunks her head under getting every part of her pale, delicate skin wet.

After about a half hour she soon gets out and grabs the robe that was layed out on a small table for her. She puts it on and walks out of the room. She walks into the room where she was sleeping before and sees Sesshomaru sitting on the chair with his eyes closed. "lord Sesshomaru? I have finished." She said sofly, His eyes fluttered open and looked at her flawless body wraped up in the soft robe. There was silence for a while as she stood there, she then noticed a beautiful kimono laying on the bed. "Is that intended for me?" she asked adressing to the kimono. He nodded as she slowly walked to the kimono and picked it up and looked at it. It was beautyfull. (pic in results)She walked back into the bathroom and put the soft as silk kimono. She overlooked herslef in the mirror and smiled, a smile she hadn't shown in so long. Her frown disapered, she walked out of the bathroom and into the room where Sesshomaru is, but this time Rin was there. Rin ran up to Rain and hugged her legs for she was so small. "Is Rain feeling better?" She asked in a worried tone. "Yes I am Rin, Thank you for asking." She said and gave Rin a small smile while picking her up. "Does Rain want to go play in the garden?! and then go swiming? and then go play with Rin's dolls?!" She laughed at how she could say all that in one breath. "If Sesshomaru says it's okay. Then we can play all you want" She said to Rin.