InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bad Day ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer-I own nothing*runs off bawling*
Authors Notes:They took this story off right after I had put up chapter ten, for interactive dialogue….WITH MY REVEIWERS SAYING THANK YOU! Assholes.
Bad Day
Chapter 11-finally…..
Kagome came to, her head feeling groggy and stuffed full of cotton. She groaned and tried to turn over, trying to hide her eyes from the light. It didn't work.
“Mama! Are you alright?” Shippou's voice shrieked, breaking through the cotton with the same intensity of nails against chalkboard.
“I'm fine,” Kagome groaned as she felt her kit cuddle in closer to her.
She wrapped an arm around him and curled into a ball around the wriggling fox.
Then she heard a chuckle.
“It seems you have survived your ordeal. Now open your eyes Kagome, it's time we had a talk,” Kentetsu's voice broke through the darkness and began to draw Kagome forward into the light.
Almost against her will, Kagome opened her eyes into slits and almost growled at the kitsune.
“What?” She asked in a menacing voice. Kentetsu only smiled indulgently, almost like her grandfather did.
“Now Kagome, it's time we spoke. Shippou, I need you to go play with Rin for a little while. I promise your momma will still be here when you get back,” Kentetsu told the kitsune. Shippou seemed reluctant, but left anyway after giving Kagome a quick peck on the cheek.
“What happened?” Kagome asked after Shippou had scampered out of the room.
“Kagome, it seems that your anger came out in a most…Unusual way. When Karasu used you as a shield, your anger broke loose and well, you purified him,” Kentetsu told her. Kagome looked at him dumbly, not really taking in what he was saying.
“You destroyed his essence, his demon soul, all that he is. There isn't even a spark of his soul left to be reincarnated,” Kentetsu explained flatly.
After a few moments, Kagome uttered a small, “Oh,” in response. That was all she could do, considering at that moment she was disgusted with herself.
`I killed a living being? Granted he was evil and in league with Naraku, but I killed him in a rage? And I didn't even know? I haven't done anything like that since, well, since Mistress Centipede! And that was in self defense!' Kagome thought to herself, disgusted with the fact that she could so easily destroy. `And what if I can do it again? What if I get mad at someone and just purify them into oblivion? What if I did it to Kouga or Shippou? Or even…Sesshoumaru?' She asked herself, horrified.
“Kagome, don't even think it,” Kentetsu said warningly.
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked, trying to sound innocent and failing miserably.
“I can see the disgust and fear in your eyes. I know the terror you feel,” He began.
“How can you, you're-“ She began.
“A demon? Kagome child, not all demons revel in killing. I have killed before, yes. I will never deny that fact. But I have killed only once in a temper, and that was one who dared to harm my daughter. After that, even though I had good reason to kill him, I was ashamed and feared for the lives of those I loved. I know how you feel. Not all demons are so…Sensitive as I, but I am not like most demons.”
“I don't want to hurt my kit though,” Kagome sniffled, trying to hold her tears in check.
“And you won't. Kagome, no matter what you are that kit's mother. Even though you did not birth him, your instincts have gone into mother mode around him, or with anything that involves him. You will never harm him, your body and heart and mind will not let you,” Kentetsu assured her.
“What about others?”
“I cannot assure that, but what I can say is that with the proper training you can reduce the chances of harming someone in a rage or by accident. The only question is, when will you train. Obviously it will be hard if you're traveling and gathering jewel shards. The only way you could ever learn then is if you had someone with you, preferably a miko or monk, but someone who knows the mind and spirit would do for the time I suppose.,” Kentetsu thought aloud.
Kagome was still trying to deal with the fact that she had killed. True it had been in self defense, but she had still taken a life. And worse, she didn't even remember it.
And Kagome lost another piece of her innocence then.
Little by little Kagome began to feel a little more jaded. And she knew it had started with finding out that Inu Yasha would never see her as anything more than some sort off tool to find shards.
“I'm going to go play with the children,” Kagome began to stand up, then fell back down onto the futon, clutching her head and fighting down the bile that rose in her throat.
“I don't think you're ready for such an excursion yet, maybe not for a few more days. You used up quite a bit of strength young lady,” Kentetsu said in a stern, father-like fashion. Kagome looked at the odd kitsune and sighed.
“Why are you so nice to me?” Kagome asked after she had gotten her nausea under control.
“Because you remind me very much of my daughter. She was a hanyou. I was one of the few lords to take a human as a mate instead of simply taking a human concubine. My sweet Sita died in childbirth,” Kentetsu told her, his voice full of emotions. Kagome began to put a hand on his arm in comfort, then pulled back, fearing she might hurt him with her miko powers.
“You won't hurt me, but I understand if you don't want to touch me after what happened,” Kentetsu told her, regaining a firm hold on his emotions.
“How long have I been out?” Kagome asked as she looked around the room.
“A few hours shy of a full day,” A new voice said. Kagome looked over to the door and saw Sesshoumaru standing there regally, as always.
“Nice of you to join us Sesshoumaru,” Kentetsu responded.
“I had to see the other Lords off, as well as their entourages,” Sesshoumaru told the kitsune, sounding as if it had been the most tedious task of his lifetime. Kagome wasn't sure if it was the most tedious, but it was probably close to the top.
