InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING: This story contains male on male relationships, abuse (verbal and physical), descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it's AU. If you oppose any or all of these things then do not read this. Please, do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read this. I'm pretty sure that covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses.
Once again thank you to all my wonderful readers, people who've added this to their fav/alert lists, and to those who have reviewed. And now I present the next chapter…
Chapter Three
As Sesshomaru stepped out of his car, he thought about what he'd tell Kagura this time.
I'll just say we had a fight that was about to get out of hand…she doesn't need to know just how bad it got.
He walked up to her door. Sighing, he knocked. As he waited for her to answer he glanced over at the neighbor's house.
Hm, I've never seen a red truck parked in the driveway before. The cars that are usually there are missing too. Is someone visiting?
He didn't have time to think about the matter any further as his friend opened the door.
“Sesshomaru?” she said with a questioning tone. “What…it was Naraku again, huh?”
“Yeah,” he answered.
“Well, come in.” He went inside and sat down.
“Are you okay? Do you need anything?” she asked.
“Tell me what happened.”
“The usual. He was yelling at me then I yelled back. We did that for a while and then I left because I didn't want things to get crazy.” She raised an eyebrow then sat next to him, studying his face. “Um, what are you doing?”
“Your face…did that son of a bitch hit you?!”
Fuck… “He slapped me once after I started yelling back at him.”
“Why'd you let that bastard hit you?! That's not the Sesshomaru I know.”
“I-I wasn't expecting him to. And I mean, it's not like I don't hit him either. The reason he was mad was because yesterday…well, I knocked him out cold.”
“Yes. So if you really look at it I'd say he and I are even now.” Not even close.
“No, he's an asshole to you. You can hit him a thousand times and you still wouldn't be even.” She sighed. “I don't get why you're even with Naraku…”
Sesshomaru tensed up. “I love him. Sure our relationship has some rough spots but so what? All relationships do. And if we ever did split up it would break Rin's heart.”
“…She'd learn to live with it. You can't use her as an excuse for not leaving him.”
“I'm not making excuses! I'm not going to leave Naraku. I already told you I stay with him because I love him!”
“Fine, fine. Calm down, Sesshomaru.”
“Well then don't say things like that.”
“Okay.” Oh Sesshomaru, what has he done to you?
It was silent for a while as Sesshomaru rested on the couch. He lied back with his eyes closed trying to forget about the day's events. He was lucky that Kagura didn't mind when he came over unexpectedly. She actually liked it because it meant that he wasn't with Naraku. She mused while she sat on the other couch.
I know there's more than what you're telling me, Sesshomaru. I just wish you would see that what you guys have isn't love…
She looked up as his voice broke her from her thoughts. He was looking at her. “What is it?”
“Did the people next door move or something?” He was curious as to what happened to them.
“Yeah. The guys with the red truck moved in a couple days ago.”
“Mhmm. I saw two guys moving stuff in there so I assume that both of them live there.”
“Oh. Hm, two of them?”
“Eh, I don't think they're together. Didn't seem like it.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Just curious.”
Sesshomaru closed his eyes again. He was tired. The best sleep he had gotten in ages was last night when he was propped up uncomfortably against a wall. He drifted to sleep.
Kagura just looked at him. He always looked peaceful when he slept. This wasn't the first time he came over and did this. Maybe this time he won't go home until tomorrow. She got up and put a blanket on him then left him to his slumber.
Where am I?
That was Sesshomaru's first thought when he woke up. His memory came to him in a rush.
Oh yeah. I'm at Kagura's. I wonder what time it is…
He bolted up instantly.
I hope it's not too late. Naraku would be mad if I came home really late.
He looked at a nearby clock. It said almost midnight. He pushed the blanket off him and stood up straightening his clothes. Kagura walked into the room.
“I have to go,” he said quickly.
“You should stay,” she said quietly. He looked her straight in the eyes.
“I can't. Thank you for letting me stay but I really should go now. Bye, Kagura.”
“Bye, Sesshomaru.” I'm sure you'll be here again soon.
He grabbed his keys and left. As he was about to cross the street to get to his car, a red truck sped by. He stopped immediately in order to avoid being hit, pissed off at the reckless driver. After it pulled up in the driveway next to Kagura's he glared at the two people getting out. The driver was a guy with black hair pulled into a small ponytail. The passenger was a guy with long black hair. The passenger was about to speak but Sesshomaru beat him to it.
“Hey, watch where you're driving!” he growled.
“I'm sorry for the way my friend was driving,” the one with longer hair apologized. He walked towards Sesshomaru. “It won't happen again.”
“Make sure it doesn't,” he stated coldly.
Inuyasha stared at him a second before deciding to speak again. “Do you live here?”
“Oh. Well, er, my name's Inuyasha.”
“Well, Inuyasha make sure you and your friend don't kill anybody.” And with that Sesshomaru walked to his car, quickly glancing to make sure no other cars were coming.
Wow, wonder what's his problem? Inuyasha watched the man whose name he had yet to discover leave.
“Hey, Inuyasha!” somebody called. He turned towards the voice.
“What is it, Miroku?”
“You gonna stand outside all night or are you coming in?”
“If I wanna stand outside then I'll stand outside!”
After a few moments of silence Miroku spoke again. “So you coming?”
Sesshomaru thought about Naraku on his way home. He had no room to spare for Inuyasha and his friendly attitude.
Maybe he just went to bed and won't notice me…or maybe he's raging mad and waiting to give me punishment.
Even as he got out of his car and unlocked the front door, Sesshomaru still ran all the possible scenarios through his mind. Without turning on any lights in the pitch-black house he quietly crept upstairs. He walked into his bedroom. Thanks to the moonlight coming through the window he was able to see Naraku sitting on their bed.
“Hm, it's past midnight,” Naraku stated. “And just why are you home so late?”
“I was only at Kagura's. I fell asleep and lost track of time,” Sesshomaru answered.
“Kagura…why do you always go with that bitch?”
Sesshomaru's eyes slightly narrowed. “She's my friend. Deal with it.” He instantly regretted those words and the tone he used. Well whatever. I'm already in trouble anyways.
Naraku stood up and was a foot away from Sesshomaru in a flash. He held his hand up so Sesshomaru expected to be slapped. Instead that hand came and gently touched his bruised face. He flinched at the careful touch he didn't know Naraku was capable of.
“I see our activities from this evening have left a mark,” the cruel man whispered. “Can't have people suspecting the wrong thing when they see that. Now what are you suppose to say if anyone asks?”
“…That a box fell on me when I was reaching for it in the closet.”
“Very good. And no one will question it further. Why is that?”
This was already memorized, the same thing every time their fights left bruises. Sesshomaru knew what the other wanted to hear and he wouldn't escape until he said it.
“Because nobody suspects…” He was having a hard time with the words he was often forced to say. He stiffened when Naraku's hand raised again and this time he knew he'd only be rewarded with a slap instead of a gentle caress.
“Go on.”
“Nobody suspects that I'm your bitch, body and mind.”
“Good boy.” He talked to Sesshomaru as if he were a dog. “Shall I go easy on you and forgive you for coming home late?” He didn't respond. “Know that if you don't answer, the consequences will not be good. Now…do you think I should forgive you?”
“We'll sleep on it.” With that he turned around to go back to their bed. As Sesshomaru followed him his eyes bore holes into Naraku's back. He knew what Naraku was doing all too well.
'We'll sleep on it.' He wants me to be afraid, to worry all night about whether or not he's going to do something.
They both climbed into bed and Sesshomaru turned on his side facing away from the other man.
Go ahead, Naraku. Do whatever you want to me…because I don't care anymore.