InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Anxiety ❯ Discipline ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

++Chapter 19++
“We are now going to begin our intermission, we have drinks and food outside if anyone needs anything to get…we'll be holding games and contests outside, the play will begin again in twenty minutes, thank you for coming, we enjoy your being here.” The announcer commented as everyone left the room. They had reached the scene when the hanyou and his new friend, the priestess, met a little kitsune.
“She's so cool up there with her sword and fighting youkai with her powers, this play is awesome!” Daitan cried out as they neared the doors.
“I know, I never would have guessed that Kyasha was any good, she kept complaining that she was no good at it.” Souta added.
“She plays your part really well, huh Inuyasha?” Kagome giggled.
“Keh.” He grumbled as they neared the food stand.
“Can I get a hotdog?” Daitan asked Kagome.
“Of course.” She giggled.
“Hey guys.” A voice called.
“Kyasha, you were wonderful.” Mrs. Higurashi pointed out as they watched her catch up to them. She was now changed into a pair of sweatpants and small t-shirt, her long hair was tied up and she was sweating.
“Man, that spotlight really gets to you after awhile…do you guys think I'm that good?” Kyasha asked as she took another drink of water.
“You're awesome, how you took on Sesshoumaru with your sword, totally cool.” Daitan screeched.
“Thanks Daitan.” Kyasha giggled.
“You were great, how come you said you suck at acting, you make it look so natural.” Kagome added.
“I just hate it, that's all; I hate being in front of so many people and not being myself, being someone else.” Kyasha explained.
“What's the name of the guy who plays Kagome?” Souta just had to ask. The young boy had to put and wig on, and lose a bit of weight just to look similar to his sister.
“Oh, his name's Kushoo, he's only from the eighth grade…” Kyasha giggled.
“Ha ha, very funny, he is a good actor.” Kagome pouted.
“Come on, Kagome, don't be poor sport, it's only acting.” Inuyasha smiled.
“Are there any kissing scenes?” Mrs. Higurashi asked out of the blue.
“Uhh…” Kyasha blushed. Inuyasha and Kagome knew.
“Mama, that's not appropriate…” Kagome said trying to change the subject, she knew that there was, in fact, a kissing scene; she just didn't want to relive it.
“It's a stupid kiss anyways…” Inuyasha said, pretty much reading Kagome's thoughts.
“Yeah, well, I better get back…the next scene is a battle scene, when a new character kidnaps the helpless Mama…” Kyasha giggled.
“I'm not helpless.” Kagome blurted out.
“Sure, but why do I end up saving your character so many times?” Kyasha answered with a big smile on her face.
“She's got ya there.” Inuyasha laughed.
“So who's this new character?”
“You mean you don't know? You lived this story and you don't know what character kidnaps Kagome after you meet Shippou?” Kyasha said. “You'll just have to find out.”
“Come on, tell us…” kagome grumbled.
“You mean you really don't know?” Inuyasha asked.
“Well, I gotta go, see ya afterwards…” Kyasha waved `bye' and left to get her costume on again.
“Monk, get away from her!” Kyasha screamed out her line.
“Oh, so you do have affection for her?” The monk stated.
“Wha—no!” Kyasha stuttered.
“So then she's up for grabs?” The monk asked.
“No!” Inuyasha and Kagome screamed.
“She's getting really good….” Kagome mumbled again as they watched the monk and hanyou argue on stage.
“Yeah, she's got my part down pat.” Inuyasha smirked.
“Mama, can I get a drink?” Daitan asked.
“Wait till the next intermission, okay Dai?” Kagome answered. He nodded.
“I'll take him Kagome, it's getting to be later and it's almost his bedtime, I need to go home anyway.” Mrs. Higurashi explained.
“Are you sure Mama?”
“Positive, you guys just stay here and watch Kyasha for me….Come on Daitan.”
“Okay, bye Mama, Papa.”
“Bye, Dai.” They both said as they brought there attention to the play again. They were finally getting on the scene where she met the youkai exterminator. Kyasha had told them that her best friend played her part. She was quite good at Sango, she already had her aggressive nature, or that's what Kyasha had told them.
“Die hanyou, you killed my family, now I will kill you.” Kana cried out as she threw her giant wooden boomerang.
“I…didn't…kill your family.” Kyasha said in between hits as she dodged them all quite well.
“Inuyasha!” A boy called out, everytime Kyasha looked at him, she never got the image of her mother, and he was just revolting, the kid didn't even look like Kagome.
The fight continued and everyone was getting tired, the only one with the energy to make the fight look good was Kyasha herself.
“Naraku…you had this planned all along.” Kumaru, the boy who played Miroku said.
“He'll die!” Kyasha jumped in there with her fake Tetsusaiga and ripped the fake Naraku puppet. “Damn, he got away.
“Why don't you join us, we're after Naraku as well…you can get your revenge, and we'll help you get it.” Kushoo, the disturbing boy who played Kagome, said.
“I…” Kana fainted.
“She's exhausted, let's get her to a hut to check her wounds; she's lost a lot of blood.” Atama stated.
“Kikyou, I can't watch this go on, I don't want you to get hurt by Naraku, I must protect you.” Kyasha grabbed Hikari and gave her forced hug. `I hate this…' Kyasha thought.
Kushoo/Kagome gasped in the background, thought everyone in the audience heard him.
