InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Away From the Dark ❯ Chapter 26

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WARNING (this story contains the following): male/male and female/female relationships, (verbal, physical, sexual) abuse, descriptive sex scenes, (major) OOCness, uke Sessh, and it is AU. If you oppose reading about any or all of these things then do not read this. Please, do not complain to me about the things I've just listed because we all know that you didn't have to read my story. That covers the warnings. I will add any new ones as the story progresses
Chapter Twenty-Six
Inuyasha held Sesshomaru close to him. They had parted for air and were now staring at each other. Sesshomaru was the first to look away. He turned his gaze downwards as he rested his head on Inuyasha's shoulder.
“I shouldn't be doing this,” he mumbled.
“Why?” Inuyasha asked. He received no answer. “What's so wrong with wanting to be treated well?”
“It's not that…it's just…” He didn't finish. He wasn't even sure what he was trying to say. No words came to him. At the moment, all he wanted was to disappear and not deal with any of this.
“Then what is it?”
“I'm not supposed to have any feelings for you…”
“So you do then?”
“I've been thinking a lot, most of last night. This isn't right…”
Inuyasha had been thinking a lot too. He did feel something for Sesshomaru and under different circumstances they probably could be a couple. He was pretty sure Sesshomaru felt something for him too, he was just too confused and scared to admit it. Maybe if I open up first then he will too. He figured it was worth a shot. If Sesshomaru didn't want to talk about this anymore then he wouldn't bring it up again.
“I've been thinking a lot too. I told you last night that I wasn't sure if I was attracted to you that way but now…I'm pretty sure I know that what I feel for you is something more then simple friendship. I want to be close to you, closer than friends.”
Sesshomaru could barely believe what he was saying. He was surprised that anyone would want him. If he were to admit it, he desired something more than friendship from Inuyasha too. But Naraku…Naraku wouldn't like that. Naraku would get mad if he felt anything for anyone other than him. He'd punish Sesshomaru for that and Sesshomaru didn't want to be punished.
“I can't feel the same about you though.”
Inuyasha noticed that he had said `can't' and not `don't.' “Why can't you? Do you feel the same about me? If you don't, I understand.”
“It's not that…it's Naraku. He would punish me if he found out about you.”
“Do you want to stay with him?”
“I-I have to. I can't just leave, it's not that simple.”
“It may not be simple but it can still be done. You're not alone. I'll help you anyway I can and I know Kagura will too.” Sesshomaru stayed silent so Inuyasha kept talking. “I hate seeing you hurt. I want you to be happy. You told me yourself how miserable you are. Don't let this continue. You deserve better, much better. If you allow me then I want to be the one to show you how great life can be.”
Oh, Sesshomaru wanted to be happy. He wanted to be released from his hell more than anything. But he was scared, downright terrified. Nobody would ever want him. Maybe for a few fucks but that was it. Inuyasha would eventually get sick of him, everyone did. When Naraku had finally gotten fed up with him…that was when the torment started. What if Inuyasha starts doing what Naraku does? That thought was enough to make Sesshomaru bolt out of Inuyasha's lap and stand up. Inuyasha's eyes widened at the sudden movement.
“Naraku promised me a lot of things too when we first got married,” Sesshomaru said. He didn't want Inuyasha to be lying to or tricking him. So badly he wished for his words to be the truth. But Naraku had been great to him too when they met.
Inuyasha quickly stood up too. It hurt him when he took a step forward and then Sesshomaru took a step back. “I am nothing like Naraku. I promise you I will never do the things he's done to you.” He tried walking towards him again and was relieved when Sesshomaru stayed still. “I know how hard it must be to trust people, I don't blame you. But please, I'm asking you to trust me. I'm telling you the truth.” He was close enough to touch Sesshomaru but he held back. “Sessh, please. I would never lie to you, I would never hurt you.”
“…I want to believe you. I wish that what you're saying is true so much…”
“What's stopping you then?”
“I can't get hurt again. Next time around, it'll kill me.”
“Naraku hurts you. I won't. Please, Sessh. Trust me.” Inuyasha didn't know when this had morphed into a conversation discussing a relationship but gods did he want Sesshomaru to believe him. He was speaking the truth. If Sesshomaru didn't have the same feelings for him then fine but if he was holding back because of Naraku…either way, Naraku had to disappear from Sesshomaru's life. Inuyasha wouldn't stop until Sesshomaru was safe.
Sesshomaru's mind was in chaos. All sorts of different thoughts were bombarding him. Some said to not betray Naraku others told him to take a chance with Inuyasha. He finally came to a decision though. He hated his life now, he doubted it could get much worse. If he took a chance with Inuyasha then there was a good possibility things would only improve. The image of Naraku still haunted him though. “Maybe…maybe we can still be how we are now and just see how things turn out.”
