InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING: This story contains male on male relationships, abuse (verbal and physical), descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it's AU. If you oppose any or all of these things then do not read this. Please, do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read this. I'm pretty sure that covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses.
Thanks to everyone who has read, added this to their fav/alert lists, and/or reviewed!
Chapter Six
After Sesshomaru came home from his walk, he tried his best to put Inuyasha out of his mind. He didn't want some guy he just recently met thinking they were suddenly friends. The last thing he needed was for Naraku to get jealous over some guy friend of his.
Not that he is my friend. I don't need another man in my life anyway. I got Naraku. He's all the man I need.
He told himself that until he was convinced that Inuyasha no more than Kagura's neighbor and that was how he'd stay.
“Do you want to go out this evening?” Sesshomaru asked. Kagura was home but she was later than she expected and arrived a little after four.
“Sure, what do you want to do? I'm sure you're not one to go hit the clubs.” She smirked.
“Hmph. What are you talking about? I'm so the wild type. But what I meant…let me take you out to dinner or something.”
“You don't have to do that.”
“I know I don't have to,” he spat. “I want to though.” She smiled at him.
“Okay, you big goof.” He frowned and she chuckled. “What, did I hurt your feelings?”
“Is that how you treat people when they try to be nice to you?”
“Nope. Only you, Sesshomaru.” He frowned again. “Haha, you know I'm just teasing you.”
“Whatever.” He pushed her playfully though then smirked.
“Psh, let me change into something else then we'll go.”
“Fine. Don't waste all the time in the world though.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She disappeared into her bedroom.
He knew he would never be able to truly repay her for what she did for him but he figured a little something couldn't hurt. He knew both of them were in need of a relaxing evening out. Sure she was more of a partier than he but he knew she was probably stressed out and tonight would help.
Might as well have a good time before I have to face Naraku. He sat down and closed his eyes. He knew that when Naraku told him he wanted him gone that meant he was to be back by the morning. It always did. He must know I'm at Kagura's. Why hasn't he come get me? Naraku knew where Kagura lived, the two had been friends before Sesshomaru came along. He shuddered at the thought of an angry Naraku showing up to get him. It would only end badly. Somehow, Naraku and Kagura would start fighting over him and then Kagura would call the police. Yes, he could picture that happening and only hoped that it wouldn't. This is probably a test! Yes, that was it. Naraku's testing me to see when I will come home…and I'm sure I failed. He suddenly felt someone staring at him. His eyes sprung open and he sat up. Kagura had a small look of concern and he didn't want her to become suspicious.
“Everything okay?” she asked.
“Yes. I was only thinking,” he told her.
“About what?” She was pretty sure she knew what though.
“I have to go home tonight.”
She sighed. “I thought as much. Don't think about that now. Let's just go and enjoy right now, okay?”
“Okay. Here, I'll drive.”
She handed him the keys. “Sure thing, ya goof.” He frowned and she laughed at him.
While they were out she was telling him about her day.
“My boss,” she spat out with disgust, “almost ran me over in the parking lot.”
“What? Oh…what was his name again? Ah yes `that bastard Hakudoshi' as you put it.”
“He is a bastard! And he claimed it was an `accident' but I'm not so sure…”
“Ha, I'm sure he's plotting your demise as we speak. Y'know the same thing happened to me the other night. It was when I left your house.”
“Oh really? Do you know who it was?”
“Yeah. Those new neighbors of yours.”
“Oh, you mean Inuyasha and Miroku? Yeah, I've noticed Miroku's driving habits are a bit…poor.”
“So Miroku is the other's name? I've only met Inuyasha.”
“They're both nice. Inuyasha's a bit rougher around the edges but still decent. I talked to them both yesterday. When did you meet Inuyasha?”
“When Miroku almost killed me. Then he and I talked this morning…”
“Oh did you now?”
“Yeah. I went to take a walk this morning and he was outside walking Shippo to school.”
“Who's Shippo?”
“His friend's kid that he watches for her.”
“Ha, did you find a new buddy?”
“No. I only talked to him because I wondered if that kid was his or not. I'm saw them both at Rin's school and I was curious.”