“You don't have to protect yourself; I'll do it, just stay…with me.” Kyasha was trying so hard to stop her giggles from coming. She could see Hikari was disgusted that Kyasha had to even touch her so to them, this was the worst scene.
Hikari pulled out her knife and brought it to Kyasha's neck.
“I have Naraku right where I want him, Onigumo is still in his heart, I have a part in his heart, so I'll be able to play right in that…” Then she floated away.
“Kikyou!” Kyasha called out. She just stood there, not knowing what to do, but then, on cue, a branch broke.
“Who's there?” Kyasha grumbled. Turning around to find Kushoo/Kagome standing there.
“K-Kagome…” Kyasha whispered.
Then she ran, she ran and went back to her time. Kyasha loathed this scene; it made the whole story so depressing.
“Naraku, you have lived way past you life span.” Kagome cried as she was getting ready to shoot an arrow. She glimpsed at Inuyasha and he gave her a nod.
“Die Naraku!” Kagome cried out as she let her arrow go, just at that time Inuyasha let out his blast, both enter twining at they hit their mark. A devastating scream came from Naraku as the audience gave a standing ovation. The play was finally over.
Kyasha took a deep breath and bowed like everyone else in the play. Things were being thrown this way and that. As Kyasha was looking down, a small rose hit her feet, she glanced up and saw Taji, the wolf youkai, standing there clapping and smiling. Kyasha smiled back, this was an awesome play, she had to admit.
“You were awesome Kyasha.” Daitan exclaimed again.
“Thanks Dai, but I wasn't that great, I messed up a few lines…” Kyasha blushed.
“Oh stop being so modest, if you messed up a few lines, I didn't notice.” Kagome giggled.
“Yeah, yeah…I'm just glad it's over, can we get back to Sango and Miroku, I just want to relax…” Kyasha giggled.
“I need to talk to Mama before we leave; I'll meet you at the well.” Kagome said as she, too, ran up the steps.
“You were really good.” Inuyasha finally said.
“I said it already, I hate acting, that's the last time I ever do it.” Kyasha repeated.
“Okay, okay, but I still think you did really good.” Inuyasha smiled.
“Kagome, nice to see you again, hi everyone.” Sango said cheerfully.
“Hi Sango, Miroku…where are the kids?” Kagome asked.
“Oh, there sleeping, Shippou had them wired all day today, they fell asleep a few hours ago.” Miroku chuckled.
“That's good. So it's just been you two for awhile now…but where's Shippou?”
“Like I said, he had the kids wired all day today.” Miroku reminded.
“What have you guys been up to?” Kyasha asked.
“Not much, catching up on stuff, the usual.” Sango added.
“Oh Inuyasha, that reminds me, a villager came by today and said that there was a youkai attacking there town lately, I thought you and I could go check it out.” Miroku added.
“Keh, when do we leave?” Inuyasha grumbled.
“As soon as you want to.” Miroku said cheerfully, noting how grumpy the hanyou looked.
“Then let's go, as soon as we can get this over with, the sooner we can head back.” He stood up and headed for the door. “Come on Monk, let's get moving.”
“Okay, see you ladies and Daitan tomorrow sometime.” He waved.
“I wonder why he was in such a hurry.” Kagome said.
“Don't you know? It's the new moon tomorrow night; he wants to get it done as soon as possible.” Sango explained.
“Oh, I completely forgot.” Kagome remembered.
“You mean Papa's night is the new moon?” Kyasha asked.
“I guess you never knew, but yeah, the new moon. Daitan's is the full moon.” Kagome added.
“Mama, I'm going to go to bed, I'm tired…” Daitan yawned.
“Okay, good night.”
“Good night, Dai.” Kyasha waved.
“Night.” Sango whispered.
“I'm gonna go to bed too, I'll see you guys in the morning.” Kyasha said her good byes and headed for their hut.
“Kagome…?” Sango asked.
“I just wanted to say that…what is Kyasha going to do?”
“What do you mean?” Kagome was confused.
“I mean, Miroku told me today that Kyasha was the new heir to the western lands, after Inuyasha, and he didn't take it. What is she going to do? Have you talked about it with her?”
“No, I don't know what she's going to do…we've never really brought it up since yesterday when she left us for a couple days. I think she's still thinking about it, but I just hope she makes the right decision, she's already been stressed out.” Kagome explained.
Not knowing to them, but a certain hanyou heard the whole thing.
`What am I going to do? Everyone's worried, I have to make my decision…I have to.' Kyasha thought to herself as she fell asleep as the thoughts of being Lady of the throne of the Western lands flooded her dreams.
“Good morning everyone!” Sango came into the small hut where all the kids were awake.
“I'm up, I'm up Mama.” Chansu said groggily.
“Yeah, Mama, leave us alone.” Hanna yawned.
“Where's Kyasha?” Daitan asked, already up and ready to go.
“I'm not sure, I haven't seen her all morning. I thought she was still sleeping.” Sango commented.
“What's up?” Kagome asked as she walked into the hut.
“Kagome have you seen Kyasha this morning?” Sango asked.
“No, but I'll go look for her.” She rushed out of the hut and headed for the one place she believed her daughter was, her father's forest.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters, anime of manga. Rumiko Takahashi does and I'm glad she had the imagination to create such amazing characters to play with.