“If that's what you want.” He smiled when Sesshomaru took the final step towards him and wrapped his arms around him. “I promise I won't do anything to hurt you.”
Inuyasha knew he was slowly but surely making progress with Sesshomaru. It would take time but he hoped he would eventually be able to convince him to leave Naraku for good.
Sesshomaru was currently taking a shower while Inuyasha was downstairs. At the moment he was making lunch for Sesshomaru and himself. He figured he'd stop questioning the poor man for now and try to get him to relax. He wondered when Sesshomaru would try to go home. He hoped he wouldn't for a long time. The last thing the damaged man needed was to see Naraku.
When Sesshomaru came down, he sat in the kitchen with Inuyasha and waited for him to finish. He offered to help but Inuyasha just told him to relax. After they finished eating, they took a walk. They ended up stopping at a liquor store.
“What do you need here?” Inuyasha asked.
“Cigarettes,” Sesshomaru told him.
“You told me you quit.”
“I did. I'm deciding to start back up though.”
He just sighed as Sesshomaru paid and then they left. By the time they got back to Inuyasha's, Sesshomaru had smoked three.
About an hour later they were watching tv in the living room. Inuyasha was sitting on the couch while Sesshomaru was lying down with his head resting on the younger man's leg. They heard a car pull up and thought nothing of it. When they suddenly heard yelling though, they both shot up. It sounded like it was coming from Kagura's front porch. They went to the window in Inuyasha's bedroom since it overlooked Kagura's front door. Sesshomaru went wide-eyed.
“Where the fuck is he?!” Naraku yelled.
“None of your goddamn business! Get out of here!” Kagura screamed right back.
“Not until his ass is in my car. I know he's here. Where's he hiding?!”
“Fuck you! Get the fuck off my property before I call the cops. Leave Sesshomaru alone!”
“I won't leave him alone. He's mine, I'll do whatever I want to him.”
Inuyasha ripped his eyes away from the horrid scene in order to look at Sesshomaru. He was frozen with shock and fear.
He's here for me, he's mad. He's gonna punish me. Sesshomaru jumped when a hand touched his shoulder. He felt embarrassed once he realized it was Inuyasha. He turned back to watch the scene outside.
“Sesshomaru, I know you can hear me!” Naraku snarled. “Stop hiding like a coward, you bitch!”
Kagura was fed up with him. She raised her hand and slapped Naraku as hard as she could. “Get out of here, you bastard.”
Naraku was about to say something but he stopped. He glared at Kagura before going back to his car and driving away.
Sesshomaru's heart was racing. Now he knew what would be in store for him once he went home.
“Sessh…” Inuyasha started to say.
“I'll be back,” Sesshomaru suddenly told him. “I want to go talk to Kagura.”
“Okay. Are you alright?”
“Yeah…I'll be fine.” He then left and went next door to Kagura's.
“Hey, Sessh,” she said when she answered the door. She wasn't surprised to see him. “Come in.”
Once they sat down, he apologized. “I'm sorry.”
“For what?”
“Naraku was here.”
“You saw him?”
“Yeah, Inuyasha and I saw and heard everything. I'm sorry he came here, it's my fault.”
“Don't say that. I'd rather you be with one of us then with Naraku.”
“He's mad now because I didn't come home this morning.”
“How long are you going to let this continue?”
“I don't know…Inuyasha knows.”
“He knows?”
“Yes, everything…I told him last night.”
“How did he handle it?”
“He's telling me to leave Naraku. He keeps saying it like it's so simple.”
“So you want to leave him then?”
“I don't…I don't know.”
“I'm sure he knows that it's complicated. But I bet you anything that he'll be more than willing to help you out. You have him and me, Sessh.”
“I know I do. Thank you. I did something though. I don't know if it's bad.”
“What did you do?”
“I kissed Inuyasha,” he whispered.
“How did he react?”
“He kissed me back. Is it a bad thing…for me to have liked it?”
“No, it's not a bad thing. Inuyasha's a nice guy and it's obvious that he cares a lot about you.” Kagura wasn't shocked that Sesshomaru had told Inuyasha what was going on but she was a bit surprised that he had actually initiated a kiss. I think this is a good thing though.
“Should I feel bad for doing it when I'm married to Naraku?”
“I think Naraku complicates things but there is nothing wrong with you being attracted to someone else, someone who treats you well.”
“These feelings aren't wrong?”
“I don't believe so. Are you going to let me and him help you?”
“I still need to think about everything that's happened. I never meant to tell him anything. But he was saying all these things and then once I started I couldn't help but say everything.”
“What are you two going to do from here?”
“I told him that we'll just see what happens. I just, fuck. I'm so…”
He's so lost. “You already know what he and I want and I'm pretty sure it's what you want too. Only you can make that final leap to leave him though. I promise to be with you every step of the way.”
“…Thank you.”