“I didn't start any wars did I?” Kagome suddenly gushed, fearing she had started a war between Sesshoumaru and a neighboring land.
“No Kagome, you did not start any wars by killing Karasu. If anything you gained much respect. Somehow, news of his death and the form of his demise traveled before I could control it. So now you have several powerful demons scared of you, intrigued by you, and some even want you to come work for them. The only way you'll be safe from being a tool is by staying here as my ward, as they think you are,” Sesshoumaru told her. Kagome flushed angrily.
“I'm only a tool to you too,” Kagome muttered.
“Kagome a tool is something that I would use and throw to the side. Unfortunately, I know that won't be the case with you. Kentetsu is already attached, and e is like an uncle to me. And Rin is very attached to Shippou,” Sesshoumaru responded. “Kentetsu, if I may have a word alone with Kagome,” Sesshoumaru said in a clear dismissal. Kentetsu smiled and stood fluidly, then walked from the room, but not before making a comment to Sesshoumaru.
“She's not up for a verbal battle right now pup. Let her rest before you try that.”
And with that he was gone from the room. Kagome wondered where he was going.
“Kagome, I must admit, I had wanted to question Karasu about Naraku before I killed him, but I understand that you had to protect yourself,” He told her.
“Did Kentetsu tell the truth, about me meaning nothing to either of you?” Kagome asked quietly.
“No. Surprisingly, Kentetsu has become rather fond of you, and I, I have admitted I need your aid,” Sesshoumaru told her flatly. Kagome knew he still hated saying the words. But Kagome needed to hear that someone needed her, cared about what happened to her, even if it was someone that was going to use her as a shard hunter or tool against Naraku.
“Sesshoumaru, this changes everything. Rumors will fly about a miko that destroyed a crow demon. You said so yourself that I have to stay around you or else be used or taken by some other lord or lady,” Kagome muttered.
“I understand this. But you know that Inu Yasha will not travel with me. Your friends might, especially since you and the hanyou are not on good terms. Kagome, there is no easy choice for you, because you are so loyal, but you must stay alive to be of any use to anyone, including your kit. And since word got around so quickly about your powers, the only way to do that is to come with me,” Sesshoumaru told her. Kagome nodded her head, accepting defeat.
“I have no real choice do I? I hate to admit it, but I have to betray Inu Yasha, possibly my friends, just so I can stay alive and take care of Shippou,” Kagome said sadly, sniffling.
“You are not betraying Inu Yasha Kagome. If anything, you two had a partnership that worked for a time, but is becoming obsolete because of tangled emotions. And your friends are loyal to you as well. You were the ones who championed their cause, is that not true?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Yes, I was the one to basically beg Inu Yasha to let them join us,” Kagome began.
“They owe no loyalty to the hanyou then, but to you. Kagome, the hanyou was on a quest to become a full demon, and he was going to use the shard to do so. But somewhere along the way, his quest became entangled in revenge and love. He is trying to resurrect a part of his life that is dead. He can't accept that some things are in the past and need to stay that way,” Sesshoumaru told her, almost, comforting her?
Kagome wasn't sure what to think of this since he hadn't been even remotely comforting since she had gotten back to the feudal era. In fact, it was almost as if he had only comforted her to sway her opinion so she would join him. The idea struck her as something Naraku would do, but hell, some people would do anything if they needed it.
“Sesshoumaru, is the only reason you were nice to me because you needed my help?” Kagome asked. She dared not look him in the eye. She was scared to see the smirk on his face or the triumph in those flashing, amber eyes.
Suddenly she felt a finger under her chin, jerking her face upwards to look into those golden orbs.
“I am not Naraku, I do not play games Kagome. I would have been honest with you up front. I would not have tried to change your opinion of me before I asked for your aid. I am…Slightly intrigued by you. You have traveled with my brother for a year now. You go back and forth between the future and this time, sacrificing most of your life for a hunt that may be futile. You shattered the jewel and you have been working to fix that mistake. You have stayed loyal to the hanyou despite his foolish actions concerning many things. I have never met a human like you, nor heard of one,” Sesshoumaru told her blatantly.
“I-,” Kagome began, blushing furiously. She had never had anyone compliment her like that, making it sound like fact, not flattery. Was he being totally honest? Did he think all those things of her?
Kagome tried to avoid looking into his eyes, darting her own grey orbs to the left and right, but she was unable to avoid it. His eyes bore into hers, forcing her to look into them, to see the spark there.
She couldn't stop herself. He seemed so like the Sesshoumaru from the future in that moment that she had to kiss him.
She quickly leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.
She felt his body stiffen at first, then relax as she put a hand gently on his cheek. Little by little she opened her mouth slowly, shocked at her behavior but unable to stop it.
Her tongue touched his lip shyly, and was surprised as he suddenly turned more aggressive and opened his mouth, then plunged his tongue into her mouth, not requesting access, but growling his demands.
Kagome feared that she had let loose a fire, but she didn't care. Instead she kissed the demon back with all the energy she could muster, putting many emotions into the kiss.
And she let herself be consumed by the fire that was coursing through her body, not caring what would happen when they parted seconds later.