She smirked at him. “Nothing. Hey I was wondering, is he gay?”
“You were wondering? I don't know. I don't think so.”
“Why not?”
“He was kind of surprised when I told him that I was. The gay people I've met were never shocked about meeting another gay person.”
“Maybe he just assumed you were straight and when you told him he realized he made a mistake. There's just something about him that screams not straight.”
“Eh, I don't know. It's none of my concern.”
A couple hours later they were driving. Sesshomaru had told her that it was finally time for him to go home. She knew that he had to sometime but she still didn't really want him to leave. She could only imagine what Naraku would say and do when he got home. She enjoyed his company anyways, he was her best friend. As she stopped in front of his house she couldn't help but wish that he would just leave that evil man once and for all.
“Bye, Kagura,” he told her. “Thank you for everything you've done…you've done more than just letting me stay at your place.”
“You're welcome. Bye, Sesshomaru. Don't hesitate in coming over again if you want to.” Or need to.
“I'll be fine, don't worry.”
He hoped. It was about seven in the evening as he opened the front door. He saw Naraku sitting in the living room grinning evilly. This was going to be a long night…
“Where have you been?” Naraku asked.
“At Kagura's.”
He stood up. “You sure are at that bitch's house a lot. Why is that?”
“Where else was I supposed to go?” Sesshomaru had to be careful when he asked questions like this. They were meant to trick him. That way, Naraku could more easily justify his reasons for beating Sesshomaru.
“Don't you have any other friends? You go to her house too much. She's probably sick of you.”
“She likes when I'm there!” He stopped. He said the wrong thing.
“Oh? And why is that? What do you do that makes it such an enjoyable experience?”
“Friends simply like to be in the other's company.”
“Hm, tell me the truth. You're doing something suspicious, something you know I wouldn't like.”
“I'm not. You told me to go-”
“So that gives you permission to fuck around with other people?”
What?! What the fuck is wrong with him? “I would never do that! I wouldn't cheat on you, especially with a woman.” He's acting crazy.
“You wouldn't? Am I the only one who has the privilege of seeing your body?”
“Am I the only one that owns you?”
“Yes, only you.”
“Who do you love?”
“I love you, Naraku.”
“And you would never betray me, would you?”
“Hm. Maybe by the end of tonight I'll believe you.”
He grabbed Sesshomaru by the neck and kneed him in the stomach. It would take more than one hit to bring him down though so Naraku repeated the action until he was on the floor gasping for air. He leaned down so their faces were inches away from each other.
“You understand why I'm doing this to you, correct?” Naraku whispered.
“Yes,” Sesshomaru panted.
“Tell me the reason.”
“It's because I've acted strangely and led you to believe I was cheating on you. You are teaching me that this kind of behavior is wrong.” After years of practice he knew what Naraku wanted to hear.
“Yes…but there is also another reason that I'm mad. You came home late. You should've known that you were to be home by the morning. But no, you decided to stay out until the evening. Whatever I see fit to do to you, you will accept right?”
“Yes. Anything…I will.”
“And why do you accept it?”
“I understand that I deserve to be punished. I'm sorry, Naraku.”
“Good pet. However, I still have to give you your punishment.” He went over to the table and picked up a pair of handcuffs. “These are to make sure you don't escape.” He then cuffed Sesshomaru's hands to the legs of the table. “I'll be right back.”
What's he getting now?
His eyes widened with shock. Naraku had a knife in his hand. He watched with as Naraku kneeled next to him. This was new…Do your worst, Naraku. He never failed to deliver.
Naraku was angered by the fact that he couldn't make Sesshomaru quake in fear anymore. He had an empty look in his eyes but he had one thing in store that he knew Sesshomaru didn't like. This beating before that was necessary to ensure Sesshomaru didn't like what would happen soon. He lifted Sesshomaru's shirt and began tracing patterns on the scarred skin. He didn't actually puncture it just yet. He looked at each of the scars. Not one of them was from a knife or blade of any kind, these new ones would change that though. He also hated the fact that he was unable to make Sesshomaru make any noise. He wanted that to change too. He suddenly dug the blade into his skin, making shallow cuts. He smirked. Sesshomaru gasped when he cut him.
Sesshomaru was taken by surprise. He wasn't sure what Naraku was up to. He would just take it as it came though…it's not like he had any other choice.
Naraku soon got bored of it and stood up. Small amounts of blood decorated the other's body, quite a wonderful sight to behold in his opinion.
I believe it's time to take him upstairs now. Naraku looked down before he unlocked his hands. His foot went back then he sent it flying. It collided with Sesshomaru in the balls and he couldn't help but let out a small cry as a sharp pain went through him. Naraku laughed.
“Okay, it's time to continue this in our bedroom.” He freed the other's hands and dragged him up the stairs. Sesshomaru knew what was coming next.
Naraku pushed him onto his stomach on the bed and began clawing at his clothes. Sesshomaru lied there not moving, just waiting for it to be over. Once both of them were stripped of their clothes he felt Naraku climb on top of him.
“Here's where the real fun begins,” he whispered.
He sat back up and lifted Sesshomaru's hips up. He just buried his face in his arms. He felt himself being entered painfully. Naraku didn't even give him a moment to adjust before he started thrusting hard and fast. He felt a hand creep around to the front of his body.
Did he really want him to enjoy this? He grabbed the limp flesh between Sesshomaru's legs and began teasing him. When he was semi-erect he slowed his thrusts down and grabbed hold of him tighter. Sesshomaru knew exactly what he was doing.
Why can't he just fuck me and be done with it?
Sesshomaru hated this the absolute worse- when Naraku forced him to feel pleasure from being raped. He hated his body for being such a traitor. He wasn't supposed to enjoy this sick treatment. It confused and tormented his mind to no end.
“You like the way I treat you, don't you?” Naraku grunted.
“Yes,” he mumbled. It wasn't like he could deny it. The proof was right there between his legs.
“You're lucky I'm so generous. This is supposed to be your punishment.”
Naraku knew though that Sesshomaru would rather be taken painfully without any pleasure. He knew he didn't want to enjoy it. That's why he did it.
With a few more rough strokes Sesshomau came. He yelled out Naraku's name and the dark-haired male smirked. Perhaps it wasn't a scream of terror but it was something. It told Naraku that he could still get a reaction out of the being beneath him.
Although his body was relieved, Sesshomaru's mind was not. Naraku forgot about him and slammed into him as hard and as fast as he could. He was only concerned about his own release now. Sesshomaru closed his eyes tightly until he heard the man above him moan and release his seed. He was cursing himself for liking what Naraku did. He wasn't supposed to like it. Did that mean he liked all of it? The pain too? He must've enjoyed the pain inflicted on his body.
Naraku pulled out of him and laid down. He raised his arm again and Sesshomaru flinched thinking he was going to hit him. This made the other laugh. But instead of hitting him, he wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close to his body.
“I know I was harsh tonight pet but I had to be,” he whispered.
Sesshomaru nodded. “Yes, I know,” he told him. Naraku held him tighter. This was his twisted way of apologizing.
“If you listened to me I wouldn't have to do the things I do. But know that I punish you only because I love and care for you.”
“Yes. I love you too.”
“Good, now go to sleep.”
Once Naraku's breathing evened out, Sesshomaru knew that he was asleep. His mind was in shambles trying to decide what was true of Naraku's words and what was false.
He said he loves me…that's why he does what he does. It's only to make sure I don't run off and do something stupid. I need this…Naraku tells me that and I trust him.
He snuggled closer to the man holding him, seemingly forgetting that he was the one who just raped his body and mind. Naraku shifted though and he was reminded when he felt a burning pain in his lower body.
As much as he tried fighting off the feeling, Sesshomaru couldn't keep the tears from gathering in his eyes nor could he prevent them from falling. He couldn't pinpoint the reason. Hadn't he justified Naraku's harsh treatment a few moments ago? Didn't that mean everything was okay now?
Then why do I feel this way?
Sesshomaru decided to push all thoughts out of his mind. He didn't want to think about this anymore. All he wanted was to go to sleep and rest his tired body. The tears still came as he put his own arm around Naraku and he cried himself to sleep.